Example #1
bool Tpetra::Utils::parseRfmt(Teuchos::ArrayRCP<char> fmt, int &perline, int &width, int &prec, char &valformat) {
  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPT(fmt.size() != 0 && fmt[fmt.size()-1] != '\0');
  std::transform(fmt.begin(), fmt.end(), fmt, static_cast < int(*)(int) > (std::toupper));
  // find the first left paren '(' and the last right paren ')'
  Teuchos::ArrayRCP<char>::iterator firstLeftParen = std::find( fmt.begin(),  fmt.end(), '(');
  Teuchos::ArrayRCP<char>::iterator lastRightParen = std::find(std::reverse_iterator<Teuchos::ArrayRCP<char>::iterator>(fmt.end()), 
  // select the substring between the parens, including them
  // if neither was found, set the string to empty
  if (firstLeftParen == fmt.end() || lastRightParen == fmt.begin()) {
    fmt.resize(0 + 1);
    fmt[0] = '\0';
  else {
    fmt += (firstLeftParen - fmt.begin());
    size_t newLen = lastRightParen - firstLeftParen + 1;
    fmt.resize(newLen + 1);
    fmt[newLen] = '\0';
  if (std::find(fmt.begin(),fmt.end(),'P') != fmt.end()) {
    // not supported
    return true;
  bool error = true;
  if (std::sscanf(fmt.getRawPtr(),"(%d%c%d.%d)",&perline,&valformat,&width,&prec) == 4) {
    if (valformat == 'E' || valformat == 'D' || valformat == 'F') {
      error = false;
  return error;
Example #2
// =============================================================================
createComplexValuesMap_ ( const Epetra_Map  & nodesMap
                        ) const
    // get view for the global indices of the global elements
    int numMyElements = nodesMap.NumMyElements();
    Teuchos::ArrayRCP<int> myGlobalElements( numMyElements );
    nodesMap.MyGlobalElements( myGlobalElements.getRawPtr() );

    // Construct the map in such a way that all complex entries on processor K
    // are split up into real and imaginary part, which will both reside on
    // processor K again.
    int numMyComplexElements = 2*numMyElements;
    Teuchos::ArrayRCP<int> myComplexGlobalElements ( numMyComplexElements );
    for ( int k = 0; k < numMyElements; k++ )
        myComplexGlobalElements[2*k  ] = 2 * myGlobalElements[k];
        myComplexGlobalElements[2*k+1] = 2 * myGlobalElements[k] + 1;

