void NewtonIterationBlackoilInterleaved::formInterleavedSystem(const std::vector<ADB>& eqs,
                                                                   const Eigen::SparseMatrix<double, Eigen::RowMajor>& A,
                                                                   Mat& istlA) const
        const int np = eqs.size();

        // Find sparsity structure as union of basic block sparsity structures,
        // corresponding to the jacobians with respect to pressure.
        // Use addition to get to the union structure.
        Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> structure = eqs[0].derivative()[0];
        for (int phase = 0; phase < np; ++phase) {
            structure += eqs[phase].derivative()[0];
        Eigen::SparseMatrix<double, Eigen::RowMajor> s = structure;

        // Create ISTL matrix with interleaved rows and columns (block structured).
        assert(np == 3);
        istlA.setSize(s.rows(), s.cols(), s.nonZeros());
        const int* ia = s.outerIndexPtr();
        const int* ja = s.innerIndexPtr();
        for (Mat::CreateIterator row = istlA.createbegin(); row != istlA.createend(); ++row) {
            int ri = row.index();
            for (int i = ia[ri]; i < ia[ri + 1]; ++i) {
        const int size = s.rows();
        Span span[3] = { Span(size, 1, 0),
                         Span(size, 1, size),
                         Span(size, 1, 2*size) };
        for (int row = 0; row < size; ++row) {
            for (int col_ix = ia[row]; col_ix < ia[row + 1]; ++col_ix) {
                const int col = ja[col_ix];
                MatrixBlockType block;
                for (int p1 = 0; p1 < np; ++p1) {
                    for (int p2 = 0; p2 < np; ++p2) {
                        block[p1][p2] = A.coeff(span[p1][row], span[p2][col]);
                istlA[row][col] = block;
Example #2
    LinearSolverISTL::solve(int size, int nonzeros,
                            const int* ia, const int* ja, const double* sa,
                            const double* rhs, double* solution)
        // Build ISTL structures from input.
        // System matrix
        Mat A(size, size, nonzeros, Mat::row_wise);
        for (Mat::CreateIterator row = A.createbegin(); row != A.createend(); ++row) {
            int ri = row.index();
            for (int i = ia[ri]; i < ia[ri + 1]; ++i) {
        for (int ri = 0; ri < size; ++ri) {
            for (int i = ia[ri]; i < ia[ri + 1]; ++i) {
                A[ri][ja[i]] = sa[i];
        // System RHS
        Vector b(size);
        std::copy(rhs, rhs + size, b.begin());
        // System solution
        Vector x(size);
        x = 0.0;

        if (linsolver_save_system_)
            // Save system to files.
            writeMatrixToMatlab(A, linsolver_save_filename_ + "-mat");
            std::string rhsfile(linsolver_save_filename_ + "-rhs");
            std::ofstream rhsf(rhsfile.c_str());
            rhsf.setf(std::ios::scientific | std::ios::showpos);
            std::copy(b.begin(), b.end(),
                      std::ostream_iterator<VectorBlockType>(rhsf, "\n"));
        int maxit = linsolver_max_iterations_;
        if (maxit == 0) {
            maxit = A.N();

        LinearSolverResults res;
        switch (linsolver_type_) {
        case CG_ILU0:
            res = solveCG_ILU0(A, x, b, linsolver_residual_tolerance_, maxit, linsolver_verbosity_);
        case CG_AMG:
            res = solveCG_AMG(A, x, b, linsolver_residual_tolerance_, maxit, linsolver_verbosity_);
        case BiCGStab_ILU0:
            res = solveBiCGStab_ILU0(A, x, b, linsolver_residual_tolerance_, maxit, linsolver_verbosity_);
            std::cerr << "Unknown linsolver_type: " << int(linsolver_type_) << '\n';
            throw std::runtime_error("Unknown linsolver_type");
        std::copy(x.begin(), x.end(), solution);
        return res;
    LinearSolverIstl::solve(const int size,
                            const int nonzeros,
                            const int* ia,
                            const int* ja,
                            const double* sa,
                            const double* rhs,
                            double* solution) const
        // Build Istl structures from input.
        // System matrix
        Mat A(size, size, nonzeros, Mat::row_wise);
        for (Mat::CreateIterator row = A.createbegin(); row != A.createend(); ++row) {
            int ri = row.index();
            for (int i = ia[ri]; i < ia[ri + 1]; ++i) {
        for (int ri = 0; ri < size; ++ri) {
            for (int i = ia[ri]; i < ia[ri + 1]; ++i) {
                A[ri][ja[i]] = sa[i];
        // System RHS
        Vector b(size);
        std::copy(rhs, rhs + size, b.begin());
        // System solution
        Vector x(size);
        x = 0.0;

        if (linsolver_save_system_)
            // Save system to files.
            writeMatrixToMatlab(A, linsolver_save_filename_ + "-mat");
            std::string rhsfile(linsolver_save_filename_ + "-rhs");
            std::ofstream rhsf(rhsfile.c_str());
            rhsf.setf(std::ios::scientific | std::ios::showpos);
            std::copy(b.begin(), b.end(),
                      std::ostream_iterator<VectorBlockType>(rhsf, "\n"));
        int maxit = linsolver_max_iterations_;
        if (maxit == 0) {
            maxit = 5000;

        LinearSolverReport res;        
        switch (linsolver_type_) {
        case CG_ILU0:
            res = solveCG_ILU0(A, x, b, linsolver_residual_tolerance_, maxit, linsolver_verbosity_);
        case CG_AMG:
            res = solveCG_AMG(A, x, b, linsolver_residual_tolerance_, maxit, linsolver_verbosity_);
        case KAMG:
            res = solveKAMG(A, x, b, linsolver_residual_tolerance_, maxit, linsolver_verbosity_);
            throw std::runtime_error("KAMG not supported with this version of DUNE");
        case FastAMG:
            res = solveFastAMG(A, x, b, linsolver_residual_tolerance_, maxit, linsolver_verbosity_);
	      std::cerr<<"Fast AMG is not available; falling back to CG preconditioned with the normal one"<<std::endl;
	    res = solveCG_AMG(A, x, b, linsolver_residual_tolerance_, maxit, linsolver_verbosity_);
        case BiCGStab_ILU0:
            res = solveBiCGStab_ILU0(A, x, b, linsolver_residual_tolerance_, maxit, linsolver_verbosity_);
            std::cerr << "Unknown linsolver_type: " << int(linsolver_type_) << '\n';
            throw std::runtime_error("Unknown linsolver_type");
        std::copy(x.begin(), x.end(), solution);
        return res;