std::string DepthPeelBin::createFileName( osg::State& state, int pass, bool depth )
    unsigned int contextID = state.getContextID();
    int frameNumber = state.getFrameStamp()->getFrameNumber();
    std::ostringstream ostr;
    ostr << std::setfill( '0' );
    ostr << "f" << std::setw( 6 ) << frameNumber <<
        "_c" << std::setw( 2 ) << contextID << "_";

    ostr << "peel_part" << _partitionNumber;
    if( pass == -1 )
        ostr << "_a";
        ostr << "_b" << std::setw( 2 ) << pass;
    if( depth )
        ostr << "_z";
    ostr << ".png";
    return( ostr.str() );
Example #2
MPGeometry::renderPrimitiveSets(osg::State& state,
                                bool        renderColor,
                                bool        usingVBOs) const
    // check the map frame to see if it's up to date
    if ( _frame.needsSync() )
        // this lock protects a MapFrame sync when we have multiple DRAW threads.
        Threading::ScopedMutexLock exclusive( _frameSyncMutex );

        if ( _frame.needsSync() && _frame.sync() ) // always double check
            // This should only happen is the layer ordering changes;
            // If layers are added or removed, the Tile gets rebuilt and
            // the point is moot.
            std::vector<Layer> reordered;
            const ImageLayerVector& layers = _frame.imageLayers();
            reordered.reserve( layers.size() );
            for( ImageLayerVector::const_iterator i = layers.begin(); i != layers.end(); ++i )
                std::vector<Layer>::iterator j = std::find( _layers.begin(), _layers.end(), i->get()->getUID() );
                if ( j != _layers.end() )
                    reordered.push_back( *j );
            _layers.swap( reordered );

    unsigned layersDrawn = 0;

    // access the GL extensions interface for the current GC:
    const osg::Program::PerContextProgram* pcp = 0L;

	osg::ref_ptr<osg::GLExtensions> ext;
    osg::ref_ptr<osg::GL2Extensions> ext;
    unsigned contextID;

    if (_supportsGLSL)
        contextID = state.getContextID();
		ext = osg::GLExtensions::Get(contextID, true);
		ext = osg::GL2Extensions::Get( contextID, true );
        pcp = state.getLastAppliedProgramObject();

    // cannot store these in the object since there could be multiple GCs (and multiple
    // PerContextPrograms) at large
    GLint tileKeyLocation       = -1;
    GLint birthTimeLocation     = -1;
    GLint opacityLocation       = -1;
    GLint uidLocation           = -1;
    GLint orderLocation         = -1;
    GLint texMatParentLocation  = -1;
    GLint minRangeLocation      = -1;
    GLint maxRangeLocation      = -1;

    // The PCP can change (especially in a VirtualProgram environment). So we do need to
    // requery the uni locations each time unfortunately. TODO: explore optimizations.
    if ( pcp )
        tileKeyLocation      = pcp->getUniformLocation( _tileKeyUniformNameID );
        birthTimeLocation    = pcp->getUniformLocation( _birthTimeUniformNameID );
        opacityLocation      = pcp->getUniformLocation( _opacityUniformNameID );
        uidLocation          = pcp->getUniformLocation( _uidUniformNameID );
        orderLocation        = pcp->getUniformLocation( _orderUniformNameID );
        texMatParentLocation = pcp->getUniformLocation( _texMatParentUniformNameID );
        minRangeLocation = pcp->getUniformLocation( _minRangeUniformNameID );
        maxRangeLocation = pcp->getUniformLocation( _maxRangeUniformNameID );
    // apply the tilekey uniform once.
    if ( tileKeyLocation >= 0 )
        ext->glUniform4fv( tileKeyLocation, 1, _tileKeyValue.ptr() );

    // set the "birth time" - i.e. the time this tile last entered the scene in the current GC.
    if ( birthTimeLocation >= 0 )
        PerContextData& pcd = _pcd[contextID];
        if ( pcd.birthTime < 0.0f )
            const osg::FrameStamp* stamp = state.getFrameStamp();
            if ( stamp )
                pcd.birthTime = stamp->getReferenceTime();
        ext->glUniform1f( birthTimeLocation, pcd.birthTime );

