void WaveView::songChanged(MusECore::SongChangedFlags_t flags) { // Is it simply a midi controller value adjustment? Forget it. if(flags == SC_MIDI_CONTROLLER) return; if (flags & ~(SC_SELECTION | SC_PART_SELECTION | SC_TRACK_SELECTION)) { // TODO FIXME: don't we actually only want SC_PART_*, and maybe SC_TRACK_DELETED? // (same in ecanvas.cpp) startSample = INT_MAX; endSample = 0; curPart = 0; for (MusECore::iPart p = editor->parts()->begin(); p != editor->parts()->end(); ++p) { MusECore::WavePart* part = (MusECore::WavePart*)(p->second); if (part->sn() == curPartId) curPart = part; int ssample = part->frame(); int esample = ssample + part->lenFrame(); if (ssample < startSample) { startSample = ssample; //printf("startSample = %d\n", startSample); } if (esample > endSample) { endSample = esample; //printf("endSample = %d\n", endSample); } } } if (flags & SC_CLIP_MODIFIED) { redraw(); // Boring, but the only thing possible to do } if (flags & SC_TEMPO) { setPos(0, MusEGlobal::song->cpos(), false); setPos(1, MusEGlobal::song->lpos(), false); setPos(2, MusEGlobal::song->rpos(), false); } redraw(); }
void WaveView::pdraw(QPainter& p, const QRect& rr) { int x1 = rr.x(); int x2 = rr.right() + 1; if (x1 < 0) x1 = 0; if (x2 > width()) x2 = width(); int hh = height(); int h = hh/2; int y = rr.y() + h; // Added by T356. int xScale = xmag; if (xScale < 0) xScale = -xScale; for (MusECore::iPart ip = editor->parts()->begin(); ip != editor->parts()->end(); ++ip) { MusECore::WavePart* wp = (MusECore::WavePart*)(ip->second); int channels = wp->track()->channels(); int px = wp->frame(); for (MusECore::ciEvent e = wp->events().begin(); e != wp->events().end(); ++e) { const MusECore::Event event& = e->second; if (event.empty()) continue; MusECore::SndFileR f = event.sndFile(); if(f.isNull()) continue; unsigned peoffset = px + event.frame() - event.spos(); int sx, ex; sx = event.frame() + px + xScale/2; ex = sx + event.lenFrame(); sx = sx / xScale - xpos; ex = ex / xScale - xpos; if (sx < x1) sx = x1; if (ex > x2) ex = x2; int pos = (xpos + sx) * xScale + event.spos() - event.frame() - px; //printf("pos=%d xpos=%d sx=%d ex=%d xScale=%d event.spos=%d event.frame=%d px=%d\n", // pos, xpos, sx, ex, xScale, event.spos(), event.frame(), px); h = hh / (channels * 2); int cc = hh % (channels * 2) ? 0 : 1; for (int i = sx; i < ex; i++) { y = rr.y() + h; MusECore::SampleV sa[f.channels()]; f.read(sa, xScale, pos); pos += xScale; if (pos < event.spos()) continue; int selectionStartPos = selectionStart - peoffset; // Offset transformed to event coords int selectionStopPos = selectionStop - peoffset; for (int k = 0; k < channels; ++k) { int kk = k % f.channels(); int peak = (sa[kk].peak * (h - 1)) / yScale; int rms = (sa[kk].rms * (h - 1)) / yScale; if (peak > h) peak = h; if (rms > h) rms = h; QColor peak_color = QColor(Qt::darkGray); QColor rms_color = QColor(Qt::black); // Changed by T356. Reduces (but not eliminates) drawing artifacts. //if (pos > selectionStartPos && pos < selectionStopPos) { if (pos > selectionStartPos && pos <= selectionStopPos) { peak_color = QColor(Qt::lightGray); rms_color = QColor(Qt::white); // Draw inverted p.setPen(QColor(Qt::black)); p.drawLine(i, y - h + cc, i, y + h - cc ); } p.setPen(peak_color); p.drawLine(i, y - peak - cc, i, y + peak); p.setPen(rms_color); p.drawLine(i, y - rms - cc, i, y + rms); y += 2 * h; } } } } View::pdraw(p, rr); }