Example #1
File: Dragger.cpp Project: 4ker/osg
bool PointerInfo::projectWindowXYIntoObject(const osg::Vec2d& windowCoord, osg::Vec3d& nearPoint, osg::Vec3d& farPoint) const
    nearPoint = osg::Vec3d(windowCoord.x(),windowCoord.y(),0.0)*_inverseMVPW;
    farPoint = osg::Vec3d(windowCoord.x(),windowCoord.y(),1.0)*_inverseMVPW;

    return true;
void intersectGridLinesFromSegment(const osg::Vec2d& s0, const osg::Vec2d& s1, std::vector<osg::Vec2d>& list)
  struct Entry { 
    float dist;
    osg::Vec2d value;

  osg::Vec2d min(FLT_MAX,FLT_MAX);
  osg::Vec2d max(-FLT_MAX,-FLT_MAX);

  if(s0.x()<min.x()) min.x() = s0.x();
  if(s0.x()>max.x()) max.x() = s0.x();

  if(s0.y()<min.y()) min.y() = s0.y();
  if(s0.y()>max.y()) max.y() = s0.y();

  if(s1.x()<min.x()) min.x() = s1.x();
  if(s1.x()>max.x()) max.x() = s1.x();

  if(s1.y()<min.y()) min.y() = s1.y();
  if(s1.y()>max.y()) max.y() = s1.y();


  osg::Vec2d result;

    int start = static_cast<int>(floor(min[0]));
    int stop = static_cast<int>(ceil(max[0]));
    double myMin = floor(min[1]);
    double myMax = ceil(max[1]);
    for (int i = start; i <= stop; i++) {
      if (lineIntersect(s0,s1,osg::Vec2d(i,myMin - 1), osg::Vec2d(i,myMax + 1), result)) {
        list.push_back(osg::Vec2d(i, result[1]));

    int start = static_cast<int>(floor(min[1]));
    int stop = static_cast<int>(ceil(max[1]));
    double myMin = floor(min[0]);
    double myMax = ceil(max[0]);
    for (int j = start; j <= stop; j++) {
      if (lineIntersect(s0,s1,osg::Vec2d(myMin - 1, j), osg::Vec2d(myMax + 1,j ), result)) {
        list.push_back(osg::Vec2d(result[0], j));
  std::sort(list.begin(), list.end(), less_mag(s0));
// Reshape subwindow using the subwindows position and size (see note #4)
bool GlutDisplay::reshapeSubWindow(const osg::Vec2d& position, const osg::Vec2d& size)
   //std::cout << "reshapeSubWindow(p,s) winID = " << winId << std::endl;
   bool ok = false;
   if (position.x() >= 0 && position.x() <= 1.0 && position.y() >= 0 && position.y() <= 1.0) {
      if (size.x() >= 0 && size.x() <= 1.0 && size.y() >= 0 && size.y() <= 1.0) {
         swPosition = position;
         swSize = size;
         ok = true;
   return ok;
bool Triangle2HeightField::clipBoundingBox(const osg::Vec2d& v1, const osg::Vec2d& v2, const osg::Vec2d& v3)
  osg::Vec2d min(FLT_MAX,FLT_MAX);
  osg::Vec2d max(-FLT_MAX,-FLT_MAX);

  if(v1.x()<min.x()) min.x() = v1.x();
  if(v1.x()>max.x()) max.x() = v1.x();

  if(v1.y()<min.y()) min.y() = v1.y();
  if(v1.y()>max.y()) max.y() = v1.y();

  if(v2.x()<min.x()) min.x() = v2.x();
  if(v2.x()>max.x()) max.x() = v2.x();

  if(v2.y()<min.y()) min.y() = v2.y();
  if(v2.y()>max.y()) max.y() = v2.y();

  if(v3.x()<min.x()) min.x() = v3.x();
  if(v3.x()>max.x()) max.x() = v3.x();

  if(v3.y()<min.y()) min.y() = v3.y();
  if(v3.y()>max.y()) max.y() = v3.y();
  // clip boundingbox  up down left right
  if (min[1] > _heightField->getNumRows()-1 || 
      max[1] < 0 ||
      max[0] < 0 ||
      min[0] > _heightField->getNumColumns()-1 )
    return true;
  return false;
Example #5
bool ScreenSpaceHandler::intersect(osg::Vec3d &worldIntersectionPoint, osg::Vec2d const &screenPos)
    osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector::Intersections intersections;


    if (intersections.size() > 0)
        // Intersections are sort by depth
        // First object in the set is the nearest
        osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector::Intersection isect = *intersections.begin();
        worldIntersectionPoint = isect.getWorldIntersectPoint();

        return true;

