int main(int argc, char **argv) { // we need to load some relative images and geometry files. // to make this work reliable (e.g. starting the tutorial via link) // we use the argv[0] parameter. #ifdef WIN32 std::string sep("\\"); #else std::string sep("/"); #endif std::string path = argv[0]; // remove app name std::string::size_type i = path.rfind(sep); if(i != std::string::npos) path = path.substr(0, i); // set the current dir to the application dir. OSG::Directory::setCurrent(path.c_str()); // OSG init OSG::osgInit(argc, argv); /* Initialize GLUT state - glut will take any command line arguments that pertain to it or X Windows - look at its documentation at */ glutInit(&argc, argv); /* Select type of Display mode: Double buffer RGBA color Alpha components supported (use GLUT_ALPHA) Depth buffer */ glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_RGB | GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_DEPTH ); /* get a 640 x 480 window */ //glutInitWindowSize(640, 480); glutInitWindowSize(Width, Height); /* the window starts at the upper left corner of the screen */ glutInitWindowPosition(300, 0); /* Open a window */ window = glutCreateWindow("Oz, Mouse Control"); if (m_bFullscreen) glutFullScreen(); glutSetCursor(GLUT_CURSOR_NONE); glutDisplayFunc(&DrawGLScene); // register all GLUT callback functions glutIdleFunc(idleFunc); /* Register the function called when our window is resized. */ glutReshapeFunc(ReSizeGLScene); /* Register the function called when the keyboard is pressed. */ glutKeyboardFunc(keyPressed); /* Register the function called when special keys (arrows, page down, etc) are pressed. */ //glutSpecialFunc(&specialKeyPressed); glutMouseFunc(mouseFunc); glutMotionFunc(motionFunc); glutPassiveMotionFunc(motionFunc); /* Initialize our window. */ InitGL(640, 480); pwin = OSG::PassiveWindow::create(); pwin->init(); /* All scene file loading is handled via the SceneFileHandler. */ world = OSG::SceneFileHandler::the()->read("Data/tie.wrl"); // create the main scene transformation node // 1. create the Node scene =OSG:: Node::create(); // 2. create the core trans = OSG::Transform::create(); // 3. associate the core with the node scene->setCore(trans); scene->addChild(world); // add the world as a child // create the SimpleSceneManager helper - it will be only partially used mgr = new OSG::SimpleSceneManager; // tell the manager what to manage mgr->setWindow(pwin ); mgr->setRoot (scene); if (pwin->getMFPort()->size() != 0) { OSG::PassiveBackgroundRefPtr bg = OSG::PassiveBackground::create(); vp = pwin->getPort(0); cam = dynamic_cast<OSG::PerspectiveCamera *>(vp->getCamera()); newcam = OSG::MatrixCamera::create(); // the MatrixCamera will only be a slave to the OpenGL matrices vp->setCamera(newcam); // replace the cam vp->setBackground(bg); // keep OpenSG from deleting the background, we will do that ourselves if(cam == NULL) exit(1); } else { printf("Could not acquire pointer to camera !!\n"); exit(1); } OSG::commitChanges(); /* Start Event Processing Engine */ glutMainLoop(); return 1; }
// Initialize GLUT & OpenSG and set up the scene int main(int argc, char **argv) { // OSG init OSG::osgInit(argc,argv); // GLUT init int winid = setupGLUT(&argc, argv); { // the connection between GLUT and OpenSG OSG::GLUTWindowRefPtr gwin = OSG::GLUTWindow::create(); gwin->setGlutId(winid); gwin->init(); // create the scene OSG::NodeRefPtr torus = OSG::makeTorus( .5, 2, 16, 32 ); OSG::NodeRefPtr scene = OSG::Node::create(); trans = OSG::Transform::create(); scene->setCore(trans); scene->addChild(torus); // Create the parts needed for the video background OSG::UInt32 width = 640; OSG::UInt32 height = 480; // get the desired size from the command line if(argc >= 3) { width = atoi(argv[1]); height = atoi(argv[2]); } // To check OpenGL extensions, the Window needs to have run through // frameInit at least once. This automatically happens when rendering, // but we can't wait for that here. gwin->activate (); gwin->frameInit(); // Now we can check for OpenGL extensions hasNPOT = gwin->hasExtension("GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two"); // Print what we've got SLOG << "Got " << (isPOT?"":"non-") << "power-of-two images and " << (hasNPOT?"can":"cannot") << " use NPOT textures, changing " << (changeOnlyPart?"part":"all") << " of the screen" << std::endl; // Ok, now for the meat of the code... // first we need an Image to hold the picture(s) to show image = OSG::Image::create(); // set the image's size and type, and allocate memory // this example uses RGB. On some systems (e.g. Windows) BGR // or BGRA might be faster, it depends on how the images are // acquired image->set(OSG::Image::OSG_RGB_PF, width, height); // Now create the texture to be used for the background texObj = OSG::TextureObjChunk::create(); // Associate image and texture texObj->setImage(image); // Set filtering modes. LINEAR is cheap and good if the image size // changes very little (i.e. the window is about the same size as // the images). texObj->setMinFilter(GL_LINEAR); texObj->setMagFilter(GL_LINEAR); // Set the wrapping modes. We don't need repetition, it might actually // introduce artifactes at the borders, so switch it off. texObj->setWrapS(GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); texObj->setWrapT(GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); // Newer versions of OpenGL can handle NPOT textures directly. // OpenSG will do that internally automatically. // // Older versions need POT textures. By default OpenSG // will scale an NPOT texture to POT while defining it. // For changing textures that's too slow. // So tell OpenSG not to scale the image and adjust the texture // coordinates used by the TextureBackground (see below). texObj->setScale(false); // Create the background OSG::TextureBackgroundRefPtr back = OSG::TextureBackground::create(); // Set the texture to use back->setTexture(texObj); // if the image is NPOT and we don't have hardware support for it // adjust the texture coordinates. if(isPOT == false && hasNPOT == false) { OSG::UInt32 potWidth = OSG::osgNextPower2(width ); OSG::UInt32 potHeight = OSG::osgNextPower2(height); OSG::Real32 tcRight = OSG::Real32(width ) / OSG::Real32(potWidth ); OSG::Real32 tcTop = OSG::Real32(height) / OSG::Real32(potHeight); back->editMFTexCoords()->push_back(OSG::Vec2f( 0.f, 0.f)); back->editMFTexCoords()->push_back(OSG::Vec2f(tcRight, 0.f)); back->editMFTexCoords()->push_back(OSG::Vec2f(tcRight, tcTop)); back->editMFTexCoords()->push_back(OSG::Vec2f( 0.f, tcTop)); } OSG::commitChanges(); // create the SimpleSceneManager helper mgr = OSG::SimpleSceneManager::create(); // tell the manager what to manage mgr->setWindow(gwin ); mgr->setRoot (scene); mgr->setStatistics(true); // replace the background // This has to be done after the viewport has been created, which the // SSM does in setRoot(). OSG::ViewportRefPtr vp = gwin->getPort(0); vp->setBackground(back); } // show the whole scene mgr->showAll(); // GLUT main loop glutMainLoop(); return 0; }