Example #1
static bool storeInWallet( KWallet::Wallet* wallet, const QString& key, const KIO::AuthInfo &info )
    if ( !wallet->hasFolder( KWallet::Wallet::PasswordFolder() ) )
        if ( !wallet->createFolder( KWallet::Wallet::PasswordFolder() ) )
            return false;
    wallet->setFolder( KWallet::Wallet::PasswordFolder() );
    // Before saving, check if there's already an entry with this login.
    // If so, replace it (with the new password). Otherwise, add a new entry.
    typedef QMap<QString,QString> Map;
    int entryNumber = 1;
    Map map;
    QString walletKey = makeWalletKey( key, info.realmValue );
    kdDebug(130) << "storeInWallet: walletKey=" << walletKey << "  reading existing map" << endl;
    if ( wallet->readMap( walletKey, map ) == 0 ) {
        Map::ConstIterator end = map.end();
        Map::ConstIterator it = map.find( "login" );
        while ( it != end ) {
            if ( it.data() == info.username ) {
                break; // OK, overwrite this entry
            it = map.find( QString( "login-" ) + QString::number( ++entryNumber ) );
        // If no entry was found, create a new entry - entryNumber is set already.
    const QString loginKey = makeMapKey( "login", entryNumber );
    const QString passwordKey = makeMapKey( "password", entryNumber );
    kdDebug(130) << "storeInWallet: writing to " << loginKey << "," << passwordKey << endl;
    // note the overwrite=true by default
    map.insert( loginKey, info.username );
    map.insert( passwordKey, info.password );
    wallet->writeMap( walletKey, map );
    return true;
Example #2
void MidiPort::updateWritablePorts()
	// first save all selected ports
	QStringList selectedPorts;
	for( Map::ConstIterator it = m_writablePorts.begin(); it != m_writablePorts.end(); ++it )
		if( it.value() )
			selectedPorts.push_back( it.key() );

	const QStringList & wp = m_midiClient->writablePorts();
	// now insert new ports and restore selections
	for( QStringList::ConstIterator it = wp.begin(); it != wp.end(); ++it )
		m_writablePorts[*it] = ( selectedPorts.indexOf( *it ) != -1 );

	emit writablePortsChanged();
Example #3
void MidiPort::loadSettings( const QDomElement& thisElement )
	m_inputChannelModel.loadSettings( thisElement, "inputchannel" );
	m_outputChannelModel.loadSettings( thisElement, "outputchannel" );
	m_inputControllerModel.loadSettings( thisElement, "inputcontroller" );
	m_outputControllerModel.loadSettings( thisElement, "outputcontroller" );
	m_fixedInputVelocityModel.loadSettings( thisElement, "fixedinputvelocity" );
	m_fixedOutputVelocityModel.loadSettings( thisElement, "fixedoutputvelocity" );
	m_outputProgramModel.loadSettings( thisElement, "outputprogram" );
	m_baseVelocityModel.loadSettings( thisElement, "basevelocity" );
	m_readableModel.loadSettings( thisElement, "readable" );
	m_writableModel.loadSettings( thisElement, "writable" );

	// restore connections

	if( isInputEnabled() )
		QStringList rp = thisElement.attribute( "inports" ).split( ',' );
		for( Map::ConstIterator it = m_readablePorts.begin(); it != m_readablePorts.end(); ++it )
			if( it.value() != ( rp.indexOf( it.key() ) != -1 ) )
				subscribeReadablePort( it.key() );
		emit readablePortsChanged();

	if( isOutputEnabled() )
		QStringList wp = thisElement.attribute( "outports" ).split( ',' );
		for( Map::ConstIterator it = m_writablePorts.begin(); it != m_writablePorts.end(); ++it )
			if( it.value() != ( wp.indexOf( it.key() ) != -1 ) )
				subscribeWritablePort( it.key() );
		emit writablePortsChanged();