    return Teuchos::rcp ( new Epetra_Map ( -1,
Example #3
bool Tpetra::Utils::parseIfmt(Teuchos::ArrayRCP<char> fmt, int &perline, int &width) {
  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPT(fmt.size() != 0 && fmt[fmt.size()-1] != '\0');
  // parses integers n and d out of (nId)
  bool error = true;
  std::transform(fmt.begin(), fmt.end(), fmt, static_cast < int(*)(int) > (std::toupper));
  if (std::sscanf(fmt.getRawPtr(),"(%dI%d)",&perline,&width) == 2) {
    error = false;
  return error;
Example #4
void Tpetra::Utils::readHBHeader(std::ifstream &fin, Teuchos::ArrayRCP<char> &Title, Teuchos::ArrayRCP<char> &Key, Teuchos::ArrayRCP<char> &Type, 
                           int &Nrow, int &Ncol, int &Nnzero, int &Nrhs,
                           Teuchos::ArrayRCP<char> &Ptrfmt, Teuchos::ArrayRCP<char> &Indfmt, Teuchos::ArrayRCP<char> &Valfmt, Teuchos::ArrayRCP<char> &Rhsfmt, 
                           int &Ptrcrd, int &Indcrd, int &Valcrd, int &Rhscrd, Teuchos::ArrayRCP<char> &Rhstype) {
  int Totcrd, Neltvl, Nrhsix;
  const int MAXLINE = 81;
  char line[MAXLINE];
  Title.resize(72 + 1);  std::fill(Title.begin(),  Title.end(),  '\0');
  Key.resize(8 + 1);     std::fill(Key.begin(),    Key.end(),    '\0');
  Type.resize(3 + 1);    std::fill(Type.begin(),   Type.end(),   '\0');
  Ptrfmt.resize(16 + 1); std::fill(Ptrfmt.begin(), Ptrfmt.end(), '\0');
  Indfmt.resize(16 + 1); std::fill(Indfmt.begin(), Indfmt.end(), '\0');
  Valfmt.resize(20 + 1); std::fill(Valfmt.begin(), Valfmt.end(), '\0');
  Rhsfmt.resize(20 + 1); std::fill(Rhsfmt.begin(), Rhsfmt.end(), '\0');
  const std::string errStr("Tpetra::Utils::readHBHeader(): Improperly formatted H/B file: ");
  /*  First line:   (A72,A8) */
  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( std::sscanf(line,"%*s") < 0, std::runtime_error, errStr << "error buffering line.");
  (void)std::sscanf(line, "%72c%8[^\n]", Title.getRawPtr(), Key.getRawPtr());
  /*  Second line:  (5I14) or (4I14) */
  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(std::sscanf(line,"%*s") < 0, std::runtime_error, errStr << "error buffering line.");
  if ( std::sscanf(line,"%14d%14d%14d%14d%14d",&Totcrd,&Ptrcrd,&Indcrd,&Valcrd,&Rhscrd) != 5 ) {
    Rhscrd = 0;
    TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(std::sscanf(line,"%14d%14d%14d%14d",&Totcrd,&Ptrcrd,&Indcrd,&Valcrd) != 4, std::runtime_error, errStr << "error reading pointers (line 2)");
  /*  Third line:   (A3, 11X, 4I14) */
  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(std::sscanf(line,"%*s") < 0, std::runtime_error, errStr << "error buffering line.");
  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(std::sscanf(line, "%3c%14i%14i%14i%14i", Type.getRawPtr(),&Nrow,&Ncol,&Nnzero,&Neltvl) != 5 , std::runtime_error, errStr << "error reading matrix meta-data (line 3)");
  std::transform(Type.begin(), Type.end(), Type.begin(), static_cast < int(*)(int) > (std::toupper));
  /*  Fourth line:  */
  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(std::sscanf(line,"%*s") < 0, std::runtime_error, errStr << "error buffering line.");
  if (Rhscrd != 0) {
    TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(std::sscanf(line,"%16c%16c%20c%20c",Ptrfmt.getRawPtr(),Indfmt.getRawPtr(),Valfmt.getRawPtr(),Rhsfmt.getRawPtr()) != 4, std::runtime_error, errStr << "error reading formats (line 4)");
  else {
    TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(std::sscanf(line,"%16c%16c%20c",Ptrfmt.getRawPtr(),Indfmt.getRawPtr(),Valfmt.getRawPtr()) != 3,                        std::runtime_error, errStr << "error reading formats (line 4)");
  /*  (Optional) Fifth line: */
  if (Rhscrd != 0 ) { 
    Rhstype.resize(3 + 1,'\0');
    TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(std::sscanf(line,"%*s") < 0, std::runtime_error, errStr << "error buffering line.");
    TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(std::sscanf(line,"%3c%14d%14d", Rhstype.getRawPtr(), &Nrhs, &Nrhsix) != 3, std::runtime_error, errStr << "error reading right-hand-side meta-data (line 5)");
Example #5
int testNormalizeMat(RCP<MatOrthoManager<ST,MV,OP> > OM, RCP<const MV> S)
  typedef MultiVecTraits<double,MV>    MVT;
  typedef OperatorTraits<double,MV,OP> OPT;
  typedef ScalarTraits<double>         SCT;
  typedef SCT::magnitudeType           MT;

  const ST ONE = SCT::one();
  const MT ZERO = SCT::magnitude(SCT::zero());
  const int sizeS = MVT::GetNumberVecs(*S);
  int numerr = 0;
  bool hasM = (OM->getOp() != null);
  std::ostringstream sout;

