Example #1
  static bool addColorLayerFromImage(const cv::Mat& image, const std::string& layer,
                                     grid_map::GridMap& gridMap)
    if (gridMap.getSize()(0) != image.rows || gridMap.getSize()(1) != image.cols) {
      std::cerr << "Image size does not correspond to grid map size!" << std::endl;
      return false;

    bool hasAlpha = false;
    if (image.channels() >= 4) hasAlpha = true;

    cv::Mat imageRGB;
    if (hasAlpha) {
      cv::cvtColor(image, imageRGB, CV_BGRA2RGB);
    } else {
      imageRGB = image;


    for (GridMapIterator iterator(gridMap); !iterator.isPastEnd(); ++iterator) {
      const auto& cvColor = imageRGB.at<cv::Vec<Type_, 3>>((*iterator)(0), (*iterator)(1));
      Eigen::Vector3i colorVector;
      colorVector(0) = cvColor[0];
      colorVector(1) = cvColor[1];
      colorVector(2) = cvColor[2];
      colorVectorToValue(colorVector, gridMap.at(layer, *iterator));

    return true;
bool GridMapRosConverter::addColorLayerFromImage(const sensor_msgs::Image& image,
                                                 const std::string& layer,
                                                 grid_map::GridMap& gridMap)
  cv_bridge::CvImagePtr cvPtr;
  try {
    cvPtr = cv_bridge::toCvCopy(image, image.encoding);
//    cvPtr = cv_bridge::toCvCopy(image, sensor_msgs::image_encodings::BGR8); // FixMe
  } catch (cv_bridge::Exception& e) {
    ROS_ERROR("cv_bridge exception: %s", e.what());
    return false;


  if (gridMap.getSize()(0) != image.height || gridMap.getSize()(1) != image.width) {
    ROS_ERROR("Image size does not correspond to grid map size!");
    return false;

  for (GridMapIterator iterator(gridMap); !iterator.isPastEnd(); ++iterator) {
    const auto& cvColor = cvPtr->image.at<cv::Vec3b>((*iterator)(0), (*iterator)(1));
    Eigen::Vector3i colorVector;
    // TODO Add cases for different image encodings.
    colorVector(2) = cvColor[0];  // From BGR to RGB.
    colorVector(1) = cvColor[1];
    colorVector(0) = cvColor[2];
    colorVectorToValue(colorVector, gridMap.at(layer, *iterator));

  return true;
bool GridMapRosConverter::toCvImage(const grid_map::GridMap& gridMap, const std::string& layer,
                                    cv::Mat& cvImage, const float dataMin, const float dataMax)
  if (gridMap.getSize()(0) > 0 && gridMap.getSize()(1) > 0) {
    // Initialize blank image.
    cvImage = cv::Mat::zeros(gridMap.getSize()(0), gridMap.getSize()(1), CV_8UC4);
  } else {
    ROS_ERROR("Invalid grid map?");
    return false;

  // Clamp outliers.
  grid_map::GridMap map = gridMap;
  map.get(layer) = map.get(layer).unaryExpr(grid_map::Clamp<float>(dataMin, dataMax));

  // Find upper and lower values.
  float lowerValue = map.get(layer).minCoeffOfFinites();
  float upperValue = map.get(layer).maxCoeffOfFinites();

  uchar imageMax = std::numeric_limits<unsigned char>::max();
  for (GridMapIterator iterator(map); !iterator.isPastEnd(); ++iterator) {
    if (map.isValid(*iterator, layer)) {
      float value = map.at(layer, *iterator);
      uchar imageValue = (uchar)(((value - lowerValue) / (upperValue - lowerValue)) * (float)imageMax);
      grid_map::Index imageIndex(iterator.getUnwrappedIndex());
      cvImage.at<cv::Vec<uchar, 4>>(imageIndex(1), imageIndex(0))[0] = imageValue;
      cvImage.at<cv::Vec<uchar, 4>>(imageIndex(1), imageIndex(0))[1] = imageValue;
      cvImage.at<cv::Vec<uchar, 4>>(imageIndex(1), imageIndex(0))[2] = imageValue;
      cvImage.at<cv::Vec<uchar, 4>>(imageIndex(1), imageIndex(0))[3] = imageMax;