	if( thisElement.hasAttribute( "basevelocity" ) == false )
		// for projects created by LMMS < 0.9.92 there's no value for the base
		// velocity and for compat reasons we have to stick with maximum velocity
		// which did not allow note volumes > 100%
		m_baseVelocityModel.setValue( MidiMaxVelocity );
Example #4
void MidiPort::saveSettings( QDomDocument& doc, QDomElement& thisElement )
	m_inputChannelModel.saveSettings( doc, thisElement, "inputchannel" );
	m_outputChannelModel.saveSettings( doc, thisElement, "outputchannel" );
	m_inputControllerModel.saveSettings( doc, thisElement, "inputcontroller" );
	m_outputControllerModel.saveSettings( doc, thisElement, "outputcontroller" );
	m_fixedInputVelocityModel.saveSettings( doc, thisElement, "fixedinputvelocity" );
	m_fixedOutputVelocityModel.saveSettings( doc, thisElement, "fixedoutputvelocity" );
	m_fixedOutputNoteModel.saveSettings( doc, thisElement, "fixedoutputnote" );
	m_outputProgramModel.saveSettings( doc, thisElement, "outputprogram" );
	m_baseVelocityModel.saveSettings( doc, thisElement, "basevelocity" );
	m_readableModel.saveSettings( doc, thisElement, "readable" );
	m_writableModel.saveSettings( doc, thisElement, "writable" );

	if( isInputEnabled() )
		QString rp;
		for( Map::ConstIterator it = m_readablePorts.begin(); it != m_readablePorts.end(); ++it )
			if( it.value() )
				rp += it.key() + ",";
		// cut off comma
		if( rp.length() > 0 )
			rp.truncate( rp.length() - 1 );
		thisElement.setAttribute( "inports", rp );

	if( isOutputEnabled() )
		QString wp;
		for( Map::ConstIterator it = m_writablePorts.begin(); it != m_writablePorts.end(); ++it )
			if( it.value() )
				wp += it.key() + ",";
		// cut off comma
		if( wp.length() > 0 )
			wp.truncate( wp.length() - 1 );
		thisElement.setAttribute( "outports", wp );
Example #5
static bool readFromWallet(KWallet::Wallet *wallet, const QString &key, const QString &realm, QString &username, QString &password, bool userReadOnly,
                           QMap< QString, QString > &knownLogins)
    // kdDebug(130) << "readFromWallet: key=" << key << " username="******" password="******" userReadOnly=" << userReadOnly
    // << " realm=" << realm << endl;

        QMap< QString, QString > map;
        if(wallet->readMap(makeWalletKey(key, realm), map) == 0)
            typedef QMap< QString, QString > Map;
            int entryNumber = 1;
            Map::ConstIterator end = map.end();
            Map::ConstIterator it = map.find("login");
            while(it != end)
                // kdDebug(130) << "readFromWallet: found " << it.key() << "=" << it.data() << endl;
                Map::ConstIterator pwdIter = map.find(makeMapKey("password", entryNumber));
                if(pwdIter != end)
                    if(it.data() == username)
                        password = pwdIter.data();
                    knownLogins.insert(it.data(), pwdIter.data());

                it = map.find(QString("login-") + QString::number(++entryNumber));
            // kdDebug(130) << knownLogins.count() << " known logins" << endl;

            if(!userReadOnly && !knownLogins.isEmpty() && username.isEmpty())
                // Pick one, any one...
                username = knownLogins.begin().key();
                password = knownLogins.begin().data();
                // kdDebug(130) << "readFromWallet: picked the first one : " << username << endl;

            return true;
    return false;
Example #6
void MidiPort::updateMidiPortMode()
	// this small lookup-table makes everything easier
	static const Modes modeTable[2][2] =
		{ Disabled, Output },
		{ Input, Duplex }
	} ;
	setMode( modeTable[m_readableModel.value()][m_writableModel.value()] );

	// check whether we have to dis-check items in connection-menu
	if( !isInputEnabled() )
		for( Map::ConstIterator it = m_readablePorts.begin(); it != m_readablePorts.end(); ++it )
			// subscribed?
			if( it.value() )
				subscribeReadablePort( it.key(), false );

	if( !isOutputEnabled() )
		for( Map::ConstIterator it = m_writablePorts.begin(); it != m_writablePorts.end(); ++it )
			// subscribed?
			if( it.value() )
				subscribeWritablePort( it.key(), false );

	emit readablePortsChanged();
	emit writablePortsChanged();
	emit modeChanged();

	if( Engine::getSong() )