bool FileProcess::CreateIniXML(std::string strFile) { std::cout << strFile << std::endl; // 打开excel MiniExcelReader::ExcelFile* x = new MiniExcelReader::ExcelFile(); if (!x->open(strFile.c_str())) { printf("can't open %s\n", strFile.c_str()); return false; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 开始创建xml tinyxml2::XMLDocument* iniDoc = new tinyxml2::XMLDocument(); if (NULL == iniDoc) { return false; } //xml声明 tinyxml2::XMLDeclaration *pDel = iniDoc->NewDeclaration("xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\""); if (NULL == pDel) { return false; } iniDoc->LinkEndChild(pDel); // 写入XML root标签 tinyxml2::XMLElement* root = iniDoc->NewElement("XML"); iniDoc->LinkEndChild(root); // 读取excel中每一个sheet std::vector<MiniExcelReader::Sheet>& sheets = x->sheets(); std::vector<std::string> vColNames; std::vector<std::string> vDataIDs; std::map<std::string, std::string> mDataValues; int nCurrentCol = 0; for (MiniExcelReader::Sheet& sh : sheets) { std::string strSheetName = sh.getName(); std::string strUpperSheetName = strSheetName.substr(0, 8); transform(strUpperSheetName.begin(), strUpperSheetName.end(), strUpperSheetName.begin(), ::tolower); if (strUpperSheetName != "property") { continue; } const MiniExcelReader::Range& dim = sh.getDimension(); for (int c = dim.firstCol; c <= dim.lastCol; c++) { MiniExcelReader::Cell* cell = sh.getCell(dim.firstRow, c); if (cell) { vColNames.push_back(cell->value); } } if (vDataIDs.size() <= 0) { for (int r = dim.firstRow + 8; r <= dim.lastRow; r++) { MiniExcelReader::Cell* cell = sh.getCell(r, dim.firstCol); if (cell) { if (cell->value.length() > 0) { vDataIDs.push_back(cell->value); } } } } for (int r = dim.firstRow + 8; r <= vDataIDs.size() + 8; r++) { std::string testValue = ""; MiniExcelReader::Cell* cell = sh.getCell(r, dim.firstCol); for (int c = dim.firstCol; c <= dim.lastCol; c++) { std::string name = vColNames[c - 1 + nCurrentCol]; std::string value = ""; MiniExcelReader::Cell* cell = sh.getCell(r, c); std::string vType = sh.getCell(dim.firstRow + 1, c)->value; if (cell) { std::string valueCell = cell->value; transform(valueCell.begin(), valueCell.end(), valueCell.begin(), ::toupper); if (valueCell == "TRUE" || valueCell == "FALSE") { value = valueCell == "TRUE" ? 1 : 0; } else { value = cell->value; if (value.size() <= 0) { if (vType == "int" || vType == "float") { value = "0"; } else { value = ""; } } } } else { if (vType == "int" || vType == "float") { value = "0"; } else { value = ""; } } //check the field is utf8, then convert it into gbk. auto descLength = value.size(); if (bConvertIntoUTF8 && IsTextUTF8(value.c_str(), descLength)) { if (descLength > 0) { char* chrArrDesc = new char[descLength]; Utf8ToGbk((char*)value.c_str(), chrArrDesc); value = chrArrDesc; delete[] chrArrDesc; } } mDataValues.insert(std::pair<string, string>(vDataIDs[r - 9] + name, value)); } } nCurrentCol += dim.lastCol; } int nDataCount = 0; if (strFile.find("NPC") > 0 && strFile.find("NPC") < strFile.size()) { int a = 0; } for (auto strID : vDataIDs) { auto objectNode = iniDoc->NewElement("Object"); root->LinkEndChild(objectNode); for (auto strColName : vColNames) { if (strColName == "Id") { const char* chrID = objectNode->Attribute("Id"); if (!chrID) { objectNode->SetAttribute(strColName.c_str(), mDataValues[strID + strColName].c_str()); } } else { objectNode->SetAttribute(strColName.c_str(), mDataValues[strID + strColName].c_str()); } nDataCount++; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 保存文件 int nLastPoint = strFile.find_last_of(".") + 1; int nLastSlash = strFile.find_last_of("/") + 1; std::string strFileName = strFile.substr(nLastSlash, nLastPoint - nLastSlash - 1); std::string strFileExt = strFile.substr(nLastPoint, strFile.length() - nLastPoint); std::string strXMLFile = strToolBasePath + strXMLIniPath + strFileName; if (nCipher > 0) { strXMLFile += ".NF"; } else { strXMLFile += ".xml"; } iniDoc->SetBOM(false); iniDoc->SaveFile(strXMLFile.c_str()); delete iniDoc; delete x; return true; }
