bool QuadrotorPropulsion::processQueue(const ros::Time ×tamp, const ros::Duration &tolerance, const ros::Duration &delay, const ros::WallDuration &wait, ros::CallbackQueue *callback_queue) { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(command_queue_mutex_); bool new_command = false; ros::Time min(timestamp), max(timestamp); try { min = timestamp - delay - tolerance /* - ros::Duration(dt) */; } catch (std::runtime_error &e) {} try { max = timestamp - delay + tolerance; } catch (std::runtime_error &e) {} do { while(!command_queue_.empty()) { hector_uav_msgs::MotorPWMConstPtr new_motor_voltage = command_queue_.front(); ros::Time new_time = new_motor_voltage->header.stamp; if (new_time.isZero() || (new_time >= min && new_time <= max)) { setVoltage(*new_motor_voltage); command_queue_.pop(); new_command = true; // new motor command is too old: } else if (new_time < min) { ROS_DEBUG_NAMED("quadrotor_propulsion", "Command received was %fs too old. Discarding.", (new_time - timestamp).toSec()); command_queue_.pop(); // new motor command is too new: } else { break; } } if (command_queue_.empty() && !new_command) { if (!motor_status_.on || wait.isZero()) break; ROS_DEBUG_NAMED("quadrotor_propulsion", "Waiting for command at simulation step t = %fs... last update was %fs ago", timestamp.toSec(), (timestamp - last_command_time_).toSec()); if (!callback_queue) { if (command_condition_.timed_wait(lock, wait.toBoost())) continue; } else { lock.unlock(); callback_queue->callAvailable(wait); lock.lock(); if (!command_queue_.empty()) continue; } ROS_ERROR_NAMED("quadrotor_propulsion", "Command timed out. Disabled motors."); shutdown(); } } while(false); if (new_command) { ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED("quadrotor_propulsion", "Using motor command valid at t = " << last_command_time_.toSec() << "s for simulation step at t = " << timestamp.toSec() << "s (dt = " << (timestamp - last_command_time_).toSec() << "s)"); } return new_command; }
void CallbackQueue::callAvailable(ros::WallDuration timeout) { setupTLS(); TLS* tls = tls_.get(); { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex_); if (!enabled_) { return; } if (callbacks_.empty()) { if (!timeout.isZero()) { condition_.timed_wait(lock, boost::posix_time::microseconds(timeout.toSec() * 1000000.0f)); } if (callbacks_.empty() || !enabled_) { return; } } bool was_empty = tls->callbacks.empty(); tls->callbacks.insert(tls->callbacks.end(), callbacks_.begin(), callbacks_.end()); callbacks_.clear(); calling_ += tls->callbacks.size(); if (was_empty) { tls->cb_it = tls->callbacks.begin(); } } size_t called = 0; while (!tls->callbacks.empty()) { if (callOneCB(tls) != Empty) { ++called; } } { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex_); calling_ -= called; } }
void TimePublisher::runStalledClock(const ros::WallDuration& duration) { if (do_publish_) { rosgraph_msgs::Clock pub_msg; ros::WallTime t = ros::WallTime::now(); ros::WallTime done = t + duration; while ( t < done ) { if (t > next_pub_) { pub_msg.clock = current_; time_pub_.publish(pub_msg); next_pub_ = t + wall_step_; } ros::WallTime target = done; if (target > next_pub_) target = next_pub_; ros::WallTime::sleepUntil(target); t = ros::WallTime::now(); } } else { duration.sleep(); } }
bool ElevationMap::add(const pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::Ptr pointCloud, Eigen::VectorXf& pointCloudVariances, const ros::Time& timestamp, const Eigen::Affine3d& transformationSensorToMap) { if (pointCloud->size() != pointCloudVariances.size()) { ROS_ERROR("ElevationMap::add: Size of point cloud (%i) and variances (%i) do not agree.", (int) pointCloud->size(), (int) pointCloudVariances.size()); return false; } // Initialization for time calculation. const ros::WallTime methodStartTime(ros::WallTime::now()); boost::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock