//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Load the controller void GazeboRosForce::Load(physics::ModelPtr _model, sdf::ElementPtr _sdf) { // Get the world name. this->world_ = _model->GetWorld(); // load parameters this->robot_namespace_ = ""; if (_sdf->HasElement("robotNamespace")) this->robot_namespace_ = _sdf->GetElement("robotNamespace")->Get<std::string>() + "/"; if (!_sdf->HasElement("bodyName")) { ROS_FATAL("force plugin missing <bodyName>, cannot proceed"); return; } else this->link_name_ = _sdf->GetElement("bodyName")->Get<std::string>(); this->link_ = _model->GetLink(this->link_name_); if (!this->link_) { ROS_FATAL("gazebo_ros_force plugin error: link named: %s does not exist\n",this->link_name_.c_str()); return; } if (!_sdf->HasElement("topicName")) { ROS_FATAL("force plugin missing <topicName>, cannot proceed"); return; } else this->topic_name_ = _sdf->GetElement("topicName")->Get<std::string>(); // Make sure the ROS node for Gazebo has already been initialized if (!ros::isInitialized()) { ROS_FATAL_STREAM("A ROS node for Gazebo has not been initialized, unable to load plugin. " << "Load the Gazebo system plugin 'libgazebo_ros_api_plugin.so' in the gazebo_ros package)"); return; } this->rosnode_ = new ros::NodeHandle(this->robot_namespace_); // Custom Callback Queue ros::SubscribeOptions so = ros::SubscribeOptions::create<geometry_msgs::Wrench>( this->topic_name_,1, boost::bind( &GazeboRosForce::UpdateObjectForce,this,_1), ros::VoidPtr(), &this->queue_); this->sub_ = this->rosnode_->subscribe(so); // Custom Callback Queue this->callback_queue_thread_ = boost::thread( boost::bind( &GazeboRosForce::QueueThread,this ) ); // New Mechanism for Updating every World Cycle // Listen to the update event. This event is broadcast every // simulation iteration. this->update_connection_ = event::Events::ConnectWorldUpdateBegin( boost::bind(&GazeboRosForce::UpdateChild, this)); }
void PneumaticPiston::Load(physics::ModelPtr model, sdf::ElementPtr sdf) { this->model = model; signal = 0; // Parse SDF properties joint = model->GetJoint(sdf->Get<std::string>("joint")); if (sdf->HasElement("topic")) { topic = sdf->Get<std::string>("topic"); } else { topic = "~/"+sdf->GetAttribute("name")->GetAsString(); } forward_force = sdf->Get<double>("forward-force"); reverse_force = sdf->Get<double>("reverse-force"); if (sdf->HasElement("direction") && sdf->Get<std::string>("direction") == "reversed") { forward_force = -forward_force; reverse_force = -reverse_force; } gzmsg << "Initializing piston: " << topic << " joint=" << joint->GetName() << " forward_force=" << forward_force << " reverse_force=" << reverse_force<< std::endl; // Connect to Gazebo transport for messaging std::string scoped_name = model->GetWorld()->GetName()+"::"+model->GetScopedName(); boost::replace_all(scoped_name, "::", "/"); node = transport::NodePtr(new transport::Node()); node->Init(scoped_name); sub = node->Subscribe(topic, &PneumaticPiston::Callback, this); // Connect to the world update event. // This will trigger the Update function every Gazebo iteration updateConn = event::Events::ConnectWorldUpdateBegin(boost::bind(&PneumaticPiston::Update, this, _1)); }
void Servo::Load(physics::ModelPtr model, sdf::ElementPtr sdf) { this->model = model; signal = 0; // parse SDF Properries joint = model->GetJoint(sdf->Get<std::string>("joint")); if (sdf->HasElement("topic")) { topic = sdf->Get<std::string>("topic"); } else { topic = "~/" + sdf->GetAttribute("name")->GetAsString(); } if (sdf->HasElement("torque")) { torque = sdf->Get<double>("torque"); } else { torque = 5; } gzmsg << "initializing servo: " << topic << " joint=" << joint->GetName() << " torque=" << torque << std::endl; // Connect to Gazebo transport for messaging std::string scoped_name = model->GetWorld()->GetName() + "::" + model->GetScopedName(); boost::replace_all(scoped_name, "::", "/"); node = transport::NodePtr(new transport::Node()); node->Init(scoped_name); sub = node->Subscribe(topic, &Servo::Callback, this); // connect to the world update event // this will call update every iteration updateConn = event::Events::ConnectWorldUpdateBegin( boost::bind(&Servo::Update, this, _1)); }
void BatteryConsumer::Load(physics::ModelPtr _parent, sdf::ElementPtr _sdf) { if (!ros::isInitialized()) { ROS_FATAL_STREAM("A ROS node for Gazebo has not been initialized, unable to load plugin. " << "Load the Gazebo system plugin 'libgazebo_ros_api_plugin.so' in the gazebo_ros package)"); return; } double default_consume = DEFAULT_CONSUMER_CONSUME; std::string name = DEFAULT_CONSUMER_NAME; if (_sdf->HasElement("robotNamespace")) namespace_ = _sdf->GetElement("robotNamespace")->Get<std::string>(); if (_sdf->HasElement("default_consume")) default_consume = _sdf->GetElement("default_consume")->Get<double>(); if (_sdf->HasElement("default_consumer_name")) name = _sdf->GetElement("default_consumer_name")->Get<std::string>(); default_consumer.first = name; default_consumer.second = default_consume; consumers.insert(default_consumer); this->model = _parent; n = ros::NodeHandle(namespace_); battery_pub = n.advertise<std_msgs::Float64>("battery_state", 1); add_consumer_service = n.advertiseService("add_consumer",&BatteryConsumer::addConsumer,this); remove_consumer_service = n.advertiseService("remove_consumer",&BatteryConsumer::removeConsumer,this); last_time = model->GetWorld()->GetSimTime().Double(); this->updateConnection = event::Events::ConnectWorldUpdateBegin( boost::bind(&BatteryConsumer::OnUpdate, this, _1)); }