  return true;
bool GridMapRosConverter::initializeFromImage(const sensor_msgs::Image& image,
                                              const double resolution, grid_map::GridMap& gridMap, const grid_map::Position& position)
  const double lengthX = resolution * image.height;
  const double lengthY = resolution * image.width;
  Length length(lengthX, lengthY);
  gridMap.setGeometry(length, resolution, position);
  return true;
Example #5
bool LineIterator::initialize(const grid_map::GridMap& gridMap, const Index& start, const Index& end)
    start_ = start;
    end_ = end;
    mapLength_ = gridMap.getLength();
    mapPosition_ = gridMap.getPosition();
    resolution_ = gridMap.getResolution();
    bufferSize_ = gridMap.getSize();
    bufferStartIndex_ = gridMap.getStartIndex();
    return true;
void ElevationVisualization::visualize(
    const grid_map::GridMap& map,
    const std::string& typeNameElevation,
    const std::string& typeNameColor,
    const float lowerValueBound,
    const float upperValueBound)
  // Set marker info.
  marker_.header.frame_id = map.getFrameId();
  marker_.scale.x = map.getResolution();
  marker_.scale.y = map.getResolution();

  // Clear points.

  float markerHeightOffset = static_cast<float>(markerHeight_/2.0);

  const Eigen::Array2i buffSize = map.getBufferSize();
  const Eigen::Array2i buffStartIndex = map.getBufferStartIndex();
  const bool haveColor = map.isType("color");
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < buffSize(0); ++i)
    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < buffSize(1); ++j)
      // Getting map data.
      const Eigen::Array2i cellIndex(i, j);
      const Eigen::Array2i buffIndex =
          grid_map_lib::getBufferIndexFromIndex(cellIndex, buffSize, buffStartIndex);
      const float& elevation = map.at(typeNameElevation, buffIndex);
      const float color = haveColor ? map.at(typeNameColor, buffIndex) : lowerValueBound;

      // Add marker point.
      Eigen::Vector2d position;
      map.getPosition(buffIndex, position);
      geometry_msgs::Point point;
      point.x = position.x();
      point.y = position.y();
      point.z = elevation - markerHeightOffset;

      // Add marker color.
        std_msgs::ColorRGBA markerColor =
              color, lowerValueBound, upperValueBound, lowerColor_, upperColor_);

Example #7
bool LineIterator::getIndexLimitedToMapRange(const grid_map::GridMap& gridMap,
                                             const Position& start, const Position& end,
                                             Index& index)
  Position newStart = start;
  Vector direction = (end - start).normalized();
  while (!gridMap.getIndex(newStart, index)) {
    newStart += (gridMap.getResolution() - std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) * direction;
    if ((end - newStart).norm() < gridMap.getResolution() - std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon())
      return false;
  return true;
void ObjectsToCostmap::setCostInPolygon(const grid_map::Polygon& polygon, const std::string& gridmap_layer_name,
                                       const float score, grid_map::GridMap& objects_costmap)
  grid_map::PolygonIterator iterators(objects_costmap, polygon);
  for (grid_map::PolygonIterator iterator(objects_costmap, polygon); !iterator.isPastEnd(); ++iterator)
    const float current_score = objects_costmap.at(gridmap_layer_name, *iterator);
    if (score > current_score)
      objects_costmap.at(gridmap_layer_name, *iterator) = score;
Example #9
PolygonIterator::PolygonIterator(const grid_map::GridMap& gridMap, const grid_map::Polygon& polygon)
    : polygon_(polygon)
  mapLength_ = gridMap.getLength();
  mapPosition_ = gridMap.getPosition();
  resolution_ = gridMap.getResolution();
  bufferSize_ = gridMap.getSize();
  bufferStartIndex_ = gridMap.getStartIndex();
  Index submapStartIndex;
  Size submapBufferSize;
  findSubmapParameters(polygon, submapStartIndex, submapBufferSize);
  internalIterator_ = std::shared_ptr<SubmapIterator>(new SubmapIterator(gridMap, submapStartIndex, submapBufferSize));
  if(!isInside()) ++(*this);
Example #10
void GridMapRosConverter::toMessage(const grid_map::GridMap& gridMap, const std::vector<std::string>& layers,
                      grid_map_msgs::GridMap& message)
  message.info.header.frame_id = gridMap.getFrameId();
  message.info.resolution = gridMap.getResolution();
  message.info.length_x = gridMap.getLength().x();
  message.info.length_y = gridMap.getLength().y();
  message.info.pose.position.x = gridMap.getPosition().x();
  message.info.pose.position.y = gridMap.getPosition().y();
  message.info.pose.position.z = 0.0;
  message.info.pose.orientation.x = 0.0;
  message.info.pose.orientation.y = 0.0;
  message.info.pose.orientation.z = 0.0;
  message.info.pose.orientation.w = 1.0;

