bool OdometryRemap::setOdomPoseCallback(nao_remote::SetTransform::Request& req, nao_remote::SetTransform::Response& res){ ROS_INFO("New target for current odometry pose received"); tf::Transform targetPose; tf::transformMsgToTF(req.offset, targetPose); m_odomOffset = targetPose * m_odomPose.inverse(); return true; }
geometry_msgs::Twist PoseFollower::diff2D(const tf::Pose& pose1, const tf::Pose& pose2) { geometry_msgs::Twist res; tf::Pose diff = pose2.inverse() * pose1; res.linear.x = diff.getOrigin().x(); res.linear.y = diff.getOrigin().y(); res.angular.z = tf::getYaw(diff.getRotation()); if(holonomic_ || (fabs(res.linear.x) <= tolerance_trans_ && fabs(res.linear.y) <= tolerance_trans_)) return res; //in the case that we're not rotating to our goal position and we have a non-holonomic robot //we'll need to command a rotational velocity that will help us reach our desired heading //we want to compute a goal based on the heading difference between our pose and the target double yaw_diff = headingDiff(pose1.getOrigin().x(), pose1.getOrigin().y(), pose2.getOrigin().x(), pose2.getOrigin().y(), tf::getYaw(pose2.getRotation())); //we'll also check if we can move more effectively backwards if (allow_backwards_) { double neg_yaw_diff = headingDiff(pose1.getOrigin().x(), pose1.getOrigin().y(), pose2.getOrigin().x(), pose2.getOrigin().y(), M_PI + tf::getYaw(pose2.getRotation())); //check if its faster to just back up if(fabs(neg_yaw_diff) < fabs(yaw_diff)){ ROS_DEBUG("Negative is better: %.2f", neg_yaw_diff); yaw_diff = neg_yaw_diff; } } //compute the desired quaterion tf::Quaternion rot_diff = tf::createQuaternionFromYaw(yaw_diff); tf::Quaternion rot = pose2.getRotation() * rot_diff; tf::Pose new_pose = pose1; new_pose.setRotation(rot); diff = pose2.inverse() * new_pose; res.linear.x = diff.getOrigin().x(); res.linear.y = diff.getOrigin().y(); res.angular.z = tf::getYaw(diff.getRotation()); return res; }
void MotionModel::setMotion(const tf::Pose& pnew, const tf::Pose& pold) { tf::Pose delta_pose; tf::Transform odom_to_base(pold.inverse().getRotation()); delta_pose.setOrigin(odom_to_base * (pnew.getOrigin() - pold.getOrigin())); delta_pose.setRotation(pnew.getRotation() * pold.getRotation().inverse()); delta_x = delta_pose.getOrigin().x(); delta_y = delta_pose.getOrigin().y(); delta_yaw = atan2(sin(tf::getYaw(delta_pose.getRotation())), cos(tf::getYaw(delta_pose.getRotation()))); dxy=sqrt(delta_x*delta_x+delta_y*delta_y); }
pair<Nodes, PointVec> nodesOnGrid (const unsigned g, const Roadmap& r, const tmap::TopologicalMap& tmap) { pair<Nodes, PointVec> res; // Add all nodes defined wrt this grid BOOST_FOREACH (const unsigned n, r.gridNodes(g)) { res.first.push_back(n); res.second.push_back(r.nodeInfo(n).position); } const double x_size = tmap.nodeInfo(g).x_size; const double y_size = tmap.nodeInfo(g).y_size; // Also look at neighboring grids in topological graph BOOST_FOREACH (const tmap::GraphEdge e, out_edges(tmap.node(g), tmap)) { const bool flip = (tmap[e].dest == g); const tf::Pose offset = gmu::toPose(tmap[e].offset); const tf::Transform tr = flip ? offset.inverse() : offset; const unsigned g2 = flip ? tmap[e].src : tmap[e].dest; // Now tr maps from the neighbor grid g2 to g BOOST_FOREACH (const unsigned n, r.gridNodes(g2)) { ROS_ASSERT(g2==r.nodeInfo(n).grid); const gm::Point& pos = r.nodeInfo(n).position; const gm::Point local_pos = gmu::transformPoint(tr, pos); // Now local_pos is the position of the waypoint in frame g ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED ("nodes_on_grid", "Node " << n << " position on " << g2 << " is " << gmu::toString(pos) << " and on " << g << " is " << gmu::toString(local_pos)); if (fabs(local_pos.x) < x_size/2 && fabs(local_pos.y) < y_size/2) { ROS_DEBUG_NAMED ("nodes_on_grid", "On grid"); res.first.push_back(n); res.second.push_back(local_pos); } } } return res; }
