size_t ProtobufSocketSerializer::serialize( const ::google::protobuf::Message &msg, char *&packet) { size_t size = PROTOBUF_HEADER_LENGTH + (size_t) msg.ByteSize(); packet = new char[size](); ::google::protobuf::io::ArrayOutputStream aos(packet, (int) size); ::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream coded_output(&aos); coded_output.WriteLittleEndian32((google::protobuf::uint32) msg.ByteSize()); msg.SerializeToCodedStream(&coded_output); return size; }
bool WriteMessage(const shared_ptr<UnixSocketConnection> &connection, uint32_t type, const google::protobuf::Message &response) { shared_ptr<vector<char> > data(new vector<char>(response.ByteSize() + sizeof(type))); char *ptr = &(*data)[0]; *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t *>(ptr) = type; if (!response.SerializeToArray(ptr + sizeof(type), data->size() - sizeof(type))) { WARNING_LOG("serialize message to string failed."); return false; } connection->Write(data); return true; }
void CommonMemoryCache::Set( const std::string& key, const google::protobuf::Message& message) { std::string buffer; if (!message.SerializeToString(&buffer)) { LOG(ERROR) << "serialize to string failed. message [" << message.ShortDebugString() << "]"; return; } RWLock::WriterLocker locker(&m_rw_lock); m_cache_map[key] = buffer; }
void reply(const google::protobuf::Message& message) { CHECK(from) << "Attempting to reply without a sender"; std::string data; message.SerializeToString(&data); send(from, message); }
/** Send a message. * @param client ID of the client to addresss * @param m Message to send, the message must have an CompType enum type to * specify component ID and message type. */ void ProtobufStreamServer::send(ClientID client, google::protobuf::Message &m) { const google::protobuf::Descriptor *desc = m.GetDescriptor(); const google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor *enumdesc = desc->FindEnumTypeByName("CompType"); if (! enumdesc) { throw std::logic_error("Message does not have CompType enum"); } const google::protobuf::EnumValueDescriptor *compdesc = enumdesc->FindValueByName("COMP_ID"); const google::protobuf::EnumValueDescriptor *msgtdesc = enumdesc->FindValueByName("MSG_TYPE"); if (! compdesc || ! msgtdesc) { throw std::logic_error("Message CompType enum hs no COMP_ID or MSG_TYPE value"); } int comp_id = compdesc->number(); int msg_type = msgtdesc->number(); if (comp_id < 0 || comp_id > std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max()) { throw std::logic_error("Message has invalid COMP_ID"); } if (msg_type < 0 || msg_type > std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max()) { throw std::logic_error("Message has invalid MSG_TYPE"); } send(client, comp_id, msg_type, m); }
int mongoproxy_update(const google::protobuf::Message & msg, const std::string & fields, const char * cb_data, int cb_size){ MongoOPReq requpdate; std::vector<string> vs; dcs::strsplit(fields, ",", vs); if (vs.empty()){ GLOG_ERR("not found the fields define :%s", fields.c_str()); return -1; } google::protobuf::Message * tmpmsg = msg.New(); tmpmsg->CopyFrom(msg); auto reflect = tmpmsg->GetReflection(); auto desc = tmpmsg->GetDescriptor(); for (int i = 0; i < desc->field_count(); ++i){ auto field = desc->field(i); if (std::find(vs.begin(), vs.end(), field->name()) != vs.end()){ continue; } reflect->ClearField(tmpmsg, field); } string fieldsquery; pbjson::pb2json(tmpmsg, fieldsquery); delete tmpmsg; requpdate.set_q(fieldsquery); return _mongoproxy_cmd(MONGO_OP_UPDATE, msg, true, &requpdate, cb_data, cb_size); }
void PersistentData::getValueFilepath(const QString& filepath, google::protobuf::Message& data, Global::DataFolderType dataFolderType, bool humanReadable) try { QFile file(filepath); if (! throw UnknownValueException(); #if !DEBUG if (humanReadable) { #endif google::protobuf::io::FileInputStream fileStream(file.handle()); google::protobuf::TextFormat::Parse(&fileStream, &data); #if !DEBUG } else { data.ParsePartialFromFileDescriptor(file.handle()); } #endif } catch(Global::UnableToGetFolder& e) { throw PersistentDataIOException(e.errorMessage); }
bool ZlibCompress(const google::protobuf::Message& res, butil::IOBuf* buf) { butil::IOBufAsZeroCopyOutputStream wrapper(buf); google::protobuf::io::GzipOutputStream::Options zlib_opt; zlib_opt.format = google::protobuf::io::GzipOutputStream::ZLIB; google::protobuf::io::GzipOutputStream zlib(&wrapper, zlib_opt); return res.SerializeToZeroCopyStream(&zlib) && zlib.Close(); }
