Example #1
DECLARE_EXPORT PyObject* savePlan(PyObject* self, PyObject* args)
  // Pick up arguments
  const char *filename = "plan.out";
  int ok = PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s:saveplan", &filename);
  if (!ok) return NULL;

  // Free Python interpreter for other threads

  // Execute and catch exceptions
  ofstream textoutput;
    // Open the output file
    textoutput.open(filename, ios::out);

    // Write the buffer summary
    for (Buffer::iterator gbuf = Buffer::begin();
        gbuf != Buffer::end(); ++gbuf)
      if (!gbuf->getHidden())
        for (Buffer::flowplanlist::const_iterator
          if (oo->getType() == 1 && oo->getQuantity() != 0.0)
            textoutput << "BUFFER\t" << *gbuf << '\t'
                << oo->getDate() << '\t'
                << oo->getQuantity() << '\t'
                << oo->getOnhand() << endl;

    // Write the demand summary
    for (Demand::iterator gdem = Demand::begin();
        gdem != Demand::end(); ++gdem)
      if (!gdem->getHidden())
        for (Demand::OperationPlan_list::const_iterator
            pp = gdem->getDelivery().begin();
            pp != gdem->getDelivery().end();
          textoutput << "DEMAND\t" << (*gdem) << '\t'
              << (*pp)->getDates().getEnd() << '\t'
              << (*pp)->getQuantity() << endl;

    // Write the resource summary
    for (Resource::iterator gres = Resource::begin();
        gres != Resource::end(); ++gres)
      if (!gres->getHidden())
        for (Resource::loadplanlist::const_iterator
          if (qq->getType() == 1 && qq->getQuantity() != 0.0)
            textoutput << "RESOURCE\t" << *gres << '\t'
                << qq->getDate() << '\t'
                << qq->getQuantity() << '\t'
                << qq->getOnhand() << endl;

    // Write the operationplan summary.
    for (OperationPlan::iterator rr = OperationPlan::begin();
        rr != OperationPlan::end(); ++rr)
      if (rr->getOperation()->getHidden()) continue;
      textoutput << "OPERATION\t" << rr->getOperation() << '\t'
          << rr->getDates().getStart() << '\t'
          << rr->getDates().getEnd() << '\t'
          << rr->getQuantity() << endl;

    // Write the problem summary.
    for (Problem::const_iterator gprob = Problem::begin();
        gprob != Problem::end(); ++gprob)
      textoutput << "PROBLEM\t" << gprob->getType().type << '\t'
          << gprob->getDescription() << '\t'
          << gprob->getDates() << endl;

    // Write the constraint summary
    for (Demand::iterator gdem = Demand::begin();
        gdem != Demand::end(); ++gdem)
      if (!gdem->getHidden())
        for (Problem::const_iterator i = gdem->getConstraints().begin();
            i != gdem->getConstraints().end();
          textoutput << "DEMAND CONSTRAINT\t" << (*gdem) << '\t'
              << i->getDescription() << '\t'
              << i->getDates() << '\t' << endl;

    // Close the output file
  catch (...)
    if (textoutput.is_open())
    return NULL;
  Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS   // Reclaim Python interpreter
  return Py_BuildValue("");
Example #2
DECLARE_EXPORT void SolverMRP::solve(const Demand* l, void* v)
  // Set a bookmark at the current command
  SolverMRPdata* data = static_cast<SolverMRPdata*>(v);
  CommandManager::Bookmark* topcommand = data->setBookmark();

  // Create a state stack
  State* mystate = data->state;

    // Call the user exit
    if (userexit_demand) userexit_demand.call(l, PythonData(data->constrainedPlanning));
    short loglevel = data->getSolver()->getLogLevel();

    // Note: This solver method does not push/pop states on the stack.
    // We continue to work on the top element of the stack.

    // Message
    if (loglevel>0)
      logger << "Planning demand '" << l->getName() << "' (" << l->getPriority()
          << ", " << l->getDue() << ", " << l->getQuantity() << ")";
      if (!data->constrainedPlanning || !data->getSolver()->isConstrained())
        logger << " in unconstrained mode";
      logger << endl;

    // Unattach previous delivery operationplans, if required.
    if (data->getSolver()->getErasePreviousFirst())
      // Locked operationplans will NOT be deleted, and a part of the demand can
      // still remain planned.
      const_cast<Demand*>(l)->deleteOperationPlans(false, data);

      // Empty constraint list

    // Track constraints or not
    data->logConstraints = (getPlanType() == 1);

    // Determine the quantity to be planned and the date for the planning loop
    double plan_qty = l->getQuantity() - l->getPlannedQuantity();
    Date plan_date = l->getDue();
    if (plan_qty < ROUNDING_ERROR || plan_date == Date::infiniteFuture)
      if (loglevel>0) logger << "  Nothing to be planned." << endl;
    if (plan_qty < l->getMinShipment()) plan_qty = l->getMinShipment();

