//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_com_softwarrior_libtorrent_LibTorrent_SetSession (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jint ListenPort, jint UploadLimit, jint DownloadLimit) { jboolean result = JNI_FALSE; try{ gSession.set_alert_mask(libtorrent::alert::all_categories & ~(libtorrent::alert::dht_notification + libtorrent::alert::progress_notification + libtorrent::alert::debug_notification + libtorrent::alert::stats_notification)); int listenPort = 54321; if(ListenPort > 0) listenPort = ListenPort; gSession.listen_on(std::make_pair(listenPort, listenPort+10)); int uploadLimit = UploadLimit; if(uploadLimit > 0){ gSession.set_upload_rate_limit(uploadLimit * 1000); } else{ gSession.set_upload_rate_limit(0); } int downloadLimit = DownloadLimit; if(downloadLimit > 0){ gSession.set_download_rate_limit(downloadLimit * 1000); } else{ gSession.set_download_rate_limit(0); } libtorrent::session_settings sets = gSession.settings(); sets.announce_to_all_trackers = true; sets.announce_to_all_tiers = true; sets.prefer_udp_trackers = false; sets.max_peerlist_size = 0; gSession.set_settings(sets); LOG_INFO("ListenPort: %d\n", listenPort); LOG_INFO("DownloadLimit: %d\n", downloadLimit); LOG_INFO("UploadLimit: %d\n", uploadLimit); gSessionState=true; }catch(...){ LOG_ERR("Exception: failed to set session"); gSessionState=false; } if(!gSessionState) LOG_ERR("LibTorrent.SetSession SessionState==false"); gSessionState==true ? result=JNI_TRUE : result=JNI_FALSE; return result; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc == 1) { printhelp(argv[0]); } int tmp; char torrentfile[255]; int usrpid = 0; int mypid; char pidfilename[255]; char ip[16]; int delay = 10; strcpy(ip, ""); strcpy(pidfilename, argv[0]); strcat(pidfilename, ".pid"); while((tmp=getopt(argc,argv,"ht:p:f:b:d:"))!=-1) { switch(tmp) { case 'h': printhelp(argv[0]); break; case 't': strcpy(torrentfile, optarg); break; case 'p': usrpid = atoi(optarg); break; case 'f': strcpy(pidfilename, optarg); break; case 'b': strcpy(ip, optarg); break; case 'd': delay = atoi(optarg); break; default: printhelp(argv[0]); break; } } if (usrpid == 0) { printhelp(argv[0]); } mypid = ::getpid(); std::signal(SIGINT, exit_signalHandler); std::signal(SIGTERM, exit_signalHandler); using namespace libtorrent; // set peer_id to nodename char hostname[HOST_NAME_MAX]; gethostname(hostname, HOST_NAME_MAX); char buff[21]; snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "%20s", hostname); peer_id my_peer_id = sha1_hash(buff); s.set_peer_id(my_peer_id); error_code ec; // set up torrent session s.listen_on(std::make_pair(6881, 6889), ec, ip); if (ec) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to open listen socket: %s\n", ec.message().c_str()); return 1; } // create torrent object add_torrent_params p; p.save_path = "./"; p.ti = new torrent_info(torrentfile, ec); if (ec) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", ec.message().c_str()); return 1; } // start downloading torrent torrent_handle torrent = s.add_torrent(p, ec); if (ec) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", ec.message().c_str()); return 1; } // create pidfile std::ofstream pidfile; pidfile.open(pidfilename); pidfile << mypid; pidfile << "\n"; pidfile.close(); std::vector<torrent_status> vts; s.get_torrent_status(&vts, &yes, 0); torrent_status& st = vts[0]; boost::int64_t remains = st.total_wanted - st.total_wanted_done; fprintf(stdout, "Remains: %i\n", remains); //fprintf(stdout, "Torrent: %i\n", torrent); while( remains > 0 && run ) { usleep(delay*1000000); std::vector<torrent_status> vts; s.get_torrent_status(&vts, &yes, 0); torrent_status& st = vts[0]; remains = st.total_wanted - st.total_wanted_done; fprintf(stdout, "Remains: %i\n", remains); torrent.force_reannounce(); } // send SIGUSR1 to process fprintf(stdout, "Done with torrent. Sending SIGUSR1 to PID %i\n", usrpid); kill(usrpid, SIGUSR1); while (run) { usleep(delay*1000000); torrent.force_reannounce(); } s.abort(); remove(pidfilename); fprintf(stdout, "Exit.\n"); return 0; }