Example #1
    // Fetch remote ports and create local proxies
    void TaskContextProxy::fetchPorts(RTT::Service::shared_ptr parent, CDataFlowInterface_ptr dfact)
        log(Debug) << "Fetching Ports for service "<<parent->getName()<<"."<<endlog();
        TypeInfoRepository::shared_ptr type_repo = TypeInfoRepository::Instance();
        if (dfact) {
            CDataFlowInterface::CPortDescriptions_var objs = dfact->getPortDescriptions();
            for ( size_t i=0; i < objs->length(); ++i) {
                CPortDescription port = objs[i];
                if (parent->getPort( port.name.in() ))
                    continue; // already added.

                TypeInfo const* type_info = type_repo->type(port.type_name.in());
                if (!type_info)
                    log(Warning) << "remote port " << port.name
                        << " has a type that cannot be marshalled over CORBA: " << port.type_name << ". "
                        << "It is ignored by TaskContextProxy" << endlog();
                    PortInterface* new_port;
                    if (port.type == RTT::corba::CInput)
                        new_port = new RemoteInputPort( type_info, dfact, port.name.in(), ProxyPOA() );
                        new_port = new RemoteOutputPort( type_info, dfact, port.name.in(), ProxyPOA() );

                    port_proxies.push_back(new_port); // see comment in definition of port_proxies