scopedLockForRawData(rawMapMutex_); // Update initial time if it is not initialized. if (initialTime_.toSec() == 0) { initialTime_ = timestamp; } const double scanTimeSinceInitialization = (timestamp - initialTime_).toSec(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pointCloud->size(); ++i) { auto& point = pointCloud->points[i]; Index index; Position position(point.x, point.y); if (!rawMap_.getIndex(position, index)) continue; // Skip this point if it does not lie within the elevation map. auto& elevation ="elevation", index); auto& variance ="variance", index); auto& horizontalVarianceX ="horizontal_variance_x", index); auto& horizontalVarianceY ="horizontal_variance_y", index); auto& horizontalVarianceXY ="horizontal_variance_xy", index); auto& color ="color", index); auto& time ="time", index); auto& lowestScanPoint ="lowest_scan_point", index); auto& sensorXatLowestScan ="sensor_x_at_lowest_scan", index); auto& sensorYatLowestScan ="sensor_y_at_lowest_scan", index); auto& sensorZatLowestScan ="sensor_z_at_lowest_scan", index); const float& pointVariance = pointCloudVariances(i); const float scanTimeSinceInitialization = (timestamp - initialTime_).toSec(); if (!rawMap_.isValid(index)) { // No prior information in elevation map, use measurement. elevation = point.z; variance = pointVariance; horizontalVarianceX = minHorizontalVariance_; horizontalVarianceY = minHorizontalVariance_; horizontalVarianceXY = 0.0; colorVectorToValue(point.getRGBVector3i(), color); continue; } // Deal with multiple heights in one cell. const double mahalanobisDistance = fabs(point.z - elevation) / sqrt(variance); if (mahalanobisDistance > mahalanobisDistanceThreshold_) { if (scanTimeSinceInitialization - time <= scanningDuration_ && elevation > point.z) { // Ignore point if measurement is from the same point cloud (time comparison) and // if measurement is lower then the elevation in the map. } else if (scanTimeSinceInitialization - time <= scanningDuration_) { // If point is higher. elevation = point.z; variance = pointVariance; } else { variance += multiHeightNoise_; } continue; } // Store lowest points from scan for visibility checking. const float pointHeightPlusUncertainty = point.z + 3.0 * sqrt(pointVariance); // 3 sigma. if (std::isnan(lowestScanPoint) || pointHeightPlusUncertainty < lowestScanPoint){ lowestScanPoint = pointHeightPlusUncertainty; const Position3 sensorTranslation(transformationSensorToMap.translation()); sensorXatLowestScan = sensorTranslation.x(); sensorYatLowestScan = sensorTranslation.y(); sensorZatLowestScan = sensorTranslation.z(); } // Fuse measurement with elevation map data. elevation = (variance * point.z + pointVariance * elevation) / (variance + pointVariance); variance = (pointVariance * variance) / (pointVariance + variance); // TODO Add color fusion. colorVectorToValue(point.getRGBVector3i(), color); time = scanTimeSinceInitialization; // Horizontal variances are reset. horizontalVarianceX = minHorizontalVariance_; horizontalVarianceY = minHorizontalVariance_; horizontalVarianceXY = 0.0; } clean(); rawMap_.setTimestamp(timestamp.toNSec()); // Point cloud stores time in microseconds. const ros::WallDuration duration = ros::WallTime::now() - methodStartTime; ROS_INFO("Raw map has been updated with a new point cloud in %f s.", duration.toSec()); return true; }
