Example #1
bool entryLessThan(const Protos::Common::Entry& e1, const Protos::Common::Entry& e2)
   std::string s1;
   std::string s2;

   if (e1.has_shared_dir() && e2.has_shared_dir())
      s1 = e1.shared_dir().shared_name();
      s2 = e2.shared_dir().shared_name();
      std::transform(s1.begin(), s1.end(), s1.begin(), tolower);
      std::transform(s2.begin(), s2.end(), s2.begin(), tolower);

   if (s1 == s2)
      std::string p1 = e1.path();
      std::string p2 = e2.path();
      std::transform(p1.begin(), p1.end(), p1.begin(), tolower);
      std::transform(p2.begin(), p2.end(), p2.begin(), tolower);

      if (p1 == p2)
         std::string n1 = e1.name();
         std::string n2 = e2.name();
         std::transform(n1.begin(), n1.end(), n1.begin(), tolower);
         std::transform(n2.begin(), n2.end(), n2.begin(), tolower);
         return n1 < n2;
         return p1 < p2;
      return s1 < s2;
Example #2
  * To know if a given entry is already in queue. It depends of (shared dir id, name, path).
bool DownloadQueue::isEntryAlreadyQueued(const Protos::Common::Entry& localEntry)
   QMap<std::string, Download*>::const_iterator i = this->downloadsIndexedByName.constFind(localEntry.name());

   while (i != this->downloadsIndexedByName.constEnd() && i.key() == localEntry.name())
      if (
         i.value()->getLocalEntry().path() == localEntry.path() &&
         (!localEntry.has_shared_dir() || i.value()->getLocalEntry().shared_dir().id().hash() == localEntry.shared_dir().id().hash())
         return true;


   return false;
Example #3
  * Try to select an entry from a remote peer in the browse tab.
  * The entry to browse is set in 'this->remoteEntryToBrowse'.
void BrowseWidget::tryToReachEntryToBrowse()
    if (!this->tryingToReachEntryToBrowse)

    // First we search for the shared directory of the entry.
    for (int r = 0; r < this->browseModel.rowCount(); r++)
        QModelIndex currentIndex = this->browseModel.index(r, 0);
        Protos::Common::Entry root = this->browseModel.getEntry(currentIndex);
        if (root.has_shared_dir() && this->remoteEntryToBrowse.has_shared_dir() && root.shared_dir().id().hash() == this->remoteEntryToBrowse.shared_dir().id().hash())
            // Then we try to match each folder name. If a folder cannot be reached then we ask to expand the last folder.
            // After the folder entries are loaded, 'tryToReachEntryToBrowse()' will be recalled via the signal 'BrowseModel::loadingResultFinished()'.
            const QStringList& path = Common::ProtoHelper::getStr(this->remoteEntryToBrowse, &Protos::Common::Entry::path).append(Common::ProtoHelper::getStr(this->remoteEntryToBrowse, &Protos::Common::Entry::name)).split('/', QString::SkipEmptyParts);
            for (QStringListIterator i(path); i.hasNext();)
                QModelIndex childIndex = this->browseModel.searchChild(i.next(), currentIndex);
                if (!childIndex.isValid())
                currentIndex = childIndex;

                // We reach the last entry name (file or directory), we just have to show and select it.
                if (!i.hasNext())
                    this->ui->treeView->selectionModel()->select(currentIndex, QItemSelectionModel::ClearAndSelect | QItemSelectionModel::Rows);

    this->tryingToReachEntryToBrowse = false;