    // activate the tile coordinate set - same for all layers
    if ( renderColor )
        state.setTexCoordPointer( _imageUnit+1, _tileCoords.get() );

    if ( renderColor )
        // emit a default terrain color since we're not binding a color array:
        glColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);

    // activate the elevation texture if there is one. Same for all layers.
    //if ( _elevTex.valid() )
    //    state.setActiveTextureUnit( 2 );
    //    state.setTexCoordPointer( 1, _tileCoords.get() ); // necessary?? since we do it above
    //    _elevTex->apply( state );
    //    // todo: probably need an elev texture matrix as well. -gw

    // track the active image unit.
    int activeImageUnit = -1;

    // remember whether we applied a parent texture.
    bool usedTexParent = false;

    if ( _layers.size() > 0 )
        float prev_opacity        = -1.0f;

        // first bind any shared layers. We still have to do this even if we are
        // in !renderColor mode b/c these textures could be used by vertex shaders
        // to alter the geometry.
        int sharedLayers = 0;
        if ( pcp )
            for(unsigned i=0; i<_layers.size(); ++i)
                const Layer& layer = _layers[i];

                // a "shared" layer binds to a secondary texture unit so that other layers
                // can see it and use it.
                if ( layer._imageLayer->isShared() )
                    int sharedUnit = layer._imageLayer->shareImageUnit().get();
                        state.setActiveTextureUnit( sharedUnit );

                        state.setTexCoordPointer( sharedUnit, layer._texCoords.get() );
                        // bind the texture for this layer to the active share unit.
                        layer._tex->apply( state );

                        // Shared layers need a texture matrix since the terrain engine doesn't
                        // provide a "current texture coordinate set" uniform (i.e. oe_layer_texc)
                        GLint texMatLocation = 0;
                        texMatLocation = pcp->getUniformLocation( layer._texMatUniformID );
                        if ( texMatLocation >= 0 )
                            ext->glUniformMatrix4fv( texMatLocation, 1, GL_FALSE, layer._texMat.ptr() );
        if (renderColor)
            // find the first opaque layer, top-down, and start there:
            unsigned first = 0;
            for(first = _layers.size()-1; first > 0; --first)
                const Layer& layer = _layers[first];
                if (layer._opaque &&
                    //Color filters can modify the opacity
                    layer._imageLayer->getColorFilters().empty() &&
                    layer._imageLayer->getVisible() &&
                    layer._imageLayer->getOpacity() >= 1.0f)

            // interate over all the image layers
            for(unsigned i=first; i<_layers.size(); ++i)
                const Layer& layer = _layers[i];

                if ( layer._imageLayer->getVisible() && layer._imageLayer->getOpacity() > 0.0f )
                    // activate the visible unit if necessary:
                    if ( activeImageUnit != _imageUnit )
                        state.setActiveTextureUnit( _imageUnit );
                        activeImageUnit = _imageUnit;

                    // bind the texture for this layer:
                    layer._tex->apply( state );

                    // in FFP mode, we need to enable the GL mode for texturing:
                    if ( !pcp ) //!_supportsGLSL)
                        state.applyMode(GL_TEXTURE_2D, true);

                    // if we're using a parent texture for blending, activate that now
                    if ( texMatParentLocation >= 0 && layer._texParent.valid() )
                        state.setActiveTextureUnit( _imageUnitParent );
                        activeImageUnit = _imageUnitParent;
                        layer._texParent->apply( state );
                        usedTexParent = true;

                    // bind the texture coordinates for this layer.
                    // TODO: can probably optimize this by sharing or using texture matrixes.
                    // State::setTexCoordPointer does some redundant work under the hood.
                    state.setTexCoordPointer( _imageUnit, layer._texCoords.get() );

                    // apply uniform values:
                    if ( pcp )
                        // apply opacity:
                        if ( opacityLocation >= 0 )
                            float opacity = layer._imageLayer->getOpacity();
                            if ( opacity != prev_opacity )
                                ext->glUniform1f( opacityLocation, (GLfloat)opacity );
                                prev_opacity = opacity;

                        // assign the layer UID:
                        if ( uidLocation >= 0 )
                            ext->glUniform1i( uidLocation, (GLint)layer._layerID );