gm::Point positionOnGrid (const unsigned n, const unsigned g, const Roadmap& r, const tmap::TopologicalMap& tmap) { const msg::RoadmapNode& info = r.nodeInfo(n); const unsigned g2 = info.grid; if (g2==g) { return info.position; } else { const tmap::GraphVertex v = tmap.node(g); const tmap::GraphVertex v2 = tmap.node(g2); pair<tmap::GraphEdge, bool> res = edge(v, v2, tmap); ROS_ASSERT_MSG (res.second, "No edge between grid %u and grid %u " "containing %u", g, g2, n); const bool flip = (tmap[res.first].dest == g); const tf::Pose offset = gmu::toPose(tmap[res.first].offset); const tf::Transform tr = flip ? offset.inverse() : offset; return gmu::transformPoint(tr, info.position); } }
bool poseEstimationFunction(kuri_mbzirc_challenge_1_msgs::PES::Request &req, kuri_mbzirc_challenge_1_msgs::PES::Response &res) { tf::Transform BaseToCamera; double imageWidth = 1228 ; double imagehight = 1027 ; BaseToCamera.setOrigin(tf::Vector3(0.0, 0.0, -0.045)); //BaseToCamera.setRotation(tf::Quaternion(0.707, -0.707, 0.000, -0.000)); BaseToCamera.setRotation(tf::Quaternion(0.9999060498015511, 0, 0, -0.013707354604664749)); tf::Transform extrisic; cv::Mat P_Mat_G(3, 4, CV_64FC1); //cv::Mat P(3, 4, CV_64FC1); tfScalar extrisic_data[4 * 4]; pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB> Pointcloud; Pointcloud.header.frame_id = "/world"; Pointcloud.height = imagehight; Pointcloud.width = imageWidth; Pointcloud.resize(imagehight * imageWidth); Pointcloud.is_dense = true; // cv::Mat cvimg = cv_bridge::toCvShare(img, "bgr8")->image.clone(); //tf::poseMsgToTF(odom->pose.pose, tfpose); extrisic = BaseToCamera * tfpose.inverse(); //to test if the tf is correct, create testframe_to_camera //br.sendTransform(tf::StampedTransform(extrisic, ros::Time::now(), "/testframe_to_camera", "/world")); //pinv of projection matrix... /*for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {<double>(i, j) = * 4 + j); // std::cout << "PP" << P << std::endl ; }*/ //however, this P is in camera coordinate.. extrisic.getOpenGLMatrix(extrisic_data); cv::Mat E_MAT(4, 4, CV_64FC1, extrisic_data); P_Mat_G = P * (E_MAT.t()); // now is the ground, namely, world coordinate double a[4], b[4], c[4]; a[0] =<double>(0, 0); a[1] =<double>(0, 1); a[2] =<double>(0, 2); a[3] =<double>(0, 3); b[0] =<double>(1, 0); b[1] =<double>(1, 1); b[2] =<double>(1, 2); b[3] =<double>(1, 3); c[0] =<double>(2, 0); c[1] =<double>(2, 1); c[2] =<double>(2, 2); c[3] =<double>(2, 3); std::clock_t start; //double duration; start = std::clock(); // ************************** find 3D point ******************** // // just for the detected point float B[2][2], bvu[2]; B[0][0] = req.A * c[0] - a[0]; B[0][1] = req.A * c[1] - a[1]; B[1][0] = req.B * c[0] - b[0]; B[1][1] = req.B * c[1] - b[1]; bvu[0] = a[2] * Ground_Z + a[3] - req.A * c[2] * Ground_Z - req.A * c[3]; bvu[1] = b[2] * Ground_Z + b[3] - req.B * c[2] * Ground_Z - req.B * c[3]; float DomB = B[1][1] * B[0][0] - B[0][1] * B[1][0]; //res.obj.pose.pose.position.x = (B[1][1] * bvu[0] - B[0][1] * bvu[1]) / DomB ; //res.obj.pose.pose.position.y = (B[0][0] * bvu[1] - B[1][0] * bvu[0]) / DomB ; res.X = ((B[1][1] * bvu[0] - B[0][1] * bvu[1]) / DomB) / 10000000 ; res.Y = ((B[0][0] * bvu[1] - B[1][0] * bvu[0]) / DomB ) / 10000000; res.Z = 2 ; //res.obj.pose.pose.position.z = 0 ; //ROS_INFO("request: x=%ld, y=%ld", (long int)req.A, (long int)req.B); //ROS_INFO("sending back response: [%ld]", (long int)res.obj.pose.pose.position.x); //std::cout << "request " << req.A << " " << req.B << std::endl ; //std::cout << "response" << res.X << " " << res.Y << std::endl ; ROS_INFO("request: x=%f, y=%f", (float)req.A, (float)req.B); ROS_INFO("sending back response: x=%f, y=%f", (float)res.X , (float)res.Y); return true; }