bool ElevationMap::fuse(const grid_map::Index& topLeftIndex, const grid_map::Index& size) { ROS_DEBUG("Fusing elevation map..."); // Nothing to do. if ((size == 0).any()) return false; // Initializations. const ros::WallTime methodStartTime(ros::WallTime::now()); boost::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock scopedLock(fusedMapMutex_); // Copy raw elevation map data for safe multi-threading. boost::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock scopedLockForRawData(rawMapMutex_); auto rawMapCopy = rawMap_; scopedLockForRawData.unlock(); // More initializations. const double halfResolution = fusedMap_.getResolution() / 2.0; const float minimalWeight = std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon() * (float) 2.0; // Conservative cell inclusion for ellipse iterator. const double ellipseExtension = M_SQRT2 * fusedMap_.getResolution(); // Check if there is the need to reset out-dated data. if (fusedMap_.getTimestamp() != rawMapCopy.getTimestamp()) resetFusedData(); // Align fused map with raw map. if (rawMapCopy.getPosition() != fusedMap_.getPosition()) fusedMap_.move(rawMapCopy.getPosition()); // For each cell in requested area. for (SubmapIterator areaIterator(rawMapCopy, topLeftIndex, size); !areaIterator.isPastEnd(); ++areaIterator) { // Check if fusion for this cell has already been done earlier. if (fusedMap_.isValid(*areaIterator)) continue; if (!rawMapCopy.isValid(*areaIterator)) { // This is an empty cell (hole in the map). // TODO. continue; } // Get size of error ellipse. const float& sigmaXsquare ="horizontal_variance_x", *areaIterator); const float& sigmaYsquare ="horizontal_variance_y", *areaIterator); const float& sigmaXYsquare ="horizontal_variance_xy", *areaIterator); Eigen::Matrix2d covarianceMatrix; covarianceMatrix << sigmaXsquare, sigmaXYsquare, sigmaXYsquare, sigmaYsquare; // 95.45% confidence ellipse which is 2.486-sigma for 2 dof problem. // const double uncertaintyFactor = 2.486; // sqrt(6.18) Eigen::EigenSolver<Eigen::Matrix2d> solver(covarianceMatrix); Eigen::Array2d eigenvalues(solver.eigenvalues().real().cwiseAbs()); Eigen::Array2d::Index maxEigenvalueIndex; eigenvalues.maxCoeff(&maxEigenvalueIndex); Eigen::Array2d::Index minEigenvalueIndex; maxEigenvalueIndex == Eigen::Array2d::Index(0) ? minEigenvalueIndex = 1 : minEigenvalueIndex = 0; const Length ellipseLength = 2.0 * uncertaintyFactor * Length(eigenvalues(maxEigenvalueIndex), eigenvalues(minEigenvalueIndex)).sqrt() + ellipseExtension; const double ellipseRotation(atan2(solver.eigenvectors().col(maxEigenvalueIndex).real()(1), solver.eigenvectors().col(maxEigenvalueIndex).real()(0))); // Requested length and position (center) of submap in map. Position requestedSubmapPosition; rawMapCopy.getPosition(*areaIterator, requestedSubmapPosition); EllipseIterator ellipseIterator(rawMapCopy, requestedSubmapPosition, ellipseLength, ellipseRotation); // Prepare data fusion. Eigen::ArrayXf means, weights; const unsigned int maxNumberOfCellsToFuse = ellipseIterator.getSubmapSize().prod(); means.resize(maxNumberOfCellsToFuse); weights.resize(maxNumberOfCellsToFuse); WeightedEmpiricalCumulativeDistributionFunction<float> lowerBoundDistribution; WeightedEmpiricalCumulativeDistributionFunction<float> upperBoundDistribution; float maxStandardDeviation = sqrt(eigenvalues(maxEigenvalueIndex)); float minStandardDeviation = sqrt(eigenvalues(minEigenvalueIndex)); Eigen::Rotation2Dd rotationMatrix(ellipseRotation); std::string maxEigenvalueLayer, minEigenvalueLayer; if (maxEigenvalueIndex == 0) { maxEigenvalueLayer = "horizontal_variance_x"; minEigenvalueLayer = "horizontal_variance_y"; } else { maxEigenvalueLayer = "horizontal_variance_y"; minEigenvalueLayer = "horizontal_variance_x"; } // For each cell in error ellipse. size_t i = 0; for (; !ellipseIterator.isPastEnd(); ++ellipseIterator) { if (!rawMapCopy.isValid(*ellipseIterator)) { // Empty cell in submap (cannot be center cell because we checked above). continue; } means[i] ="elevation", *ellipseIterator); // Compute weight from probability. Position absolutePosition; rawMapCopy.getPosition(*ellipseIterator, absolutePosition); Eigen::Vector2d distanceToCenter = (rotationMatrix * (absolutePosition - requestedSubmapPosition)).cwiseAbs(); float probability1 = cumulativeDistributionFunction(distanceToCenter.x() + halfResolution, 