  // output tests:
  //   <S_out,S_out> = I
  //   S_in = S_out B
  // we will loop over an integer specifying the test combinations
  // the bit pattern for the different tests is listed in parenthesis
  // for each of the following, we should test B
  // if hasM:
  // with and without MS  (1)
  // as hasM controls the upper level bits, we need only run test case 0 if hasM==false
  // otherwise, we run test cases 0-1

  int numtests;
  if (hasM) {
    MS  = MVT::Clone(*S,sizeS);
    OPT::Apply(*(OM->getOp()),*S ,*MS);
    numtests = 2;
  else {
    numtests = 1;

  for (int t=0; t<numtests; t++) {

    // pointers to simplify calls below
    RCP<MV> lclMS;
    if ( t & 1 ) {
      lclMS = MS;

    Teuchos::ArrayRCP<ST> Bdata = Teuchos::arcp<ST>(sizeS*sizeS);
    RCP<SerialDenseMatrix<int,ST> > B = rcp( new SerialDenseMatrix<int,ST>(Teuchos::View,Bdata.getRawPtr(),sizeS,sizeS,sizeS) );

    try {
      // call routine
      // test all outputs for correctness

      // here is where the outputs go
      RCP<MV> Scopy, MScopy;
      int ret;

      // copies of S,MS
      Scopy = MVT::CloneCopy(*S);
      if (lclMS != Teuchos::null) {
        MScopy = MVT::CloneCopy(*lclMS);
      // randomize this data, it should be overwritten
      // run test
      ret = OM->normalizeMat(*Scopy,B,MScopy);
      sout << "normalizeMat() returned rank " << ret << endl;
      if (ret == 0) {
        sout << "   Cannot continue." << endl;
      // normalizeMat() is only required to return a
      // basis of rank "ret"
      // this is what we will test:
      //   the first "ret" columns in Scopy, MScopy
      //   the first "ret" rows in B
      // get pointers to the parts that we want
      if (ret < sizeS) {
        vector<int> ind(ret);
        for (int i=0; i<ret; i++) {
          ind[i] = i;
        Scopy = MVT::CloneViewNonConst(*Scopy,ind);
        if (MScopy != null) {
          MScopy = MVT::CloneViewNonConst(*MScopy,ind);
        B = rcp( new SerialDenseMatrix<int,ST>(Teuchos::View,Bdata.getRawPtr(),ret,ret,sizeS) );

      // test all outputs for correctness
      // MS == M*S
      if (MScopy != null) {
        RCP<MV> tmp = MVT::Clone(*Scopy,ret);
        MT err = MVDiff(*tmp,*MScopy);
        if (err > TOL) {
          sout << "         vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv         tolerance exceeded! test failed!" << endl;
        sout << "  " << t << "|| MS - M*S ||           : " << err << endl;
      // S^T M S == I
        MT err = OM->orthonormError(*Scopy);
        if (err > TOL) {
          sout << "         vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv         tolerance exceeded! test failed!" << endl;
        sout << "   || <S,S> - I || after  : " << err << endl;
      // S_in = S_out*B
        RCP<MV> tmp = MVT::Clone(*S,sizeS);
        MT err = MVDiff(*tmp,*S);
        if (err > ATOL*TOL) {
          sout << "         vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv         tolerance exceeded! test failed!" << endl;
        sout << "  " << t << "|| S_in - S_out*B || : " << err << endl;
    catch (const OrthoError &e) {
      sout << "   -------------------------------------------         normalizeMat() threw exception" << endl;
      sout << "   Error: " << e.what() << endl;

  } // test for

  MsgType type = Warnings;
  if (numerr>0) type = Errors;
  MyOM->stream(type) << sout.str();
  MyOM->stream(type) << endl;

  return numerr;