                        // assign the layer order:
                        if ( orderLocation >= 0 )
                            ext->glUniform1i( orderLocation, (GLint)layersDrawn );

                        // assign the parent texture matrix
                        if ( texMatParentLocation >= 0 && layer._texParent.valid() )
                            ext->glUniformMatrix4fv( texMatParentLocation, 1, GL_FALSE, layer._texMatParent.ptr() );

                        // assign the min range
                        if ( minRangeLocation >= 0 )
                            ext->glUniform1f( minRangeLocation, layer._imageLayer->getImageLayerOptions().minVisibleRange().get() );

                        // assign the max range
                        if ( maxRangeLocation >= 0 )
                            ext->glUniform1f( maxRangeLocation, layer._imageLayer->getImageLayerOptions().maxVisibleRange().get() );

                    // draw the primitive sets.
                    for(unsigned int primitiveSetNum=0; primitiveSetNum!=_primitives.size(); ++primitiveSetNum)
                        const osg::PrimitiveSet* primitiveset = _primitives[primitiveSetNum].get();
                        if ( primitiveset )
                            primitiveset->draw(state, usingVBOs);
                            OE_WARN << LC << "Strange, MPGeometry had a 0L primset" << std::endl;


    // if we didn't draw anything, draw the raw tiles anyway with no texture.
    if ( layersDrawn == 0 )
        if ( pcp )
            if ( opacityLocation >= 0 )
                ext->glUniform1f( opacityLocation, (GLfloat)1.0f );
            if ( uidLocation >= 0 )
                ext->glUniform1i( uidLocation, (GLint)-1 );
            if ( orderLocation >= 0 )
                ext->glUniform1i( orderLocation, (GLint)0 );

        // draw the primitives themselves.
        for(unsigned int primitiveSetNum=0; primitiveSetNum!=_primitives.size(); ++primitiveSetNum)
            const osg::PrimitiveSet* primitiveset = _primitives[primitiveSetNum].get();
            primitiveset->draw(state, usingVBOs);

    else // at least one textured layer was drawn:
        // prevent texture leakage
        // TODO: find a way to remove this to speed things up
        if ( renderColor )
            glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0 );

            // if a parent texture was applied, need to disable both.
            if ( usedTexParent )
                    activeImageUnit != _imageUnitParent ? _imageUnitParent :
                    _imageUnit );

                glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);
Example #3
VirtualProgram::apply( osg::State& state ) const
    if (_shaderMap.empty() && !_inheritSet)
        // If there's no data in the VP, and never has been, unload any existing program.
        // NOTE: OSG's State processor creates a "global default attribute" for each type.
        // Sine we have no way of knowing whether the user created the VP or OSG created it
        // as the default fallback, we use the "_inheritSet" flag to differeniate. This
        // prevents any shader leakage from a VP-enabled node.
        const unsigned int contextID = state.getContextID();
        const osg::GL2Extensions* extensions = osg::GL2Extensions::Get(contextID,true);
        if( ! extensions->isGlslSupported() ) return;

        extensions->glUseProgram( 0 );

    // first, find and collect all the VirtualProgram attributes:
    ShaderMap         accumShaderMap;
    AttribBindingList accumAttribBindings;
    AttribAliasMap    accumAttribAliases;
    // Build the active shader map up to this point:
    if ( _inherit )
        accumulateShaders(state, _mask, accumShaderMap, accumAttribBindings, accumAttribAliases);

    // next add the local shader components to the map, respecting the override values:
        Threading::ScopedReadLock readonly(_dataModelMutex);

        for( ShaderMap::const_iterator i = _shaderMap.begin(); i != _shaderMap.end(); ++i )
            if ( i->second.accept(state) )
                addToAccumulatedMap( accumShaderMap, i->first, i->second );

        const AttribBindingList& abl = this->getAttribBindingList();
        accumAttribBindings.insert( abl.begin(), abl.end() );

        const AttribAliasMap& aliases = this->getAttribAliases();
        accumAttribAliases.insert( aliases.begin(), aliases.end() );

