void AddMethodDialog::accept()
	m_cppSupport->partController() ->editDocument( KURL( m_klass->fileName() ) );
	KTextEditor::EditInterface* editIface = dynamic_cast<KTextEditor::EditInterface*>( m_cppSupport->partController() ->activePart() );
	if ( !editIface )
		/// @todo show messagebox
		return ;

	int line, column;
	m_klass->getEndPosition( &line, &column );

	// compute the insertion point map
	QMap<QString, QPair<int, int> > points;
	QStringList accessList;

	const FunctionList functionList = m_klass->functionList();
	for ( FunctionList::ConstIterator it = functionList.begin(); it != functionList.end(); ++it )
		int funEndLine, funEndColumn;
		( *it ) ->getEndPosition( &funEndLine, &funEndColumn );
		QString access = accessID( *it );
		QPair<int, int> funEndPoint = qMakePair( funEndLine, funEndColumn );

		if ( !points.contains( access ) || points[ access ] < funEndPoint )
			accessList.remove( access );
			accessList.push_back( access ); // move 'access' at the end of the list

			points[ access ] = funEndPoint;

	int insertedLine = 0;

	accessList += newAccessList( accessList );

	for ( QStringList::iterator it = accessList.begin(); it != accessList.end(); ++it )
		QListViewItem* item = methods->firstChild();
		while ( item )
			QListViewItem * currentItem = item;

			item = item->nextSibling();

			if ( currentItem->text( 1 ) != *it )

			QString access = ( *it ).lower();

			bool isInline = currentItem->text( 0 ) == "True";
			QString str = isInline ? functionDefinition( currentItem ) : functionDeclaration( currentItem );

			QPair<int, int> pt;
			if ( points.contains( *it ) )
				pt = points[ *it ];
			str.prepend( access + ":\n" );
				points[ *it ] = qMakePair( line - 1, 0 );
				pt = points[ *it ]; // end of class declaration

			editIface->insertText( pt.first + insertedLine + 1, 0 /*pt.second*/, str );
			insertedLine += str.contains( QChar( '\n' ) );

	m_cppSupport->backgroundParser() ->addFile( m_klass->fileName() );

	QString str;
	QListViewItem* item = methods->firstChild();
	while ( item )
		QListViewItem * currentItem = item;

		item = item->nextSibling();

		QString str = functionDefinition( currentItem );
		if ( str.isEmpty() )

		QString implementationFile = currentItem->text( 5 );
		if ( currentItem->text( 0 ) == "True" )
			implementationFile = m_klass->fileName();

		QFileInfo fileInfo( implementationFile );
		if ( !QFile::exists( fileInfo.absFilePath() ) )
			if ( KDevCreateFile * createFileSupp = m_cppSupport->extension<KDevCreateFile>( "KDevelop/CreateFile" ) )
				createFileSupp->createNewFile( fileInfo.extension(), fileInfo.dirPath( true ), fileInfo.baseName() );

		m_cppSupport->partController() ->editDocument( KURL( implementationFile ) );
		editIface = dynamic_cast<KTextEditor::EditInterface*>( m_cppSupport->partController() ->activePart() );
		if ( !editIface )

		bool isInline = currentItem->text( 0 ) == "True";
		if ( !isInline )
			editIface->insertLine( editIface->numLines(), QString::fromLatin1( "" ) );
			editIface->insertText( editIface->numLines() - 1, 0, str );
			m_cppSupport->backgroundParser() ->addFile( implementationFile );