void Potentiometer::Load(physics::ModelPtr model, sdf::ElementPtr sdf) { this->model = model; // Parse SDF properties joint = model->GetJoint(sdf->Get<std::string>("joint")); if (sdf->HasElement("topic")) { topic = sdf->Get<std::string>("topic"); } else { topic = "~/"+sdf->GetAttribute("name")->GetAsString(); } if (sdf->HasElement("units")) { radians = sdf->Get<std::string>("units") != "degrees"; } else { radians = true; } gzmsg << "Initializing potentiometer: " << topic << " joint=" << joint->GetName() << " radians=" << radians << std::endl; // Connect to Gazebo transport for messaging std::string scoped_name = model->GetWorld()->GetName()+"::"+model->GetScopedName(); boost::replace_all(scoped_name, "::", "/"); node = transport::NodePtr(new transport::Node()); node->Init(scoped_name); pub = node->Advertise<msgs::Float64>(topic); // Connect to the world update event. // This will trigger the Update function every Gazebo iteration updateConn = event::Events::ConnectWorldUpdateBegin(boost::bind(&Potentiometer::Update, this, _1)); }
void DCMotor::Load(physics::ModelPtr model, sdf::ElementPtr sdf) { this->model = model; signal = 0; // Parse SDF properties joint = model->GetJoint(sdf->Get<std::string>("joint")); if (sdf->HasElement("topic")) { topic = sdf->Get<std::string>("topic"); } else { topic = "~/"+sdf->GetAttribute("name")->GetAsString(); } if (sdf->HasElement("multiplier")) { multiplier = sdf->Get<double>("multiplier"); } else { multiplier = 1; } gzmsg << "Initializing motor: " << topic << " joint=" << joint->GetName() << " multiplier=" << multiplier << std::endl; // Connect to Gazebo transport for messaging std::string scoped_name = model->GetWorld()->GetName()+"::"+model->GetScopedName(); boost::replace_all(scoped_name, "::", "/"); node = transport::NodePtr(new transport::Node()); node->Init(scoped_name); sub = node->Subscribe(topic, &DCMotor::Callback, this); // Connect to the world update event. // This will trigger the Update function every Gazebo iteration updateConn = event::Events::ConnectWorldUpdateBegin(boost::bind(&DCMotor::Update, this, _1)); }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Load the controller void GazeboTreasure::Load(physics::ModelPtr _model, sdf::ElementPtr _sdf) { model_ = _model; world_ = _model->GetWorld(); link_ = _model->GetLink(); link_name_ = link_->GetName(); namespace_.clear(); vel_x = vel_y = vel_yaw = 0; static_object_ = false; last_time_ = world_->GetSimTime(); terminated_ = false; // load parameters from sdf if (_sdf->HasElement("robotNamespace")) namespace_ = _sdf->GetElement("robotNamespace")->Get<std::string>(); if (_sdf->HasElement("bodyName") && _sdf->GetElement("bodyName")->GetValue()) { link_name_ = _sdf->GetElement("bodyName")->Get<std::string>(); link_ = _model->GetLink(link_name_); } if (_sdf->HasElement("staticObject") && _sdf->GetElement("staticObject")->GetValue()) { static_object_ = _sdf->GetElement("staticObject")->Get<std::string>() == "true"?true:false; } // boost::random::mt19937 rng; boost::random::random_device rng; boost::random::uniform_int_distribution<> x_rand(-40, 40); boost::random::uniform_int_distribution<> y_rand(-20, 20); double x = x_rand(rng); double y = y_rand(rng); model_->SetLinkWorldPose(math::Pose(x, y, 0.2, 0, 0, 0), link_); if (!link) { ROS_FATAL("gazebo_ros_baro plugin error: bodyName: %s does not exist\n", link_name_.c_str()); return; } // Make sure the ROS node for Gazebo has already been initialized if (!ros::isInitialized()) { ROS_FATAL_STREAM("A ROS node for Gazebo has not been initialized, unable to load plugin. " << "Load the Gazebo system plugin 'libgazebo_ros_api_plugin.so' in the gazebo_ros package)"); return; } node_handle_ = new ros::NodeHandle(namespace_); pub_score_ = node_handle_->advertise<std_msgs::String>("score", 1, true); // set latch true ros::NodeHandle param_handle(*node_handle_, "controller"); update_connection_ = event::Events::ConnectWorldUpdateBegin( boost::bind(&GazeboTreasure::Update, this)); }
void GazeboRosJointStatePublisher::Load ( physics::ModelPtr _parent, sdf::ElementPtr _sdf ) { // Store the pointer to the model this->parent_ = _parent; this->world_ = _parent->GetWorld(); this->robot_namespace_ = parent_->GetName (); if ( !_sdf->HasElement ( "robotNamespace" ) ) { ROS_INFO_NAMED("joint_state_publisher", "GazeboRosJointStatePublisher Plugin missing <robotNamespace>, defaults to \"%s\"", this->robot_namespace_.c_str() ); } else { this->robot_namespace_ = _sdf->GetElement ( "robotNamespace" )->Get<std::string>(); if ( this->robot_namespace_.empty() ) this->robot_namespace_ = parent_->GetName (); } if ( !robot_namespace_.empty() ) this->robot_namespace_ += "/"; rosnode_ = boost::shared_ptr<ros::NodeHandle> ( new ros::NodeHandle ( this->robot_namespace_ ) ); if ( !_sdf->HasElement ( "jointName" ) ) { ROS_ASSERT ( "GazeboRosJointStatePublisher Plugin missing jointNames" ); } else { sdf::ElementPtr element = _sdf->GetElement ( "jointName" ) ; std::string joint_names = element->Get<std::string>(); boost::erase_all ( joint_names, " " ); boost::split ( joint_names_, joint_names, boost::is_any_of ( "," ) ); } this->update_rate_ = 100.0; if ( !