    return false;
void DataOutputStream::writeVec2d(const osg::Vec2d& v){

    if (_verboseOutput) std::cout<<"read/writeVec2() ["<<v<<"]"<<std::endl;
ImageOverlayEditor::getTransform(const osg::Vec2d& loc)
    osg::Matrixd matrix;
    _imageOverlay->getEllipsoid()->computeLocalToWorldTransformFromLatLongHeight(osg::DegreesToRadians(loc.y()), osg::DegreesToRadians(loc.x()), 0, matrix);
    return matrix;
Example #8
GeoPoint::GeoPoint( const osg::Vec2d& _input, const SpatialReference* _srs )
: osg::Vec3d( _input.x(), _input.y(), 0.0 )
    spatial_ref = (SpatialReference*)_srs;
    dim = 2;
Example #9
void Horizon3DNode2::updateGeometry()
    osgGeo::Vec2i fullSize = getSize();

    osg::DoubleArray &depthVals = *dynamic_cast<osg::DoubleArray*>(getDepthArray());

    double min = +999999.0;
    double max = -999999.0;
    for(int j = 0; j < fullSize.x(); ++j)
        for(int i = 0; i < fullSize.y(); ++i)
            const double val = depthVals.at(i * fullSize.y() + j);
            min = std::min(val, min);
            max = std::max(val, max);
    const double diff = max - min;

    std::vector<osg::Vec2d> coords = getCornerCoords();

    osg::Vec2d iInc = (coords[2] - coords[0]) / (fullSize.x() - 1);
    osg::Vec2d jInc = (coords[1] - coords[0]) / (fullSize.y() - 1);

    const osgGeo::Vec2i tileSize(255, 255);

    const int compr = 1;

    const int hSize = tileSize.x() + 1;
    const int vSize = tileSize.y() + 1;

    osg::ref_ptr<osg::Vec3Array> vertices = new osg::Vec3Array(hSize * vSize);
    osg::ref_ptr<osg::DrawElementsUInt> indices =
            new osg::DrawElementsUInt(GL_TRIANGLES);
    osg::ref_ptr<osg::Vec2Array> tCoords = new osg::Vec2Array(hSize * vSize);

    osg::Vec2 texStart(0.0, 0.0);
    osg::Vec2 textureTileStep(1.0, 1.0);

    for(int i = 0; i < hSize; ++i)
        for(int j = 0; j < vSize; ++j)
            osg::Vec2d hor = iInc * i + jInc * j;
            (*vertices)[i*vSize+j] = osg::Vec3(hor.x(), hor.y(), 0);
            (*tCoords)[i*vSize+j] = texStart + osg::Vec2(
                        float(i) / (hSize - 1) * textureTileStep.x(),
                        float(j) / (vSize - 1) * textureTileStep.y()

    for(int i = 0; i < hSize - 1; ++i)
        for(int j = 0; j < vSize - 1; ++j)
            const int i00 = i*vSize+j;
            const int i10 = (i+1)*vSize+j;
            const int i01 = i*vSize+(j+1);
            const int i11 = (i+1)*vSize+(j+1);

            // first triangle

            // second triangle

    osg::ref_ptr<osg::Geometry> geom = new osg::Geometry;
    geom->setTexCoordArray(0, tCoords.get());

    osg::ref_ptr<osg::Vec4Array> colors = new osg::Vec4Array;
    colors->push_back(osg::Vec4(1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)); // needs to be white!


    // ------------- geom finished ----------------

    ShaderUtility su;
    osg::Program* programGeom = su.createProgram("horizon3d_vert.glsl", "horizon3d_frag.glsl",
    ShaderUtility su2;
    osg::Program* programNonGeom = su2.createProgram("horizon3d_vert.glsl", "horizon3d_frag.glsl");

    int numHTiles = ceil(float(fullSize.x()) / tileSize.x());
    int numVTiles = ceil(float(fullSize.y()) / tileSize.y());

    for(int hIdx = 0; hIdx < numHTiles; ++hIdx)
        for(int vIdx = 0; vIdx < numVTiles; ++vIdx)
            const int hSize2 = hIdx < (numHTiles - 1) ?
                        (tileSize.x() + 1) : (fullSize.x() - tileSize.x() * (numHTiles - 1)) / compr;
            const int vSize2 = vIdx < (numVTiles - 1) ?
                        (tileSize.y() + 1) : ((fullSize.y() - tileSize.y() * (numVTiles - 1))) / compr;

            if(hSize2 == 1 || vSize2 == 1)

            osg::ref_ptr<osg::Image> image = new osg::Image;
            image->allocateImage(vSize, hSize, 1, GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE);