0.0, maxStandardDeviation) - cumulativeDistributionFunction(distanceToCenter.x() - halfResolution, 0.0, maxStandardDeviation); float probability2 = cumulativeDistributionFunction(distanceToCenter.y() + halfResolution, 0.0, minStandardDeviation) - cumulativeDistributionFunction(distanceToCenter.y() - halfResolution, 0.0, minStandardDeviation); const float weight = max(minimalWeight, probability1 * probability2); weights[i] = weight; const float standardDeviation = sqrt("variance", *ellipseIterator)); lowerBoundDistribution.add(means[i] - 2.0 * standardDeviation, weight); upperBoundDistribution.add(means[i] + 2.0 * standardDeviation, weight); i++; } if (i == 0) { // Nothing to fuse."elevation", *areaIterator) ="elevation", *areaIterator);"lower_bound", *areaIterator) ="elevation", *areaIterator) - 2.0 * sqrt("variance", *areaIterator));"upper_bound", *areaIterator) ="elevation", *areaIterator) + 2.0 * sqrt("variance", *areaIterator));"color", *areaIterator) ="color", *areaIterator); continue; } // Fuse. means.conservativeResize(i); weights.conservativeResize(i); float mean = (weights * means).sum() / weights.sum(); if (!std::isfinite(mean)) { ROS_ERROR("Something went wrong when fusing the map: Mean = %f", mean); continue; } // Add to fused map."elevation", *areaIterator) = mean; lowerBoundDistribution.compute(); upperBoundDistribution.compute();"lower_bound", *areaIterator) = lowerBoundDistribution.quantile(0.01); // TODO"upper_bound", *areaIterator) = upperBoundDistribution.quantile(0.99); // TODO // TODO Add fusion of colors."color", *areaIterator) ="color", *areaIterator); } fusedMap_.setTimestamp(rawMapCopy.getTimestamp()); const ros::WallDuration duration(ros::WallTime::now() - methodStartTime); ROS_INFO("Elevation map has been fused in %f s.", duration.toSec()); return true; }
CallbackQueue::CallOneResult CallbackQueue::callOne(ros::WallDuration timeout) { setupTLS(); TLS* tls = tls_.get(); CallbackInfo cb_info; { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex_); if (!enabled_) { return Disabled; } if (callbacks_.empty()) { if (!timeout.isZero()) { condition_.timed_wait(lock, boost::posix_time::microseconds(timeout.toSec() * 1000000.0f)); } if (callbacks_.empty()) { return Empty; } if (!enabled_) { return Disabled; } } D_CallbackInfo::iterator it = callbacks_.begin(); for (; it != callbacks_.end();) { CallbackInfo& info = *it; if (info.marked_for_removal) { it = callbacks_.erase(it); continue; } if (info.callback->ready()) { cb_info = info; it = callbacks_.erase(it); break; } ++it; } if (!cb_info.callback) { return TryAgain; } ++calling_; } bool was_empty = tls->callbacks.empty(); tls->callbacks.push_back(cb_info); if (was_empty) { tls->cb_it = tls->callbacks.begin(); } CallOneResult res = callOneCB(tls); if (res != Empty) { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex_); --calling_; } return res; }
void AmclNode::runFromBag(const std::string &in_bag_fn) { rosbag::Bag bag;, rosbag::bagmode::Read); std::vector<std::string> topics; topics.push_back(std::string("tf")); std::string scan_topic_name = "base_scan"; // TODO determine what topic this actually is from ROS topics.push_back(scan_topic_name); rosbag::View view(bag, rosbag::TopicQuery(topics)); ros::Publisher laser_pub = nh_.advertise<sensor_msgs::LaserScan>(scan_topic_name, 100); ros::Publisher tf_pub = nh_.advertise<tf2_msgs::TFMessage>("/tf", 100); // Sleep for a second to let all subscribers connect ros::WallDuration(1.0).sleep(); ros::WallTime start(ros::WallTime::now()); // Wait for map while (ros::ok()) { { boost::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock cfl(configuration_mutex_); if (map_) { ROS_INFO("Map is ready"); break; } } ROS_INFO("Waiting for map..."); ros::getGlobalCallbackQueue()->callAvailable(ros::WallDuration(1.0)); } BOOST_FOREACH(rosbag::MessageInstance const msg, view) { if (!ros::ok()) { break; } // Process