Teuchos::ParameterList params; params.set("tolerance", 1e-6); if (params.isParameter("tolerance")) { double tol = params.get("tolerance"); cout << "tolerance value is " << tol << endl; } else { cout << "tolerance parameter not found" << endl; }
Teuchos::ParameterList params; params.set("tolerance", 1e-6); try { int max_iter = params.getIn both examples, the isParameter() function is used to check if the parameter exists in the ParameterList before accessing its value using the get() function. The second example also demonstrates the use of a try-catch block to handle a potential exception when the parameter is not found. Based on its name and functionality, the Teuchos package library seems to be focused on providing a set of C++ tools for scientific computation and numerical simulations.("max_iterations"); cout << "max_iterations value is " << max_iter << endl; } catch (Teuchos::Exceptions::InvalidParameter& e) { cout << "max_iterations parameter not found" << endl; }