void mitk::InternalTrackingTool::SetToolTip(mitk::Point3D toolTipPosition,
                                            mitk::Quaternion orientation,
                                            mitk::ScalarType eps)
  if ( !Equal(m_ToolTip, toolTipPosition, eps) ||
       !Equal(m_ToolTipRotation, orientation, eps) )
    if( (toolTipPosition[0] == 0) &&
        (toolTipPosition[1] == 0) &&
        (toolTipPosition[2] == 0) &&
        (orientation.x() == 0) &&
        (orientation.y() == 0) &&
        (orientation.z() == 0) &&
        (orientation.r() == 1))
      m_ToolTipSet = false;
      m_ToolTipSet = true;
    m_ToolTip = toolTipPosition;
    m_ToolTipRotation = orientation;
double mitk::StaticIGTHelperFunctions::GetAngleBetweenTwoQuaterions(mitk::Quaternion a, mitk::Quaternion b, itk::Vector<double,3> rotationVector)
  double returnValue;

  itk::Vector<double,3> point; //caution 5D-Tools: correct verctor along the tool axis is needed
  point[0] = rotationVector[0];
  point[1] = rotationVector[1];
  point[2] = rotationVector[2];

  //Quaternions used for rotations should alway be normalized, so just to be safe:

  itk::Matrix<double,3,3> rotMatrixA;
  for(int i=0; i<3; i++) for(int j=0; j<3; j++) rotMatrixA[i][j] = a.rotation_matrix_transpose().transpose()[i][j];

  itk::Matrix<double,3,3> rotMatrixB;
  for(int i=0; i<3; i++) for(int j=0; j<3; j++) rotMatrixB[i][j] = b.rotation_matrix_transpose().transpose()[i][j];

  itk::Vector<double,3> pt1 = rotMatrixA * point;
  itk::Vector<double,3> pt2 = rotMatrixB * point;

  returnValue = (pt1[0]*pt2[0]+pt1[1]*pt2[1]+pt1[2]*pt2[2]) / ( sqrt(pow(pt1[0],2.0)+pow(pt1[1],2.0)+pow(pt1[2],2.0)) * sqrt(pow(pt2[0],2.0)+pow(pt2[1],2.0)+pow(pt2[2],2.0)));
  returnValue = acos(returnValue) * 57.296; //57,296 = 180/Pi ; conversion to degrees

  return returnValue;
bool runLoop()

  bool success = true;
  mitk::NavigationData::Pointer nd0;
  mitk::NavigationData::Pointer nd1;
  for(unsigned int i=0; i<player->GetNumberOfSnapshots();++i)
    nd0 = player->GetOutput();
    nd1 = player->GetOutput(1);

    // test some values
    if(nd0.IsNull() || nd1.IsNull()) return false;

      if (!(qTool0Snapshot0.as_vector() == nd0->GetOrientation().as_vector())) {success = false;}
    else if(i==1)
      if (!(tTool0Snapshot1 == nd0->GetPosition().GetVnlVector())) {success = false;}
      else if (!(qTool1Snapshot1.as_vector() == nd1->GetOrientation().as_vector())) {success = false;}
    else if(i==2) // should be repeated
      if (!(tTool1Snapshot2 == nd1->GetPosition().GetVnlVector())) {success = false;}

  return success;
 * Tests if NavigationData::GetInverse throws an error if the NavigationData has no inverse
 * (e.g. after it is initialized, no rotation is stored -> the transformation cannot be inverted).
static void TestInverseError()
  // initialize empty NavigationData (quaternion is zeroed)
  mitk::NavigationData::Pointer nd = mitk::NavigationData::New();
  mitk::Quaternion quaternion;

  MITK_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(mitk::Exception&, nd->GetInverse());
void TestStandardWorkflow()
  // create test values valid for the xml data above
  tTool0Snapshot1[0] = -336.65;
  tTool0Snapshot1[1] = 138.5;
  tTool0Snapshot1[2]= -2061.07;
  tTool1Snapshot2[0] = -56.93;
  tTool1Snapshot2[1] = 233.79;
  tTool1Snapshot2[2]= -2042.6;
  vnl_vector_fixed<mitk::ScalarType,4> qVec;
  qVec[0] = 0.0085;
  qVec[1] = -0.0576;
  qVec[2]= -0.0022;
  qVec[3]= 0.9982;
  qTool0Snapshot0 = mitk::Quaternion(qVec);
  qVec[0] = 0.4683;
  qVec[1] = 0.0188;
  qVec[2]= -0.8805;
  qVec[3]= 0.0696;
  qTool1Snapshot1 = mitk::Quaternion(qVec);

  //test SetXMLString()
  MITK_TEST_CONDITION_REQUIRED(player->GetNumberOfSnapshots() == 3,"Testing method SetXMLString with 3 navigation datas.");
  MITK_TEST_CONDITION_REQUIRED(player->GetNumberOfIndexedOutputs() == 2,"Testing number of outputs");

  //rest repeat
  MITK_TEST_CONDITION_REQUIRED(runLoop(),"Testing first run.");
  MITK_TEST_CONDITION_REQUIRED(runLoop(),"Testing second run."); //repeat is on should work a second time

  // now test the go to snapshot function
  mitk::NavigationData::Pointer nd1 = player->GetOutput(1);
  MITK_TEST_CONDITION(tTool1Snapshot2 == nd1->GetPosition().GetVnlVector(),
                      "Testing GoToSnapshot() [1]");

  mitk::NavigationData::Pointer nd0 = player->GetOutput();
  MITK_TEST_CONDITION(qTool0Snapshot0.as_vector() == nd0->GetOrientation().as_vector(),
                      "Testing GoToSnapshot() [2]");


  // and a third time
  MITK_TEST_CONDITION_REQUIRED(runLoop(),"Tested if repeat works again.");

Example #6
std::string mitk::NavigationToolWriter::ConvertQuaternionToString(mitk::Quaternion quat)
std::stringstream returnValue;
returnValue << quat.x() << ";" << quat.y() << ";" << quat.z() << ";" << quat.r();
return returnValue.str();