Gtk::TreeModel::Row EditStrategyWindow::findActionRow(rfiStrategy::Action *action) { std::deque<Gtk::TreeModel::Row> rows; Gtk::TreeNodeChildren children = _store->children(); for(Gtk::TreeModel::const_iterator iter = children.begin();iter!=children.end();++iter) { const Gtk::TreeModel::Row &row = (*iter); rows.push_back(row); } while(!rows.empty()) { Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = rows.front(); rows.pop_front(); if(row[_columns.action] == action) { return row; } Gtk::TreeNodeChildren rowChildren = row.children(); for(Gtk::TreeModel::const_iterator iter = rowChildren.begin();iter != rowChildren.end();++iter) { Gtk::TreeModel::Row childRow = *iter; rows.push_back(childRow); } } throw BadUsageException("Could not find row in view"); }
void Gobby::EncodingSelector::remove_text(const Glib::ustring& text) { Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ListStore> list = Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ListStore>::cast_dynamic(get_model()); if(!list) { throw std::logic_error( "Gobby::EncodingSelector::remove_text:\n" "Underlaying TreeModel is not a liststore" ); } Gtk::TreeNodeChildren children = list->children(); Gtk::TreeIter next_iter; for(Gtk::TreeIter iter = children.begin(); iter != children.end(); iter = next_iter) { next_iter = iter; ++ next_iter; if( (*iter)[m_text_columns.m_column] == text) iter = list->erase(iter); } }
void LivePathEffectEditor::selectInList(LivePathEffect::Effect* effect) { Gtk::TreeNodeChildren chi = effectlist_view.get_model()->children(); for (Gtk::TreeIter ci = chi.begin() ; ci != chi.end(); ci++) { if (ci->get_value(columns.lperef)->lpeobject->get_lpe() == effect) effectlist_view.get_selection()->select(ci); } }
void JsCompressorFrame::iter_filelist() { this->files.clear(); Gtk::TreeNodeChildren child = this->m_filePreviewStore->children(); Gtk::TreeModel::iterator it; for (it = child.begin(); it != child.end(); it++) { Gtk::TreeRow row = *it; this->files.push_back( row[this->m_filePreviewStore->m_colsDef.m_file_full_path]); } }
void PluginDisplay::on_select_all(bool v) { int d = 0; Gtk::TreeNodeChildren ch = plugin_liststore->children(); for (Gtk::TreeIter it = ch.begin(); it != ch.end(); ++it) { it->set_value(plugin_liststore->, v); d += it->get_value(plugin_liststore->col.pdesc)->set_active(v); } if (d) { change_count += d; set_title(); } }
device_option_map_t get_device_map() { device_option_map_t devmap; Gtk::TreeNodeChildren children = model->children(); for (Gtk::TreeNodeChildren::iterator iter = children.begin(); iter != children.end(); ++iter) { Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter; if (devmap.find(row[col_device_real]) == devmap.end()) devmap[row[col_device_real]] = row[col_parameters]; } return devmap; }
void PluginDisplay::on_reordered(const Gtk::TreePath& path) { assert(current_plugin); std::map<int,int> d; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < current_plugin->ctrl_ports.size(); ++i) { d[current_plugin->ctrl_ports[i]->pos] = i; } std::vector<PortDesc*> l; Gtk::TreeNodeChildren ch = port_liststore->children(); for (Gtk::TreeIter it = ch.begin(); it != ch.end(); ++it) { l.push_back(current_plugin->ctrl_ports[d[it->get_value(port_liststore->col.pos)]]); } current_plugin->ctrl_ports = l; }
/// <summary> /// Returns the Gtk.TreeIter that points to the specified Notebook. /// </summary> /// <param name="notebook"> /// A <see cref="Notebook"/> /// </param> /// <param name="iter"> /// A <see cref="Gtk.TreeIter"/>. Will be set to a valid iter if /// the specified notebook is found. /// </param> /// <returns> /// A <see cref="System.Boolean"/>. True if the specified notebook /// was found, false otherwise. /// </returns> bool NotebookManager::get_notebook_iter(const Notebook::Ptr & notebook, Gtk::TreeIter & iter) { Gtk::TreeNodeChildren notebooks = m_notebooks_to_display->children(); for (Gtk::TreeIter notebooks_iter = notebooks.begin(); notebooks_iter != notebooks.end(); ++notebooks_iter) { Notebook::Ptr current_notebook; notebooks_iter->get_value(0, current_notebook); if (current_notebook == notebook) { iter = notebooks_iter; return true; } } iter = Gtk::TreeIter(); return false; }
