Example #1
/// addNodeToList (MBB) - When an MBB is added to an MF, we need to update the
/// parent pointer of the MBB, the MBB numbering, and any instructions in the
/// MBB to be on the right operand list for registers.
/// MBBs start out as #-1. When a MBB is added to a MachineFunction, it
/// gets the next available unique MBB number. If it is removed from a
/// MachineFunction, it goes back to being #-1.
void ilist_traits<MachineBasicBlock>::addNodeToList(MachineBasicBlock *N) {
  MachineFunction &MF = *N->getParent();
  N->Number = MF.addToMBBNumbering(N);

  // Make sure the instructions have their operands in the reginfo lists.
  MachineRegisterInfo &RegInfo = MF.getRegInfo();
  for (MachineBasicBlock::instr_iterator
         I = N->instr_begin(), E = N->instr_end(); I != E; ++I)