Example #1
PythonObject::ResolveName(llvm::StringRef name) const
    // Resolve the name in the context of the specified object.  If,
    // for example, `this` refers to a PyModule, then this will look for
    // `name` in this module.  If `this` refers to a PyType, then it will
    // resolve `name` as an attribute of that type.  If `this` refers to
    // an instance of an object, then it will resolve `name` as the value
    // of the specified field.
    // This function handles dotted names so that, for example, if `m_py_obj`
    // refers to the `sys` module, and `name` == "path.append", then it
    // will find the function `sys.path.append`.

    size_t dot_pos = name.find_first_of('.');
    if (dot_pos == llvm::StringRef::npos)
        // No dots in the name, we should be able to find the value immediately
        // as an attribute of `m_py_obj`.
        return GetAttributeValue(name);

    // Look up the first piece of the name, and resolve the rest as a child of that.
    PythonObject parent = ResolveName(name.substr(0, dot_pos));
    if (!parent.IsAllocated())
        return PythonObject();

    // Tail recursion.. should be optimized by the compiler
    return parent.ResolveName(name.substr(dot_pos + 1));
Example #2
bool BreakpointID::StringIsBreakpointName(llvm::StringRef str, Status &error) {
  if (str.empty())
    error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("Empty breakpoint names are not allowed");
    return false;

  // First character must be a letter or _
  if (!isalpha(str[0]) && str[0] != '_')
    error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("Breakpoint names must start with a "
                                   "character or underscore: %s",
    return false;

  // Cannot contain ., -, or space.
  if (str.find_first_of(".- ") != llvm::StringRef::npos) {
    error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("Breakpoint names cannot contain "
                                   "'.' or '-': \"%s\"",
    return false;

  return true;
Example #3
PythonObject::ResolveNameWithDictionary(llvm::StringRef name, const PythonDictionary &dict)
    size_t dot_pos = name.find_first_of('.');
    llvm::StringRef piece = name.substr(0, dot_pos);
    PythonObject result = dict.GetItemForKey(PythonString(piece));
    if (dot_pos == llvm::StringRef::npos)
        // There was no dot, we're done.
        return result;

    // There was a dot.  The remaining portion of the name should be looked up in
    // the context of the object that was found in the dictionary.
    return result.ResolveName(name.substr(dot_pos + 1));
OptionValueProperties::GetSubValue(const ExecutionContext *exe_ctx,
  llvm::StringRef name, bool will_modify,
                                   Error &error) const {
  lldb::OptionValueSP value_sp;
  if (name.empty())
    return OptionValueSP();

  llvm::StringRef sub_name;
  ConstString key;
  size_t key_len = name.find_first_of(".[{");
  if (key_len != llvm::StringRef::npos) {
    sub_name = name.drop_front(key_len);
  } else

  value_sp = GetValueForKey(exe_ctx, key, will_modify);
  if (sub_name.empty() || !value_sp)
    return value_sp;

  switch (sub_name[0]) {
  case '.': {
    lldb::OptionValueSP return_val_sp;
    return_val_sp =
        value_sp->GetSubValue(exe_ctx, sub_name.drop_front(), will_modify, error);
    if (!return_val_sp) {
      if (Properties::IsSettingExperimental(sub_name.drop_front())) {
        size_t experimental_len =
        if (sub_name[experimental_len + 1] == '.')
          return_val_sp = value_sp->GetSubValue(
              exe_ctx, sub_name.drop_front(experimental_len + 2), will_modify, error);
        // It isn't an error if an experimental setting is not present.
        if (!return_val_sp)
    return return_val_sp;
  case '{':
    // Predicate matching for predicates like
    // "<setting-name>{<predicate>}"
    // strings are parsed by the current OptionValueProperties subclass
    // to mean whatever they want to. For instance a subclass of
    // OptionValueProperties for a lldb_private::Target might implement:
    // "target.run-args{arch==i386}"   -- only set run args if the arch is
    // i386
    // "target.run-args{path=/tmp/a/b/c/a.out}" -- only set run args if the
    // path matches
    // "target.run-args{basename==test&&arch==x86_64}" -- only set run args
    // if executable basename is "test" and arch is "x86_64"
    if (sub_name[1]) {
      llvm::StringRef predicate_start = sub_name.drop_front();
      size_t pos = predicate_start.find_first_of('}');
      if (pos != llvm::StringRef::npos) {
        auto predicate = predicate_start.take_front(pos);
        auto rest = predicate_start.drop_front(pos);
        if (PredicateMatches(exe_ctx, predicate)) {
          if (!rest.empty()) {
            // Still more subvalue string to evaluate
            return value_sp->GetSubValue(exe_ctx, rest,
                                          will_modify, error);
          } else {
            // We have a match!
    // Predicate didn't match or wasn't correctly formed

  case '[':
    // Array or dictionary access for subvalues like:
    // "[12]"       -- access 12th array element
    // "['hello']"  -- dictionary access of key named hello
    return value_sp->GetSubValue(exe_ctx, sub_name, will_modify, error);

  return value_sp;