Example #1
static void fillToc(Poppler::Document *doc, const QDomNode &parent, QTreeWidget *tree, QTreeWidgetItem *parentItem)
    QTreeWidgetItem *newitem = 0;
    for (QDomNode node = parent.firstChild(); !node.isNull(); node = node.nextSibling()) {
        QDomElement e = node.toElement();

		// for some unknown reason e.attribute("Destination") does not exist while Okular successfully uses it; so we cannot use Poppler::LinkDestination(e.attribute(QString::fromLatin1("Destination"))).pageNumber() and must use the following
//		const int pageNumber = doc->linkDestination(e.attribute(QString::fromLatin1("DestinationName")))->pageNumber();
		Poppler::LinkDestination *dest = doc->linkDestination(e.attribute(QString::fromLatin1("DestinationName")));
		const double pageNumber = dest->pageNumber() + dest->top();
		delete dest;

        if (!parentItem) {
            newitem = new QTreeWidgetItem(tree, newitem);
        } else {
            newitem = new QTreeWidgetItem(parentItem, newitem);
        newitem->setText(0, e.tagName());
		newitem->setData(0, Qt::UserRole, pageNumber);

        bool isOpen = false;
        if (e.hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("Open"))) {
            isOpen = QVariant(e.attribute(QString::fromLatin1("Open"))).toBool();
        if (isOpen) {

        if (e.hasChildNodes()) {
            fillToc(doc, node, tree, newitem);
Example #2
static QList<Link> getLinks(Poppler::Page* popplerPage, const QStringList &popplerPageLabels)
    QList<Link> links;

//QTime t = QTime::currentTime();
    QList<Poppler::Link*> popplerLinks = popplerPage->links(); // this is slow
//qCritical() << t.msecsTo(QTime::currentTime());
    while (!popplerLinks.isEmpty())
        Poppler::Link *popplerLink = popplerLinks.takeFirst();
        Link link;
//		link.linkArea = popplerLink->linkArea();
        const QRectF linkArea = popplerLink->linkArea();
        link.linkArea = QRectF(linkArea.left(), qMin(linkArea.top(), linkArea.bottom()), qAbs(linkArea.right() - linkArea.left()), qAbs(linkArea.bottom() - linkArea.top())); // poppler switches top and bottom of this box :(
        switch (popplerLink->linkType())
        case Poppler::Link::Goto:
            const Poppler::LinkGoto *popplerLinkGoto = static_cast<const Poppler::LinkGoto*>(popplerLink);
            const Poppler::LinkDestination popplerDest = popplerLinkGoto->destination();
            link.pageNumber = popplerDest.pageNumber() - 1 + popplerDest.top();
            link.pageLabel = popplerPageLabels.at(int(link.pageNumber));
        case Poppler::Link::Browse:
            const Poppler::LinkBrowse *popplerLinkBrowse = static_cast<const Poppler::LinkBrowse*>(popplerLink);
            link.url = popplerLinkBrowse->url();
        case Poppler::Link::Action:
            const Poppler::LinkAction *popplerLinkAction = static_cast<const Poppler::LinkAction*>(popplerLink);
            link.pageNumber = -1; // since Poppler::LinkAction::ActionType doesn't specify a "None" value, we use pageNumber to distinguish this type of action, we do not check whether popplerLinkAction->actionType() is > 0 because it is not documented that all valid action types have a value > 0
            link.actionType = popplerLinkAction->actionType();
        case Poppler::Link::Execute: // TODO
        case Poppler::Link::Sound: // TODO
        case Poppler::Link::Movie: // not implemented in poppler 0.16
        case Poppler::Link::JavaScript: // TODO
        default: // do nothing
        links << link;
        delete popplerLink;

    return links;
Example #3
void GridLayout::goto_link_destination(const Poppler::LinkDestination &link) {
	int link_page = link.pageNumber() - 1;
	float w = res->get_page_width(link_page, false);
	float h = res->get_page_height(link_page, false);

	const QPointF link_point = rotate_point(QPointF(link.left() * w, link.top() * h), w, h, res->get_rotation());

	QPoint p = get_target_page_distance(link_page);
	if (link.isChangeLeft()) {
		p.rx() += link_point.x() * size - width * jump_padding;
	if (link.isChangeTop()) {
		p.ry() += link_point.y() * size - height * jump_padding;
    void addSynopsisChildren(QDomNode *parent, int level)
        if (!parent || parent->isNull())

        // keep track of the current listViewItem
        QDomNode n = parent->firstChild();
        while (!n.isNull()) {
            PDFTocEntry *tocEntry = new PDFTocEntry;
            tocEntry->level = level;
            // convert the node to an element (sure it is)
            QDomElement e = n.toElement();
            tocEntry->title = e.tagName();

            // Apparently we can have external links in the ToC.
            // Not doing this for now, but leave it in here as a note to self
            // if (!e.attribute("ExternalFileName").isNull()) item.setAttribute("ExternalFileName", e.attribute("ExternalFileName"));
            if (!e.attribute("DestinationName").isNull()) {
                Poppler::LinkDestination *dest = document->linkDestination(e.attribute("DestinationName"));
                if (dest) {
                    tocEntry->pageNumber = dest->pageNumber();
                    delete dest;
                //item.setAttribute("ViewportName", e.attribute("DestinationName"));
            if (!e.attribute("Destination").isNull()) {
                //fillViewportFromLinkDestination( vp, Poppler::LinkDestination(e.attribute("Destination")) );
                //item.setAttribute( "Viewport", vp.toString() );
                Poppler::LinkDestination dest(e.attribute("Destination"));
                tocEntry->pageNumber = dest.pageNumber();
            // if (!e.attribute("Open").isNull()) item.setAttribute("Open", e.attribute("Open"));
            // if (!e.attribute("DestinationURI").isNull()) item.setAttribute("URL", e.attribute("DestinationURI"));

            // Add the entry to the list of ToC entries
            // descend recursively and advance to the next node
            if (e.hasChildNodes())
                addSynopsisChildren(&n, level);
            n = n.nextSibling();
Example #5
static void copyToc(const QUrl &docUrl, Poppler::Document *doc, QDomNode node,
    QList<Choice> &choices, int indent) {
  while (!node.isNull()) {
    if (node.isElement()) {
      QDomElement el = node.toElement();
      QString destName = el.attribute("DestinationName", QString());
      if (!destName.isNull()) {
        Poppler::LinkDestination *dest = doc->linkDestination(destName);
        QUrl refUrl(docUrl);
        refUrl.setFragment("page:" + QString::number(dest->pageNumber() - 1));
        delete dest;
        QString displayName(QString(indent * 2, ' ') + el.nodeName());
        choices << Choice(displayName, refUrl.toString()); 
    if (node.hasChildNodes()) {
      copyToc(docUrl, doc, node.firstChild(), choices, indent + 1);
    node = node.nextSibling();