static int start_authentication_session(request_rec *r, modauthopenid_config *s_cfg, opkele::params_t& params, std::string& return_to, std::string& trust_root) { // remove all openid GET query params (openid.*) - we don't want that maintained through // the redirection process. We do, however, want to keep all other GET params. // also, add a nonce for security std::string identity = s_cfg->use_single_idp ? s_cfg->single_idp_url : params.get_param("openid_identifier"); APDEBUG(r, "identity = %s, use_single_idp = %s", identity.c_str(), s_cfg->use_single_idp ? "true" : "false"); // pull out the extension parameters before we get rid of openid.* opkele::params_t ext_params; modauthopenid::get_extension_params(ext_params, params); modauthopenid::remove_openid_vars(params); // if attribute directives are set, add AX stuff to extension params if(s_cfg->use_ax) { ext_params["openid.ns." DEFAULT_AX_NAMESPACE_ALIAS] = AX_NAMESPACE; ext_params["openid." DEFAULT_AX_NAMESPACE_ALIAS ".mode"] = "fetch_request"; std::string required = ""; bool first_alias = true; for(int i = 0; i < s_cfg->ax_attrs->nelts; ++i) { std::string alias = APR_ARRAY_IDX(s_cfg->ax_attrs, i, const char *); std::string uri = apr_table_get(s_cfg->ax_attr_uris, alias.c_str()); ext_params["openid." DEFAULT_AX_NAMESPACE_ALIAS ".type." + alias] = uri; if(first_alias) { first_alias = false; } else { required += ','; } required += alias; } ext_params["openid." DEFAULT_AX_NAMESPACE_ALIAS ".required"] = required; }
static int start_authentication_session(request_rec *r, modauthopenid_config *s_cfg, opkele::params_t& params, std::string& return_to, std::string& trust_root) { // remove all openid GET query params (openid.*) - we don't want that maintained through // the redirection process. We do, however, want to keep all aother GET params. // also, add a nonce for security std::string identity = params.get_param("openid_identifier"); // pull out the extension parameters before we get rid of openid.* opkele::params_t ext_params; modauthopenid::get_extension_params(ext_params, params); modauthopenid::remove_openid_vars(params); // add a nonce and reset what return_to is std::string nonce, re_direct; modauthopenid::make_rstring(10, nonce); modauthopenid::MoidConsumer consumer(std::string(s_cfg->db_location), nonce, return_to); params["modauthopenid.nonce"] = nonce; full_uri(r, return_to, s_cfg, true); return_to = params.append_query(return_to, ""); // get identity provider and redirect try { consumer.initiate(identity); opkele::openid_message_t cm; re_direct = consumer.checkid_(cm, opkele::mode_checkid_setup, return_to, trust_root).append_query(consumer.get_endpoint().uri); re_direct = ext_params.append_query(re_direct, ""); } catch (opkele::failed_xri_resolution &e) { consumer.close(); return show_input(r, s_cfg, modauthopenid::invalid_id); } catch (opkele::failed_discovery &e) { consumer.close(); return show_input(r, s_cfg, modauthopenid::invalid_id); } catch (opkele::bad_input &e) { consumer.close(); return show_input(r, s_cfg, modauthopenid::invalid_id); } catch (opkele::exception &e) { consumer.close(); APERR(r, "Error while fetching idP location: %s", e.what()); return show_input(r, s_cfg, modauthopenid::no_idp_found); } consumer.close(); if(!is_trusted_provider(s_cfg , re_direct, r) || is_distrusted_provider(s_cfg, re_direct, r)) return show_input(r, s_cfg, modauthopenid::idp_not_trusted); return modauthopenid::http_redirect(r, re_direct); };
static int validate_authentication_session(request_rec *r, modauthopenid_config *s_cfg, opkele::params_t& params, std::string& return_to) { // make sure nonce is present if(!params.has_param("modauthopenid.nonce")) return show_input(r, s_cfg, modauthopenid::invalid_nonce); modauthopenid::MoidConsumer consumer(std::string(s_cfg->db_location), params.get_param("modauthopenid.nonce"), return_to); try { consumer.id_res(modauthopenid::modauthopenid_message_t(params)); // if no exception raised, check nonce if(!consumer.session_exists()) { consumer.close(); return show_input(r, s_cfg, modauthopenid::invalid_nonce); } // if we should be using a user specified auth program, run it to see if user is authorized if(s_cfg->use_auth_program) { std::string username = consumer.get_claimed_id(); std::string progname = std::string(s_cfg->auth_program); modauthopenid::exec_result_t eresult = modauthopenid::exec_auth(progname, username); if(eresult != modauthopenid::id_accepted) { std::string error = modauthopenid::exec_error_to_string(eresult, progname, username); APERR(r, "Error in authentication: %s", error.c_str()); consumer.close(); return show_input(r, s_cfg, modauthopenid::unauthorized); } else { APDEBUG(r, "Authenticated %s using %s", username.c_str(), progname.c_str()); } } // Make sure that identity is set to the original one given by the user (in case of delegation // this will be different than openid_identifier GET param std::string identity; if (s_cfg->sso_url && s_cfg->sso_user_base) { std::string c_identity = consumer.get_claimed_id(); if (strstr(c_identity.c_str(), s_cfg->sso_user_base) == c_identity.c_str()) { identity = strdup(c_identity.c_str() + strlen(s_cfg->sso_user_base)); } else { std::string error = "SSOUserBase didn't match in the identity"; APERR(r, "Error in authentication: %s", error.c_str()); consumer.close(); return show_input(r, s_cfg, modauthopenid::unauthorized); } } else identity = consumer.get_claimed_id(); consumer.kill_session(); consumer.close(); if(s_cfg->use_cookie) return set_session_cookie(r, s_cfg, params, identity); // if we're not setting cookie - don't redirect, just show page APERR(r, "Setting REMOTE_USER to %s", identity.c_str()); r->user = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, identity.c_str()); return DECLINED; } catch(opkele::exception &e) { APERR(r, "Error in authentication: %s", e.what()); consumer.close(); return show_input(r, s_cfg, modauthopenid::unspecified); } };