QDebug operator<<( QDebug s, const K3b::Device::Track& track ) { s.nospace() << ( track.type() == K3b::Device::Track::TYPE_AUDIO ? " AUDIO" : " DATA" ) << " " << track.firstSector().lba() << " - " << track.lastSector().lba() << " (" << track.length().lba() << ")"; return s; }
void K3b::InfFileWriter::setTrack( const K3b::Device::Track& track ) { m_indices.clear(); // the first index always has to be a zero (cdrecord manpage) m_indices.append( 0 ); QList<K3b::Msf> indexList = track.indices(); for( int i = 0; i < indexList.count(); ++i ) m_indices.append( indexList[i].lba() ); if( track.index0() > 0 ) m_index0 = track.index0().lba(); else m_index0 = -1; setPreEmphasis( track.preEmphasis() ); setCopyPermitted( track.copyPermitted() ); setTrackStart( track.firstSector() ); setTrackLength( track.length() ); setIsrc( track.isrc() ); setBigEndian( true ); }