void control::on_data_changed(k3d::iunknown*) { return_if_fail(m_implementation->m_model.get()); const k3d::string_t value = m_implementation->m_model->value(); const Gtk::TreeNodeChildren children = m_implementation->m_list_model->children(); for(Gtk::TreeNodeChildren::const_iterator child = children.begin(); child != children.end(); ++child) { const k3d::string_t child_value = (*child)[m_implementation->m_columns.value]; if(value == child_value) { set_active(child); return; } } k3d::log() << error << "Current enumeration value [" << value << "] does not match any allowed values" << std::endl; }
void PluginDisplay::selection_changed() { Gtk::TreeIter it = treeview1->get_selection()->get_selected(); PluginDesc *p = 0; if (it) { p = it->get_value(plugin_liststore->col.pdesc); if (current_plugin == p) { return; } } save_current(); on_reordered_conn.block(); port_liststore->clear(); on_reordered_conn.unblock(); ladspa_category->set_text(""); ladspa_maker->set_text(""); ladspa_uniqueid->set_text(""); plugin_name->set_text(""); plugin_category->set_active(-1); plugin_quirks->set_active(-1); if (!p) { return; } set_old_state(p); if (p->shortname != p->Name) { plugin_name->modify_text(Gtk::STATE_NORMAL, Gdk::Color("red")); } else { plugin_name->unset_text(Gtk::STATE_NORMAL); } plugin_name->set_text(p->shortname); Gtk::TreeNodeChildren ch = plugin_category->get_model()->children(); int i = 0; for (it = ch.begin(); it != ch.end(); ++it, ++i) { ustring cat; it->get_value(1, cat); if (cat == p->category) { plugin_category->set_active(i); break; } } ch = plugin_quirks->get_model()->children(); for (i = 0, it = ch.begin(); it != ch.end(); ++it, ++i) { int quirks; it->get_value(1, quirks); if (quirks == p->quirks) { plugin_quirks->set_active(i); break; } } Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ListStore> ls_master = Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ListStore>::cast_dynamic(master_slider_idx->get_model()); ls_master->clear(); it = ls_master->append(); i = -1; it->set_value(0, i); ustring ml(""); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < p->ctrl_ports.size(); ++i) { it = ls_master->append(); it->set_value(0, int(i)); if (p->ctrl_ports[i]->pos == p->MasterIdx) { ml = p->ctrl_ports[i]->factory.get_name(); } } master_slider_idx->set_active(p->MasterIdx+1); master_slider_name->unset_text(Gtk::STATE_NORMAL); if (!p->MasterLabel.empty()) { master_slider_name->set_text(p->MasterLabel); if (p->MasterLabel != ml) { master_slider_name->modify_text(Gtk::STATE_NORMAL, Gdk::Color("red")); } } dry_wet_button->set_active(current_plugin->add_wet_dry); ladspa_category->set_text(p->ladspa_category); ladspa_maker->set_text(p->Maker); if (p->is_lv2) { ladspa_uniqueid->set_text(ustring::compose("LV2: %1", p->path)); } else { ladspa_uniqueid->set_text(ustring::compose("%1: %2[%3]", p->UniqueID, p->path, p->index)); } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < p->ctrl_ports.size(); ++i) { PortDesc *q = p->ctrl_ports[i]; Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ListStore> tls; if (q->is_output) { tls = output_type_list; } else if (q->has_sr) { tls = display_type_list_sr; } else { tls = display_type_list; } float dflt = q->get_dflt(); float low = q->get_low(); float up = q->get_up(); if (q->has_sr && !q->use_sr) { if (q->factory.is_set(ChangeableValues::dflt_set)) { dflt *= q->SR; } if (q->factory.is_set(ChangeableValues::low_set)) { low *= q->SR; } if (q->factory.is_set(ChangeableValues::up_set)) { up *= q->SR; } } it = port_liststore->append(); it->set_value(port_liststore->col.pos, q->pos); it->set_value(port_liststore->, q->get_name()); it->set_value(port_liststore->col.dflt, ustring::format(dflt)); it->set_value(port_liststore->col.low, ustring::format(low)); it->set_value(port_liststore->col.up, ustring::format(up)); it->set_value(port_liststore->col.step, ustring(step_type_names[q->step])); it->set_value(port_liststore->col.display, ustring(display_type_names[q->get_tp()])); it->set_value(port_liststore->col.display_types, tls); it->set_value(port_liststore->col.port, q); it->set_value(port_liststore->col.newrow, q->get_newrow()); it->set_value(port_liststore->col.use_sr, q->has_sr && !q->use_sr); it->set_value(port_liststore->col.has_caption, q->has_caption); } }