Example #1
 void CmdBase::PrintUsage(const Args& args, Str::StringRef syntax, Str::StringRef description) const {
     if(description.empty()) {
         Print("%s: %s %s", _("usage"), args.Argv(0).c_str(), syntax.c_str());
     } else {
         Print("%s: %s %s — %s", _("usage"), args.Argv(0).c_str(), syntax.c_str(), description.c_str());
//TODO: error handling?
int VMBase::Create(Str::StringRef name, Type type)
	if (module) {
		Com_Printf(S_ERROR "Attempting to re-create an already-loaded VM");
		return -1;

	const std::string& libPath = FS::GetLibPath();
	bool debug = Cvar_Get("vm_debug", "0", CVAR_INIT)->integer;

	if (type == TYPE_NATIVE) {
		std::string exe = FS::Path::Build(libPath, name + EXE_EXT);
		Com_Printf("Trying to load native module %s\n", exe.c_str());
		module = NaCl::LoadModule(exe.c_str(), nullptr, debug);
	} else if (type == TYPE_NACL) {
		// Extract the nexe from the pak so that sel_ldr can load it
		std::string nexe = name + "-" ARCH_STRING ".nexe";
		try {
			FS::File out = FS::HomePath::OpenWrite(nexe);
			FS::PakPath::CopyFile(nexe, out);
		} catch (std::system_error& err) {
			Com_Printf(S_ERROR "Failed to extract NaCl module %s: %s\n", nexe.c_str(), err.what());
			return -1;
		std::string sel_ldr = FS::Path::Build(libPath, "sel_ldr" EXE_EXT);
		std::string irt = FS::Path::Build(libPath, "irt_core-" ARCH_STRING ".nexe");
#ifdef __linux__
		std::string bootstrap = FS::Path::Build(libPath, "nacl_helper_bootstrap");
		NaCl::LoaderParams params = {sel_ldr.c_str(), irt.c_str(), bootstrap.c_str()};
		NaCl::LoaderParams params = {sel_ldr.c_str(), irt.c_str(), nullptr};
		Com_Printf("Trying to load NaCl module %s\n", nexe.c_str());
		module = NaCl::LoadModule(FS::Path::Build(FS::GetHomePath(), nexe).c_str(), &params, debug);
	} else {
		Com_Printf(S_ERROR "Invalid VM type");
		return -1;

	if (!module) {
		Com_Printf(S_ERROR "Couldn't load VM %s", name.c_str());
		return -1;

	if (debug)
		Com_Printf("Waiting for GDB connection on localhost:4014\n");

	// Read the ABI version from the root socket.
	// If this fails, we assume the remote process failed to start
	std::vector<char> buffer;
	if (!module.GetRootSocket().RecvMsg(buffer) || buffer.size() != sizeof(int)) {
		Com_Printf(S_ERROR "The '%s' VM did not start.", name.c_str());
		return -1;
	Com_Printf("Loaded module with the NaCl ABI");
	return *reinterpret_cast<int*>(buffer.data());
Example #3
intptr_t DynamicLib::InternalLoadSym(Str::StringRef sym,
                                     std::string& errorString) {
#ifdef _WIN32
    intptr_t p = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(
            GetProcAddress(static_cast<HMODULE>(handle), sym.c_str()));
    if (!p)
        errorString = Win32StrError(GetLastError());
    return p;
    intptr_t p = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(dlsym(handle, sym.c_str()));
    if (!p)
        errorString = dlerror();
    return p;
void Rocket_AddConsoleText(Str::StringRef text)
    // HACK: Ugly way to force pre-engine-upgrade behavior. TODO: Make it work without this hack
    static char buffer[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ];
    Q_strncpyz( buffer, text.c_str(), sizeof(buffer) );

    if ( !Q_stricmp( "\n", buffer ) )

    RocketConsoleTextElement::lines.push_front( ConsoleLine( Rocket::Core::String( va( "%s\n", buffer ) ) ) );
Example #5
void Drop(Str::StringRef message) {
    // Transform into a fatal error if too many errors are generated in quick
    // succession.
    static Sys::SteadyClock::time_point lastError;
    Sys::SteadyClock::time_point now = Sys::SteadyClock::now();
    static int errorCount = 0;
    if (now - lastError < std::chrono::milliseconds(100)) {
        if (++errorCount > 3)
    } else
        errorCount = 0;
    lastError = now;

    throw DropErr(message.c_str());
Example #6
DynamicLib DynamicLib::Open(Str::StringRef filename, std::string& errorString) {
#ifdef _WIN32
    void* handle = LoadLibraryW(Str::UTF8To16(filename).c_str());
    if (!handle)
        errorString = Win32StrError(GetLastError());
    // Handle relative paths correctly
    const char* dlopenFilename = filename.c_str();
    std::string relativePath;
    if (filename.find('/') == std::string::npos) {
        relativePath = "./" + filename;
        dlopenFilename = relativePath.c_str();

    void* handle = dlopen(dlopenFilename, RTLD_NOW);
    if (!handle)
        errorString = dlerror();

    DynamicLib out;
    out.handle = handle;
    return out;