_sdf->HasElement ( "updateRate" ) ) { ROS_WARN_NAMED("joint_state_publisher", "GazeboRosJointStatePublisher Plugin (ns = %s) missing <updateRate>, defaults to %f", this->robot_namespace_.c_str(), this->update_rate_ ); } else { this->update_rate_ = _sdf->GetElement ( "updateRate" )->Get<double>(); } // Initialize update rate stuff if ( this->update_rate_ > 0.0 ) { this->update_period_ = 1.0 / this->update_rate_; } else { this->update_period_ = 0.0; } last_update_time_ = this->world_->GetSimTime(); for ( unsigned int i = 0; i< joint_names_.size(); i++ ) { joints_.push_back ( this->parent_->GetJoint ( joint_names_[i] ) ); ROS_INFO_NAMED("joint_state_publisher", "GazeboRosJointStatePublisher is going to publish joint: %s", joint_names_[i].c_str() ); } ROS_INFO_NAMED("joint_state_publisher", "Starting GazeboRosJointStatePublisher Plugin (ns = %s)!, parent name: %s", this->robot_namespace_.c_str(), parent_->GetName ().c_str() ); tf_prefix_ = tf::getPrefixParam ( *rosnode_ ); joint_state_publisher_ = rosnode_->advertise<sensor_msgs::JointState> ( "joint_states",1000 ); last_update_time_ = this->world_->GetSimTime(); // Listen to the update event. This event is broadcast every // simulation iteration. this->updateConnection = event::Events::ConnectWorldUpdateBegin ( boost::bind ( &GazeboRosJointStatePublisher::OnUpdate, this, _1 ) ); }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Load the controller void GazeboPanel::Load(physics::ModelPtr _model, sdf::ElementPtr _sdf) { gzwarn << "The GazeboPanel plugin is DEPRECATED in ROS hydro." << std::endl; model_ = _model; world_ = _model->GetWorld(); link_ = _model->GetLink(); link_name_ = link_->GetName(); namespace_.clear(); terminated_ = false; // load parameters from sdf if (_sdf->HasElement("robotNamespace")) namespace_ = _sdf->GetElement("robotNamespace")->Get<std::string>(); if (_sdf->HasElement("bodyName") && _sdf->GetElement("bodyName")->GetValue()) { link_name_ = _sdf->GetElement("bodyName")->Get<std::string>(); link_ = _model->GetLink(link_name_); } if (_sdf->HasElement("jointName") && _sdf->GetElement("jointName")->GetValue()) { std::string joint_name_ = _sdf->GetElement("jointName")->Get<std::string>(); joint_ = _model->GetJoint(joint_name_); } else { joint_ = _model->GetJoint("stem_joint"); } if (!link) { ROS_FATAL("gazebo_ros_baro plugin error: bodyName: %s does not exist\n", link_name_.c_str()); return; } // Make sure the ROS node for Gazebo has already been initialized if (!ros::isInitialized()) { ROS_FATAL_STREAM("A ROS node for Gazebo has not been initialized, unable to load plugin. " << "Load the Gazebo system plugin 'libgazebo_ros_api_plugin.so' in the gazebo_ros package)"); return; } node_handle_ = new ros::NodeHandle(namespace_); pub_score_ = node_handle_->advertise<std_msgs::String>("score", 1, true); // set latch true pub_time_ = node_handle_->advertise<std_msgs::String>("remaining_time", 1); ros::NodeHandle param_handle(*node_handle_, "controller"); update_connection_ = event::Events::ConnectWorldUpdateBegin( boost::bind(&GazeboPanel::Update, this)); }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Load the controller void GazeboRosSonar::Load(sensors::SensorPtr _sensor, sdf::ElementPtr _sdf) { // Get then name of the parent sensor sensor_ = boost::shared_dynamic_cast<sensors::RaySensor>(_sensor); if (!sensor_) { gzthrow("GazeboRosSonar requires a Ray Sensor as its parent"); return; } // Get the world name. std::string worldName = sensor_->GetWorldName(); world = physics::get_world(worldName); // load parameters if (!_sdf->HasElement("robotNamespace")) namespace_.clear(); else namespace_ = _sdf->GetElement("robotNamespace")->GetValueString() + "/"; if (!_sdf->HasElement("frameId")) frame_id_ = ""; else frame_id_ = _sdf->GetElement("frameId")->GetValueString(); if (!_sdf->HasElement("topicName")) topic_ = "sonar"; else topic_ = _sdf->GetElement("topicName")->GetValueString(); sensor_model_.Load(_sdf); range_.header.frame_id = frame_id_; range_.radiation_type = sensor_msgs::Range::ULTRASOUND; range_.field_of_view = std::min(fabs((sensor_->GetAngleMax() - sensor_->GetAngleMin()).GetAsRadian()), fabs((sensor_->GetVerticalAngleMax() - sensor_->GetVerticalAngleMin()).GetAsRadian())); range_.max_range = sensor_->GetRangeMax(); range_.min_range = sensor_->GetRangeMin(); // start ros node if (!ros::isInitialized()) { int argc = 0; char** argv = NULL; ros::init(argc,argv,"gazebo",ros::init_options::NoSigintHandler|ros::init_options::AnonymousName); } node_handle_ = new ros::NodeHandle(namespace_); publisher_ = node_handle_->advertise<sensor_msgs::Range>(topic_, 1); Reset(); updateConnection = sensor_->GetLaserShape()->ConnectNewLaserScans( boost::bind(&GazeboRosSonar::Update, this)); // activate RaySensor sensor_->SetActive(true); }