void NaoqiJointStates::run() { ros::Rate r(m_rate); ros::Time stamp1; ros::Time stamp2; ros::Time stamp; std::vector<float> odomData; float odomX, odomY, odomZ, odomWX, odomWY, odomWZ; std::vector<float> memData; std::vector<float> positionData; ROS_INFO("Staring main loop. ros::ok() is %d nh.ok() is %d",ros::ok(),m_nh.ok()); while(ros::ok() ) { r.sleep(); ros::spinOnce(); stamp1 = ros::Time::now(); try { memData = m_memoryProxy->getListData(m_dataNamesList); // {SPACE_TORSO = 0, SPACE_WORLD = 1, SPACE_NAO = 2}. (second argument) odomData = m_motionProxy->getPosition("Torso", 1, true); positionData = m_motionProxy->getAngles("Body", true); } catch (const AL::ALError & e) { ROS_ERROR( "Error accessing ALMemory, exiting..."); ROS_ERROR( "%s", e.what() ); //ros.signal_shutdown("No NaoQI available anymore"); } stamp2 = ros::Time::now(); //ROS_DEBUG("dt is %f",(stamp2-stamp1).toSec()); % dt is typically around 1/1000 sec // TODO: Something smarter than this.. stamp = stamp1 + ros::Duration((stamp2-stamp1).toSec()/2.0); /****************************************************************** * IMU *****************************************************************/ if (memData.size() != m_dataNamesList.getSize()) { ROS_ERROR("memData length %zu does not match expected length %u",memData.size(),m_dataNamesList.getSize() ); continue; } // IMU data: m_torsoIMU.header.stamp = stamp; float angleX = memData[1]; float angleY = memData[2]; float angleZ = memData[3]; float gyroX = memData[4]; float gyroY = memData[5]; float gyroZ = memData[6]; float accX = memData[7]; float accY = memData[8]; float accZ = memData[9]; m_torsoIMU.orientation = tf::createQuaternionMsgFromRollPitchYaw( angleX, angleY, angleZ); // yaw currently always 0 m_torsoIMU.angular_velocity.x = gyroX; m_torsoIMU.angular_velocity.y = gyroY; m_torsoIMU.angular_velocity.z = gyroZ; // currently always 0 m_torsoIMU.linear_acceleration.x = accX; m_torsoIMU.linear_acceleration.y = accY; m_torsoIMU.linear_acceleration.z = accZ; // covariances unknown // cf m_torsoIMU.orientation_covariance[0] = -1; m_torsoIMU.angular_velocity_covariance[0] = -1; m_torsoIMU.linear_acceleration_covariance[0] = -1; m_torsoIMUPub.publish(m_torsoIMU); /****************************************************************** * Joint state *****************************************************************/ m_jointState.header.stamp = stamp; m_jointState.header.frame_id = m_baseFrameId; m_jointState.position.resize(positionData.size()); for(unsigned i = 0; i<positionData.size(); ++i) { m_jointState.position[i] = positionData[i]; } // simulated model misses some joints, we need to fill: if (m_jointState.position.size() == 22) { m_jointState.position.insert(m_jointState.position.begin()+6,0.0); m_jointState.position.insert(m_jointState.position.begin()+7,0.0); m_jointState.position.push_back(0.0); m_jointState.position.push_back(0.0); } m_jointStatePub.publish(m_jointState); /****************************************************************** * Odometry *****************************************************************/ if (!m_paused) { // apply offset transformation: tf::Pose transformedPose; if (odomData.size()!