std::string myString = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."; int foundIndex = myString.find_last_of("abcde"); // 'e' is the last character of the set to appear in the string, so foundIndex will be 35.
std::string myString = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."; int foundIndex = myString.find_last_of("zxy"); // 'z' is the last character of the set to appear in the string, so foundIndex will be 40.In both examples, the `find_last_of` function is used to search for the last occurrence of a character from a specified set ("abcde" and "zxy", respectively) in the given string. The function returns the index of the character found, which is then stored in the `foundIndex` variable. The `std::string::find_last_of` function is part of the Standard Library for C++, which means it is available in the standard `std` namespace without the need for any additional libraries or packages.