bool approxEqual(const MatrixWrapper::ColumnVector& a, const MatrixWrapper::ColumnVector& b, double epsilon) { if (a.rows() != b.rows()) return false; for (unsigned int r=0; r<a.rows(); r++) if (!approxEqual(a(r+1), b(r+1),epsilon)) return false; return true; }
bool Quaternion_Wrapper::getEulerAngles(std::string axes, MatrixWrapper::ColumnVector& output) { bool ret = false; // Normalize quaternion MyQuaternion& quat = (*(MyQuaternion*)this); quat.normalize(); if (!(output.rows() == 3)) ret = false; else { if (!"xyz")) { double r = quat(1); double x = quat(2); double y = quat(3); double z = quat(4); output(1) = atan2(2*y*z + 2*x*r, 1 - 2*pow(x,2) - 2*pow(y,2)); output(2) = asin(-2*x*z + 2*y*r); output(3) = atan2(2*x*y + 2*z*r, 1 - 2*pow(y,2) - 2*pow(z,2)); // NOTE Reference // output(1) = atan2(-2*x*y - 2*z*r, 1 - 2*pow(y,2) - 2*pow(z,2)); // output(2) = asin(-2*x*z + 2*y*r); // output(3) = atan2(-2*z*y + 2*x*r, 1 - 2*pow(x,2) - 2*pow(y,2)); ret = true; } else std::cout << "[quaternion_wrapper.cpp] Computation for axis order " << axes << " has not been implemented yet" << std::endl; } return ret; }
void DetectorFilter::composeTransform(const MatrixWrapper::ColumnVector& vector, geometry_msgs::PoseWithCovarianceStamped& pose) { assert(vector.rows() == 6); // construct kdl rotation from vector (x, y, z, Rx, Ry, Rz), and extract quaternion KDL::Rotation rot = KDL::Rotation::RPY(vector(4), vector(5), vector(6)); rot.GetQuaternion(pose.pose.pose.orientation.x, pose.pose.pose.orientation.y, pose.pose.pose.orientation.z, pose.pose.pose.orientation.w); pose.pose.pose.position.x = vector(1); pose.pose.pose.position.y = vector(2); pose.pose.pose.position.z = vector(3); };
void DetectorFilter::decomposeTransform(const geometry_msgs::PoseWithCovarianceStamped& pose, MatrixWrapper::ColumnVector& vector) { assert(vector.rows() == 6); // construct kdl rotation from quaternion, and extract RPY KDL::Rotation rot = KDL::Rotation::Quaternion(pose.pose.pose.orientation.x, pose.pose.pose.orientation.y, pose.pose.pose.orientation.z, pose.pose.pose.orientation.w); rot.GetRPY(vector(4), vector(5), vector(6)); vector(1) = pose.pose.pose.position.x; vector(2) = pose.pose.pose.position.y; vector(3) = pose.pose.pose.position.z; };
void SRIteratedExtendedKalmanFilter::MeasUpdate(MeasurementModel<MatrixWrapper::ColumnVector,MatrixWrapper::ColumnVector>* const measmodel,const MatrixWrapper::ColumnVector& z,const MatrixWrapper::ColumnVector& s) { MatrixWrapper::Matrix invS(z.rows(),z.rows()); MatrixWrapper::Matrix Sr(z.rows(),z.rows()); MatrixWrapper::Matrix K_i(_post->CovarianceGet().rows(),z.rows()); MatrixWrapper::ColumnVector x_k = _post->ExpectedValueGet(); MatrixWrapper::SymmetricMatrix P_k = _post->CovarianceGet(); MatrixWrapper::ColumnVector x_i = _post->ExpectedValueGet(); MatrixWrapper::Matrix H_i; MatrixWrapper::SymmetricMatrix R_i; MatrixWrapper::Matrix R_vf; MatrixWrapper::Matrix SR_vf; MatrixWrapper::ColumnVector Z_i; MatrixWrapper::Matrix U; MatrixWrapper::ColumnVector V; MatrixWrapper::Matrix W; MatrixWrapper::Matrix JP1; int change; Matrix diag(JP.rows(),JP.columns()); Matrix invdiag(JP.rows(),JP.columns()); diag=0;invdiag=0;change=0; V=0;U=0;W=0; // matrix determining the numerical limitations of covariance matrix: for(unsigned int j=1;j<JP.rows()+1;j++){diag(j,j)=100; invdiag(j,j)=0.01;} for (unsigned int i=1; i<nr_iterations+1; i++) { x_i = _post->ExpectedValueGet(); H_i = ((LinearAnalyticMeas_Implicit*)measmodel)->df_dxGet(s,x_i); Z_i = ((LinearAnalyticMeas_Implicit*)measmodel)->ExpectedValueGet() + ( H_i * (x_k - x_i) ); R_i = ((LinearAnalyticMeas_Implicit*)measmodel)->CovarianceGet(); SR_vf = ((LinearAnalyticMeas_Implicit*)measmodel)->SRCovariance(); // check two different types of Kalman filters: if(((LinearAnalyticMeas_Implicit*)measmodel)->Is_Identity()==1) { R_vf = SR_vf.transpose(); } else { R_i.cholesky_semidefinite(R_vf); R_vf = R_vf.transpose(); } // numerical limitations // The singular values of the Square root covariance matrix are limited the the value of 10e-4 // because of numerical stabilisation of the Kalman filter algorithm. JP.SVD(V,U,W); MatrixWrapper::Matrix V_matrix(U.columns(),W.columns()); for(unsigned int k=1;k<JP.rows()+1;k++) { V_matrix(k,k) = V(k); V(k)=max(V(k),1.0/(Numerical_Limitation)); if(V(k)==1/(Numerical_Limitation)){change=1;} } if(change==1) { JP = U*V_matrix*(W.transpose()); } // end limitations CalculateMatrix(H_i, R_i , invS , K_i , Sr ); CalculateMean(x_k, z, Z_i , K_i); if (i==nr_iterations) { CalculateCovariance( R_vf, H_i, invS, Sr ); } } }