Example #1
// Function provided by Joe Dowsett, 2014
double DrawProjGroup::calculateAutomaticScale() const
    TechDraw::DrawPage *page = getPage();

    if (page == NULL)
      throw Base::Exception("No page is assigned to this feature");

        throw Base::Exception("Page template isn't valid");

    DrawProjGroupItem *viewPtrs[10];

    double width, height;
    minimumBbViews(viewPtrs, width, height);

    // C++ Standard says casting bool to int gives 0 or 1
    int numVertSpaces = (viewPtrs[0] || viewPtrs[3] || viewPtrs[7]) +
                        (viewPtrs[2] || viewPtrs[5] || viewPtrs[9]) +
                        (viewPtrs[6] != NULL);
    int numHorizSpaces = (viewPtrs[0] || viewPtrs[1] || viewPtrs[2]) +
                         (viewPtrs[7] || viewPtrs[8] || viewPtrs[9]);

    double availableX = page->getPageWidth() - spacingX.getValue() * (numVertSpaces + 1);
    double availableY = page->getPageHeight() - spacingY.getValue() * (numHorizSpaces + 1);

    double scale_x = availableX / width;
    double scale_y = availableY / height;

    float working_scale = std::min(scale_x, scale_y);

    //which gives the largest scale for which the min_space requirements can be met, but we want a 'sensible' scale, rather than 0.28457239...
    //eg if working_scale = 0.115, then we want to use 0.1, similarly 7.65 -> 5, and 76.5 -> 50

    float exponent = std::floor(std::log10(working_scale));                  //if working_scale = a * 10^b, what is b?
    working_scale *= std::pow(10, -exponent);                                //now find what 'a' is.

    float valid_scales[2][8] = {{1.0, 1.25, 2.0, 2.5, 3.75, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0},   //equate to 1:10, 1:8, 1:5, 1:4, 3:8, 1:2, 3:4, 1:1
                                {1.0, 1.5 , 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 , 5.0, 8.0, 10.0}};  //equate to 1:1, 3:2, 2:1, 3:1, 4:1, 5:1, 8:1, 10:1

    int i = 7;
    while (valid_scales[(exponent >= 0)][i] > working_scale)                 //choose closest value smaller than 'a' from list.
        i -= 1;                                                              //choosing top list if exponent -ve, bottom list for +ve exponent

    //now have the appropriate scale, reapply the *10^b
    return valid_scales[(exponent >= 0)][i] * pow(10, exponent);
Example #2
App::DocumentObjectExecReturn *DrawView::execute(void)
    TechDraw::DrawPage *page = findParentPage();
    if(page) {
        if (ScaleType.isValue("Document")) {
            if(std::abs(page->Scale.getValue() - Scale.getValue()) > FLT_EPSILON) {
        } else if (ScaleType.isValue("Automatic")) {
            //check fit. if too big, rescale
            if (!checkFit(page)) {
                double newScale = autoScale(page->getPageWidth(),page->getPageHeight());
                if(std::abs(newScale - Scale.getValue()) > FLT_EPSILON) {           //stops onChanged/execute loop
    return App::DocumentObject::execute();