            unsigned short *ptr = reinterpret_cast<unsigned short*>(image->data());
            bool hasUndefs = false;
            for(int j = 0; j < vSize; ++j)
                for(int i = 0; i < hSize; ++i)
                    bool defined = false;
                    if((i < hSize2) && (j < vSize2))
                        int iGlobal = hIdx * tileSize.x() + i;
                        int jGlobal = vIdx * tileSize.y() + j;
                        double val = depthVals.at(iGlobal * fullSize.y() + jGlobal);
                            *ptr = (val - min) / diff * UCHAR_MAX;
                            defined = true;
                        *ptr = 0xFF00;
                        hasUndefs = true;

            const int i1 = hIdx * tileSize.x();
            const int j1 = vIdx * tileSize.y();
            const osg::Vec2d start = coords[0] + iInc * i1 + jInc * j1;
            const osg::Vec3 shift(start.x(), start.y(), 0);

            osg::ref_ptr<osg::Texture2D> heightMap = new osg::Texture2D;

            osg::ref_ptr<osg::Vec3Array> triangleNormals =
                    new osg::Vec3Array((hSize - 1) * (vSize - 1) * 2);

            for(int i = 0; i < hSize - 1; ++i)
                for(int j = 0; j < vSize - 1; ++j)
                    if((i < hSize2 - 1) && (j < vSize2 - 1))
                        int iGlobal = hIdx * tileSize.x() + i;
                        int jGlobal = vIdx * tileSize.y() + j;

                        const int i00 = i*vSize+j;
                        const int i10 = (i+1)*vSize+j;
                        const int i01 = i*vSize+(j+1);
                        const int i11 = (i+1)*vSize+(j+1);

                        osg::Vec3 v00 = (*vertices)[i00] + shift;
                        osg::Vec3 v10 = (*vertices)[i10] + shift;
                        osg::Vec3 v01 = (*vertices)[i01] + shift;
                        osg::Vec3 v11 = (*vertices)[i11] + shift;

                        const int i00_Global = iGlobal * fullSize.y() + jGlobal;
                        const int i10_Global = (iGlobal+1) * fullSize.y() + jGlobal;
                        const int i01_Global = iGlobal * fullSize.y() + (jGlobal+1);
                        const int i11_Global = (iGlobal+1) * fullSize.y() + (jGlobal+1);

                        v00.z() = depthVals.at(i00_Global);
                        v10.z() = depthVals.at(i10_Global);
                        v01.z() = depthVals.at(i01_Global);
                        v11.z() = depthVals.at(i11_Global);

                        if(isUndef(v10.z()) || isUndef(v01.z()))

                        // calculate triangle normals
                        osg::Vec3 norm1 = (v01 - v00) ^ (v10 - v00);
                        (*triangleNormals)[(i*(vSize-1)+j)*2] = norm1;

                        osg::Vec3 norm2 = (v10 - v11) ^ (v01 - v11);
                        (*triangleNormals)[(i*(vSize-1)+j)*2+1] = norm2;

            osg::Image *normalsImage = new osg::Image();
            normalsImage->allocateImage(hSize, vSize, 1, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE);
            GLubyte *normPtr = (GLubyte*)normalsImage->data();

            // The following loop calculates normals per vertex. Because
            // each vertex might be shared between many triangles(up to 6)
            // we find out which triangles this particular vertex is shared
            // and then compute the average of normals per triangle.
            osg::Vec3 triNormCache[6];
            for(int j = 0; j < vSize; ++j)
                for(int i = 0; i < hSize; ++i)
                    if((i < hSize2) && (j < vSize2))
                        int k = 0;

                        const int vSizeT = vSize - 1;

                        // 3
                        if((i < hSize - 1) && (j < vSize - 1))
                            triNormCache[k++] = (*triangleNormals)[(i*vSizeT+j)*2];

                        // 4, 5
                        if(i > 0 && j < vSize - 1)
                            triNormCache[k++] = (*triangleNormals)[((i-1)*vSizeT+j)*2];
                            triNormCache[k++] = (*triangleNormals)[((i-1)*vSizeT+j)*2+1];

                        // 1, 2
                        if(j > 0 && i < hSize - 1)
                            triNormCache[k++] = (*triangleNormals)[(i*vSizeT+j-1)*2];
                            triNormCache[k++] = (*triangleNormals)[(i*vSizeT+j-1)*2+1];

                        // 6
                        if(i > 0 && j > 0)
                            triNormCache[k++] = (*triangleNormals)[((i-1)*vSizeT+j-1)*2+1];

                        if(k > 0)
                            osg::Vec3 norm;
                            for(int l = 0; l < k; ++l)
                                norm += triNormCache[l];


