Example #1
void IrrlichtRenderTarget::unprojectPoint(const GeometryBuffer& buff,
                                             const glm::vec& p_in,
                                             glm::vec& p_out) const
    if (!d_matrixValid)

    const IrrlichtGeometryBuffer& gb =
        static_cast<const IrrlichtGeometryBuffer&>(buff);

    const irr::f32 midx = d_area.getWidth() * 0.5f;
    const irr::f32 midy = d_area.getHeight() * 0.5f;

    // viewport matrix
    const irr::f32 vpmat_[] =
        midx, 0, 0, 0,
        0, -midy, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 1, 0,
        d_area.left() + midx, d_area.top() + midy, 0, 1
    irr::core::matrix4 vpmat;

    // matrices used for projecting and unprojecting points
    const irr::core::matrix4 proj(gb.getMatrix() * d_matrix * vpmat);
    irr::core::matrix4 unproj(proj);

    irr::core::vector3df in;

    // unproject the ends of the ray
    in.X = midx;
    in.Y = midy;
    in.Z = -d_viewDistance;
    irr::core::vector3df r1;
    unproj.transformVect(r1, in);
    in.X = p_in.d_x;
    in.Y = p_in.d_y;
    in.Z = 0;
    irr::core::vector3df r2;
    unproj.transformVect(r2, in);
    // calculate vector of picking ray
    const irr::core::vector3df rv(r1 - r2);

    // project points to orientate them with GeometryBuffer plane
    in.X = 0.0;
    in.Y = 0.0;
    irr::core::vector3df p1;
    proj.transformVect(p1, in);
    in.X = 1.0;
    in.Y = 0.0;
    irr::core::vector3df p2;
    proj.transformVect(p2, in);
    in.X = 0.0;
    in.Y = 1.0;
    irr::core::vector3df p3;
    proj.transformVect(p3, in);

    // calculate the plane normal
    const irr::core::vector3df pn((p2 - p1).crossProduct(p3 - p1));
    // calculate distance from origin
    const irr::f32 plen = pn.getLength();
    const irr::f32 dist = -(p1.X * (pn.X / plen) +
                            p1.Y * (pn.Y / plen) +
                            p1.Z * (pn.Z / plen));

    // calculate intersection of ray and plane
    const irr::f32 pn_dot_rv = pn.dotProduct(rv);
    const irr::f32 tmp = pn_dot_rv != 0.0 ?
                            (pn.dotProduct(r1) + dist) / pn_dot_rv :

    p_out.d_x = static_cast<float>(r1.X - rv.X * tmp) * d_viewDistance;
    p_out.d_y = static_cast<float>(r1.Y - rv.Y * tmp) * d_viewDistance;