void BasicSonar::Load(sensors::SensorPtr _sensor, sdf::ElementPtr _sdf) { sensor_ = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<sensors::RaySensor>(_sensor); if (!sensor_) { gzthrow("BasicSonar requires a Ray Sensor as its parent"); return; } pixels_per_line = std::max(sensor_->GetRangeCount(), 1); gaussian_kernel = 0; if (_sdf->HasElement("gaussian_kernel")) gaussian_kernel = _sdf->Get<double>("gaussian_kernel"); base_water_noise = 0; if (_sdf->HasElement("base_water_noise")) base_water_noise = _sdf->Get<double>("base_water_noise"); default_scan_retro = 0; if (_sdf->HasElement("default_scan_retro")) default_scan_retro = _sdf->Get<double>("default_scan_retro"); interpolation_limit = 0.5; if (_sdf->HasElement("interpolation_limit")) interpolation_limit = _sdf->Get<double>("interpolation_limit"); if (_sdf->HasElement("service_name")) service_name = _sdf->Get<std::string>("service_name"); if (service_name.empty()) { gzthrow("BasicSonar requires a unique service name"); return; } std::string worldName = sensor_->GetWorldName(); world = physics::get_world(worldName); if (!ros::isInitialized()) { ROS_FATAL_STREAM("A ROS node for Gazebo has not been initialized, unable to load plugin. " << "Load the Gazebo system plugin 'libgazebo_ros_api_plugin.so' in the gazebo_ros package)"); return; } node_handle_ = new ros::NodeHandle("gazebo/basic_sonar/"); service = node_handle_->advertiseService(service_name.c_str(), &BasicSonar::getSonarScan, this); sensor_->SetActive(true); ROS_INFO("loaded sonar plugin"); }
gz::common::PID Motor::createPid(sdf::ElementPtr pidElem) { double pv = 0, iv = 0, dv = 0, iMax = 0, iMin = 0, cmdMax = 0, cmdMin = 0; if (pidElem->HasElement("rv:p")) pv = pidElem->GetElement("rv:p")->Get<double>(); if (pidElem->HasElement("rv:i")) iv = pidElem->GetElement("rv:i")->Get<double>(); if (pidElem->HasElement("rv:d")) dv = pidElem->GetElement("rv:d")->Get<double>(); if (pidElem->HasElement("rv:i_max")) iMax = pidElem->GetElement("rv:i_max")->Get<double>(); if (pidElem->HasElement("rv:i_min")) iMin = pidElem->GetElement("rv:i_min")->Get<double>(); if (pidElem->HasElement("rv:cmd_max")) cmdMax = pidElem->GetElement("rv:cmd_max")->Get<double>(); if (pidElem->HasElement("rv:cmd_min")) cmdMin = pidElem->GetElement("rv:cmd_min")->Get<double>(); return gz::common::PID(pv, iv, dv, iMax, iMin, cmdMax, cmdMin); }
void GazeboAltimeterPlugin::Load(physics::ModelPtr _model, sdf::ElementPtr _sdf) { // Configure Gazebo Integration model_ = _model; world_ = model_->GetWorld(); namespace_.clear(); if (_sdf->HasElement("robotNamespace")) namespace_ = _sdf->GetElement("robotNamespace")->Get<std::string>(); else gzerr << "[gazebo_altimeter_plugin] Please specify a robotNamespace.\n"; if (_sdf->HasElement("linkName")) link_name_ = _sdf->GetElement("linkName")->Get<std::string>(); else gzerr << "[gazebo_altimeter_plugin] Please specify a linkName.\n"; link_ = model_->GetLink(link_name_); if (link_ == NULL) gzthrow("[gazebo_altimeter_plugin] Couldn't find specified link \"" << link_name_ << "\"."); // Connect to the Gazebo Update this->updateConnection_ = event::Events::ConnectWorldUpdateBegin(boost::bind(&GazeboAltimeterPlugin::OnUpdate, this, _1)); frame_id_ = link_name_; // load params from xacro getSdfParam<std::string>(_sdf, "altimeterTopic", alt_topic_, "altimeter"); getSdfParam<double>(_sdf, "altimeterMinRange", min_range_, 0.381); getSdfParam<double>(_sdf, "altimeterMaxRange", max_range_, 6.45); getSdfParam<double>(_sdf, "altimeterErrorStdev", error_stdev_, 0.10); getSdfParam<double>(_sdf, "altimeterFOV", field_of_view_, 1.107); getSdfParam<double>(_sdf, "altimeterPublishRate", pub_rate_, 20.0); getSdfParam<bool>(_sdf, "altimeterNoiseOn", alt_noise_on_, true); getSdfParam<bool>(_sdf, "publishFloat32", publish_float_, false); last_time_ = world_->GetSimTime(); // Configure ROS Integration node_handle_ = new ros::NodeHandle(namespace_); if(publish_float_) alt_pub_ = node_handle_->advertise<std_msgs::Float32>(alt_topic_, 10); else alt_pub_ = node_handle_->advertise<sensor_msgs::Range>(alt_topic_, 10); // Fill static members of alt message. alt_message_.header.frame_id = frame_id_; alt_message_.max_range = max_range_; alt_message_.min_range = min_range_; alt_message_.field_of_view = field_of_view_; alt_message_.radiation_type = sensor_msgs::Range::ULTRASOUND; // Configure Noise random_generator_= std::default_random_engine(std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count()); standard_normal_distribution_ = std::normal_distribution<double>(0.0, error_stdev_); }
void GazeboWindPlugin::Load(physics::ModelPtr _model, sdf::ElementPtr _sdf) { // Store the pointer to the model. model_ = _model; world_ = model_->GetWorld(); double wind_gust_start = kDefaultWindGustStart; double wind_gust_duration = kDefaultWindGustDuration; if (_sdf->HasElement("robotNamespace")) namespace_ = _sdf->GetElement("robotNamespace")->Get<std::string>(); else gzerr << "[gazebo_wind_plugin] Please specify a robotNamespace.\n"; node_handle_ = new ros::NodeHandle(namespace_); if (_sdf->HasElement("xyzOffset")) xyz_offset_ = _sdf->GetElement("xyzOffset")->Get<math::Vector3>(); else gzerr << "[gazebo_wind_plugin] Please specify a xyzOffset.