  message.layers = layers;
  message.basic_layers = gridMap.getBasicLayers();

  for (const auto& layer : layers) {
    std_msgs::Float32MultiArray dataArray;
    matrixEigenCopyToMultiArrayMessage(gridMap.get(layer), dataArray);

  message.outer_start_index = gridMap.getStartIndex()(0);
  message.inner_start_index = gridMap.getStartIndex()(1);
Example #11
  static bool addLayerFromImage(const cv::Mat& image, const std::string& layer,
                                grid_map::GridMap& gridMap, const float lowerValue = 0.0,
                                const float upperValue = 1.0, const double alphaThreshold = 0.5)
    if (gridMap.getSize()(0) != image.rows || gridMap.getSize()(1) != image.cols) {
      std::cerr << "Image size does not correspond to grid map size!" << std::endl;
      return false;

    bool isColor = false;
    if (image.channels() >= 3) isColor = true;
    bool hasAlpha = false;
    if (image.channels() >= 4) hasAlpha = true;

    cv::Mat imageMono;
    if (isColor && !hasAlpha) {
      cv::cvtColor(image, imageMono, CV_BGR2GRAY);
    } else if (isColor && hasAlpha) {
      cv::cvtColor(image, imageMono, CV_BGRA2GRAY);
    } else if (!isColor && !hasAlpha){
      imageMono = image;
    } else {
      std::cerr << "Something went wrong when adding grid map layer form image!" << std::endl;
      return false;

    const float mapValueDifference = upperValue - lowerValue;
    const float maxImageValue = (float)std::numeric_limits<Type_>::max();
    const Type_ alphaTreshold = (Type_)(alphaThreshold * std::numeric_limits<Type_>::max());

    grid_map::Matrix& data = gridMap[layer];

    for (GridMapIterator iterator(gridMap); !iterator.isPastEnd(); ++iterator) {
      const Index index(*iterator);

      // Check for alpha layer.
      if (hasAlpha) {
        const Type_ alpha = image.at<cv::Vec<Type_, NChannels_>>(index(0), index(1))[NChannels_ - 1];
        if (alpha < alphaTreshold) continue;

      // Compute value.
      const Type_ imageValue = imageMono.at<Type_>(index(0), index(1));
      const float mapValue = lowerValue + mapValueDifference * ((float) imageValue / maxImageValue);
      data(index(0), index(1)) = mapValue;

    return true;
Example #12
 static bool toImage(const grid_map::GridMap& gridMap, const std::string& layer,
                     const int encoding, cv::Mat& image)
   const float minValue = gridMap.get(layer).minCoeffOfFinites();
   const float maxValue = gridMap.get(layer).maxCoeffOfFinites();
   return toImage<Type_, NChannels_>(gridMap, layer, encoding, minValue, maxValue, image);
Example #13
SpiralIterator::SpiralIterator(const grid_map::GridMap& gridMap, const Eigen::Vector2d& center,
                               const double radius)
    : center_(center),
  radiusSquare_ = radius_ * radius_;
  mapLength_ = gridMap.getLength();
  mapPosition_ = gridMap.getPosition();
  resolution_ = gridMap.getResolution();
  bufferSize_ = gridMap.getSize();
  gridMap.getIndex(center_, indexCenter_);
  nRings_ = std::ceil(radius_ / resolution_);
  if (checkIfIndexWithinRange(indexCenter_, bufferSize_)) pointsRing_.push_back(indexCenter_);
  else generateRing();
Example #14
  static bool toImage(const grid_map::GridMap& gridMap, const std::string& layer,
                      const int encoding, const float lowerValue, const float upperValue,
                      cv::Mat& image)
    // Initialize image.
    if (gridMap.getSize()(0) > 0 && gridMap.getSize()(1) > 0) {
      image = cv::Mat::zeros(gridMap.getSize()(0), gridMap.getSize()(1), encoding);
    } else {
      std::cerr << "Invalid grid map?" << std::endl;
      return false;

    // Get max image value.
    unsigned int imageMax = (unsigned int)std::numeric_limits<Type_>::max();

