Example #1
void onTrace(ObjectMap::value_type ov, const qi::EventTrace& trace)
  static qi::int64_t secStart = 0;
  if (!secStart && !full)
    secStart = trace.timestamp().tv_sec;
  static unsigned int maxLen = 0;
  std::string name = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(trace.slotId());
  if (!numeric)
    qi::MetaObject mo = ov.second.metaObject();
    qi::MetaMethod* m = mo.method(trace.slotId());
    if (m)
      name = m->name();
      qi::MetaSignal* s = mo.signal(trace.slotId());
      if (s)
        name = s->name();
        name = name + "(??" ")"; // trigraph protect mode on
  if (!full && name.size() > 25)
    name = name.substr(0, 22) + "...";
  std::string serviceName = ov.first;
  if (!full && serviceName.size() > 17)
    serviceName = serviceName.substr(0, 14) + "...";
  maxLen = std::max(maxLen, (unsigned int)name.size());
  unsigned int traceKind = trace.kind();
  if (traceKind > 4)
    traceKind = 0;
  std::string spacing(maxLen + 2 - name.size(), ' ');
  std::string spacing2((full?maxServiceLength:17) + 2 - ov.first.size(), ' ');
  if (trace.kind() == qi::EventTrace::Event_Result || qi::EventTrace::Event_Error)
    std::cout << serviceName << spacing2 << trace.id()
      << ' ' << ThreadFormat(trace.callerContext())
      << ' ' << ThreadFormat(trace.calleeContext())
      << ' ' << callType[traceKind] << ' ' << name
      << spacing << (trace.timestamp().tv_sec - secStart) << '.' << trace.timestamp().tv_usec
      << ' ' << trace.userUsTime() << ' ' << trace.systemUsTime() << ' ' << qi::encodeJSON(trace.arguments()) << std::endl;
    std::cout << serviceName << spacing2 << trace.id()
      << ' ' << ThreadFormat(trace.callerContext())
      << ' ' << ThreadFormat(trace.calleeContext())
      << ' ' << callType[traceKind] << ' ' << name
      << spacing << (trace.timestamp().tv_sec - secStart) << '.' << trace.timestamp().tv_usec
      << ' ' << qi::encodeJSON(trace.arguments()) << std::endl;
Example #2
  // handle a new EventTrace
  void TraceAnalyzer::addTrace(const qi::EventTrace& trace, unsigned int obj)
    qiLogDebug() << "addTrace " << trace.id() << " " << trace.callerContext() << ' ' << trace.calleeContext() << ' ' << trace.kind();
    /* a trace-end event without the start available goes in
     * traceBuffer and that's it.
     * trace-end event with start available completes the entry
     * trace-start event gets inserted in the graph, and in the
     * per-uid perId map, so that future trace-end message can find it quickly
    CallData* d = nullptr;
    CallList& lc = _p->perContext[trace.calleeContext()];
    EventTrace::EventKind k = trace.kind();
    if (k == EventTrace::Event_Call || k == EventTrace::Event_Signal)
    { // New element, insert in toplevel timeline or in trace children
      // Taking care of stealing async children if they were misplaced
      d = new CallData(obj, trace);
      insertTrace(lc, d);
      // check if we have an async parent
      if (d->tPost)
      { // if tPost is set, we have an async parent.
        // Note that it can be on the same context as us
        qiLogDebug() << "look for async parent " << trace.callerContext();
        CallList& asyncParentCtx = _p->perContext[trace.callerContext()];
        insertAsyncParentTrace(asyncParentCtx, d);
      TraceBuffer::iterator it = _p->traceBuffer.find(trace.id());
      if (it != _p->traceBuffer.end())
      { // end already there
        // ...and go on below
        _p->perId[d->uid] = d;
      // Complete the element.
      d = _p->perId[trace.id()];
      if (!d)
        // We got the reply before the call, store it
        _p->traceBuffer[trace.id()] = trace;
        //qiLogWarning() << "Trace not registered : " << trace.id();
    // look for the list that should contain us
    CallList& container = d->parent?d->parent->children:lc;
    CallList::iterator it = std::find_if(container.begin(), container.end(), CompUid(trace.id()));
    if (it == container.end())
      qiLogInfo() << "Message not where it should be";

    // now that we know when we stopped, eat-up children
    // well, that sentence did not came out as I expected
    CallList::iterator inext = it;
    CallList::iterator iend = inext;
    while (iend != container.end() && (*iend)->tEnd && (*iend)->tEnd < (*it)->tEnd)
    //CallList::iterator iend = std::upper_bound(inext, container.end(), (*it)->tEnd, CompEndTime());
    if (iend != inext)
      qiLogDebug() << "Splicing at least " << (*inext)->uid << ' ' << (*it)->tEnd << ' ' << (*inext)->tEnd;
    (*it)->children.splice((*it)->children.begin(), container, inext, iend);
    for (CallList::iterator ic = (*it)->children.begin(); ic != (*it)->children.end(); ++ic)
      (*ic)->parent = *it;

    // and also check if we are child of the element above
    if ((*it)->tEnd && it != container.begin())
      CallList::iterator prev = it;
      if ((*prev)->tEnd && (*prev)->tEnd > (*it)->tEnd)
        qiLogDebug() << "Append to prev's children "
          << (*prev)->tEnd << ' ' << (*it)->tEnd << ' '
          << (*prev)->tStart << ' ' << (*it)->tStart;
        insertTrace((*prev)->children, *it, *prev);