bool endElement(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName, const QString &qName) { --depth; if(depth == 0) { Parser::Event *e = new Parser::Event; e->setDocumentClose(namespaceURI, localName, qName); e->setActualString(in->lastString()); in->resetLastData(); eventList.append(e); in->pause(true); } else { // done with a depth 1 element? if(depth == 1) { Parser::Event *e = new Parser::Event; e->setElement(elem); e->setActualString(in->lastString()); in->resetLastData(); eventList.append(e); in->pause(true); elem = QDomElement(); current = QDomElement(); } else current = current.parentNode().toElement(); } if(in->lastRead() == '/') checkNeedMore(); return true; }
void checkNeedMore() { // Here we will work around QXmlSimpleReader strangeness and self-closing tags. // The problem is that endElement() is called when the '/' is read, not when // the final '>' is read. This is a potential problem when obtaining unprocessed // bytes from StreamInput after this event, as the '>' character will end up // in the unprocessed chunk. To work around this, we need to advance StreamInput's // internal byte processing, but not the xml character data. This way, the '>' // will get processed and will no longer be in the unprocessed return, but // QXmlSimpleReader can still read it. To do this, we call StreamInput::readNext // with 'peek' mode. QChar c = in->readNext(true); // peek if(c == QXmlInputSource::EndOfData) { needMore = true; } else { // We'll assume the next char is a '>'. If it isn't, then // QXmlSimpleReader will deal with that problem on the next // parse. We don't need to take any action here. needMore = false; // there should have been a pending event Parser::Event *e = eventList.first(); if(!eventList.isEmpty()) { e->setActualString(e->actualString() + '>'); in->resetLastData(); } } }
bool startElement(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName, const QString &qName, const QXmlAttributes &atts) { if(depth == 0) { Parser::Event *e = new Parser::Event; QXmlAttributes a; for(int n = 0; n < atts.length(); ++n) { QString uri = atts.uri(n); QString ln = atts.localName(n); if(a.index(uri, ln) == -1) a.append(atts.qName(n), uri, ln, atts.value(n)); } e->setDocumentOpen(namespaceURI, localName, qName, a, nsnames, nsvalues); nsnames.clear(); nsvalues.clear(); e->setActualString(in->lastString()); in->resetLastData(); eventList.append(e); in->pause(true); } else { QDomElement e = doc->createElementNS(namespaceURI, qName); for(int n = 0; n < atts.length(); ++n) { QString uri = atts.uri(n); QString ln = atts.localName(n); bool have; if(!uri.isEmpty()) { have = e.hasAttributeNS(uri, ln); if(qt_bug_have) have = !have; } else have = e.hasAttribute(ln); if(!have) e.setAttributeNS(uri, atts.qName(n), atts.value(n)); } if(depth == 1) { elem = e; current = e; } else { current.appendChild(e); current = e; } } ++depth; return true; }