Example #1
inline void pi_lua_generic_push(lua_State * l, const KeyBindings::KeyBinding &value) {
	if (value.Enabled()) {
		pi_lua_generic_push(l, value.ToString());
	} else {
Example #2
static void push_bindings(lua_State *l, const KeyBindings::BindingPrototype *protos) {

	lua_newtable(l); // [-1] bindings
	lua_pushnil(l); // [-2] bindings, [-1] group (no current group)

	assert(!protos[0].function); // first entry should be a group header

	int group_idx = 1;
	int binding_idx = 1;
	for (const KeyBindings::BindingPrototype *proto = protos; proto->label; ++proto) {
		if (! proto->function) {
			// start a new named binding group

			// [-2] bindings, [-1] group
			lua_pop(l, 1);
			// [-1] bindings
			lua_pushstring(l, proto->label);
			lua_setfield(l, -2, "label");
			// [-2] bindings, [-1] group
			lua_pushvalue(l, -1);
			// [-3] bindings, [-2] group, [-1] group copy
			lua_rawseti(l, -3, group_idx);

			binding_idx = 1;
		} else {
			// key or axis binding prototype

			// [-2] bindings, [-1] group
			lua_createtable(l, 0, 5);
			// [-3] bindings, [-2] group, [-1] binding

			// fields are: type ('KEY' or 'AXIS'), id ('BindIncreaseSpeed'), label ('Increase Speed'), binding ('Key13'), bindingDescription ('')
			lua_pushstring(l, (proto->kb ? "KEY" : "AXIS"));
			lua_setfield(l, -2, "type");
			lua_pushstring(l, proto->function);
			lua_setfield(l, -2, "id");
			lua_pushstring(l, proto->label);
			lua_setfield(l, -2, "label");
			if (proto->kb) {
				const KeyBindings::KeyBinding kb1 = proto->kb->binding1;
				if (kb1.Enabled()) {
					lua_pushstring(l, kb1.ToString().c_str());
					lua_setfield(l, -2, "binding1");
					lua_pushstring(l, kb1.Description().c_str());
					lua_setfield(l, -2, "bindingDescription1");
				const KeyBindings::KeyBinding kb2 = proto->kb->binding2;
				if (kb2.Enabled()) {
					lua_pushstring(l, kb2.ToString().c_str());
					lua_setfield(l, -2, "binding2");
					lua_pushstring(l, kb2.Description().c_str());
					lua_setfield(l, -2, "bindingDescription2");
			} else if (proto->ab) {
				const KeyBindings::AxisBinding &ab = *proto->ab;
				lua_pushstring(l, ab.ToString().c_str());
				lua_setfield(l, -2, "binding1");
				lua_pushstring(l, ab.Description().c_str());
				lua_setfield(l, -2, "bindingDescription1");
			} else {
				assert(0); // invalid prototype binding

			// [-3] bindings, [-2] group, [-1] binding
			lua_rawseti(l, -2, binding_idx);

		LUA_DEBUG_CHECK(l, 2); // [-2] bindings, [-1] group

	// pop the group table (which should already have been put in the bindings table)
	lua_pop(l, 1);
