/* * ROS callbacks start here... */ void ROSVelocityCallback(const geometry_msgs::Twist::ConstPtr& msg) { JAUS::VelocityState velocityState; velocityState.SetVelocityX(msg->linear.x); velocityState.SetYawRate(msg->angular.z); velocityState.SetTimeStamp(JAUS::Time::GetUtcTime()); // Save the data to the service velocityStateSensor->SetVelocityState(velocityState); // ROS_INFO("Got ROS data: [%f]", msg->linear.x); }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \brief This is a helper method to simulate some physics. /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void RobotPrimitiveDriver::UpdatePhysics(const double timeSeconds) { // Simulate some simple physics based on // desired mThrust and mSteering // to reach local waypoints. double linearDistance = timeSeconds*mThrust*0.025; double linearVelocity = linearDistance/timeSeconds; double rotation = timeSeconds*mSteering*CxUtils::CxToRadians(1); double rotationRate = rotation/timeSeconds; double yaw = mGlobalPose.GetYaw(); JAUS::Point3D localPosChange(linearDistance, 0, 0); localPosChange = localPosChange.Rotate(yaw, JAUS::Point3D::Z); CxUtils::Wgs worldPositionWgs(mGlobalPose.GetLatitude(), mGlobalPose.GetLongitude(), mGlobalPose.GetAltitude()); CxUtils::Utm worldPositionUtm(worldPositionWgs); worldPositionUtm.mNorthing += localPosChange.mX; worldPositionUtm.mEasting += localPosChange.mY; yaw = CxUtils::Orientation::AddToAngle(yaw, rotation); // Convert to WGS worldPositionWgs << worldPositionUtm; // Save newly calculated position and orientation. mGlobalPose.SetYaw(yaw); mGlobalPose.SetLatitude(worldPositionWgs.mLatitude); mGlobalPose.SetLongitude(worldPositionWgs.mLongitude); mGlobalPose.SetAltitude(worldPositionWgs.mElevation); mGlobalPose.SetTimeStamp(JAUS::Time(true)); mVelocityState.SetVelocityX(linearVelocity); mVelocityState.SetYawRate(rotationRate); mVelocityState.SetTimeStamp(JAUS::Time(true)); }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \brief Entry point of jaus_challenge_2010.cpp /// /// This program demonstrates everything required to complete the JAUS /// Interoperability Challenge for 2010. In this program a simulated robot /// is created which can drive to local waypoints. This program has /// run against the JAUS Validation Tool (JVT) and the OCP of the /// JAUS Interopability Challange during the Autonomous Surface Vehicle /// Competition, passing all requirements. /// /// All you have to do is integrate on your own robot, providing real /// sensor values and generating real control of your bot! /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { JAUS::Component component; //component.AddService(new JAUS::JTCPClient()); // Setting timeout for control to 0 (disables timeout of control). // This is done because the JVT and OCP do not query for the timeout period // and may not send messages to re-acquire/maintain control within the // normal 2 second timeout window. component.AccessControlService()->SetTimeoutPeriod(0); // Add the services we want/need for our component. By // default, the component object already has the Core Service set // (e.g. Discovery, Events, Access Control, Management). // The Discovery service automatically handles finding other JAUS // components, so you do not need to generate any Query Messages // (e.g. Query Identification) yourself, because Discovery does it // for you. // In this test program, we are making a simulated robot, which // requires the following mobility services. JAUS::GlobalPoseSensor* globalPoseSensor = new JAUS::GlobalPoseSensor(); globalPoseSensor->SetSensorUpdateRate(25); // Updates at 25 Hz (used for periodic events). component.AddService(globalPoseSensor); JAUS::LocalPoseSensor* localPoseSensor = new JAUS::LocalPoseSensor(); localPoseSensor->SetSensorUpdateRate(25); // Updates at 25 Hz (used for periodic events). component.AddService(localPoseSensor); JAUS::VelocityStateSensor* velocityStateSensor = new JAUS::VelocityStateSensor(); velocityStateSensor->SetSensorUpdateRate(25); // Updates at 25 Hz (used for periodic