bool DatasetCommand::ParseXlsx(const char *pPath) { MiniExcelReader::ExcelFile excelFile; if(! return false; auto &sheets = excelFile.sheets(); std::string strXlsxName = GetFileName(pPath, false); for(auto i = 0; i < sheets.size(); i++) { auto &sheet = sheets[i]; // 索引不是从 0 开始的 需要注意一下 auto &range = sheet.getDimension(); std::string sheetName = strXlsxName; if(sheets.size() > 1 && sheetName != sheet.getName()) { sheetName.append("_"); sheetName.append(sheet.getName()); } std::cout << sheetName << std::endl; // 获取导出标记 std::vector<bool> vecExportFlag; vecExportFlag.resize(sheet.getDimension().lastCol-1); bool bHasExport = false; int nMaxCol; for(int col = 2; col <= range.lastCol; col++) { auto cell = sheet.getCell(4, col); if(cell == NULL) break; int nTag = atoi(cell->value.c_str()); vecExportFlag[col-2] = nTag == 0 || nTag == m_nTag; if(!bHasExport) bHasExport = vecExportFlag[col-2]; nMaxCol = col; } if(!bHasExport) { continue ; } auto &vecProperty = m_mapTable[sheetName]; auto &vecEnum = m_mapTableEnum[sheetName]; std::string strHeader; std::string strType; for(int col = 2; col <= nMaxCol; col++) { if(vecExportFlag[col-2]) { auto cell1 = sheet.getCell(NAME_ROW, col); strHeader.append(cell1->value); strHeader.append(","); auto cell2 = sheet.getCell(TYPE_ROW, col); strType.append(cell2->value); strType.append(","); auto cell3 = sheet.getCell(DESC_ROW, col); DBData data; data.strName = cell1->value; data.strType = cell2->value; data.strDesc = cell3->value; vecProperty.push_back(data); } } // 导出csv if(bHasExport && m_strCSVDir.size() > 0) { strHeader.pop_back(); strType.pop_back(); strHeader.append("\n"); strType.append("\n"); std::string strContent; for(int row = CONTENT_ROW; row <= range.lastRow; row++) { auto cellEnum = sheet.getCell(row, 1); if(cellEnum && cellEnum->value.size() > 0) { DBData enumData; enumData.strName = cellEnum->value; cellEnum = sheet.getCell(row, 2); if(cellEnum && cellEnum->value.size() > 0) { enumData.strType = cellEnum->value; } cellEnum = sheet.getCell(row, 3); if(cellEnum && cellEnum->value.size() > 0) { enumData.strDesc = cellEnum->value; } vecEnum.push_back(enumData); } bool bHasData = false; for(int col = 2; col <= nMaxCol; col++) { auto cell = sheet.getCell(row, col); if(vecExportFlag[col-2]) { bHasData = cell->value.size() > 0; if(bHasData) break; } } if(bHasData) { for(int col = 2; col <= nMaxCol; col++) { auto cell = sheet.getCell(row, col); if(vecExportFlag[col-2]) { std::string strValue = cell->value; Utility_ReplaceString(strValue, "\"", "\"\""); if(strValue.find_first_of(',') != -1) { strValue.insert(0, "\""); strValue.push_back('\"'); } strContent.append(strValue); strContent.append(","); } } strContent.pop_back(); strContent.append("\n"); } } CreatDir((char*)m_strCSVDir.c_str()); FILE *fp = fopen((m_strCSVDir+sheetName+".csv").c_str(), "wb"); fwrite(strHeader.c_str(), strHeader.size(), 1, fp); fwrite(strType.c_str(), strType.size(), 1, fp); fwrite(strContent.c_str(), strContent.size(), 1, fp); fclose(fp); } } return true; }