\n"; getSdfParam<std::string>(_sdf, "windPubTopic", wind_pub_topic_, "/" + namespace_ + wind_pub_topic_); getSdfParam<std::string>(_sdf, "frameId", frame_id_, frame_id_); getSdfParam<std::string>(_sdf, "linkName", link_name_, link_name_); // Get the wind params from SDF. getSdfParam<double>(_sdf, "windForceMean", wind_force_mean_, wind_force_mean_); getSdfParam<double>(_sdf, "windForceVariance", wind_force_variance_, wind_force_variance_); getSdfParam<math::Vector3>(_sdf, "windDirection", wind_direction_, wind_direction_); // Get the wind gust params from SDF. getSdfParam<double>(_sdf, "windGustStart", wind_gust_start, wind_gust_start); getSdfParam<double>(_sdf, "windGustDuration", wind_gust_duration, wind_gust_duration); getSdfParam<double>(_sdf, "windGustForceMean", wind_gust_force_mean_, wind_gust_force_mean_); getSdfParam<double>(_sdf, "windGustForceVariance", wind_gust_force_variance_, wind_gust_force_variance_); getSdfParam<math::Vector3>(_sdf, "windGustDirection", wind_gust_direction_, wind_gust_direction_); wind_direction_.Normalize(); wind_gust_direction_.Normalize(); wind_gust_start_ = common::Time(wind_gust_start); wind_gust_end_ = common::Time(wind_gust_start + wind_gust_duration); link_ = model_->GetLink(link_name_); if (link_ == NULL) gzthrow("[gazebo_wind_plugin] Couldn't find specified link \"" << link_name_ << "\"."); // Listen to the update event. This event is broadcast every // simulation iteration. update_connection_ = event::Events::ConnectWorldUpdateBegin(boost::bind(&GazeboWindPlugin::OnUpdate, this, _1)); wind_pub_ = node_handle_->advertise<geometry_msgs::WrenchStamped>(wind_pub_topic_, 10); }
void LimitSwitch::Load(physics::ModelPtr model, sdf::ElementPtr sdf) { this->model = model; // Parse SDF properties if (sdf->HasElement("topic")) { topic = sdf->Get<std::string>("topic"); } else { topic = "~/" + sdf->GetAttribute("name")->GetAsString(); } std::string type = sdf->Get<std::string>("type"); gzmsg << "Initializing limit switch: " << topic << " type=" << type << std::endl; if (type == "internal") { ls = new InternalLimitSwitch(model, sdf); } else if (type == "external") { ls = new ExternalLimitSwitch(sdf); } else { gzerr << "WARNING: unsupported limit switch type " << type; } // Connect to Gazebo transport for messaging std::string scoped_name = model->GetWorld()->GetName() + "::" + model->GetScopedName(); boost::replace_all(scoped_name, "::", "/"); node = transport::NodePtr(new transport::Node()); node->Init(scoped_name); pub = node->Advertise<msgs::Bool>(topic); // Connect to the world update event. // This will trigger the Update function every Gazebo iteration updateConn = event::Events::ConnectWorldUpdateBegin( boost::bind(&LimitSwitch::Update, this, _1)); }
void Rangefinder::Load(physics::ModelPtr model, sdf::ElementPtr sdf) { this->model = model; // Parse SDF properties sensor = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<sensors::SonarSensor>( sensors::get_sensor(sdf->Get<std::string>("sensor"))); if (sdf->HasElement("topic")) { topic = sdf->Get<std::string>("topic"); } else { topic = "~/" + sdf->GetAttribute("name")->GetAsString(); } gzmsg << "Initializing rangefinder: " << topic << " sensor=" << sensor->Name() << std::endl; // Connect to Gazebo transport for messaging std::string scoped_name = model->GetWorld()->GetName() + "::" + model->GetScopedName(); boost::replace_all(scoped_name, "::", "/"); node = transport::NodePtr(new transport::Node()); node->Init(scoped_name); pub = node->Advertise<msgs::Float64>(topic); // Connect to the world update event. // This will trigger the Update function every Gazebo iteration updateConn = event::Events::ConnectWorldUpdateBegin( boost::bind(&Rangefinder::Update, this, _1)); }
PositionMotor::PositionMotor(gz::physics::ModelPtr model, std::string partId, std::string motorId, sdf::ElementPtr motor): JointMotor(model, partId, motorId, motor, 1), positionTarget_(0), noise_(0) { // Retrieve upper / lower limit from joint set in parent constructor // Truncate ranges to [-pi, pi] upperLimit_ = fmin(M_PI, joint_->GetUpperLimit(0).Radian()); lowerLimit_ = fmax(-M_PI, joint_->GetLowerLimit(0).Radian()); fullRange_ = (upperLimit_ - lowerLimit_ + 1e-12) >= (2 * M_PI); if (motor->HasElement("rv:pid")) { auto pidElem = motor->GetElement("rv:pid"); pid_ = Motor::createPid(pidElem); } auto noiseParam = motor->GetAttribute("noise"); if (noiseParam) { noiseParam->Get(noise_); } // I've asked this question at the Gazebo forums: // http://answers.gazebosim.org/question/9071/joint-target-velocity-with-maximum-force/ // Until it is answered I'm resorting to calling ODE functions directly to get this // to work. This will result in some deprecation warnings. // It has the added benefit of not requiring the world update connection though. // updateConnection_ = gz::event::Events::ConnectWorldUpdateBegin(boost::bind( // &PositionMotor::OnUpdate, this, _1)); double maxEffort = joint_->GetEffortLimit(0); joint_->SetParam("fmax", 0, maxEffort); }
void GazeboLidarPlugin::Load(sensors::SensorPtr _parent, sdf::ElementPtr _sdf) { if(kPrintOnPluginLoad) { gzdbg << __FUNCTION__ << "() called." << std::endl; } // Get then name of the parent sensor this->parentSensor = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<sensors::RaySensor>(_parent); if (!this->parentSensor) gzthrow("RayPlugin requires a Ray Sensor as its parent"); this->world = physics::get_world(this->parentSensor->WorldName()); this->newLaserScansConnection = this->parentSensor->LaserShape()->ConnectNewLaserScans( boost::bind(&GazeboLidarPlugin::OnNewLaserScans, this)); if (_sdf->HasElement("robotNamespace")) namespace_ = _sdf->GetElement("robotNamespace")->Get<std::string>(); else gzwarn << "[gazebo_lidar_plugin] Please specify a robotNamespace.\n"; node_handle_ = transport::NodePtr(new transport::Node()); node_handle_->Init(namespace_); const string scopedName = _parent->ParentName(); string topicName = "~/" + scopedName + "/lidar"; boost::replace_all(topicName, "::", "/"); lidar_pub_ = node_handle_->Advertise<lidar_msgs::msgs::lidar>(topicName, 10); }