events). component.AddService(velocityStateSensor); // Need a List Manager Service for Local Waypoint List Driver. You can // ignore this service for the Underwater Vehicle Competition. component.AddService(new JAUS::ListManager()); JAUS::LocalWaypointListDriver* localWaypointListDriver = new JAUS::LocalWaypointListDriver(); component.AddService(localWaypointListDriver); // Set Vehicle Identification Information. Available options for the // parameters are JAUS::Subsystem::OCU and JAUS::Subsystem::Vehicle. Since // we are not an OCU, we use Vehicle. Finally, the string represents the type // of robot you have (e.g. Segway RMP, XUV). This is different than the // name of your vehicle, but you can use that if you want. Your subsystem number // is your unique identifier. component.DiscoveryService()->SetSubsystemIdentification(JAUS::Subsystem::Vehicle, "Simulation"); // Initialize component with a given ID. Remember, you must // add all your services before you initialize the component, because you // cannot add them after initialization. All services will be deleted by // the component on program exit. if(component.Initialize(JAUS::Address(gSubsystemID, gNodeID, gComponentID)) == false) { std::cout << "Failed to Initialize Component.\n"; return 0; } // Set state to Standby since we have initialized OK. component.ManagementService()->SetStatus(JAUS::Management::Status::Standby); // Now that we are initialized, lets create a fixed connection to the // JVT for testing. Since the JVT and the OCP of the JAUS // Interoperability Challenge do not support multicast for Discovery, you // must make a direct connection to them. JAUS::JTCPClient* transportService = NULL; transportService = (JAUS::JTCPClient*)component.TransportService(); /* // Create connection to JAUS Validation Tool (JVT) transportService->AddConnection("", JAUS::Address(90, 1, 1)); // Create connection to OCP for the JAUS Interoperability Challenge. transportService->AddConnection("", JAUS::Address(42, 1, 1)); */ // Set an initial global pose. JAUS::GlobalPose globalPose; globalPose.SetLatitude(32.703356); globalPose.SetLongitude(-117.253919); globalPose.SetAltitude(300); globalPose.SetPositionRMS(0.0); globalPose.SetRoll(0.0); globalPose.SetPitch(0.0); globalPose.SetYaw(CxUtils::CxToRadians(45)); globalPose.SetAttitudeRMS(0.0); globalPose.SetTimeStamp(JAUS::Time::GetUtcTime()); // Save the data to the service. globalPoseSensor->SetGlobalPose(globalPose); // You can set local pose data using global pose // as it is automatically converted to local pose data for you. // How convenient! localPoseSensor->SetLocalPose(globalPose); // Set an initial velocity state. JAUS::VelocityState velocityState; velocityState.SetVelocityX(0.0); velocityState.SetYawRate(0.0); velocityState.SetVelocityRMS(0.0); velocityState.SetTimeStamp(JAUS::Time::GetUtcTime()); // Save the data to the service. velocityStateSensor->SetVelocityState(velocityState); JAUS::Time::Stamp printTimeMs = 0; double timeDiff = 0.33; // Used for simulation of robot physics. while(CxUtils::GetChar() != 27 && component.ManagementService()->GetStatus() != JAUS::Management::Status::Shutdown) { double thrust = 25; double steering = 0; // Simulate some simple physics based on // desired thrust and steering // to reach local waypoints. double linearDistance = timeDiff*thrust*0.025; double linearVelocity = linearDistance/timeDiff; double rotation = timeDiff*steering*CxUtils::CxToRadians(1); double rotationRate = rotation/timeDiff; double yaw = globalPose.GetYaw(); JAUS::Point3D localPosChange(linearDistance, 0, 0); localPosChange = localPosChange.Rotate(yaw, JAUS::Point3D::Z); CxUtils::Wgs worldPositionWgs(globalPose.GetLatitude(), globalPose.GetLongitude(), globalPose.GetAltitude()); CxUtils::Utm worldPositionUtm(worldPositionWgs); worldPositionUtm.mNorthing += localPosChange.mX; worldPositionUtm.mEasting += localPosChange.mY; yaw = CxUtils::Orientation::AddToAngle(yaw, rotation); // Convert to WGS worldPositionWgs << worldPositionUtm; // Save newly calculated position and