any ros messages or callbacks at this point ros::getGlobalCallbackQueue()->callAvailable(ros::WallDuration()); tf2_msgs::TFMessage::ConstPtr tf_msg = msg.instantiate<tf2_msgs::TFMessage>(); if (tf_msg != NULL) { tf_pub.publish(msg); for (size_t ii=0; ii<tf_msg->transforms.size(); ++ii) { tf_->getBuffer().setTransform(tf_msg->transforms[ii], "rosbag_authority"); } continue; } sensor_msgs::LaserScan::ConstPtr base_scan = msg.instantiate<sensor_msgs::LaserScan>(); if (base_scan != NULL) { laser_pub.publish(msg); laser_scan_filter_->add(base_scan); if (bag_scan_period_ > ros::WallDuration(0)) { bag_scan_period_.sleep(); } continue; } ROS_WARN_STREAM("Unsupported message type" << msg.getTopic()); } bag.close(); double runtime = (ros::WallTime::now() - start).toSec(); ROS_INFO("Bag complete, took %.1f seconds to process, shutting down", runtime); const geometry_msgs::Quaternion & q(last_published_pose.pose.pose.orientation); double yaw, pitch, roll; tf::Matrix3x3(tf::Quaternion(q.x, q.y, q.z, q.w)).getEulerYPR(yaw,pitch,roll); ROS_INFO("Final location %.3f, %.3f, %.3f with stamp=%f", last_published_pose.pose.pose.position.x, last_published_pose.pose.pose.position.y, yaw, last_published_pose.header.stamp.toSec() ); ros::shutdown(); }
namespace master { uint32_t g_port = 0; std::string g_host; std::string g_uri; ros::WallDuration g_retry_timeout; void init(const M_string& remappings) { M_string::const_iterator it = remappings.find("__master"); if (it != remappings.end()) { g_uri = it->second; } if (g_uri.empty()) { char *master_uri_env = NULL; #ifdef _MSC_VER _dupenv_s(&master_uri_env, NULL, "ROS_MASTER_URI"); #else master_uri_env = getenv("ROS_MASTER_URI"); #endif if (!master_uri_env) { ROS_FATAL( "ROS_MASTER_URI is not defined in the environment. Either " \ "type the following or (preferrably) add this to your " \ "~/.bashrc file in order set up your " \ "local machine as a ROS master:\n\n" \ "export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311\n\n" \ "then, type 'roscore' in another shell to actually launch " \ "the master program."); ROS_BREAK(); } g_uri = master_uri_env; #ifdef _MSC_VER // free(master_uri_env); #endif } // Split URI into if (!network::splitURI(g_uri, g_host, g_port)) { ROS_FATAL( "Couldn't parse the master URI [%s] into a host:port pair.", g_uri.c_str()); ROS_BREAK(); } } const std::string& getHost() { return g_host; } uint32_t getPort() { return g_port; } const std::string& getURI() { return g_uri; } void setRetryTimeout(ros::WallDuration timeout) { if (timeout < ros::WallDuration(0)) { ROS_FATAL("retry timeout must not be negative."); ROS_BREAK(); } g_retry_timeout = timeout; } bool check() { XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue args, result, payload; args[0] = this_node::getName(); return execute("getPid", args, result, payload, false); } bool getTopics(V_TopicInfo& topics) { XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue args, result, payload; args[0] = this_node::getName(); args[1] = ""; //TODO: Fix this if (!execute("getPublishedTopics", args, result, payload, true)) { return false; } topics.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < payload.size(); i++) { topics.push_back(TopicInfo(std::string(payload[i][0]), std::string(payload[i][1]))); } return true; } bool getNodes(V_string& nodes) { XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue args, result, payload; args[0] = this_node::getName(); if (!execute("getSystemState", args, result, payload, true)) { return false; } S_string node_set; for (int i = 0; i < payload.size(); ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < payload[i].size(); ++j) { XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue val = payload[i][j][1]; for (int k = 0; k < val.size(); ++k) { std::string name = payload[i][j][1][k]; node_set.insert(name); } } } nodes.insert(nodes.end(), node_set.begin(), node_set.end()); return