RDKit::INT_VECT HierarchicalClusterPicker::pick(const double *distMat, 
                                                  unsigned int poolSize,
                                                  unsigned int pickSize) const {
    PRECONDITION(distMat,"bad distance matrix");
    RDKit::VECT_INT_VECT clusters = this->cluster(distMat, poolSize, pickSize);
    CHECK_INVARIANT(clusters.size() == pickSize, "");

    // the last step: find a representative element from each of the
    // remaining clusters
    RDKit::INT_VECT picks;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pickSize; i++) {
      int pick;
      double minSumD2 = RDKit::MAX_DOUBLE;
      for (RDKit::INT_VECT_CI cxi1 = clusters[i].begin();
           cxi1 != clusters[i].end(); ++cxi1 ) {
        int curPick = (*cxi1);
        double d2sum = 0.0;
        for (RDKit::INT_VECT_CI cxi2 = clusters[i].begin();
             cxi2 != clusters[i].end(); ++cxi2) {
          if (cxi1 == cxi2) {
          double d = getDistFromLTM(distMat, curPick, (*cxi2));
          d2sum += (d*d);
        if (d2sum < minSumD2) {
          pick = curPick;
          minSumD2 = d2sum;
    return picks;