void NetworkClient::Send(int packetID, const google::protobuf::Message& msg) { int msgSize = msg.ByteSize(); int bufferSize = Packet::Header::Size + msgSize; Packet::Header header; header.packetID = packetID; header.length = msgSize; auto buffer = std::unique_ptr<char[]>(new char[bufferSize]); header.Serialize(buffer.get()); msg.SerializeToArray(buffer.get() + Packet::Header::Size, msgSize); conn->Send(bufferSize, buffer.get()); }
bool NFNetModule::SendMsgPB(const uint16_t nMsgID, const google::protobuf::Message& xData, const NFSOCK nSockIndex) { NFMsg::MsgBase xMsg; if (!xData.SerializeToString(xMsg.mutable_msg_data())) { std::ostringstream stream; stream << " SendMsgPB Message to " << nSockIndex; stream << " Failed For Serialize of MsgData, MessageID " << nMsgID; m_pLogModule->LogError(stream, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return false; } NFMsg::Ident* pPlayerID = xMsg.mutable_player_id(); *pPlayerID = NFToPB(NFGUID()); std::string strMsg; if (!xMsg.SerializeToString(&strMsg)) { std::ostringstream stream; stream << " SendMsgPB Message to " << nSockIndex; stream << " Failed For Serialize of MsgBase, MessageID " << nMsgID; m_pLogModule->LogError(stream, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return false; } SendMsgWithOutHead(nMsgID, strMsg, nSockIndex); return true; }
bool NFNetModule::SendMsgPBToAllClient(const uint16_t nMsgID, const google::protobuf::Message& xData) { NFMsg::MsgBase xMsg; if (!xData.SerializeToString(xMsg.mutable_msg_data())) { std::ostringstream stream; stream << " SendMsgPBToAllClient"; stream << " Failed For Serialize of MsgData, MessageID " << nMsgID; m_pLogModule->LogError(stream, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return false; } std::string strMsg; if (!xMsg.SerializeToString(&strMsg)) { std::ostringstream stream; stream << " SendMsgPBToAllClient"; stream << " Failed For Serialize of MsgBase, MessageID " << nMsgID; m_pLogModule->LogError(stream, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return false; } return SendMsgToAllClientWithOutHead(nMsgID, strMsg); }
bool write_message(boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket& s, ::google::protobuf::Message& msg) { string msg_str; if (!msg.SerializeToString(&msg_str)) return false; bling_pb::header hdr; if (typeid(msg) == typeid(bling_pb::get_slave_list)) hdr.set_msg_id(bling_pb::header::GET_SLAVE_LIST); else if (typeid(msg) == typeid(bling_pb::slave_list)) hdr.set_msg_id(bling_pb::header::SLAVE_LIST); else if (typeid(msg) == typeid(bling_pb::set_slave_tlc)) hdr.set_msg_id(bling_pb::header::SET_SLAVE_TLC); else if (typeid(msg) == typeid(bling_pb::start_effect)) hdr.set_msg_id(bling_pb::header::START_EFFECT); else cout << "Unidentified message type!!!" << endl; hdr.set_len(msg_str.size()); string hdr_str; if (!hdr.SerializeToString(&hdr_str)) return false; if (hdr_str.size() != header_length) cout << "Header length=" << hdr_str.size() << endl; string tx_buffer = hdr_str + msg_str; size_t n = write_string(s, tx_buffer); return n == tx_buffer.size(); }
int UDPListener::writeMessageToBuffer(Common::MessageHeader::MessageType type, const google::protobuf::Message& message) { const int bodySize = message.ByteSize(); Common::MessageHeader header(type, bodySize, this->peerManager->getID()); if (Common::MessageHeader::HEADER_SIZE + bodySize > static_cast<int>(SETTINGS.get<quint32>("max_udp_datagram_size"))) { L_ERRO(QString("Datagram size too big : %1").arg(Common::MessageHeader::HEADER_SIZE + bodySize)); return 0; } Common::MessageHeader::writeHeader(this->buffer, header); message.SerializeToArray(this->bodyBuffer, BUFFER_SIZE - Common::MessageHeader::HEADER_SIZE); return Common::MessageHeader::HEADER_SIZE + bodySize; }
/// merges /// crutch for repeated fields void clear_repeated( gpb::Message &to, gpb::Message const &from ) { gpb::Reflection const *refl( to.GetReflection() ); typedef std::vector<gpb::FieldDescriptor const *> flds_vector; flds_vector fields; refl->ListFields( from, &fields ); flds_vector::const_iterator b(fields.begin( )); flds_vector::const_iterator e(fields.end( )); for(; b!=e; ++b) { const gpb::FieldDescriptor *next(*b); if ( next->is_repeated( ) ) { refl->ClearField( &to, next ); } else if( field_is_message( next ) ) { if( message_has_repeated( next ) ) { refl->MutableMessage( &to, next )->Clear( ); } else if( refl->HasField( to, next ) ) { clear_repeated( *refl->MutableMessage( &to, next ), refl->GetMessage( from, next )); } } } }
