KJS::Value JSObjectProxy::get( KJS::ExecState *exec, const KJS::Identifier &p ) const {
            if ( !isAllowed( exec->interpreter() ) ) {
                kdWarning() << "JS get request from unknown interpreter, ignoring" << endl;
                return KJS::Null();

            if ( !policy->isPropertyAllowed( this, obj, p.ascii() ) )
                return ObjectImp::get( exec, p );

            if ( !obj ) {
                kdDebug( 80001 ) << "JS getting '" << p.ustring().qstring() << "' but qobj has died" << endl;
                return ObjectImp::get( exec, p );
            kdDebug( 80001 ) << "JS getting '" << p.ascii() << endl;

            // Properties
            QString prop = p.ustring().qstring();
            QMetaObject *meta = obj->metaObject();

            if ( meta->findProperty( p.ascii(), true ) != -1 ) {
                QVariant val = obj->property( prop.ascii() );
                kdDebug( 80001 ) << "JS getting '" << p.ascii() << "' ( " << val.typeName() << ")" << endl;

                return convertToValue( exec, val );

            return ObjectImp::get
                       ( exec, p );
Example #2
KJS::JSValue *SlotProxy::callMethod(const QByteArray &methodName, void **_a)
    qDebug() << "SlotProxy::callMethod(" << methodName << ",_a) obj=" << this;
    KJS::ExecState *exec = m_interpreter->globalExec();

    // Crash
    // KJS::Interpreter::globalExec()->context().thisValue()
    KJS::List args = convertArguments(exec, _a);
    KJS::Identifier id = KJS::Identifier(KJS::UString(methodName.data()));
    KJS::JSObject *fun = m_object->get(exec, id)->toObject(exec);
    KJS::JSValue *retValue;
    if (!fun->implementsCall()) {
        qDebug() << "SlotProxy::callMethod got bad handler";
        QString msg = i18n("Bad slot handler: Object %1 Identifier %2 Method %3 Signature: %4.",

        retValue = throwError(exec, KJS::TypeError, msg);
    } else {
        retValue = fun->call(exec, m_object, args);

    if (exec->hadException()) {
        qDebug() << "SlotProxy::callMethod had exception";
        if (m_interpreter->shouldPrintExceptions()) {
            KJS::JSLock lock;
            KJS::JSObject *exceptObj = exec->exception()->toObject(exec);//retValue->toObject(exec);
            QString message = toQString(exceptObj->toString(exec));
            QString sourceURL = toQString(exceptObj->get(exec, "sourceURL")->toString(exec));
            int sourceId = exceptObj->get(exec, "sourceId")->toUInt32(exec);
            // would include the line number, but it's always last line of file
            int line = exceptObj->get(exec, "line")->toUInt32(exec);
            (*KJSEmbed::conerr()) << i18n("Exception calling '%1' slot from %2:%3:%4", QString(methodName), !sourceURL.isEmpty() ? sourceURL : QString::number(sourceId), line, message) << endl;

        // clear it so it doesn't stop other things

        return KJS::jsNull();
    } else {
        if (retValue->type() == 1 || retValue->type() == 0) {
            return KJS::jsNull();
    return retValue;
    void JSObjectProxy::put( KJS::ExecState *exec,
                             const KJS::Identifier &p, const KJS::Value &v,
                             int attr ) {
        if ( !isAllowed( exec->interpreter() ) ) {
            kdWarning() << "JS put request from unknown interpreter, ignoring" << endl;
            return ;

        if ( !policy->hasCapability( JSSecurityPolicy::CapabilitySetProperties ) ) {
            ObjectImp::put( exec, p, v, attr );
            return ;

        if ( !obj ) {
            kdDebug( 80001 ) << "JS setting '" << p.ascii() << "' but qobj has died" << endl;
            ObjectImp::put( exec, p, v, attr );
            return ;

        // Properties
        QMetaObject *meta = obj->metaObject();
        int propIndex = meta->findProperty( p.ascii(), true );
        if ( propIndex != -1 ) {
            QVariant val = convertToVariant( exec, v );
            if ( meta->property(propIndex, true)->isEnumType() ) {
                obj->setProperty( p.ascii(), val.toUInt() );
            } else if ( val.isValid() ) {
                obj->setProperty( p.ascii(), val );
            } else {
                kdWarning(80001) << "Error setting value." << endl;
        } else {
            ObjectImp::put( exec, p, v, attr );

        if ( jspart->factory() ->eventMapper() ->isEventHandler( p ) ) {
            if ( evproxy.isNull() )
                evproxy = new KJSEmbed::JSObjectEventProxy( this );
            evproxy->addFilter( jspart->factory() ->eventMapper() ->findEventType( p ) );
            kdDebug( 80001 ) << "Adding event handler " << p.ascii() << endl;
Example #4
bool EventProxy::callHandler( QEvent *e )
// Be careful enabling this as if there are a lot of events then the event loop times
// out and the app crashes with 'Alarm Clock'.
//    qDebug("JSObjectEventProxy::callHandler() event type %d" , e->type() );

    KJS::ExecState *exec = m_interpreter->globalExec();
    KJS::Identifier id = JSEventMapper::mapper()->findEventHandler( e->type() );

    KJS::JSObject *jsobj(m_watch);
    KJS::JSObject *fun = jsobj->get(exec, id )->toObject( exec );

    KJS::JSValue *retValue;
    if ( !fun->implementsCall() )
        QString msg = i18n( "Bad event handler: Object %1 Identifier %2 Method %3 Type: %4.",
        retValue = throwError(exec, KJS::TypeError, msg);
        // Process args
        KJS::List args;
        args.append( JSEventUtils::event(exec, e) );
        // Call handler
        retValue = fun->call( exec, jsobj, args );
    if ( exec->hadException() ) 
        if (m_interpreter->shouldPrintExceptions())
            KJS::JSLock lock;
            KJS::JSObject* exceptObj = retValue->toObject(exec);
            QString message = toQString(exceptObj->toString(exec));
            QString sourceURL = toQString(exceptObj->get(exec, "sourceURL")->toString(exec));
            int sourceId = exceptObj->get(exec, "sourceId")->toUInt32(exec);
            int line = exceptObj->get(exec, "line")->toUInt32(exec);
            (*KJSEmbed::conerr()) << i18n("Exception calling '%1' function from %2:%3:%4", id.ascii(), !sourceURL.isEmpty() ? sourceURL : QString::number(sourceId), line, message) << endl;
        // clear it so it doesn't stop other things
        return false;
    return true;