bool FileProcess::CreateStructXML(std::string strFile, std::string strFileName) { std::cout << strFile << std::endl; // 打开excel MiniExcelReader::ExcelFile* x = new MiniExcelReader::ExcelFile(); if (!x->open(strFile.c_str())) { printf("can't open %s\n", strFile.c_str()); return false; } // PropertyName // cpp std::string strHPPPropertyInfo = ""; std::string strHppRecordInfo = ""; std::string strHppEnumInfo = ""; strHPPPropertyInfo = strHPPPropertyInfo + "class " + strFileName + "\n{\npublic:\n"; strHPPPropertyInfo = strHPPPropertyInfo + "\t//Class name\n\tstatic const std::string& ThisName(){ static std::string x" + strFileName + " = \"" + strFileName + "\";" + " return x" + strFileName + "; }\n" + "\t// IObject\n" + strHppIObjectInfo + "\t// Property\n"; // java std::string strJavaPropertyInfo = ""; std::string strJavaRecordInfo = ""; std::string strJavaEnumInfo = ""; strJavaPropertyInfo = strJavaPropertyInfo + "public class " + strFileName + " {\n"; strJavaPropertyInfo = strJavaPropertyInfo + "\t//Class name\n\tpublic static final String ThisName = \"" + strFileName + "\";\n\t// IObject\n" + strJavaIObjectInfo + "\t// Property\n"; // C# std::string strCSPropertyInfo = ""; std::string strCSRecordInfo = ""; std::string strCSEnumInfo = ""; strCSPropertyInfo = strCSPropertyInfo + "public class " + strFileName + "\n{\n"; strCSPropertyInfo = strCSPropertyInfo + "\t//Class name\n\tpublic static readonly string ThisName = \"" + strFileName + "\";\n\t// IObject\n" + strCSIObjectInfo + "\t// Property\n"; // 开始创建xml tinyxml2::XMLDocument* structDoc = new tinyxml2::XMLDocument(); if (NULL == structDoc) { return false; } //xml声明 tinyxml2::XMLDeclaration *pDel = structDoc->NewDeclaration("xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\""); if (NULL == pDel) { return false; } structDoc->LinkEndChild(pDel); // 写入XML root标签 tinyxml2::XMLElement* root = structDoc->NewElement("XML"); structDoc->LinkEndChild(root); // 写入Propertys标签 tinyxml2::XMLElement* propertyNodes = structDoc->NewElement("Propertys"); root->LinkEndChild(propertyNodes); // 写入Records标签 tinyxml2::XMLElement* recordNodes = structDoc->NewElement("Records"); root->LinkEndChild(recordNodes); // 写入components的处理 tinyxml2::XMLElement* componentNodes = structDoc->NewElement("Components"); root->LinkEndChild(componentNodes); // 读取excel中每一个sheet std::vector<MiniExcelReader::Sheet>& sheets = x->sheets(); for (MiniExcelReader::Sheet& sh : sheets) { std::string strSheetName = sh.getName(); const MiniExcelReader::Range& dim = sh.getDimension(); std::string strUpperSheetName = strSheetName.substr(0, 8); transform(strUpperSheetName.begin(), strUpperSheetName.end(), strUpperSheetName.begin(), ::tolower); if (strUpperSheetName == "property") { std::vector<std::string> colNames; for (int r = dim.firstRow; r <= dim.firstRow + 7; r++) { MiniExcelReader::Cell* cell = sh.getCell(r, dim.firstCol); if (cell) { colNames.push_back(cell->value); } } for (int c = dim.firstCol + 1; c <= dim.lastCol; c++) { std::string testValue = ""; MiniExcelReader::Cell* cell = sh.getCell(dim.firstRow, c); if (cell) { testValue = cell->value; } if (testValue == "") { continue; } auto propertyNode = structDoc->NewElement("Property"); propertyNodes->LinkEndChild(propertyNode); std::string strType = ""; for (int r = dim.firstRow; r <= dim.firstRow + 7; r++) { std::string name = colNames[r - 1]; std::string value = ""; MiniExcelReader::Cell* cell = sh.getCell(r, c); if (cell) { std::string valueCell = cell->value; transform(valueCell.begin(), valueCell.end(), valueCell.begin(), ::toupper); if (valueCell == "TRUE" || valueCell == "FALSE") { value = valueCell == "TRUE" ? 1 : 0; } else { value = cell->value; } if (name == "Type") { strType = value; } } propertyNode->SetAttribute(name.c_str(), value.c_str()); } strHPPPropertyInfo = strHPPPropertyInfo + "\tstatic const std::string& " + testValue + "(){ static std::string x" + testValue + " = \"" + testValue + "\";" + " return x" + testValue + "; } // " + strType + "\n"; strJavaPropertyInfo = strJavaPropertyInfo + "\tpublic static final String " + testValue + " = \"" + testValue + "\"; // " + strType + "\n"; strCSPropertyInfo = strCSPropertyInfo + "\tpublic static readonly String " + testValue + " = \"" + testValue + "\"; // " + strType + "\n"; if (strFileName == "IObject") { strHppIObjectInfo += "\tstatic const std::string& " + testValue + "(){ static std::string x" + testValue + " = \"" + testValue + "\";" + " return x" + testValue + "; } // " + strType + "\n"; strJavaIObjectInfo += "\tpublic static final String " + testValue + " = \"" + testValue + "\"; // " + strType + "\n"; strCSIObjectInfo += "\tpublic static readonly String " + testValue + " = \"" + testValue + "\"; // " + strType + "\n"; } } } else if (strUpperSheetName == "componen") { std::vector<std::string> colNames; for (int c = dim.firstCol; c <= dim.lastCol; c++) { MiniExcelReader::Cell* cell = sh.getCell(dim.firstRow, c); if (cell) { colNames.push_back(cell->value); } } for (int r = dim.firstRow + 1; r <= dim.lastRow; r++) { std::string testValue = ""; MiniExcelReader::Cell* cell = sh.getCell(r, dim.firstCol); if (cell) { testValue = cell->value; } if (testValue == "") { continue; } auto componentNode = structDoc->NewElement("Component"); componentNodes->LinkEndChild(componentNode); std::string strType = ""; for (int c = dim.firstCol; c <= dim.lastCol; c++) { std::string name = colNames[c - 1]; std::string value = ""; MiniExcelReader::Cell* cell = sh.getCell(r, c); if (cell) { std::string valueCell = cell->value; transform(valueCell.begin(), valueCell.end(), valueCell.begin(), ::toupper); if (valueCell == "TRUE" || valueCell == "FALSE") { value = valueCell == "TRUE" ? 1 : 0; } else { value = cell->value; } if (name == "Type") { strType = value; } } componentNode->SetAttribute(name.c_str(), value.c_str()); } } } else { const int nRowsCount = dim.lastRow - dim.firstRow + 1; const int nRecordCount = nRowsCount / 10; if (nRowsCount != nRecordCount * 10) { printf("This Excel[%s]'s Record is something wrong, Sheet[%s] Total Rows is %d lines, Not 10*N\n", strFile.c_str(), strSheetName.c_str(), nRowsCount); printf("Generate faild!\n"); printf("Press [Enter] key to exit!\n"); std::cin.ignore(); exit(1); } for (int nCurrentRecord = 1; nCurrentRecord <= nRecordCount; nCurrentRecord++) { std::string strRecordName = ""; std::string strRow = ""; std::string strCol = ""; std::string strPublic = ""; std::string strPrivate = ""; std::string strSave = ""; std::string strCache = ""; std::string strDesc = ""; MiniExcelReader::Cell* cell = sh.getCell((nCurrentRecord - 1) * 10 + 1, 2); if (cell) { strRecordName = cell->value; } cell = nullptr; cell = sh.getCell((nCurrentRecord - 1) * 10 + 2, 2); if (cell) { strRow = cell->value; } cell = nullptr; cell = sh.getCell((nCurrentRecord - 1) * 10 + 3, 2); if (cell) { strCol = cell->value; } cell = nullptr; cell = sh.getCell((nCurrentRecord - 1) * 10 + 4, 2); if (cell) { if (cell->value == "TRUE" || cell->value == "FALSE") { strPublic = cell->value == "TRUE" ? 1 : 0; } else { strPublic = cell->value; } } cell = nullptr; cell = sh.getCell((nCurrentRecord - 1) * 10 + 5, 2); if (cell) { if (cell->value == "TRUE" || cell->value == "FALSE") { strPrivate = cell->value == "TRUE" ? 1 : 0; } else { strPrivate = cell->value; } } cell = nullptr; cell = sh.getCell((nCurrentRecord - 1) * 10 + 6, 2); if (cell) { if (cell->value == "TRUE" || cell->value == "FALSE") { strSave = cell->value == "TRUE" ? 1 : 0; } else { strSave = cell->value; } } cell = nullptr; cell = sh.getCell((nCurrentRecord - 1) * 10 + 7, 2); if (cell) { if (cell->value == "TRUE" || cell->value == "FALSE") { strCache = cell->value == "TRUE" ? 