  * Check all waterpolygons in pass 4: Iterate over error map and search
  * the node in the polygon tree by bounding box.
  * If found do geos contains with the polygon to make sure, the node is
  * containing in the polygon.
  * If the poylgon contains the error node the error is detected as a false
  * possitive and is either a normal node or a river mouth.
 void check_area() {
     for (auto node : ds.error_map) {
         osmium::Location location;
         osmium::object_id_type node_id = node.first;
         const geos::geom::Point *point = nullptr;
         try {
             location = location_handler.get_node_location(node_id);
             point = geos_factory.create_point(location).release();
         } catch (...) {
             cerr << "Error at node: " << node_id
                  << " - not able to create point of location." << endl;
         vector<void *> results;
         ds.polygon_tree.query(point->getEnvelopeInternal(), results);
         if (results.size()) {
             for (auto result : results) {
                 prepared_polygon_type *geos_polygon;
                 geos_polygon = static_cast<prepared_polygon_type*> (result);
                 if (geos_polygon->contains(point)) {
                     ErrorSum *sum = node.second;
                     delete_error_node(node_id, sum);
         delete point;
Example #2
#include <osmium/builder/builder_helper.hpp>
#include <osmium/geom/geos.hpp>
#include <osmium/geom/wkb.hpp>

#include "../basic/helper.hpp"
#include "helper.hpp"

TEST_CASE("WKB_Geometry_with_GEOS") {

SECTION("point") {
    osmium::geom::WKBFactory<> wkb_factory(osmium::geom::wkb_type::wkb, osmium::geom::out_type::hex);
    osmium::geom::GEOSFactory<> geos_factory;

    std::string wkb {wkb_factory.create_point(osmium::Location(3.2, 4.2))};

    std::unique_ptr<geos::geom::Point> geos_point = geos_factory.create_point(osmium::Location(3.2, 4.2));
    REQUIRE(geos_to_wkb(geos_point.get()) == wkb);

SECTION("linestring") {
    osmium::geom::WKBFactory<> wkb_factory(osmium::geom::wkb_type::wkb, osmium::geom::out_type::hex);
    osmium::geom::GEOSFactory<> geos_factory;

    osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(10000);
    auto& wnl = osmium::builder::build_way_node_list(buffer, {
        {1, {3.2, 4.2}},
        {3, {3.5, 4.7}},
        {4, {3.5, 4.7}},
        {2, {3.6, 4.9}}