                            // scale [-1;1] to [0..255]
                            #define C_255_OVER_2 127.5
                            *(normPtr + 0) = GLubyte((norm.x() + 1.0) * C_255_OVER_2);
                            *(normPtr + 1) = GLubyte((norm.y() + 1.0) * C_255_OVER_2);
                            *(normPtr + 2) = GLubyte((norm.z() + 1.0) * C_255_OVER_2);
                    normPtr += 3;

            osg::ref_ptr<osg::Texture2D> normals = new osg::Texture2D;

            osg::Geode* geode = new osg::Geode;

            // apply vertex shader to shift geometry
            osg::StateSet *ss = geode->getOrCreateStateSet();
            ss->addUniform(new osg::Uniform("colour", osg::Vec4(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)));
            ss->addUniform(new osg::Uniform("depthMin", float(min)));
            ss->addUniform(new osg::Uniform("depthDiff", float(diff)));
            ss->setTextureAttributeAndModes(1, heightMap.get());
            ss->setTextureAttributeAndModes(2, normals.get());
            ss->addUniform(new osg::Uniform("heightMap", 1));
            ss->addUniform(new osg::Uniform("normals", 2));

            const Palette p;
            const int sz = p.colorPoints().size();

            osg::Uniform *colourPoints = new osg::Uniform(osg::Uniform::FLOAT_VEC4, "colourPoints[0]", 20);
            for(int i = 0; i < sz; ++i)
                osg::Vec3 colour = p.colorPoints().at(i).color;
                colourPoints->setElement(i, osg::Vec4(colour, 1.0));
            osg::Uniform *colourPositions = new osg::Uniform(osg::Uniform::FLOAT, "colourPositions[0]", 20);
            for(int i = 0; i < sz; ++i)
                colourPositions->setElement(i, p.colorPoints().at(i).pos);
            ss->addUniform(new osg::Uniform("paletteSize", sz));

            ss->setAttributeAndModes(hasUndefs ? programGeom : programNonGeom, osg::StateAttribute::ON);

            osg::ref_ptr<Horizon3DTileNode2> transform = new Horizon3DTileNode2;
            transform->setMatrix(osg::Matrix::translate(osg::Vec3(start, 0)));
            transform->setNode(0, geode);

            // compute bounding box as our nodes don't have proper vertex information
            // and OSG can't deduce bounding sphere for culling
            osg::BoundingBox bb(osg::Vec3(start, min),
                                osg::Vec3(start + iInc * hSize2 + jInc * vSize2, max));


    _needsUpdate = false;
Example #10
    bool intersects(unsigned level, osg::Vec2d& in_min, osg::Vec2d& in_max)
        osg::notify(osg::INFO)<<"intersects("<<level<<", min="<<in_min<<" max="<<in_max<<")"<<std::endl;
        osg::notify(osg::INFO)<<"  _maxLevel="<<_maxLevel<<", _min="<<_min<<" _max="<<_max<<std::endl;

        if (level>_maxLevel) return false;

        osg::Vec2d union_min, union_max;

        // handle mins
        if (_min.x()!=DBL_MAX && in_min.x()!=DBL_MAX)
            // both _min.x() and in_min.x() are defined so use max of two
            union_min.x() = _min.x()>in_min.x() ? _min.x() : in_min.x();
            // one or both _min.x() and in_min.x() aren't defined so use min of two
            union_min.x() = _min.x()<in_min.x() ? _min.x() : in_min.x();

        if (_min.y()!=DBL_MAX && in_min.y()!=DBL_MAX)
            // both _min.y() and in_min.y() are defined so use max of two
            union_min.y() = _min.y()>in_min.y() ? _min.y() : in_min.y();
            // one or both _min.y() and in_min.y() aren't defined so use min of two
            union_min.y() = _min.y()<in_min.y() ? _min.y() : in_min.y();

        // handle maxs
        if (_max.x()!=-DBL_MAX && in_max.x()!=-DBL_MAX)
            // both _max.x() and in_max.x() are defined so use max of two
            union_max.x() = _max.x()<in_max.x() ? _max.x() : in_max.x();
            // one or both _max.x() and in_max.x() aren't defined so use max of two
            union_max.x() = _max.x()>in_max.x() ? _max.x() : in_max.x();

        if (_max.y()!=-DBL_MAX && in_max.y()!=-DBL_MAX)
            // both _max.y() and in_max.y() are defined so use max of two
            union_max.y() = _max.y()<in_max.y() ? _max.y() : in_max.y();
            // one or both _max.y() and in_max.y() aren't defined so use max of two
            union_max.y() = _max.y()>in_max.y() ? _max.y() : in_max.y();

        bool result = union_min.x()<union_max.x() && union_min.y()<union_max.y() ;

        osg::notify(osg::INFO)<<"  union_min="<<union_min<<" union_max="<<union_max<<" result = "<<result<<std::endl;

        return result;