Json::Value myObject;
myObject["name"] = "John"; myObject["age"] = 30; myObject["isMarried"] = true;
std::string name = myObject.get("name", "").asString(); int age = myObject.get("age", 0).asInt(); bool isMarried = myObject.get("isMarried", false).asBool();The `get` method takes two parameters: the key to look up, and a default value to return if the key doesn't exist in the object. The default value must be the same type as the value being retrieved. In the examples above, the default value for `name` is an empty string, the default value for `age` is 0, and the default value for `isMarried` is `false`. In summary, the "jsoncpp" library provides an easy way to work with JSON data in C++. The `get` method can be used to retrieve values from a JSON object, and the library can be installed via a package manager such as apt-get or Homebrew.