    // Temporary values to store the 'best-reply' so far
    double best_q_qty = 0.0, best_a_qty = 0.0;
    Date best_q_date;

    // Select delivery operation
    Operation* deliveryoper = l->getDeliveryOperation();

    // Handle invalid or missing delivery operations
    string problemtext = string("Demand '") + l->getName() + "' has no delivery operation";
    Problem::const_iterator j = Problem::begin(const_cast<Demand*>(l), false);
    while (j!=Problem::end())
      if (&(j->getType()) == ProblemInvalidData::metadata
          && j->getDescription() == problemtext)
    if (!deliveryoper)
      // Create a problem
      if (j == Problem::end())
      new ProblemInvalidData(const_cast<Demand*>(l), problemtext, "demand",
          l->getDue(), l->getDue(), l->getQuantity());
      // Abort planning of this demand
      throw DataException("Demand '" + l->getName() + "' can't be planned");
      // Remove problem that may already exist
      delete &*j;

    // Planning loop
      // Message
      if (loglevel>0)
        logger << "Demand '" << l << "' asks: "
            << plan_qty << "  " << plan_date << endl;

      // Store the last command in the list, in order to undo the following
      // commands if required.
      CommandManager::Bookmark* topcommand = data->setBookmark();

      // Plan the demand by asking the delivery operation to plan
      double q_qty = plan_qty;
      data->state->curBuffer = NULL;
      data->state->q_qty = plan_qty;
      data->state->q_date = plan_date;
      data->planningDemand = const_cast<Demand*>(l);
      data->state->curDemand = const_cast<Demand*>(l);
      data->state->curOwnerOpplan = NULL;
      Date next_date = data->state->a_date;

      if (data->state->a_qty < ROUNDING_ERROR
          && plan_qty > l->getMinShipment() && l->getMinShipment() > 0)
        bool originalLogConstraints = data->logConstraints;
        data->logConstraints = false;
          // The full asked quantity is not possible.
          // Try with the minimum shipment quantity.
          if (loglevel>1)
            logger << "Demand '" << l << "' tries planning minimum quantity " << l->getMinShipment() << endl;
          data->state->curBuffer = NULL;
          data->state->q_qty = l->getMinShipment();
          data->state->q_date = plan_date;
          data->state->curDemand = const_cast<Demand*>(l);
          if (data->state->a_date < next_date)
            next_date = data->state->a_date;
          if (data->state->a_qty > ROUNDING_ERROR)
            // The minimum shipment quantity is feasible.
            // Now try iteratively different quantities to find the best we can do.
            double min_qty = l->getMinShipment();
            double max_qty = plan_qty;
            double delta = fabs(max_qty - min_qty);
            while (delta > data->getSolver()->getIterationAccuracy() * l->getQuantity()
                && delta > data->getSolver()->getIterationThreshold())
              // Note: we're kind of assuming that the demand is an integer value here.
              double new_qty = floor((min_qty + max_qty) / 2);
              if (new_qty == min_qty)
                // Required to avoid an infinite loop on the same value...
                new_qty += 1;
                if (new_qty > max_qty) break;
              if (loglevel>0)
                logger << "Demand '" << l << "' tries planning a different quantity " << new_qty << endl;
              data->state->curBuffer = NULL;
              data->state->q_qty = new_qty;
              data->state->q_date = plan_date;
              data->state->curDemand = const_cast<Demand*>(l);
              if (data->state->a_date < next_date)
                next_date = data->state->a_date;
              if (data->state->a_qty > ROUNDING_ERROR)
                // Too small: new min
                min_qty = new_qty;
                // Too big: new max
                max_qty = new_qty;
              delta = fabs(max_qty - min_qty);
            q_qty = min_qty;  // q_qty is the biggest Q quantity giving a positive reply
            if (data->state->a_qty <= ROUNDING_ERROR)
              if (loglevel>0)
                logger << "Demand '" << l << "' restores plan for quantity " << min_qty << endl;
              // Restore the last feasible plan
              data->state->curBuffer = NULL;
              data->state->q_qty = min_qty;
              data->state->q_date = plan_date;
              data->state->curDemand = const_cast<Demand*>(l);
        catch (...)
          data->logConstraints = originalLogConstraints;
        data->logConstraints = originalLogConstraints;

      // Message
      if (loglevel>0)
        logger << "Demand '" << l << "' gets answer: "
            << data->state->a_qty << "  " << next_date << "  "
            << data->state->a_cost << "  " << data->state->a_penalty << endl;

