static std::string
getMaterializeForSetCallbackName(ProtocolConformance *conformance,
                                 FuncDecl *requirement) {

  DeclContext *dc = requirement;
  ClosureExpr closure(/*patterns*/ nullptr,
                      /*throws*/ SourceLoc(),
                      /*arrow*/ SourceLoc(),
                      /*in*/ SourceLoc(),
                      /*result*/ TypeLoc(),
                      /*discriminator*/ 0,
                      /*context*/ requirement);

  Mangle::ASTMangler Mangler;
  std::string New;
  if (conformance) {
    // Concrete witness thunk for a conformance:
    // Mangle this as if it were a conformance thunk for a closure
    // within the requirement.
    return Mangler.mangleClosureWitnessThunk(conformance, &closure);
  // Default witness thunk or concrete implementation:
  // Mangle this as if it were a closure within the requirement.
  return Mangler.mangleClosureEntity(&closure,