    // next, assemble a list of the shaders in the map so we can use it as our
    // program cache key.
    // (Note: at present, the "cache key" does not include any information on the vertex
    // attribute bindings. Technically it should, but in practice this might not be an
    // issue; it is unlikely one would have two identical shader programs with different
    // bindings.)
    ShaderVector vec;
    vec.reserve( accumShaderMap.size() );
    for( ShaderMap::iterator i = accumShaderMap.begin(); i != accumShaderMap.end(); ++i )
        ShaderEntry& entry = i->second;
        if ( i->second.accept(state) )
            vec.push_back( entry._shader.get() );

    // see if there's already a program associated with this list:
    osg::ref_ptr<osg::Program> program;

    // look up the program:
        Threading::ScopedReadLock shared( _programCacheMutex );

        ProgramMap::const_iterator p = _programCache.find( vec );
        if ( p != _programCache.end() )
            program = p->second.get();

    // if not found, lock and build it:
    if ( !program.valid() )
        // build a new set of accumulated functions, to support the creation of main()
        ShaderComp::FunctionLocationMap accumFunctions;
        accumulateFunctions( state, accumFunctions );

        // now double-check the program cache, and failing that, build the
        // new shader Program.
            Threading::ScopedWriteLock exclusive( _programCacheMutex );

            // double-check: look again ito negate race conditions
            ProgramMap::const_iterator p = _programCache.find( vec );
            if ( p != _programCache.end() )
                program = p->second.get();
                ShaderVector keyVector;

                //OE_NOTICE << LC << "Building new Program for VP " << getName() << std::endl;

                program = buildProgram(

                // global sharing.

                // finally, put own new program in the cache.
                _programCache[ keyVector ] = program;

    // finally, apply the program attribute.
    if ( program.valid() )
        const unsigned int contextID = state.getContextID();
        const osg::GL2Extensions* extensions = osg::GL2Extensions::Get(contextID,true);

        osg::Program::PerContextProgram* pcp = program->getPCP( contextID );
        bool useProgram = state.getLastAppliedProgramObject() != pcp;

            // debugging

            static int s_framenum = 0;
            static Threading::Mutex s_mutex;
            static std::map< const VirtualProgram*, std::pair<int,int> > s_counts;

            Threading::ScopedMutexLock lock(s_mutex);

            int framenum = state.getFrameStamp()->getFrameNumber();
            if ( framenum > s_framenum )
                OE_NOTICE << LC << "Applies in last frame: " << std::endl;
                for(std::map<const VirtualProgram*,std::pair<int,int> >::iterator i = s_counts.begin(); i != s_counts.end(); ++i)
                    std::pair<int,int>& counts = i->second;
                    OE_NOTICE << LC << "  " 
                        << i->first->getName() << " : " << counts.second << "/" << counts.first << std::endl;
                s_framenum = framenum;
            if ( useProgram )

        if ( useProgram )
            if( pcp->needsLink() )
                program->compileGLObjects( state );

            if( pcp->isLinked() )
                if( osg::isNotifyEnabled(osg::INFO) )

                state.setLastAppliedProgramObject( pcp );
                // program not usable, fallback to fixed function.
                extensions->glUseProgram( 0 );
                OE_WARN << LC << "Program link failure!" << std::endl;

        //program->apply( state );

#if 0 // test code for detecting race conditions
        for(int i=0; i<10000; ++i) {
            program->apply( state );
Example #4
VirtualProgram::apply( osg::State& state ) const
    if (_shaderMap.empty() && !_inheritSet)
        // If there's no data in the VP, and never has been, unload any existing program.
        // NOTE: OSG's State processor creates a "global default attribute" for each type.
        // Sine we have no way of knowing whether the user created the VP or OSG created it
        // as the default fallback, we use the "_inheritSet" flag to differeniate. This
        // prevents any shader leakage from a VP-enabled node.
        const unsigned int contextID = state.getContextID();
        const osg::GL2Extensions* extensions = osg::GL2Extensions::Get(contextID,true);
        if( ! extensions->isGlslSupported() ) return;

        extensions->glUseProgram( 0 );

        Threading::ScopedMutexLock lock(s_mutex);
        int framenum = state.getFrameStamp()->getFrameNumber();
        if ( framenum > s_framenum )
            OE_INFO << LC << "Applies in last frame: " << std::endl;
            for(std::map<const VirtualProgram*,int>::iterator i = s_counts.begin(); i != s_counts.end(); ++i)
                OE_INFO << LC << "  " << i->first->getName() << " : " << i->second << std::endl;
                i->second = 0;
            s_framenum = framenum;