inline Resource Sender::PopFree() { if (_nfree == 0) { if (_nalloc == 0) { Resource r; r.response = _response; r.sub_done = &_sub_done0; _alloc_resources[_nalloc++] = r; return r; } else if (_nalloc == 1) { Resource r; r.response = _response->New(); r.sub_done = new SubDone(this); _alloc_resources[_nalloc++] = r; return r; } else { CHECK(false) << "nalloc=" << _nalloc; return Resource(); } } else { Resource r = _free_resources[--_nfree]; r.response->Clear(); Controller& sub_cntl = r.sub_done->_cntl; ExcludedServers* saved_accessed = sub_cntl._accessed; sub_cntl._accessed = NULL; sub_cntl.Reset(); sub_cntl._accessed = saved_accessed; return r; } }
bool default_protocol::parse_raw_message(const std::string &mess, google::protobuf::Message &out ) { const size_t hash_length = hash_checker_->hash_size( ); return out.ParseFromArray( mess.c_str( ) + hash_length, mess.size( ) - hash_length ); }
/** This function gets the (assumed to be set) integer field's value from the message and casts it to a int64_t value. @param inputMessage: The message to retrieve the integer from @param inputField: The specific field to retrieve it from @throw: This function can throw exceptions */ int64_t pylongps::getIntegerFieldValue(const google::protobuf::Message &inputMessage, const google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor *inputField) { const google::protobuf::Reflection *messageReflection = inputMessage.GetReflection(); int64_t value = 0; switch(inputField->cpp_type()) { case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_INT32: value = messageReflection->GetInt32(inputMessage, inputField); break; case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_INT64: value = messageReflection->GetInt64(inputMessage, inputField); break; case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_UINT32: value = messageReflection->GetUInt32(inputMessage, inputField); break; case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_UINT64: value = messageReflection->GetUInt64(inputMessage, inputField); break; case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_ENUM: value = messageReflection->GetEnum(inputMessage, inputField)->number(); break; default: throw SOMException("Non-integer data type\n", INVALID_FUNCTION_INPUT, __FILE__, __LINE__); break; } return value; }
/** This function binds the value of a protobuf field to a SQLite statement according to the type of the field (can only be a primative type). @param inputStatement: The statement to bind the field value to @param inputSQLStatementIndex: The index of the statement field to bind @param inputMessage: The message to get the value from @param inputField: The field (from the message) to get the value from @throw: This function can throw exceptions */ void pylongps::bindFieldValueToStatement(sqlite3_stmt &inputStatement, uint32_t inputSQLStatementIndex, const google::protobuf::Message &inputMessage, const google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor *inputField) { const google::protobuf::Reflection *messageReflection = inputMessage.GetReflection(); int returnValue = 0; if(messageReflection->HasField(inputMessage, inputField) == true) { switch(inputField->cpp_type()) { case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_INT32: returnValue = sqlite3_bind_int64(&inputStatement, inputSQLStatementIndex, messageReflection->GetInt32(inputMessage, inputField)); break; case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_INT64: returnValue = sqlite3_bind_int64(&inputStatement, inputSQLStatementIndex, messageReflection->GetInt64(inputMessage, inputField)); break; case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_UINT32: returnValue = sqlite3_bind_int64(&inputStatement, inputSQLStatementIndex, messageReflection->GetUInt32(inputMessage, inputField)); break; case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_UINT64: returnValue = sqlite3_bind_int64(&inputStatement, inputSQLStatementIndex, messageReflection->GetUInt64(inputMessage, inputField)); break; case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_DOUBLE: returnValue = sqlite3_bind_double(&inputStatement, inputSQLStatementIndex, messageReflection->GetDouble(inputMessage, inputField)); break; case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_FLOAT: returnValue = sqlite3_bind_double(&inputStatement, inputSQLStatementIndex, messageReflection->GetDouble(inputMessage, inputField)); break; case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_BOOL: returnValue = sqlite3_bind_int64(&inputStatement, inputSQLStatementIndex, messageReflection->GetBool(inputMessage, inputField)); break; case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_ENUM: returnValue = sqlite3_bind_int64(&inputStatement, inputSQLStatementIndex, messageReflection->GetEnum(inputMessage, inputField)->number()); break; case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_STRING: { std::string buffer; buffer = messageReflection->GetStringReference(inputMessage, inputField, &buffer); returnValue = sqlite3_bind_blob64(&inputStatement, inputSQLStatementIndex, (const void*) buffer.c_str(), buffer.size(), SQLITE_TRANSIENT); } break; default: throw SOMException("Unrecognized data type\n", AN_ASSUMPTION_WAS_VIOLATED_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__); break; } } else { //Its a optional field that is not set, so store a NULL value returnValue = sqlite3_bind_null(&inputStatement, inputSQLStatementIndex); } if(returnValue != SQLITE_OK) { throw SOMException("Database error occurred (" + std::to_string(returnValue)+ ")\n", SQLITE3_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__); } }
void CGroupManagerClient::SendMessageToClient(const ::google::protobuf::Message &msg, s32 msgid) { int count = msg.ByteSize(); byte buf[MAX_MSG_LEN] = {0}; *((s32*)buf) = msgid; if( msg.SerializeToArray(buf+MSG_ID_LEN, MAX_MSG_LEN) ) { if( !SendPkg( buf, count+MSG_ID_LEN ) ) { SERVER_LOG_ERROR( "CGroupManagerClient,SendMessageToGroupServer,SendPkg" ); } } else { SERVER_LOG_ERROR( "CGroupManagerClient,SendMessageToGroupServer,SerializeToArray" ); } }
/* * Send a ConfigureDevice() request * @param message the request to send */ bool OlaConfigurator::SendMessage(const google::protobuf::Message &message) { string request_string; message.SerializeToString(&request_string); return m_client->ConfigureDevice( m_alias, request_string, NewSingleCallback(this, &OlaConfigurator::HandleConfigResponse)); }
/// true if equal bool messages_diff ( gpb::Message const &templ, gpb::Message &src, gpb::FieldDescriptor const *fld ) { gpb::Reflection const *treflect( templ.GetReflection( ) ); gpb::Reflection const *sreflect( src.GetReflection( ) ); if( message_has_repeated( fld ) ) { gpb::Message const &tmpl_next( treflect->GetMessage( templ, fld ) ); gpb::Message *src_next( sreflect->MutableMessage( &src, fld ) ); std::string tmpls(tmpl_next.SerializeAsString()); std::string srss(src_next->SerializeAsString()); return tmpls == srss; } if( !fld->is_repeated( ) ) { gpb::Message const &tmpl_next( treflect->GetMessage( templ, fld ) ); gpb::Message *src_next( sreflect->MutableMessage( &src, fld ) ); bool equal = false; if( make_message_diff( tmpl_next, *src_next, *src_next ) ) { sreflect->ClearField( &src, fld ); equal = true; } return equal; } int tsize( templ.GetReflection( )->FieldSize( templ, fld ) ); int ssize( src.GetReflection( )->FieldSize( src, fld ) ); if( tsize != ssize ) return false; for( int i(0); i<tsize; ++i ) { std::string tmess( treflect->GetRepeatedMessage( templ, fld, i ) .SerializeAsString( ) ); std::string smess( sreflect->GetRepeatedMessage( src, fld, i ) .SerializeAsString( ) ); if( != 0 ) return false; } sreflect->ClearField( &src, fld ); return true; }
int send(int fd, const std::string& name, const ::google::protobuf::Message& message, uint64_t mid) { SocketWriter writer(fd); Version_1_Protocol protocol; Msg msg; message.SerializeToString(msg.mutable_content()); msg.set_mid(mid); msg.set_name(name); int ret = protocol.encode(msg, &writer); if (ret) { LOG_WARN << "encode request error, method[" << name << "] data[" << message.DebugString()<< "]"; return 1; } return writer.write(1000) == SocketWriter::kOk ? 0 : -1; }
