Example #1
 * Discover the Judges' COP.  Will not return until discovery or failure.
JAUS::Subsystem* DiscoverJudgeSubsystem(JAUS::Component* c)
    JAUS::Subsystem* judgeSubsystem = NULL;

    // now that we are initialized, create a direct connection to the Judges' COP
    // (Multicast may not be supported)
    JAUS::JTCPClient* transportService = NULL;
    transportService = (JAUS::JTCPClient*) component->TransportService();
      JAUS::Address(JudgeSubsystemID, JudgeNodeID, JudgeComponentID));

    // get a pointer to our Management Service
    JAUS::Management* managementService = c->ManagementService();
    JAUS::Time::Stamp timeMs = JAUS::Time::GetUtcTimeMs();

    // try to find the judges' COP
    while (managementService->GetStatus() != JAUS::Management::Status::Shutdown)
        CxUtils::SleepMs(10); // save some CPU time

        if (JAUS::Time::GetUtcTimeMs() - timeMs < 1000)

        // now look at discovered subsystems (for the judges' COP)
        JAUS::Discovery* discoveryService = c->DiscoveryService();

        JAUS::Subsystem::Map discoveredSubsystems;

        JAUS::Subsystem::Map::iterator subsystem;

        // NOTE: the map is indexed by the subsystem number
        for (subsystem = discoveredSubsystems.begin();
             subsystem != discoveredSubsystems.end();
            if (subsystem->first == JudgeSubsystemID)
                judgeSubsystem = subsystem->second;


        timeMs = JAUS::Time::GetUtcTimeMs();

        if (judgeSubsystem != NULL)

    return judgeSubsystem;
Example #2
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    JAUS::Component component;

    // Setup identification info.  For questions about this,
    // see the previous tutorial(s).
    JAUS::Discovery* discoveryService = NULL;
    discoveryService = component.DiscoveryService();
    discoveryService->SetNodeIdentification("Primary Computer");

    JAUS::Address componentID(1000, 1, 2);
    // Initialize!
    std::cout << "Initializing component...";
    if(component.Initialize(componentID) == false)
        std::cout << "Failed to initialize component [" << componentID.ToString() << "]\n";
        return 0;
    std::cout << "Success!\n";

    // Now go into your main computer loop until the
    // component has been told to shutdown.
    JAUS::Time::Stamp displayStatusTimeMs = JAUS::Time::GetUtcTimeMs();
        JAUS::Management* managementService = NULL;
        managementService = component.ManagementService();
        if(managementService->GetStatus() == JAUS::Management::Status::Shutdown)
            // Exit program.

        if(JAUS::Time::GetUtcTimeMs() - displayStatusTimeMs > 500)
            // Use the discovery service to get a list of 
            // discovered subsystems. (see below for how to clear map).
            JAUS::Subsystem::Map discoveredSubsystems;
            std::cout << "======================================================\n";

            JAUS::Subsystem::Map::iterator subsystem;
            // The map is indexed by the subsystem number.
            for(subsystem = discoveredSubsystems.begin();
                subsystem != discoveredSubsystems.end();
                std::cout << "Subsystem: " 
                          << subsystem->first 
                          << " Identification: " 
                          << subsystem->second->mIdentification 
                          << std::endl;

                // Lets see if it has specific service we 
                // want to communicate with.  For this tutorial
                // let's check for the Liveness service, which
                // supports the Query Heartbeat Pulse and 
                // Report Heartbeat Pulse messages.
                // We can use the subsystem data structure to
                // get a list of components on the subsystem that
                // have the service, so we can send a message to it.
                JAUS::Address::List componentsWithLiveness;
                componentsWithLiveness = subsystem->second->GetComponentsWithService(JAUS::Liveness::Name);
                JAUS::Address::List::iterator c;
                for(c = componentsWithLiveness.begin();
                    c != componentsWithLiveness.end();
                    // First, make sure it is not the 
                    // component we are using, because we
                    // want to talk to a different one.
                    if( (*c) != component.GetComponentID())
                        // Now that we have the ID of
                        // component with the Liveness
                        // service, lets send a query message
                        // and wait for the response.