    // first, find and collect all the VirtualProgram attributes:
    ShaderMap         accumShaderMap;
    AttribBindingList accumAttribBindings;
    AttribAliasMap    accumAttribAliases;
    if ( _inherit )
        const StateHack::AttributeVec* av = StateHack::GetAttributeVec( state, this );
        if ( av && av->size() > 0 )
            // find the deepest VP that doesn't inherit:
            unsigned start = 0;
            for( start = (int)av->size()-1; start > 0; --start )
                const VirtualProgram* vp = dynamic_cast<const VirtualProgram*>( (*av)[start].first );
                if ( vp && (vp->_mask & _mask) && vp->_inherit == false )
            // collect shaders from there to here:
            for( unsigned i=start; i<av->size(); ++i )
                const VirtualProgram* vp = dynamic_cast<const VirtualProgram*>( (*av)[i].first );
                if ( vp && (vp->_mask && _mask) )
                    ShaderMap vpShaderMap;
                    vp->getShaderMap( vpShaderMap );

                    for( ShaderMap::const_iterator i = vpShaderMap.begin(); i != vpShaderMap.end(); ++i )
                        addToAccumulatedMap( accumShaderMap, i->first, i->second );

                    const AttribBindingList& abl = vp->getAttribBindingList();
                    accumAttribBindings.insert( abl.begin(), abl.end() );

                    const AttribAliasMap& aliases = vp->getAttribAliases();
                    accumAttribAliases.insert( aliases.begin(), aliases.end() );

    // next add the local shader components to the map, respecting the override values:
        Threading::ScopedReadLock readonly(_dataModelMutex);

        for( ShaderMap::const_iterator i = _shaderMap.begin(); i != _shaderMap.end(); ++i )
            addToAccumulatedMap( accumShaderMap, i->first, i->second );

        const AttribBindingList& abl = this->getAttribBindingList();
        accumAttribBindings.insert( abl.begin(), abl.end() );

        const AttribAliasMap& aliases = this->getAttribAliases();
        accumAttribAliases.insert( aliases.begin(), aliases.end() );

    if ( true ) //even with nothing in the map, we still want mains! -gw  //accumShaderMap.size() )
        // next, assemble a list of the shaders in the map so we can use it as our
        // program cache key.
        // (Note: at present, the "cache key" does not include any information on the vertex
        // attribute bindings. Technically it should, but in practice this might not be an
        // issue; it is unlikely one would have two identical shader programs with different
        // bindings.)
        ShaderVector vec;
        vec.reserve( accumShaderMap.size() );
        for( ShaderMap::iterator i = accumShaderMap.begin(); i != accumShaderMap.end(); ++i )
            ShaderEntry& entry = i->second;
            vec.push_back( entry.first.get() );
        // see if there's already a program associated with this list:
        osg::ref_ptr<osg::Program> program;
        // look up the program:
            Threading::ScopedReadLock shared( _programCacheMutex );
            ProgramMap::const_iterator p = _programCache.find( vec );
            if ( p != _programCache.end() )
                program = p->second.get();
        // if not found, lock and build it:
        if ( !program.valid() )
            // build a new set of accumulated functions, to support the creation of main()
            ShaderComp::FunctionLocationMap accumFunctions;
            accumulateFunctions( state, accumFunctions );

            // now double-check the program cache, and failing that, build the
            // new shader Program.
                Threading::ScopedWriteLock exclusive( _programCacheMutex );
                // double-check: look again ito negate race conditions
                ProgramMap::const_iterator p = _programCache.find( vec );
                if ( p != _programCache.end() )
                    program = p->second.get();
                    ShaderVector keyVector;

                    //OE_NOTICE << LC << "Building new Program for VP " << getName() << std::endl;

                    program = buildProgram(

                    // finally, put own new program in the cache.
                    _programCache[ keyVector ] = program;
        // finally, apply the program attribute.
        if ( program.valid() )
            program->apply( state );

#if 0 // test code for detecting race conditions
            for(int i=0; i<10000; ++i) {
                program->apply( state );