    // Clamp outliers.
    grid_map::GridMap map = gridMap;
    map.get(layer) = map.get(layer).unaryExpr(grid_map::Clamp<float>(lowerValue, upperValue));
    const grid_map::Matrix& data = gridMap[layer];

    // Convert to image.
    bool isColor = false;
    if (image.channels() >= 3) isColor = true;
    bool hasAlpha = false;
    if (image.channels() >= 4) hasAlpha = true;

    for (GridMapIterator iterator(map); !iterator.isPastEnd(); ++iterator) {
      const Index index(*iterator);
      if (std::isfinite(data(index(0), index(1)))) {
        const float& value = data(index(0), index(1));
        const Type_ imageValue = (Type_) (((value - lowerValue) / (upperValue - lowerValue)) * (float) imageMax);
        const Index imageIndex(iterator.getUnwrappedIndex());
        unsigned int channel = 0;
        image.at<cv::Vec<Type_, NChannels_>>(imageIndex(0), imageIndex(1))[channel] = imageValue;

        if (isColor) {
          image.at<cv::Vec<Type_, NChannels_>>(imageIndex(0), imageIndex(1))[++channel] = imageValue;
          image.at<cv::Vec<Type_, NChannels_>>(imageIndex(0), imageIndex(1))[++channel] = imageValue;
        if (hasAlpha) {
          image.at<cv::Vec<Type_, NChannels_>>(imageIndex(0), imageIndex(1))[++channel] = imageMax;

    return true;
void ElevationChangeDetection::computeElevationChange(grid_map::GridMap& elevationMap)
  elevationMap.add("elevation_change", elevationMap.get(layer_));

  for (GridMapIterator iterator(elevationMap);
      !iterator.isPastEnd(); ++iterator) {
    // Check if elevation map has valid value
    if (!elevationMap.isValid(*iterator, layer_)) continue;
    double height = elevationMap.at(layer_, *iterator);

    // Get the ground truth height
    Vector2d position, groundTruthPosition;
    Array2i groundTruthIndex;
    elevationMap.getPosition(*iterator, position);
    groundTruthMap_.getIndex(position, groundTruthIndex);
    if (!groundTruthMap_.isValid(groundTruthIndex, layer_)) continue;
    double groundTruthHeight = groundTruthMap_.at(layer_, groundTruthIndex);

    // Add to elevation change map
    double diffElevation = std::abs(height - groundTruthHeight);
    if (diffElevation <= threshold_) continue;
    elevationMap.at("elevation_change", *iterator) = diffElevation;
Example #16
  * Initializes the geometry of a grid map from an image. This changes
  * the geometry of the map and deletes all contents of the layers!
  * @param[in] image the image.
  * @param[in] resolution the desired resolution of the grid map [m/cell].
  * @param[out] gridMap the grid map to be initialized.
  * @param[in](optional) position the position of the grid map.
  * @return true if successful, false otherwise.
 static bool initializeFromImage(const cv::Mat& image, const double resolution,
                                 grid_map::GridMap& gridMap, const grid_map::Position& position)
   const double lengthX = resolution * image.rows;
   const double lengthY = resolution * image.cols;
   Length length(lengthX, lengthY);
   gridMap.setGeometry(length, resolution, position);
   return true;
bool GridMapRosConverter::fromOccupancyGrid(const nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid& occupancyGrid,
                                            const std::string& layer, grid_map::GridMap& gridMap)
  const Size size(occupancyGrid.info.width, occupancyGrid.info.height);
  const double resolution = occupancyGrid.info.resolution;
  const Length length = resolution * size.cast<double>();
  const string& frameId = occupancyGrid.header.frame_id;
  Position position(occupancyGrid.info.origin.position.x, occupancyGrid.info.origin.position.y);
  // Different conventions of center of map.
  position += 0.5 * length.matrix();

  const auto& orientation = occupancyGrid.info.origin.orientation;
  if (orientation.w != 1.0 && !(orientation.x == 0 && orientation.y == 0
      && orientation.z == 0 && orientation.w == 0)) {
    ROS_WARN_STREAM("Conversion of occupancy grid: Grid maps do not support orientation.");
    ROS_INFO_STREAM("Orientation of occupancy grid: " << endl << occupancyGrid.info.origin.orientation);
    return false;

  if (size.prod() != occupancyGrid.data.size()) {
    ROS_WARN_STREAM("Conversion of occupancy grid: Size of data does not correspond to width * height.");
    return false;

  if ((gridMap.getSize() != size).any() || gridMap.getResolution() != resolution
      || (gridMap.getLength() != length).any() || gridMap.getPosition() != position
      || gridMap.getFrameId() != frameId || !gridMap.getStartIndex().isZero()) {
    gridMap.setGeometry(length, resolution, position);