void GazeboQuadrotorSimpleController::PIDController::Load(sdf::ElementPtr _sdf, const std::string& prefix) { gain_p = 0.0; gain_d = 0.0; gain_i = 0.0; time_constant = 0.0; limit = -1.0; if (!_sdf) return; // _sdf->PrintDescription(_sdf->GetName()); if (_sdf->HasElement(prefix + "ProportionalGain")) gain_p = _sdf->GetElement(prefix + "ProportionalGain")->GetValueDouble(); if (_sdf->HasElement(prefix + "DifferentialGain")) gain_d = _sdf->GetElement(prefix + "DifferentialGain")->GetValueDouble(); if (_sdf->HasElement(prefix + "IntegralGain")) gain_i = _sdf->GetElement(prefix + "IntegralGain")->GetValueDouble(); if (_sdf->HasElement(prefix + "TimeConstant")) time_constant = _sdf->GetElement(prefix + "TimeConstant")->GetValueDouble(); if (_sdf->HasElement(prefix + "Limit")) limit = _sdf->GetElement(prefix + "Limit")->GetValueDouble(); }
void RayPlugin::Load(sensors::SensorPtr _parent, sdf::ElementPtr _sdf) { // Get then name of the parent sensor this->parentSensor = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<sensors::RaySensor>(_parent); if (!this->parentSensor) gzthrow("RayPlugin requires a Ray Sensor as its parent"); this->world = physics::get_world(this->parentSensor->GetWorldName()); this->newLaserScansConnection = this->parentSensor->GetLaserShape()->ConnectNewLaserScans( boost::bind(&RayPlugin::OnNewLaserScans, this)); if (_sdf->HasElement("robotNamespace")) namespace_ = _sdf->GetElement("robotNamespace")->Get<std::string>(); else gzwarn << "[gazebo_lidar_plugin] Please specify a robotNamespace.\n"; node_handle_ = transport::NodePtr(new transport::Node()); node_handle_->Init(namespace_); lidar_pub_ = node_handle_->Advertise<lidar_msgs::msgs::lidar>("lidar", 10); }
void GazeboAirspeedPlugin::Load(physics::ModelPtr _model, sdf::ElementPtr _sdf) { // Store the pointer to the model model_ = _model; world_ = model_->GetWorld(); // default params namespace_.clear(); if (_sdf->HasElement("namespace")) namespace_ = _sdf->GetElement("namespace")->Get<std::string>(); else gzerr << "[gazebo_imu_plugin] Please specify a namespace.\n"; nh_ = new ros::NodeHandle(namespace_); if (_sdf->HasElement("linkName")) link_name_ = _sdf->GetElement("linkName")->Get<std::string>(); else gzerr << "[gazebo_imu_plugin] Please specify a linkName.\n"; link_ = model_->GetLink(link_name_); if (link_ == NULL) gzthrow("[gazebo_imu_plugin] Couldn't find specified link \"" << link_name_ << "\"."); frame_id_ = link_name_; getSdfParam<std::string>(_sdf, "airspeedTopic", airspeed_topic_, "airspeed/data"); getSdfParam<double>(_sdf, "pressureBias", pressure_bias_, 0); getSdfParam<double>(_sdf, "pressureNoiseSigma", pressure_noise_sigma_,10); getSdfParam<double>(_sdf, "airDensity", rho_, 1.225); getSdfParam<double>(_sdf, "maxPressure", max_pressure_, 4000.0); getSdfParam<double>(_sdf, "minPressure", min_pressure_, 0.0); last_time_ = world_->GetSimTime(); // Listen to the update event. This event is broadcast every simulation iteration. this->updateConnection_ = event::Events::ConnectWorldUpdateBegin(boost::bind(&GazeboAirspeedPlugin::OnUpdate, this, _1)); airspeed_pub_ = nh_->advertise<sensor_msgs::FluidPressure>(airspeed_topic_, 10); // Fill static members of airspeed message. airspeed_message_.header.frame_id = frame_id_; airspeed_message_.variance = pressure_noise_sigma_*pressure_noise_sigma_; standard_normal_distribution_ = std::normal_distribution<double>(0.0, 1.0); }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Load the controller void GazeboRosOpenniKinect::Load(sensors::SensorPtr _parent, sdf::ElementPtr _sdf) { std::cout << "LOAD OPENNI" << std::endl; DepthCameraPlugin::Load(_parent, _sdf); // copying from DepthCameraPlugin into GazeboRosCameraUtils this->parentSensor_ = this->parentSensor; this->width_ = this->width; this->height_ = this->height; this->depth_ = this->depth; this->format_ = this->format; this->camera_ = this->depthCamera; // using a different default if (!_sdf->GetElement("imageTopicName")) this->image_topic_name_ = "ir/image_raw"; if (!_sdf->HasElement("cameraInfoTopicName")) this->camera_info_topic_name_ = "ir/camera_info"; // point cloud stuff if (!_sdf->GetElement("pointCloudTopicName")) this->point_cloud_topic_name_ = "points"; else this->point_cloud_topic_name_ = _sdf->GetElement("pointCloudTopicName")->Get<std::string>(); // depth image stuff this->depth_image_topic_name_ = "mukodik"; // if (!_sdf->GetElement("depthImageTopicName")) // this->depth_image_topic_name_ = "depth/image_raw"; // else // this->depth_image_topic_name_ = // _sdf->GetElement("depthImageTopicName")->Get<std::string>(); if (!_sdf->GetElement("depthImageCameraInfoTopicName")) this->depth_image_camera_info_topic_name_ = "depth/camera_info"; else this->depth_image_camera_info_topic_name_ = _sdf->GetElement( "depthImageCameraInfoTopicName")->Get<std::string>(); if (!_sdf->GetElement("pointCloudCutoff")) this->point_cloud_cutoff_ = 0.4; else this->point_cloud_cutoff_ = _sdf->GetElement("pointCloudCutoff")->Get< double>(); load_connection_ = GazeboRosCameraUtils::OnLoad( boost::bind(&GazeboRosOpenniKinect::Advertise, this)); std::cout << "Establishing Update Connection!" << std::endl; update_connection_ = event::Events::ConnectPreRender( boost::bind(&GazeboRosOpenniKinect::OnUpdate, this)); GazeboRosCameraUtils::Load(_parent, _sdf); }