      // Update the date to plan in the next loop
      Date copy_plan_date = plan_date;

      // Compare the planned quantity with the minimum allowed shipment quantity
      // We don't accept the answer in case:
      // 1) Nothing is planned
      // 2) The planned quantity is less than the minimum shipment quantity
      // 3) The remaining quantity after accepting this answer is less than
      //    the minimum quantity.
      if (data->state->a_qty < ROUNDING_ERROR
          || data->state->a_qty + ROUNDING_ERROR < l->getMinShipment()
          || (plan_qty - data->state->a_qty < l->getMinShipment()
              && fabs(plan_qty - data->state->a_qty) > ROUNDING_ERROR))
        if (plan_qty - data->state->a_qty < l->getMinShipment()
            && data->state->a_qty + ROUNDING_ERROR >= l->getMinShipment()
            && data->state->a_qty > best_a_qty )
          // The remaining quantity after accepting this answer is less than
          // the minimum quantity. Therefore, we delay accepting it now, but
          // still keep track of this best offer.
          best_a_qty = data->state->a_qty;
          best_q_qty = q_qty;
          best_q_date = plan_date;

        // Delete operationplans - Undo all changes

        // Set the ask date for the next pass through the loop
        if (next_date <= copy_plan_date
          || (!data->getSolver()->getAllowSplits() && data->state->a_qty > ROUNDING_ERROR)
          || (data->state->a_qty > ROUNDING_ERROR && plan_qty - data->state->a_qty < l->getMinShipment()
              && plan_qty - data->state->a_qty > ROUNDING_ERROR))
          // Oops, we didn't get a proper answer we can use for the next loop.
          // Print a warning and simply try one day later.
          if (loglevel>0)
            logger << "Warning: Demand '" << l << "': Lazy retry" << endl;
          plan_date = copy_plan_date + data->getSolver()->getLazyDelay();
          // Use the next-date answer from the solver
          plan_date = next_date;
        // Accepting this answer
        if (data->state->a_qty + ROUNDING_ERROR < q_qty)
          // The demand was only partially planned. We need to do a new
          // 'coordinated' planning run.

          // Delete operationplans created in the 'testing round'

          // Create the correct operationplans
          if (loglevel>=2)
            logger << "Demand '" << l << "' plans coordination." << endl;
          double tmpresult = 0;
            for(double remainder = data->state->a_qty;
                remainder > ROUNDING_ERROR; remainder -= data->state->a_qty)
              data->state->q_qty = remainder;
              data->state->q_date = copy_plan_date;
              data->state->curDemand = const_cast<Demand*>(l);
              data->state->curBuffer = NULL;
              if (data->state->a_qty < ROUNDING_ERROR)
                logger << "Warning: Demand '" << l << "': Failing coordination" << endl;
              tmpresult += data->state->a_qty;
          catch (...)
          data->state->a_qty = tmpresult;
          if (tmpresult == 0) break;

        // Register the new operationplans. We need to make sure that the
        // correct execute method is called!
        if (data->getSolver()->getAutocommit())

        // Update the quantity to plan in the next loop
        plan_qty -= data->state->a_qty;
        best_a_qty = 0.0;  // Reset 'best-answer' remember

    // Repeat while there is still a quantity left to plan and we aren't
    // exceeding the maximum delivery delay.
    while (plan_qty > ROUNDING_ERROR
        && ((data->getSolver()->getPlanType() != 2 && plan_date < l->getDue() + l->getMaxLateness())
            || (data->getSolver()->getPlanType() == 2 && !data->constrainedPlanning && plan_date < l->getDue() + l->getMaxLateness())
            || (data->getSolver()->getPlanType() == 2 && data->constrainedPlanning && plan_date == l->getDue())

    // Accept the best possible answer.
    // We may have skipped it in the previous loop, awaiting a still better answer
    if (best_a_qty > 0.0 && data->constrainedPlanning)
      if (loglevel>=2) logger << "Demand '" << l << "' accepts a best answer." << endl;
        for (double remainder = best_q_qty;
          remainder > ROUNDING_ERROR && remainder > l->getMinShipment();
          remainder -= data->state->a_qty)
          data->state->q_qty = remainder;
          data->state->q_date = best_q_date;
          data->state->curDemand = const_cast<Demand*>(l);
          data->state->curBuffer = NULL;
          if (data->state->a_qty < ROUNDING_ERROR)
            logger << "Warning: Demand '" << l << "': Failing accepting best answer" << endl;
        if (data->getSolver()->getAutocommit())
      catch (...)

    // Reset the state stack to the position we found it at.
    while (data->state > mystate) data->pop();

  catch (...)
    // Clean up if any exception happened during the planning of the demand
    while (data->state > mystate) data->pop();