true; } #if defined(__APPLE__) boost::mutex g_xmlrpc_call_mutex; #endif bool execute(const std::string& method, const XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue& request, XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue& response, XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue& payload, bool wait_for_master) { ros::WallTime start_time = ros::WallTime::now(); std::string master_host = getHost(); uint32_t master_port = getPort(); XmlRpc::XmlRpcClient *c = XMLRPCManager::instance()->getXMLRPCClient(master_host, master_port, "/"); bool printed = false; bool slept = false; bool ok = true; do { bool b = false; { #if defined(__APPLE__) boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(g_xmlrpc_call_mutex); #endif b = c->execute(method.c_str(), request, response); } ok = !ros::isShuttingDown() && !XMLRPCManager::instance()->isShuttingDown(); if (!b && ok) { if (!printed && wait_for_master) { ROS_ERROR("[%s] Failed to contact master at [%s:%d]. %s", method.c_str(), master_host.c_str(), master_port, wait_for_master ? "Retrying..." : ""); printed = true; } if (!wait_for_master) { XMLRPCManager::instance()->releaseXMLRPCClient(c); return false; } if (!g_retry_timeout.isZero() && (ros::WallTime::now() - start_time) >= g_retry_timeout) { ROS_ERROR("[%s] Timed out trying to connect to the master after [%f] seconds", method.c_str(), g_retry_timeout.toSec()); XMLRPCManager::instance()->releaseXMLRPCClient(c); return false; } ros::WallDuration(0.05).sleep(); slept = true; } else { if (!XMLRPCManager::instance()->validateXmlrpcResponse(method, response, payload)) { XMLRPCManager::instance()->releaseXMLRPCClient(c); return false; } break; } ok = !ros::isShuttingDown() && !XMLRPCManager::instance()->isShuttingDown(); } while(ok); if (ok && slept) { ROS_INFO("Connected to master at [%s:%d]", master_host.c_str(), master_port); } XMLRPCManager::instance()->releaseXMLRPCClient(c); return true; } } // namespace master
bool execute(const std::string& method, const XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue& request, XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue& response, XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue& payload, bool wait_for_master) { ros::WallTime start_time = ros::WallTime::now(); std::string master_host = getHost(); uint32_t master_port = getPort(); XmlRpc::XmlRpcClient *c = XMLRPCManager::instance()->getXMLRPCClient(master_host, master_port, "/"); bool printed = false; bool slept = false; bool ok = true; do { bool b = false; { #if defined(__APPLE__) boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(g_xmlrpc_call_mutex); #endif b = c->execute(method.c_str(), request, response); } ok = !ros::isShuttingDown() && !XMLRPCManager::instance()->isShuttingDown(); if (!b && ok) { if (!printed && wait_for_master) { ROS_ERROR("[%s] Failed to contact master at [%s:%d]. %s", method.c_str(), master_host.c_str(), master_port, wait_for_master ? "Retrying..." : ""); printed = true; } if (!wait_for_master) { XMLRPCManager::instance()->releaseXMLRPCClient(c); return false; } if (!g_retry_timeout.isZero() && (ros::WallTime::now() - start_time) >= g_retry_timeout) { ROS_ERROR("[%s] Timed out trying to connect to the master after [%f] seconds", method.c_str(), g_retry_timeout.toSec()); XMLRPCManager::instance()->releaseXMLRPCClient(c); return false; } ros::WallDuration(0.05).sleep(); slept = true; } else { if (!XMLRPCManager::instance()->validateXmlrpcResponse(method, response, payload)) { XMLRPCManager::instance()->releaseXMLRPCClient(c); return false; } break; } ok = !ros::isShuttingDown() && !XMLRPCManager::instance()->isShuttingDown(); } while(ok); if (ok && slept) { ROS_INFO("Connected to master at [%s:%d]", master_host.c_str(), master_port); } XMLRPCManager::instance()->releaseXMLRPCClient(c); return true; }