orientation. globalPose.SetYaw(yaw); globalPose.SetLatitude(worldPositionWgs.mLatitude); globalPose.SetLongitude(worldPositionWgs.mLongitude); globalPose.SetAltitude(worldPositionWgs.mElevation); globalPose.SetTimeStamp(JAUS::Time(true)); velocityState.SetVelocityX(linearVelocity); velocityState.SetYawRate(rotationRate); velocityState.SetTimeStamp(JAUS::Time(true)); // Save global pose information. globalPoseSensor->SetGlobalPose(globalPose); // The Local Pose Sensor service supports converting // global pose data to local pose data. It automatically // calculates offsets and relative changes for you. localPoseSensor->SetLocalPose(globalPose); // Save velocity state information. velocityStateSensor->SetVelocityState(velocityState); if(JAUS::Time::GetUtcTimeMs() - printTimeMs > 500) { // Print status of services. std::cout << "\n======================================================\n"; component.AccessControlService()->PrintStatus(); std::cout << std::endl; component.ManagementService()->PrintStatus(); std::cout << std::endl; globalPoseSensor->PrintStatus(); std::cout << std::endl; localPoseSensor->PrintStatus(); std::cout << std::endl; velocityStateSensor->PrintStatus(); std::cout << std::endl; localWaypointListDriver->PrintStatus(); printTimeMs = JAUS::Time::GetUtcTimeMs(); } // Exit if escape key pressed. if(CxUtils::GetChar() == 27) { break; } CxUtils::SleepMs((unsigned int)(timeDiff*1000.0)); } // Don't delete services, they are // deleted by the Component class. // Shutdown any components associated with our subsystem. component.Shutdown(); return 0; }
/* * Main program entry point. */ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { std::cout << "Initializing ROS component... "; // ROS initialization stuff ros::init(argc, argv, "jaus"); ros::NodeHandle n; // subscriptions subscriberCmdVel = n.subscribe(ROSTopicCmdVelocity, 1000, ROSVelocityCallback); subscriberOdom = n.subscribe(ROSTopicOdometry, 1000, ROSOdometryCallback); // publications publisherSetLocalPose = n.advertise<nav_msgs::Odometry>(ROSTopicSetLocalPose, 1000); // -- we just use std_msgs::String for waypoints for now, until we can all agree on // some custom ROS messages for setting local pose, and setting waypoints... publisherSetWaypoints = n.advertise<std_msgs::String>(ROSTopicSetWaypoints, 1000); std::cout << "OK" << std::endl; // JAUS initialization stuff JAUS::Component component; JAUS::Subsystem* judgeSubsystem; std::cout << "Initializing JAUS component... "; if (InitializeJAUSComponent(&component) < 0) { std::cout << "Failed!" << std::endl; return -1; } std::cout << "OK" << std::endl; std::cout << "Searching for Judges' COP... "; if ((judgeSubsystem = DiscoverJudgeSubsystem(&component)) == NULL) { std::cout << "Failed!" << std::endl; return -1; } std::cout << "Success (Identification: " << judgeSubsystem->mIdentification << ")" << std::endl; /* * Set initial states for services */ // Set an initial local pose JAUS::LocalPose localPose; localPose.SetX(0.0); localPose.SetY(0.0); localPose.SetTimeStamp(JAUS::Time::GetUtcTime()); localPoseSensor->SetLocalPose(localPose); // Set an initial velocity state JAUS::VelocityState velocityState; velocityState.SetVelocityX(0.0); velocityState.SetYawRate(0.0); velocityState.SetTimeStamp(JAUS::Time::GetUtcTime()); velocityStateSensor->SetVelocityState(velocityState); // now loop forever std::cout << "READY, We are now listening to ROS topics and updating current JAUS state..." << std::endl; JAUS::Management* managementService = (JAUS::Management*)component.GetService(JAUS::Management::Name); JAUS::Time::Stamp displayStatusTimeMs = JAUS::Time::GetUtcTimeMs(); while (true) // (managementService->GetStatus() != JAUS::Management::Status::Shutdown) { if (CxUtils::GetChar() == 'q') break; if (JAUS::Time::GetUtcTimeMs() - displayStatusTimeMs > 2000) { managementService->PrintStatus(); // display a status message displayStatusTimeMs = JAUS::Time::GetUtcTimeMs(); } ros::spinOnce(); // process ROS callbacks CxUtils::SleepMs(10); // save some CPU time } component.Shutdown(); // this will take care of cleanup return 0; }