1 : 0; } else { strCache = cell->value; } } cell = nullptr; cell = sh.getCell((nCurrentRecord - 1) * 10 + 10, 2); if (cell) { strDesc = cell->value; } cell = nullptr; const int nExcelCols = atoi(strCol.c_str()); int nRealCols = 0; auto recordNode = structDoc->NewElement("Record"); recordNodes->LinkEndChild(recordNode); recordNode->SetAttribute("Id", strRecordName.c_str()); recordNode->SetAttribute("Row", strRow.c_str()); recordNode->SetAttribute("Col", strCol.c_str()); recordNode->SetAttribute("Public", strPublic.c_str()); recordNode->SetAttribute("Private", strPublic.c_str()); recordNode->SetAttribute("Save", strSave.c_str()); recordNode->SetAttribute("Cache", strCache.c_str()); recordNode->SetAttribute("Desc", strDesc.c_str()); strHppRecordInfo = strHppRecordInfo + "\tstatic const std::string& R_" + strRecordName + "(){ static std::string x" + strRecordName + " = \"" + strRecordName + "\";" + " return x" + strRecordName + ";}\n"; strHppEnumInfo = strHppEnumInfo + "\n\tenum " + strRecordName + "\n\t{\n"; strJavaRecordInfo = strJavaRecordInfo + "\tpublic static final String R_" + strRecordName + " = \"" + strRecordName + "\";\n"; strJavaEnumInfo = strJavaEnumInfo + "\n\tpublic enum " + strRecordName + "\n\t{\n"; strCSRecordInfo = strCSRecordInfo + "\tpublic static readonly String R_" + strRecordName + " = \"" + strRecordName + "\";\n"; strCSEnumInfo = strCSEnumInfo + "\n\tpublic enum " + strRecordName + "\n\t{\n"; std::string toWrite = "enum " + strRecordName + "\n{\n"; fwrite(toWrite.c_str(), toWrite.length(), 1, protoWriter); for (int nRecordCol = dim.firstCol;nRecordCol <= dim.lastCol;nRecordCol++) { std::string strType = ""; std::string strTag = ""; cell = sh.getCell((nCurrentRecord - 1) * 10 + 8, nRecordCol); if (cell) { strTag = cell->value; } else { break; } cell = nullptr; cell = sh.getCell((nCurrentRecord - 1) * 10 + 9, nRecordCol); if (cell) { strType = cell->value; } else { break; } cell = nullptr; auto colNode = structDoc->NewElement("Col"); recordNode->LinkEndChild(colNode); colNode->SetAttribute("Type", strType.c_str()); colNode->SetAttribute("Tag", strTag.c_str()); toWrite = "\t" + strTag + "\t\t= " + std::to_string(nRecordCol - 1) + "; // " + strTag + " -- " + strType + "\n"; fwrite(toWrite.c_str(), toWrite.length(), 1, protoWriter); strHppEnumInfo += "\t\t" + strRecordName + "_" + strTag + "\t\t= " + std::to_string(nRecordCol - 1) + ", // " + strTag + " -- " + strType + "\n"; strJavaEnumInfo += "\t\t" + strTag + "\t\t= " + std::to_string(nRecordCol - 1) + ", // " + strTag + " -- " + strType + "\n"; strCSEnumInfo += "\t\t" + strTag + "\t\t= " + std::to_string(nRecordCol - 1) + ", // " + strTag + " -- " + strType + "\n"; nRealCols++; } if (nExcelCols != nRealCols) { printf("This Excel[%s]'s format is something wrong, Record[%s] field \"col\"==%d not equal the real cols==%d!\n", strFile.c_str(), strRecordName.c_str(), nExcelCols, nRealCols); printf("Press [Enter] key to exit!"); std::cin.ignore(); exit(1); } fwrite("}\n", 2, 1, protoWriter); strHppEnumInfo += "\n\t};\n"; strJavaEnumInfo += "\n\t};\n"; strCSEnumInfo += "\n\t};\n"; } } } // cpp strHPPPropertyInfo += "\t// Record\n" + strHppRecordInfo + strHppEnumInfo + "\n};\n\n"; fwrite(strHPPPropertyInfo.c_str(), strHPPPropertyInfo.length(), 1, hppWriter); // java strJavaPropertyInfo += "\t// Record\n" + strJavaRecordInfo + strJavaEnumInfo + "\n}\n\n"; fwrite(strJavaPropertyInfo.c_str(), strJavaPropertyInfo.length(), 1, javaWriter); // C# strCSPropertyInfo += "\t// Record\n" + strCSRecordInfo + strCSEnumInfo + "\n}\n\n"; fwrite(strCSPropertyInfo.c_str(), strCSPropertyInfo.length(), 1, csWriter); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 保存文件 std::string strFilePath(strFile); int nLastPoint = strFilePath.find_last_of(".") + 1; int nLastSlash = strFilePath.find_last_of("/") + 1; std::string strFileExt = strFilePath.substr(nLastPoint, strFilePath.length() - nLastPoint); std::string strXMLFile = strToolBasePath + strXMLStructPath + strFileName; if (nCipher > 0) { strXMLFile += ".NF"; } else { strXMLFile += ".xml"; } structDoc->SetBOM(false); structDoc->SaveFile(strXMLFile.c_str()); delete structDoc; delete x; return true; }