                        // Setup the query message to send.
                        JAUS::QueryHeartbeatPulse query;
                        query.SetDestinationID( (*c) );
                        // This is the response message we want.
                        JAUS::ReportHeartbeatPulse response;

                        // Send and see if we got a
                        // response, but only wait up to 1 second
                        // for a response.  Default value for waiting
                        // is 100 ms.
                        std::cout << "\tSending Query to " << c->ToString() << std::endl;
                        if(component.Send(&query, &response, 1000))
                            std::cout << "\tReceived Response Message!\n\t";
                // The above steps can be used to find any component
                // with a specific service you wish to communicate with.

            // Make sure you delete the subsystem map when
            // you are done with it, otherwise you will have a 
            // memory leak.

            displayStatusTimeMs = JAUS::Time::GetUtcTimeMs();

        if(CxUtils::GetChar() == 27)


    // Shutdown your component completely.  Any
    // services added or belonging to the component
    // will be deleted.

    return 0;
Example #3
///   \brief Simple simulation of a component that subscribes to any Local
///          Pose Sensor data on network using JTCP.
///   \param[in] subsystemID Subsystem ID number.
///   \param[in] nodeID Node ID number.
int RunClient(JAUS::UShort subsystemID, JAUS::Byte nodeID)
    JAUS::Component component;
    JAUS::Address id(subsystemID, nodeID, 1);

    if(id.IsValid() == false)
        std::cout << "Invalid JAUS ID: " << id.ToString() << std::endl;

    // Setup identification data.
                                                             "Subscriber JTCP Tutorial");

    //  Change the transport service to use JTCP
    component.AddService(new JAUS::JTCPClient());
    //((JAUS::JTCPClient*)component.TransportService())->AddConnection("", JAUS::Address(subsystemID, 1, 1));
    //((JAUS::JTCPClient*)component.TransportService())->AddConnection("", JAUS::Address(subsystemID, 1, 1));

    // Add support for reading Local Pose messages without having to
    // add a custom service.
    component.TransportService()->AddMessageTemplate(new JAUS::ReportLocalPose());
    component.TransportService()->AddMessageTemplate(new JAUS::QueryLocalPose());

    // Add a callback to get messages when they arrive.
    LocalPoseCallback localPoseCallback;
    component.TransportService()->RegisterCallback(JAUS::REPORT_LOCAL_POSE, &localPoseCallback);

    // Initialize component and communication.
    if(component.Initialize(id) == false)
        std::cout << "Failed to initialize JAUS component with ID: " << id.ToString() << std::endl;
        return 0;

    JAUS::Time printTime(true);

    while(CxUtils::GetChar() != 27 && component.ManagementService()->GetStatus() != JAUS::Management::Status::Shutdown)
        // Look for any subsystems.
        JAUS::Subsystem::Map subsystems;
        JAUS::Subsystem::Map::iterator subsystem;


        for(subsystem = subsystems.begin();
            subsystem != subsystems.end();
            // Look for local pose sensors to subscribe to.
            JAUS::Address::List sensors = subsystem->second->GetComponentsWithService(JAUS::LocalPoseSensor::Name);
            if(sensors.size() > 0)
                JAUS::Address::List::iterator id;
                for(id = sensors.begin();
                    id != sensors.end();
                    if(*id != component.GetComponentID() && 
                       component.EventsService()->HaveSubscription(JAUS::REPORT_LOCAL_POSE, *id) == false)
                        std::cout << "Found new Local Pose Sensors on " << id->ToString() << std::endl;
                        JAUS::QueryLocalPose queryLocalPose;
                        // Request all fields.
                        component.EventsService()->RequestPeriodicEvent(*id, &queryLocalPose, 5);

        // Only print to screen every now and then.
        if(JAUS::Time(true) - printTime > .5)
            //std::cout << "=======================================================\n";
        // Don't overload the CPU

    // Do shutdown

    return 0;