size_t PluginManager::GetAllEditors(IEditor::List_t& editors, bool inOrder) { LEditor::Vec_t tmpEditors; size_t flags = MainBook::kGetAll_IncludeDetached; if(inOrder) { flags |= MainBook::kGetAll_RetainOrder; } clMainFrame::Get()->GetMainBook()->GetAllEditors(tmpEditors, flags); editors.insert(editors.end(), tmpEditors.begin(), tmpEditors.end()); return editors.size(); }
void FindResultsTab::OnSearchEnded(wxCommandEvent& e) { m_searchInProgress = false; SearchSummary* summary = (SearchSummary*)e.GetClientData(); if(!summary) return; // did the page closed before the search ended? AppendText(summary->GetMessage() + wxT("\n")); if(m_tb->GetToolToggled(XRCID("scroll_on_output"))) { m_sci->GotoLine(0); } if(!EditorConfigST::Get()->GetOptions()->GetDontAutoFoldResults()) { OutputTabWindow::OnCollapseAll(e); // Uncollapse the first file's matches int maxLine = m_sci->GetLineCount(); for(int line = 0; line < maxLine; line++) { int foldLevel = (m_sci->GetFoldLevel(line) & wxSTC_FOLDLEVELNUMBERMASK) - wxSTC_FOLDLEVELBASE; if(foldLevel == 2 && !m_sci->GetFoldExpanded(line)) { m_sci->ToggleFold(line); break; } } } delete summary; SaveSearchData(); // We need to tell all editors that there's been a (new) search // This lets them clear any already-saved line-changes, // which a new save will have taken into account LEditor::Vec_t editors; clMainFrame::Get()->GetMainBook()->GetAllEditors(editors, MainBook::kGetAll_IncludeDetached); for(size_t n = 0; n < editors.size(); ++n) { LEditor* editor = dynamic_cast<LEditor*>(*(editors.begin() + n)); if(editor) { editor->OnFindInFiles(); } } }
void MainBook::ReloadExternallyModified(bool prompt) { if(m_isWorkspaceReloading) return; static int depth = wxNOT_FOUND; ++depth; // Protect against recursion if(depth == 2) { depth = wxNOT_FOUND; return; } LEditor::Vec_t editors; GetAllEditors(editors, MainBook::kGetAll_IncludeDetached); time_t workspaceModifiedTimeBefore = clCxxWorkspaceST::Get()->GetFileLastModifiedTime(); // filter list of editors for any whose files have been modified std::vector<std::pair<wxFileName, bool> > files; size_t n = 0; for(size_t i = 0; i < editors.size(); i++) { time_t diskTime = editors[i]->GetFileLastModifiedTime(); time_t editTime = editors[i]->GetEditorLastModifiedTime(); if(diskTime != editTime) { // update editor last mod time so that we don't keep bugging the user over the same file, // unless it gets changed again editors[i]->SetEditorLastModifiedTime(diskTime); // A last check: see if the content of the file has actually changed. This avoids unnecessary reload offers // after e.g. git stash if(!CompareFileWithString(editors[i]->GetFileName().GetFullPath(), editors[i]->GetText())) { files.push_back(std::make_pair(editors[i]->GetFileName(), !editors[i]->GetModify())); editors[n++] = editors[i]; } } } editors.resize(n); if(n == 0) return; if(prompt) { int res = clConfig::Get().GetAnnoyingDlgAnswer("FilesModifiedDlg", wxNOT_FOUND); if(res == wxID_CANCEL) { return; // User had previous ticked the 'Remember my answer' checkbox after he'd just chosen Ignore } if(res == wxNOT_FOUND) { // User hasn't previously ticked the 'Remember my answer' checkbox // Show the dialog res = GetFilesModifiedDlg()->ShowModal(); if(GetFilesModifiedDlg()->GetRememberMyAnswer()) { clConfig::Get().SetAnnoyingDlgAnswer("FilesModifiedDlg", res); } if(res == FilesModifiedDlg::kID_BUTTON_IGNORE) { return; } } if(res == FilesModifiedDlg::kID_BUTTON_CHOOSE) { UserSelectFiles(files, _("Reload Modified Files"), _("Files have been modified outside the editor.\nChoose which files you would like to reload."), false); } } time_t workspaceModifiedTimeAfter = clCxxWorkspaceST::Get()->GetFileLastModifiedTime(); if(workspaceModifiedTimeBefore != workspaceModifiedTimeAfter) { // a workspace reload occured between the "Reload Modified Files" and // the "Reload WOrkspace" dialog, cancel this it's not needed anymore return; } // See issue: LEditor::Vec_t editorsAgain; GetAllEditors(editorsAgain, MainBook::kGetAll_IncludeDetached); // Make sure that the tabs that we have opened // are still available in the main book LEditor::Vec_t realEditorsList; std::sort(editors.begin(), editors.end()); std::sort(editorsAgain.begin(), editorsAgain.end()); std::set_intersection( editorsAgain.begin(), editorsAgain.end(), editors.begin(), editors.end(), std::back_inserter(realEditorsList)); // Update the "files" list if(editors.size() != realEditorsList.size()) { // something went wrong here... CallAfter(&MainBook::ReloadExternallyModified, prompt); return; } // reset the recursive protector depth = wxNOT_FOUND; std::vector<wxFileName> filesToRetag; for(size_t i = 0; i < files.size(); i++) { if(files[i].second) { editors[i]->ReloadFile(); filesToRetag.push_back(files[i].first); } } if(filesToRetag.size() > 1) { TagsManagerST::Get()->RetagFiles(filesToRetag, TagsManager::Retag_Quick); SendCmdEvent(wxEVT_FILE_RETAGGED, (void*)&filesToRetag); } else if(filesToRetag.size() == 1) { ManagerST::Get()->RetagFile(; SendCmdEvent(wxEVT_FILE_RETAGGED, (void*)&filesToRetag); } }