=6) { ROS_ERROR( "Error getting odom data. length is %zu",odomData.size() ); continue; } double dt = (stamp.toSec() - m_lastOdomTime); odomX = odomData[0]; odomY = odomData[1]; odomZ = odomData[2]; odomWX = odomData[3]; odomWY = odomData[4]; odomWZ = odomData[5]; tf::Quaternion q; // roll and pitch from IMU, yaw from odometry: if (m_useIMUAngles) q.setRPY(angleX, angleY, odomWZ); else q.setRPY(odomWX, odomWY, odomWZ); m_odomPose.setOrigin(tf::Vector3(odomX, odomY, odomZ)); m_odomPose.setRotation(q); if(m_mustUpdateOffset) { if(!m_isInitialized) { if(m_initializeFromIMU) { // Initialization from IMU: Take x, y, z, yaw from odometry, roll and pitch from IMU m_targetPose.setOrigin(m_odomPose.getOrigin()); m_targetPose.setRotation(tf::createQuaternionFromRPY(angleX, angleY, odomWZ)); } else if(m_initializeFromOdometry) { m_targetPose.setOrigin(m_odomPose.getOrigin()); m_targetPose.setRotation(tf::createQuaternionFromRPY(odomWX, odomWY, odomWZ)); } m_isInitialized = true; } else { // Overwrite target pitch and roll angles with IMU data const double target_yaw = tf::getYaw(m_targetPose.getRotation()); if(m_initializeFromIMU) { m_targetPose.setRotation(tf::createQuaternionFromRPY(angleX, angleY, target_yaw)); } else if(m_initializeFromOdometry){ m_targetPose.setRotation(tf::createQuaternionFromRPY(odomWX, odomWY, target_yaw)); } } m_odomOffset = m_targetPose * m_odomPose.inverse(); transformedPose = m_targetPose; m_mustUpdateOffset = false; } else { transformedPose = m_odomOffset * m_odomPose; } // // publish the transform over tf first // m_odomTransformMsg.header.stamp = stamp; tf::transformTFToMsg(transformedPose, m_odomTransformMsg.transform); m_transformBroadcaster.sendTransform(m_odomTransformMsg); // // Fill the Odometry msg // m_odom.header.stamp = stamp; //set the velocity first (old values still valid) m_odom.twist.twist.linear.x = (odomX - m_odom.pose.pose.position.x) / dt; m_odom.twist.twist.linear.y = (odomY - m_odom.pose.pose.position.y) / dt; m_odom.twist.twist.linear.z = (odomZ - m_odom.pose.pose.position.z) / dt; // TODO: calc angular velocity! // m_odom.twist.twist.angular.z = vth; ?? //set the position from the above calculated transform m_odom.pose.pose.orientation = m_odomTransformMsg.transform.rotation; m_odom.pose.pose.position.x = m_odomTransformMsg.transform.translation.x; m_odom.pose.pose.position.y = m_odomTransformMsg.transform.translation.y; m_odom.pose.pose.position.z = m_odomTransformMsg.transform.translation.z; m_odomPub.publish(m_odom); m_lastOdomTime = stamp.toSec(); } } ROS_INFO("naoqi_sensors stopped."); }
void OdometryRemap::torsoOdomCallback(const nao_msgs::TorsoOdometryConstPtr& msgOdom, const nao_msgs::TorsoIMUConstPtr& msgIMU){ if (m_paused){ ROS_DEBUG("Skipping odometry callback, paused"); return; } double odomTime = (msgOdom->header.stamp).toSec(); ROS_DEBUG("Received [%f %f %f %f (%f/%f) (%f/%f) %f]", odomTime, msgOdom->x, msgOdom->y, msgOdom->z, msgOdom->wx, msgIMU->angleX, msgOdom->wy, msgIMU->angleY, msgOdom->wz); double dt = (odomTime - m_lastOdomTime); tf::Quaternion q; // roll and pitch from IMU, yaw from odometry: if (m_useIMUAngles) q.setRPY(msgIMU->angleX, msgIMU->angleY, msgOdom->wz); else q.setRPY(msgOdom->wx, msgOdom->wy, msgOdom->wz); m_odomPose.setOrigin(tf::Vector3(msgOdom->x, msgOdom->y, msgOdom->z)); m_odomPose.setRotation(q); // apply offset transformation: tf::Pose transformedPose; if(m_mustUpdateOffset) { if(!m_isInitialized) { if(m_initializeFromIMU) { // Initialization from IMU: Take x, y, z, yaw from odometry, roll and pitch from IMU m_targetPose.setOrigin(m_odomPose.getOrigin()); m_targetPose.setRotation(tf::createQuaternionFromRPY(msgIMU->angleX, msgIMU->angleY, msgOdom->wz)); } else if(m_initializeFromOdometry) { m_targetPose.setOrigin(m_odomPose.getOrigin()); m_targetPose.setRotation(tf::createQuaternionFromRPY(msgOdom->wx, msgOdom->wy, msgOdom->wz)); } m_isInitialized = true; } else { // Overwrite target pitch and roll angles with IMU data const double target_yaw = tf::getYaw(m_targetPose.getRotation()); if(m_initializeFromIMU) { m_targetPose.setRotation(tf::createQuaternionFromRPY(msgIMU->angleX, msgIMU->angleY, target_yaw)); } else if(m_initializeFromOdometry){ m_targetPose.setRotation(tf::createQuaternionFromRPY(msgOdom->wx, msgOdom->wy, target_yaw)); } } m_odomOffset = m_targetPose * m_odomPose.inverse(); transformedPose = m_targetPose; m_mustUpdateOffset = false; } else { transformedPose = m_odomOffset * m_odomPose; } // publish the transform over tf first: m_odomTransformMsg.header.stamp = msgOdom->header.stamp; tf::transformTFToMsg(transformedPose, m_odomTransformMsg.transform); m_transformBroadcaster.sendTransform(m_odomTransformMsg); //next, publish the actual odometry message: m_odom.header.stamp = msgOdom->header.stamp; m_odom.header.frame_id = m_odomFrameId; //set the velocity first (old values still valid) m_odom.twist.twist.linear.x = (msgOdom->x - m_odom.pose.pose.position.x) / dt; m_odom.twist.twist.linear.y = (msgOdom->y - m_odom.pose.pose.position.y) / dt; m_odom.twist.twist.linear.z = (msgOdom->z - m_odom.pose.pose.position.z) / dt; // TODO: calc angular velocity! // m_odom.twist.twist.angular.z = vth; ?? //set the position from the above calculated transform m_odom.pose.pose.orientation = m_odomTransformMsg.transform.rotation; m_odom.pose.pose.position.x = m_odomTransformMsg.transform.translation.x; m_odom.pose.pose.position.y = m_odomTransformMsg.transform.translation.y; m_odom.pose.pose.position.z = m_odomTransformMsg.transform.translation.z; //publish the message m_odomPub.publish(m_odom); m_lastOdomTime = odomTime; // TODO: not used // m_lastWx = msgOdom->wx; // m_lastWy = msgOdom->wy; // m_lastWz = msgOdom->wz; }
bool FootstepNavigation::getFootstep(const tf::Pose& from, const State& from_planned, const State& to, humanoid_nav_msgs::StepTarget* footstep) { // get footstep to reach 'to' from 'from' tf::Transform step = from.inverse() * tf::Pose(tf::createQuaternionFromYaw(to.getTheta()), tf::Point(to.getX(), to.getY(), 0.0)); // set the footstep footstep->pose.x = step.getOrigin().x(); footstep->pose.y = step.getOrigin().y(); footstep->pose.theta = tf::getYaw(step.getRotation()); if (to.getLeg() == LEFT) footstep->leg = humanoid_nav_msgs::StepTarget::left; else // to.leg == RIGHT footstep->leg = humanoid_nav_msgs::StepTarget::right; /* check if the footstep can be performed by the NAO robot ******************/ // check if the step lies within the executable range if (performable(*footstep)) { return true; } else { // check if there is only a minor divergence between the current support // foot and the foot placement used during the plannig task: in such a case // perform the step that has been used during the planning float step_diff_x = fabs(from.getOrigin().x() - from_planned.getX()); float step_diff_y = fabs(from.getOrigin().y() - from_planned.getY()); float step_diff_theta = fabs( angles::shortest_angular_distance( tf::getYaw(from.getRotation()), from_planned.getTheta())); if (step_diff_x < ivAccuracyX && step_diff_y < ivAccuracyY && step_diff_theta < ivAccuracyTheta) { step = tf::Pose(tf::createQuaternionFromYaw(from_planned.getTheta()), tf::Point(from_planned.getX(), from_planned.getY(), 0.0) ).inverse() * tf::Pose(tf::createQuaternionFromYaw(to.getTheta()), tf::Point(to.getX(), to.getY(), 0.0)); footstep->pose.x = step.getOrigin().x(); footstep->pose.y = step.getOrigin().y(); footstep->pose.theta = tf::getYaw(step.getRotation()); return true; } return false; } // // ALTERNATIVE: clip the footstep into the executable range; if nothing was // // clipped: perform; if too much was clipped: do not perform // humanoid_nav_msgs::ClipFootstep footstep_clip; // footstep_clip.request.step = footstep; //; // // if (performanceValid(footstep_clip)) // { // footstep.pose.x = footstep_clip.response.step.pose.x; // footstep.pose.y = footstep_clip.response.step.pose.y; // footstep.pose.theta = footstep_clip.response.step.pose.theta; // return true; // } // else // { // return false; // } }