void WorldInterface::Load(physics::ModelPtr _model, sdf::ElementPtr _sdf) { if (m_network!=0) return; m_network=new yarp::os::Network(); if (!yarp::os::Network::checkNetwork(GazeboYarpPlugins::yarpNetworkInitializationTimeout)) { yError() << "WorldInterface::Load error: yarp network does not seem to be available, is the yarpserver running?"; return; } //setting up proxy m_proxy.attachWorldPointer(_model->GetWorld()); m_proxy.attachModelPointer(_model); //pass reference to server m_wi_server.attachWorldProxy(&m_proxy); //Getting .ini configuration file from sdf bool configuration_loaded = false; if (_sdf->HasElement("yarpConfigurationFile")) { std::string ini_file_name = _sdf->Get<std::string>("yarpConfigurationFile"); std::string ini_file_path = gazebo::common::SystemPaths::Instance()->FindFileURI(ini_file_name); if (ini_file_path != "" && m_parameters.fromConfigFile(ini_file_path.c_str())) { yInfo() << "Found yarpConfigurationFile: loading from " << ini_file_path ; configuration_loaded = true; } } if (!configuration_loaded) { yError() << "WorldInterface::Load error could not load configuration file"; return; } std::string portname=m_parameters.find("name").asString(); int synchronous=m_parameters.find("synchro").asInt32(); if (synchronous) m_proxy.setSynchronousMode(true); else m_proxy.setSynchronousMode(false); m_rpcport=new yarp::os::RpcServer(); m_rpcport->open(portname); m_wi_server.yarp().attachAsServer(*m_rpcport); // Listen to the update event. This event is broadcast every // simulation iteration. this->updateConnection = event::Events::ConnectWorldUpdateBegin( boost::bind(&WorldInterface::OnUpdate, this, _1)); }
void Gyro::Load(physics::ModelPtr model, sdf::ElementPtr sdf) { this->model = model; // Parse SDF properties link = model->GetLink(sdf->Get<std::string>("link")); if (sdf->HasElement("topic")) { topic = sdf->Get<std::string>("topic"); } else { topic = "~/"+sdf->GetAttribute("name")->GetAsString(); } std::string axisString = sdf->Get<std::string>("axis"); if (axisString == "roll") axis = Roll; if (axisString == "pitch") axis = Pitch; if (axisString == "yaw") axis = Yaw; if (sdf->HasElement("units")) { radians = sdf->Get<std::string>("units") != "degrees"; } else { radians = true; } zero = GetAngle(); gzmsg << "Initializing gyro: " << topic << " link=" << link->GetName() << " axis=" << axis << " radians=" << radians << std::endl; // Connect to Gazebo transport for messaging std::string scoped_name = model->GetWorld()->GetName()+"::"+model->GetScopedName(); boost::replace_all(scoped_name, "::", "/"); node = transport::NodePtr(new transport::Node()); node->Init(scoped_name); command_sub = node->Subscribe(topic+"/control", &Gyro::Callback, this); pos_pub = node->Advertise<msgs::Float64>(topic+"/position"); vel_pub = node->Advertise<msgs::Float64>(topic+"/velocity"); // Connect to the world update event. // This will trigger the Update function every Gazebo iteration updateConn = event::Events::ConnectWorldUpdateBegin(boost::bind(&Gyro::Update, this, _1)); }
/** on loading of the plugin * @param _parent Parent Model */ void Puck::Load(physics::ModelPtr _parent, sdf::ElementPtr _sdf) { printf("Loading Puck Plugin of model %s\n", _parent->GetName().c_str()); // Store the pointer to the model this->model_ = _parent; // Listen to the update event. This event is broadcast every // simulation iteration. this->update_connection_ = event::Events::ConnectWorldUpdateBegin(boost::bind(&Puck::OnUpdate, this, _1)); // Create the communication Node for communication with fawkes this->node_ = transport::NodePtr(new transport::Node()); // the namespace is set to the world name! this->node_->Init(model_->GetWorld()->GetName()); // register visual publisher this->visual_pub_ = this->node_->Advertise<msgs::Visual>("~/visual"); // initialize without rings or cap this->ring_count_ = 0; this->have_cap = false; this->announced_ = false; this->new_puck_publisher = this->node_->Advertise<gazsim_msgs::NewPuck>("~/new_puck"); // subscribe for puck commands this->command_subscriber = this->node_->Subscribe(std::string("~/pucks/cmd"), &Puck::on_command_msg, this); // publisher for workpiece command results this->workpiece_result_pub_ = node_->Advertise<gazsim_msgs::WorkpieceResult>("~/pucks/cmd/result"); if (!_sdf->HasElement("baseColor")) { printf("SDF for base has no baseColor configured, defaulting to RED!\n"); base_color_ = gazsim_msgs::Color::RED; } else { std::string config_color = _sdf->GetElement("baseColor")->Get<std::string>(); if (config_color == "RED") { base_color_ = gazsim_msgs::Color::RED; } else if (config_color == "BLACK") { base_color_ = gazsim_msgs::Color::BLACK; } else if (config_color == "SILVER") { base_color_ = gazsim_msgs::Color::SILVER; } else { printf("SDF for base has no baseColor configured, defaulting to RED!\n"); base_color_ = gazsim_msgs::Color::RED; } printf("Base spawns in color %s\n", config_color.c_str()); } delivery_pub_ = node_->Advertise<llsf_msgs::SetOrderDeliveredByColor>(TOPIC_SET_ORDER_DELIVERY_BY_COLOR); }