  // Reverse iteration is required because of different conventions
  // between occupancy grid and grid map.
  grid_map::Matrix data(size(0), size(1));
  for (std::vector<int8_t>::const_reverse_iterator iterator = occupancyGrid.data.rbegin();
      iterator != occupancyGrid.data.rend(); ++iterator) {
    size_t i = std::distance(occupancyGrid.data.rbegin(), iterator);
    data(i) = *iterator != -1 ? *iterator : NAN;

  gridMap.add(layer, data);
  return true;
bool PointCloudVisualization::visualize(const grid_map::GridMap& map)
  if (pointCloudPublisher_.getNumSubscribers () < 1) return true;

  sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 pointCloud;

  map.toPointCloud(pointCloud, pointType_);

  return true;
bool PointCloudVisualization::visualize(const grid_map::GridMap& map)
  if (pointCloudPublisher_.getNumSubscribers () < 1) return true;

  sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 pointCloud;

  // FIXME(cfo): segfaults when pointtype is not set!
  map.toPointCloud(pointCloud, pointType_);

  return true;
bool GridCellsVisualization::visualize(const grid_map::GridMap& map)
  if (!isActive()) return true;
  if (!map.exists(layer_)) {
    ROS_WARN_STREAM("GridCellsVisualization::visualize: No grid map layer with name '" << layer_ << "' found.");
    return false;
  nav_msgs::GridCells gridCells;
  grid_map::GridMapRosConverter::toGridCells(map, layer_, lowerThreshold_, upperThreshold_, gridCells);
  return true;
bool VectorVisualization::visualize(const grid_map::GridMap& map)
  if (!isActive()) return true;

  for (const auto& type : types_) {
    if (!map.exists(type)) {
          "VectorVisualization::visualize: No grid map layer with name '" << type << "' found.");
      return false;

  // Set marker info.
  marker_.header.frame_id = map.getFrameId();

  // Clear points.

  for (grid_map::GridMapIterator iterator(map); !iterator.isPastEnd(); ++iterator)
    if (!map.isValid(*iterator, positionLayer_) || !map.isValid(*iterator, types_)) continue;
    geometry_msgs::Vector3 vector;
    vector.x = map.at(types_[0], *iterator); // FIXME(cfo): segfaults when types is not set
    vector.y = map.at(types_[1], *iterator);
    vector.z = map.at(types_[2], *iterator);

    Eigen::Vector3d position;
    map.getPosition3(positionLayer_, *iterator, position);
    geometry_msgs::Point startPoint;
    startPoint.x = position.x();
    startPoint.y = position.y();
    startPoint.z = position.z();

    geometry_msgs::Point endPoint;
    endPoint.x = startPoint.x + scale_ * vector.x;
    endPoint.y = startPoint.y + scale_ * vector.y;
    endPoint.z = startPoint.z + scale_ * vector.z;

    marker_.colors.push_back(color_); // Each vertex needs a color.

  return true;
void GridMapRosConverter::toOccupancyGrid(const grid_map::GridMap& gridMap,
                                          const std::string& layer, float dataMin, float dataMax,
                                          nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid& occupancyGrid)
  occupancyGrid.header.frame_id = gridMap.getFrameId();
  occupancyGrid.info.map_load_time = occupancyGrid.header.stamp;  // Same as header stamp as we do not load the map.
  occupancyGrid.info.resolution = gridMap.getResolution();
  occupancyGrid.info.width = gridMap.getSize()(0);
  occupancyGrid.info.height = gridMap.getSize()(1);
  Position position = gridMap.getPosition() - 0.5 * gridMap.getLength().matrix();
  occupancyGrid.info.origin.position.x = position.x();
  occupancyGrid.info.origin.position.y = position.y();
  occupancyGrid.info.origin.position.z = 0.0;
  occupancyGrid.info.origin.orientation.x = 0.0;
  occupancyGrid.info.origin.orientation.y = 0.0;
  occupancyGrid.info.origin.orientation.z = 0.0;
  occupancyGrid.info.origin.orientation.w = 1.0;
  size_t nCells = gridMap.getSize().prod();

