Example #1
void print_error(const std::string& hostname, IP4::addr server, const Error& err) {
  printf("Error occurred when resolving IP address of %s with DNS server %s: %s\n", hostname.c_str(),
        server.to_string().c_str(), err.what());

  if (err.is_icmp()) {
    auto* pd = dynamic_cast<const ICMP_error*>(&err);
    printf("ICMP error type received when resolving %s: %s\n", hostname.c_str(), pd->icmp_type_str().c_str());
    printf("ICMP error code received when resolving %s: %s\n", hostname.c_str(), pd->icmp_code_str().c_str());
Example #2
  void Arp::transmit(Packet_ptr pckt, IP4::addr next_hop) {


    PRINT("<ARP -> physical> Transmitting %u bytes to %s\n",
          (uint32_t) pckt->size(), next_hop.str().c_str());

    MAC::Addr dest_mac;

    if (next_hop == IP4::ADDR_BCAST) {
      dest_mac = MAC::BROADCAST;
    } else {

      extern MAC::Addr linux_tap_device;
      dest_mac = linux_tap_device;
      // If we don't have a cached IP, perform address resolution
      auto cache_entry = cache_.find(next_hop);
      if (UNLIKELY(cache_entry == cache_.end())) {
        PRINT("<ARP> No cache entry for IP %s.  Resolving. \n", next_hop.to_string().c_str());
        await_resolution(std::move(pckt), next_hop);

      // Get MAC from cache
      dest_mac = cache_[next_hop].mac();

      PRINT("<ARP> Found cache entry for IP %s -> %s \n",
            next_hop.to_string().c_str(), dest_mac.to_string().c_str());

    // Move chain to linklayer
    linklayer_out_(std::move(pckt), dest_mac, Ethertype::IP4);
Example #3
void print_success(const std::string& hostname, IP4::addr server, IP4::addr res) {
  printf("Resolved IP address of %s with DNS server %s: %s\n", hostname.c_str(),
          server.to_string().c_str(), res.to_string().c_str());