Example #1
Sequence FunctionRegexGroup::createSequence(DynamicContext *context, int flags) const
    XPath2MemoryManager *mm = context->getMemoryManager();

    const RegexGroupStore *store = context->getRegexGroupStore();
    if(store == 0)
        return Sequence(context->getItemFactory()->createString(XMLUni::fgZeroLenString, context), mm);

    Numeric::Ptr indexItem = getParamNumber(1, context)->next(context);
        return Sequence(context->getItemFactory()->createString(XMLUni::fgZeroLenString, context), mm);

    const XMLCh *indexStr = indexItem->asString(context);

    int index = 0;
    while(*indexStr != 0) {
        if(*indexStr >= '0' && *indexStr <= '9') {
            index *= 10;
            index += *indexStr - '0';

    const XMLCh *result = store->getGroup(index);
    if(result == 0) result = XMLUni::fgZeroLenString;

    return Sequence(context->getItemFactory()->createString(result, context), mm);
Example #2
/** Returns a Numeric object which is the quotient of this and other */
Numeric::Ptr ATFloatOrDerivedImpl::divide(const Numeric::Ptr &other, const DynamicContext* context) const {
    if(other->getPrimitiveTypeIndex() == AnyAtomicType::DECIMAL) {
        // if other is a decimal, promote it to xs:float
        return this->divide((const Numeric::Ptr )other->castAs(this->getPrimitiveTypeIndex(), context), context);
    } else if (other->getPrimitiveTypeIndex() == AnyAtomicType::DOUBLE) {
        // if other is a double, promote this to xs:double
        return ((const Numeric::Ptr )this->castAs(other->getPrimitiveTypeIndex(), context))->divide(other, context);
    } else if (other->getPrimitiveTypeIndex() == AnyAtomicType::FLOAT) {
        // same primitive type, can make comparison
        ATFloatOrDerivedImpl* otherImpl = (ATFloatOrDerivedImpl*)(const Numeric*)other;
        if(otherImpl->_state == NaN) return notANumber(context);

        switch (_state) {
        case NaN:
            return notANumber(context);
        case INF: {
            switch(otherImpl->_state) {
            case NaN:
                return notANumber(context);      // case taken care of above
            case NEG_NUM:
            case NUM:
                return other->isPositive() ? infinity(context) : negInfinity(context);        // INF / NUM = +/-INF
            case INF:
                return notANumber(context);      // INF / INF = NaN
            case NEG_INF:
                return notANumber(context);  // INF / (-INF) = NaN
                return 0; // should never get here
            } // switch
        }// case
        case NEG_INF: {
            switch(otherImpl->_state) {
            case NaN:
                return notANumber(context);          //case taken care of above
            case NEG_NUM:
            case NUM:
                return other->isPositive() ? negInfinity(context) : infinity(context);         // -INF / NUM = -INF
            case INF:
                return notANumber(context);          // -INF / INF = NaN
            case NEG_INF:
                return notANumber(context);      // -INF / (-INF) = NaN
                return 0; // should never get here
            } // switch
        } // case
        case NEG_NUM:
        case NUM: {
            switch(otherImpl->_state) {
            case NaN:
                return notANumber(context);          // case taken care of above
            case INF: {                                    // NUM / INF = +/-0
                if(this->isNegative()) {
                    return negZero(context);
                } else {
                    return newFloat(0, context);
            }// case
            case NEG_INF: {                               // NUM / -INF = +/-0
                if(this->isPositive()) {
                    return negZero(context);
                } else {
                    return newFloat(0, context);
            }// case
            case NEG_NUM:
            case NUM: {
                if(other->isZero()) {
                    if(this->isZero()) return notANumber(context);
                    if((this->isNegative() && other->isPositive()) ||
                            (this->isPositive() && other->isNegative())) {
                        return negInfinity(context);            // NUM / (-0) or (-NUM) / 0 = -INF
                    } else {
                        return infinity(context);               // NUM / 0 or (-NUM) / (-0) = INF
                else if(this->isZero())
                    if((this->isNegative() && other->isPositive()) ||
                            (this->isPositive() && other->isNegative())) {
                        return negZero(context);                // 0 / (-NUM) or (-0) / NUM = -0
                    } else {
                        return newFloat(0, context);            // 0 / NUM or (-0) / (-NUM) = 0
                return newFloat(_float / otherImpl->_float, context);
            }// case
                return 0;  // should never get here
            }// switch
        }// case
            return 0;  // should never get here
        }// switch
    } else {
        assert(false); // should never get here, numeric types are xs:decimal, xs:float, xs:integer and xs:double
        return 0;