/** * Writes a given protobuff message to the buffer (this->buffer) prefixed by a header. * @return the total size (header size + message size). Return 0 if the total size is bigger than 'Protos.Core.Settings.max_udp_datagram_size'. */ int UDPListener::writeMessageToBuffer(Common::MessageHeader::MessageType type, const google::protobuf::Message& message) { const Common::MessageHeader header(type, message.ByteSize(), this->getOwnID()); const int nbBytesWritten = Common::Message::writeMessageToBuffer(this->buffer, this->MAX_UDP_DATAGRAM_PAYLOAD_SIZE, header, &message); if (!nbBytesWritten) L_ERRO(QString("Datagram size too big: %1, max allowed: %2").arg(Common::MessageHeader::HEADER_SIZE + header.getSize()).arg(this->MAX_UDP_DATAGRAM_PAYLOAD_SIZE)); return nbBytesWritten; }
void decode_delimited(pb::Message& message, const std::string& data) { pb::io::CodedInputStream stream((pb::uint8*)&data[0], data.size()); pb::uint64 length; if (!stream.ReadVarint64(&length)) throw DecodeFailed("Failed to decode delimited message (length)"); if (!message.ParseFromCodedStream(&stream)) throw DecodeFailed("Failed to decode delimited message"); if (!stream.ExpectAtEnd()) throw DecodeFailed("Failed to decode delimited message (did not consume entire buffer)"); }
//! Client handle void HandleRequest(const google::protobuf::Message& message, const net::IConnection::Ptr& connection) { SCOPED_LOG(m_Log); #ifdef _DEBUG std::string request; #endif try { #ifdef _DEBUG request = message.DebugString(); assert(!request.empty()); #endif LOG_DEBUG("Request: [%s]") % message.DebugString(); IStatistics* stats = 0; { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_StatsMutex); StatisticsMap::iterator it = m_Statistics.find(GetCurrentThreadId()); if (it == m_Statistics.end()) it = m_Statistics.insert(std::make_pair(GetCurrentThreadId(), boost::shared_ptr<IStatistics>(new MongoStatistics(m_Log)))).first; stats = it->second.get(); } NeuroDecisionMaker decisionMaker(m_Log, m_Evaluator, *stats, m_Network, *connection); pcmn::TableLogic logic(m_Log, decisionMaker, m_Evaluator); logic.Parse(static_cast<const net::Packet&>(message)); LOG_WARNING("Requests processed: [%s]") % ++m_RequestsCount; } catch (const std::exception& e) { std::ostringstream oss; oss << "Error: " << e.what() << std::endl << "Packet: " << message.DebugString(); net::Reply reply; reply.set_error(oss.str()); LOG_ERROR("%s") % oss.str(); connection->Send(reply); } }
event_index_status EventIndex::SetGTIDIndex(const string >id, const ::google::protobuf::Message &data_info) { string buffer; if (!data_info.SerializeToString(&buffer)) { ColorLogError("buffer serialize fail"); return event_index_status::DATA_ERROR; } //LogVerbose("%s gtid %s", __func__, gtid.c_str()); leveldb::Status status = level_db_->Put(leveldb::WriteOptions(), gtid, buffer); return status.ok() ? event_index_status::OK : event_index_status::DB_ERROR; }
void AbstractService::sendToUnifier(const std::string &to, ::google::protobuf::Message &msg, unifier::UnifierMessage_Type type) { unifier::UnifierMessage w; w.set_to(to); w.set_type(type); std::string payload; msg.SerializeToString(&payload); w.set_payload(payload); sendToUnifier(w); }
bool GzipCompress(const google::protobuf::Message& msg, butil::IOBuf* buf) { butil::IOBufAsZeroCopyOutputStream wrapper(buf); google::protobuf::io::GzipOutputStream::Options gzip_opt; gzip_opt.format = google::protobuf::io::GzipOutputStream::GZIP; google::protobuf::io::GzipOutputStream gzip(&wrapper, gzip_opt); if (!msg.SerializeToZeroCopyStream(&gzip)) { LogError(gzip); return false; } return gzip.Close(); }
/// /// \brief ·¢ËÍÊý¾Ý /// /// \author albert.xu /// \date 2017/08/05 /// xgc_void CClientSession::Send( xgc_uint16 msgid, ::google::protobuf::Message& msg ) { #pragma pack(1) struct { MessageHeader h; char b[1024 * 4]; } m; #pragma pack() xgc_uint16 data_size = msg.ByteSize(); xgc_uint16 pack_size = sizeof( MessageHeader ) + data_size; m.h.length = htons( pack_size ); m.h.message = htons( msgid ); msg.SerializeToArray( m.b, sizeof( m.b ) ); SendPacket( handle_, &m, pack_size ); }
bool SnappyCompress(const google::protobuf::Message& res, butil::IOBuf* buf) { butil::IOBuf serialized_pb; butil::IOBufAsZeroCopyOutputStream wrapper(&serialized_pb); if (res.SerializeToZeroCopyStream(&wrapper)) { butil::IOBufAsSnappySource source(serialized_pb); butil::IOBufAsSnappySink sink(*buf); return butil::snappy::Compress(&source, &sink); } LOG(WARNING) << "Fail to serialize input pb=" << &res; return false; }