void Encoder::Load(physics::ModelPtr model, sdf::ElementPtr sdf) { this->model = model; // Parse SDF properties joint = model->GetJoint(sdf->Get<std::string>("joint")); if (sdf->HasElement("topic")) { topic = sdf->Get<std::string>("topic"); } else { topic = "~/" + sdf->GetAttribute("name")->GetAsString(); } if (sdf->HasElement("units")) { radians = sdf->Get<std::string>("units") != "degrees"; } else { radians = true; } zero = GetAngle(); stopped = true; stop_value = 0; gzmsg << "Initializing encoder: " << topic << " joint=" << joint->GetName() << " radians=" << radians << std::endl; // Connect to Gazebo transport for messaging std::string scoped_name = model->GetWorld()->GetName() + "::" + model->GetScopedName(); boost::replace_all(scoped_name, "::", "/"); node = transport::NodePtr(new transport::Node()); node->Init(scoped_name); command_sub = node->Subscribe(topic + "/control", &Encoder::Callback, this); pos_pub = node->Advertise<msgs::Float64>(topic + "/position"); vel_pub = node->Advertise<msgs::Float64>(topic + "/velocity"); // Connect to the world update event. // This will trigger the Update function every Gazebo iteration updateConn = event::Events::ConnectWorldUpdateBegin( boost::bind(&Encoder::Update, this, _1)); }
void GazeboRosElevator::Load(physics::ModelPtr _parent, sdf::ElementPtr _sdf) { // load parameters this->robotNamespace_ = ""; if (_sdf->HasElement("robotNamespace")) { this->robotNamespace_ = _sdf->GetElement( "robotNamespace")->Get<std::string>() + "/"; } // Make sure the ROS node for Gazebo has already been initialized if (!ros::isInitialized()) { ROS_FATAL_STREAM_NAMED("elevator", "A ROS node for Gazebo has not been initialized," << "unable to load plugin. Load the Gazebo system plugin " << "'libgazebo_ros_api_plugin.so' in the gazebo_ros package)"); return; } std::string topic = "elevator"; if (_sdf->HasElement("topic")) topic = _sdf->Get<std::string>("topic"); ElevatorPlugin::Load(_parent, _sdf); this->rosnode_ = new ros::NodeHandle(this->robotNamespace_); ros::SubscribeOptions so = ros::SubscribeOptions::create<std_msgs::String>(topic, 1, boost::bind(&GazeboRosElevator::OnElevator, this, _1), ros::VoidPtr(), &this->queue_); this->elevatorSub_ = this->rosnode_->subscribe(so); // start custom queue for elevator this->callbackQueueThread_ = boost::thread(boost::bind(&GazeboRosElevator::QueueThread, this)); }
InternalLimitSwitch::InternalLimitSwitch(physics::ModelPtr model, sdf::ElementPtr sdf) { joint = model->GetJoint(sdf->Get<std::string>("joint")); min = sdf->Get<double>("min"); max = sdf->Get<double>("max"); if (sdf->HasElement("units")) { radians = sdf->Get<std::string>("units") != "degrees"; } else { radians = true; } gzmsg << "\tinternal limit switch: " << " type=" << joint->GetName() << " range=[" << min << "," << max << "] radians=" << radians << std::endl; }
bool AllWheelSteeringPlugin::FindJointByParam(sdf::ElementPtr _sdf, physics::JointPtr &_joint, std::string _param) { if (!_sdf->HasElement(_param)) { gzerr << "param [" << _param << "] not found\n"; return false; } else { _joint = this->model->GetJoint(_sdf->GetElement(_param)->GetValueString()); if (!_joint) { gzerr << "joint by name [" << _sdf->GetElement(_param)->GetValueString() << "] not found in model\n"; return false; } } return true; }
void GazeboRosMultiCamera::Load(sensors::SensorPtr _parent, sdf::ElementPtr _sdf) { MultiCameraPlugin::Load(_parent, _sdf); // Make sure the ROS node for Gazebo has already been initialized if (!ros::isInitialized()) { ROS_FATAL_STREAM("A ROS node for Gazebo has not been initialized, unable to load plugin. " << "Load the Gazebo system plugin 'libgazebo_ros_api_plugin.so' in the gazebo_ros package)"); return; } // initialize shared_ptr members this->image_connect_count_ = boost::shared_ptr<int>(new int(0)); this->image_connect_count_lock_ = boost::shared_ptr<boost::mutex>(new boost::mutex); this->was_active_ = boost::shared_ptr<bool>(new bool(false)); // copying from CameraPlugin into GazeboRosCameraUtils for (unsigned i = 0; i < this->camera.size(); ++i) { GazeboRosCameraUtils* util = new GazeboRosCameraUtils(); util->parentSensor_ = this->parentSensor; util->width_ = this->width[i]; util->height_ = this->height[i]; util->depth_ = this->depth[i]; util->format_ = this->format[i]; util->camera_ = this->camera[i]; // Set up a shared connection counter util->image_connect_count_ = this->image_connect_count_; util->image_connect_count_lock_ = this->image_connect_count_lock_; util->was_active_ = this->was_active_; if (this->camera[i]->GetName().find("left") != std::string::npos) { // FIXME: hardcoded, left hack_baseline_ 0 util->Load(_parent, _sdf, "/left", 0.0); } else if (this->camera[i]->GetName().find("right") != std::string::npos) { double hackBaseline = 0.0; if (_sdf->HasElement("hackBaseline")) hackBaseline = _sdf->Get<double>("hackBaseline"); util->Load(_parent, _sdf, "/right", hackBaseline); } this->utils.push_back(util); } }