  // Occupancy probabilities are in the range [0,100]. Unknown is -1.
  const float cellMin = 0;
  const float cellMax = 100;
  const float cellRange = cellMax - cellMin;

  for (GridMapIterator iterator(gridMap); !iterator.isPastEnd(); ++iterator) {
    float value = (gridMap.at(layer, *iterator) - dataMin) / (dataMax - dataMin);
    if (isnan(value))
      value = -1;
      value = cellMin + min(max(0.0f, value), 1.0f) * cellRange;
    size_t index = getLinearIndexFromIndex(iterator.getUnwrappedIndex(), gridMap.getSize(), false);
    // Reverse cell order because of different conventions between occupancy grid and grid map.
    occupancyGrid.data[nCells - index - 1] = value;
	void FillPolygonAreas(grid_map::GridMap &out_grid_map, const std::vector<std::vector<geometry_msgs::Point>> &in_area_points,
		                      const std::string &in_grid_layer_name, const int in_layer_background_value,
		                      const int in_layer_min_value, const int in_fill_color, const int in_layer_max_value,
		                      const std::string &in_tf_target_frame, const std::string &in_tf_source_frame,
		                      const tf::TransformListener &in_tf_listener)

		cv::Mat original_image;
		grid_map::GridMapCvConverter::toImage<unsigned char, 1>(out_grid_map,

		cv::Mat filled_image = original_image.clone();

		tf::StampedTransform tf = FindTransform(in_tf_target_frame, in_tf_source_frame, in_tf_listener);

		// calculate out_grid_map position
		grid_map::Position map_pos = out_grid_map.getPosition();
		double origin_x_offset = out_grid_map.getLength().x() / 2.0 - map_pos.x();
		double origin_y_offset = out_grid_map.getLength().y() / 2.0 - map_pos.y();

		for (const auto &points : in_area_points)
			std::vector<cv::Point> cv_points;

			for (const auto &p : points)
				// transform to GridMap coordinate
				geometry_msgs::Point tf_point = TransformPoint(p, tf);

				// coordinate conversion for cv image
				double cv_x = (out_grid_map.getLength().y() - origin_y_offset - tf_point.y) / out_grid_map.getResolution();
				double cv_y = (out_grid_map.getLength().x() - origin_x_offset - tf_point.x) / out_grid_map.getResolution();
				cv_points.emplace_back(cv::Point(cv_x, cv_y));

			cv::fillConvexPoly(filled_image, cv_points.data(), cv_points.size(), cv::Scalar(in_fill_color));

		// convert to ROS msg
		grid_map::GridMapCvConverter::addLayerFromImage<unsigned char, 1>(filled_image,
Example #24
void GridMapRosConverter::toOccupancyGrid(const grid_map::GridMap& gridMap,
                                          const std::string& layer, float dataMin, float dataMax,
                                          nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid& occupancyGrid)
  occupancyGrid.header.frame_id = gridMap.getFrameId();
  occupancyGrid.info.map_load_time = occupancyGrid.header.stamp;  // Same as header stamp as we do not load the map.
  occupancyGrid.info.resolution = gridMap.getResolution();
  occupancyGrid.info.width = gridMap.getSize()(0);
  occupancyGrid.info.height = gridMap.getSize()(1);
  Position positionOfOrigin;
  getPositionOfDataStructureOrigin(gridMap.getPosition(), gridMap.getLength(), positionOfOrigin);
  occupancyGrid.info.origin.position.x = positionOfOrigin.x();
  occupancyGrid.info.origin.position.y = positionOfOrigin.y();
  occupancyGrid.info.origin.position.z = 0.0;
  occupancyGrid.info.origin.orientation.x = 0.0;
  occupancyGrid.info.origin.orientation.y = 0.0;
  occupancyGrid.info.origin.orientation.z = 1.0;  // yes, this is correct.
  occupancyGrid.info.origin.orientation.w = 0.0;
  occupancyGrid.data.resize(occupancyGrid.info.width * occupancyGrid.info.height);

