Example #1
/// Constructor.
/// @param wsName :: Name of a MatrixWorkspace with the data for fitting.
/// @param wsIndex :: Workspace index of a spectrum in wsName to plot.
/// @param outputWSName :: Name of the Fit's output workspace containing at
/// least 3 spectra:
///    #0 - original data (the same as in wsName[wsIndex]), #1 - calculated
///    data, #3 - difference.
///    If empty - ignore this workspace.
DatasetPlotData::DatasetPlotData(const QString &wsName, int wsIndex,
                                 const QString &outputWSName)
    : m_dataCurve(new QwtPlotCurve(wsName + QString(" (%1)").arg(wsIndex))),
      m_dataErrorCurve(NULL), m_calcCurve(NULL), m_diffCurve(NULL),
      m_showDataErrorBars(false) {
  // get the data workspace
  auto ws = Mantid::API::AnalysisDataService::Instance()
  if (!ws) {
    QString mess =
        QString("Workspace %1 either doesn't exist or isn't a MatrixWorkspace")
    throw std::runtime_error(mess.toStdString());
  // check that the index is in range
  if (static_cast<size_t>(wsIndex) >= ws->getNumberHistograms()) {
    QString mess = QString("Spectrum %1 doesn't exist in workspace %2")
    throw std::runtime_error(mess.toStdString());

  // get the data workspace
  Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr outputWS;
  if (!outputWSName.isEmpty()) {
    std::string stdOutputWSName = outputWSName.toStdString();
    if (Mantid::API::AnalysisDataService::Instance().doesExist(
            stdOutputWSName)) {
      try {
        outputWS =
      } catch (Mantid::Kernel::Exception::NotFoundError &) {
        QString mess =
                "Workspace %1 either doesn't exist or isn't a MatrixWorkspace")
        throw std::runtime_error(mess.toStdString());

  // create the curves
  setData(ws.get(), wsIndex, outputWS.get());