Action* action = new Action("MyAction"); action->AddInputParameter("Name", "string"); action->AddInputParameter("Age", "ui4"); action->AddOutputParameter("Result", "string");
Service* service = new Service("MyService"); Action* action = service->GetAction("MyAction"); ArgumentList args; args.Add("Name", "John Smith"); args.Add("Age", 25); action->Invoke(args);This code retrieves the Action named "MyAction" from the service "MyService". It then creates an ArgumentList object with two input arguments, "Name" and "Age", and invokes the Action with those arguments. The OpenHome library is a complete solution for building UPnP devices and services. It provides a broad range of packages and libraries, including libraries for networking, threads, XML parsing, and more. Overall, OpenHome can be an excellent choice for creating and controlling UPnP devices in C++.