  // Occupancy probabilities are in the range [0,100].  Unknown is -1.
  const float cellMin = 0;
  const float cellMax = 100;
  const float cellRange = cellMax - cellMin;

  for (GridMapIterator iterator(gridMap); !iterator.isPastEnd(); ++iterator) {
    float value = (gridMap.at(layer, *iterator) - dataMin) / (dataMax - dataMin);
    if (isnan(value))
      value = -1;
      value = cellMin + min(max(0.0f, value), 1.0f) * cellRange;
    // Occupancy grid claims to be row-major order, but it does not seem that way.
    // http://docs.ros.org/api/nav_msgs/html/msg/OccupancyGrid.html.
    unsigned int index = get1dIndexFrom2dIndex(iterator.getUnwrappedIndex(), gridMap.getSize(), false);
    occupancyGrid.data[index] = value;
Example #25
bool GridMapRosConverter::saveToBag(const grid_map::GridMap& gridMap, const std::string& pathToBag,
                                    const std::string& topic)
  grid_map_msgs::GridMap message;
  toMessage(gridMap, message);
  ros::Time time(gridMap.getTimestamp());

  if (!time.isValid() || time.isZero()) {
    if (!ros::Time::isValid()) ros::Time::init();
    time = ros::Time::now();

  rosbag::Bag bag;
  bag.open(pathToBag, rosbag::bagmode::Write);
  bag.write(topic, time, message);
  return true;
Example #26
void GridMapRosConverter::toGridCells(const grid_map::GridMap& gridMap, const std::string& layer,
                                      float lowerThreshold, float upperThreshold,
                                      nav_msgs::GridCells& gridCells)
  gridCells.header.frame_id = gridMap.getFrameId();
  gridCells.cell_width = gridMap.getResolution();
  gridCells.cell_height = gridMap.getResolution();

  for (GridMapIterator iterator(gridMap); !iterator.isPastEnd(); ++iterator) {
    if (!gridMap.isValid(*iterator, layer)) continue;
    if (gridMap.at(layer, *iterator) >= lowerThreshold
        && gridMap.at(layer, *iterator) <= upperThreshold) {
      Position position;
      gridMap.getPosition(*iterator, position);
      geometry_msgs::Point point;
      point.x = position.x();
      point.y = position.y();
bool VectorVisualization::visualize(const grid_map::GridMap& map)
  if (markerPublisher_.getNumSubscribers () < 1) return true;

  // Set marker info.
  marker_.header.frame_id = map.getFrameId();

  // Clear points.

  for (grid_map_lib::GridMapIterator iterator(map); !iterator.isPassedEnd(); ++iterator)
    if (!map.isValid(*iterator) || !map.isValid(*iterator, types_)) continue;

    geometry_msgs::Vector3 vector;
    vector.x = map.at(types_[0], *iterator);
    vector.y = map.at(types_[1], *iterator);
    vector.z = map.at(types_[2], *iterator);

    Eigen::Vector3d position;
    map.getPosition3d(positionType_, *iterator, position);
    geometry_msgs::Point startPoint;
    startPoint.x = position.x();
    startPoint.y = position.y();
    startPoint.z = position.z();

    geometry_msgs::Point endPoint;
    endPoint.x = startPoint.x + scale_ * vector.x;
    endPoint.y = startPoint.y + scale_ * vector.y;
    endPoint.z = startPoint.z + scale_ * vector.z;

    marker_.colors.push_back(color_); // Each vertex needs a color.

  return true;
Example #28
bool GridMapRosConverter::fromMessage(const grid_map_msgs::GridMap& message, grid_map::GridMap& gridMap)
  gridMap.setGeometry(Length(message.info.length_x, message.info.length_y), message.info.resolution,
                      Position(message.info.pose.position.x, message.info.pose.position.y));

  if (message.layers.size() != message.data.size()) {
    ROS_ERROR("Different number of layers and data in grid map message.");
    return false;

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < message.layers.size(); i++) {
    Matrix data;
    multiArrayMessageCopyToMatrixEigen(message.data[i], data); // TODO Could we use the data mapping (instead of copying) method here?
    // TODO Check if size is good.   size_ << getRows(message.data[0]), getCols(message.data[0]);
    gridMap.add(message.layers[i], data);

  gridMap.setStartIndex(Index(message.outer_start_index, message.inner_start_index));
  return true;
Example #29
void GridMapRosConverter::toPointCloud(const grid_map::GridMap& gridMap,
                                       const std::string& pointLayer,
                                       sensor_msgs::PointCloud2& pointCloud)
  toPointCloud(gridMap, gridMap.getLayers(), pointLayer, pointCloud);
Example #30
void GridMapRosConverter::toMessage(const grid_map::GridMap& gridMap, grid_map_msgs::GridMap& message)
  toMessage(gridMap, gridMap.getLayers(), message);