int CompatUtility::GetCheckableInCheckPeriod(const Checkable::Ptr& checkable)
	TimePeriod::Ptr timeperiod = checkable->GetCheckPeriod();

	/* none set means always checked */
	if (!timeperiod)
		return 1;

	return (timeperiod->IsInside(Utility::GetTime()) ? 1 : 0);
int CompatUtility::GetCheckableInNotificationPeriod(const Checkable::Ptr& checkable)
	for (const Notification::Ptr& notification : checkable->GetNotifications()) {
		TimePeriod::Ptr timeperiod = notification->GetPeriod();

		if (!timeperiod || timeperiod->IsInside(Utility::GetTime()))
			return 1;

	return 0;
Example #3
Value ContactsTable::InServiceNotificationPeriodAccessor(const Value& row)
    User::Ptr user = static_cast<User::Ptr>(row);

    if (!user)
        return Empty;

    TimePeriod::Ptr timeperiod = user->GetPeriod();

    if (!timeperiod)
        return Empty;

    return (timeperiod->IsInside(Utility::GetTime()) ? 1 : 0);
Example #4
Value ServicesTable::InCheckPeriodAccessor(const Value& row)
	Service::Ptr service = static_cast<Service::Ptr>(row);

	if (!service)
		return Empty;

	TimePeriod::Ptr timeperiod = service->GetCheckPeriod();

	/* none set means always checked */
	if (!timeperiod)
		return 1;

	return Convert::ToLong(timeperiod->IsInside(Utility::GetTime()));
Example #5
Value ServicesTable::InNotificationPeriodAccessor(const Value& row)
	Service::Ptr service = static_cast<Service::Ptr>(row);

	if (!service)
		return Empty;

	for (const Notification::Ptr& notification : service->GetNotifications()) {
		TimePeriod::Ptr timeperiod = notification->GetPeriod();

		if (!timeperiod || timeperiod->IsInside(Utility::GetTime()))
			return 1;

	return 0;
Example #6
bool Dependency::IsAvailable(DependencyType dt) const
	Checkable::Ptr parent = GetParent();

	Host::Ptr parentHost;
	Service::Ptr parentService;
	tie(parentHost, parentService) = GetHostService(parent);

	/* ignore if it's the same checkable object */
	if (parent == GetChild()) {
		Log(LogNotice, "Dependency")
		    << "Dependency '" << GetName() << "' passed: Parent and child " << (parentService ? "service" : "host") << " are identical.";
		return true;

	/* ignore pending  */
	if (!parent->GetLastCheckResult()) {
		Log(LogNotice, "Dependency")
		    << "Dependency '" << GetName() << "' passed: Parent " << (parentService ? "service" : "host") << " '" << parent->GetName() << "' hasn't been checked yet.";
		return true;

	if (GetIgnoreSoftStates()) {
		/* ignore soft states */
		if (parent->GetStateType() == StateTypeSoft) {
			Log(LogNotice, "Dependency")
			    << "Dependency '" << GetName() << "' passed: Parent " << (parentService ? "service" : "host") << " '" << parent->GetName() << "' is in a soft state.";
			return true;
	} else {
		Log(LogNotice, "Dependency")
		    << "Dependency '" << GetName() << "' failed: Parent " << (parentService ? "service" : "host") << " '" << parent->GetName() << "' is in a soft state.";

	int state;

	if (parentService)
		state = ServiceStateToFilter(parentService->GetState());
		state = HostStateToFilter(parentHost->GetState());

	/* check state */
	if (state & GetStateFilter()) {
		Log(LogNotice, "Dependency")
		    << "Dependency '" << GetName() << "' passed: Parent " << (parentService ? "service" : "host") << " '" << parent->GetName() << "' matches state filter.";
		return true;

	/* ignore if not in time period */
	TimePeriod::Ptr tp = GetPeriod();
	if (tp && !tp->IsInside(Utility::GetTime())) {
		Log(LogNotice, "Dependency")
		    << "Dependency '" << GetName() << "' passed: Outside time period.";
		return true;

	if (dt == DependencyCheckExecution && !GetDisableChecks()) {
		Log(LogNotice, "Dependency")
		    << "Dependency '" << GetName() << "' passed: Checks are not disabled.";
		return true;
	} else if (dt == DependencyNotification && !GetDisableNotifications()) {
		Log(LogNotice, "Dependency")
		    << "Dependency '" << GetName() << "' passed: Notifications are not disabled";
		return true;

	Log(LogNotice, "Dependency")
	    << "Dependency '" << GetName() << "' failed. Parent "
	    << (parentService ? "service" : "host") << " '" << parent->GetName() << "' is "
	    << (parentService ? Service::StateToString(parentService->GetState()) : Host::StateToString(parentHost->GetState()));

	return false;
Example #7
void CheckerComponent::CheckThreadProc()
	Utility::SetThreadName("Check Scheduler");
	IcingaApplication::Ptr icingaApp = IcingaApplication::GetInstance();

	boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_Mutex);

	for (;;) {
		typedef boost::multi_index::nth_index<CheckableSet, 1>::type CheckTimeView;
		CheckTimeView& idx = boost::get<1>(m_IdleCheckables);

		while (idx.begin() == idx.end() && !m_Stopped)

		if (m_Stopped)

		auto it = idx.begin();
		CheckableScheduleInfo csi = *it;

		double wait = csi.NextCheck - Utility::GetTime();

//#ifdef I2_DEBUG
//		Log(LogDebug, "CheckerComponent")
//			<< "Pending checks " << Checkable::GetPendingChecks()
//			<< " vs. max concurrent checks " << icingaApp->GetMaxConcurrentChecks() << ".";
//#endif /* I2_DEBUG */

		if (Checkable::GetPendingChecks() >= icingaApp->GetMaxConcurrentChecks())
			wait = 0.5;

		if (wait > 0) {
			/* Wait for the next check. */
			m_CV.timed_wait(lock, boost::posix_time::milliseconds(long(wait * 1000)));


		Checkable::Ptr checkable = csi.Object;


		bool forced = checkable->GetForceNextCheck();
		bool check = true;

		if (!forced) {
			if (!checkable->IsReachable(DependencyCheckExecution)) {
				Log(LogNotice, "CheckerComponent")
					<< "Skipping check for object '" << checkable->GetName() << "': Dependency failed.";
				check = false;

			Host::Ptr host;
			Service::Ptr service;
			tie(host, service) = GetHostService(checkable);

			if (host && !service && (!checkable->GetEnableActiveChecks() || !icingaApp->GetEnableHostChecks())) {
				Log(LogNotice, "CheckerComponent")
					<< "Skipping check for host '" << host->GetName() << "': active host checks are disabled";
				check = false;
			if (host && service && (!checkable->GetEnableActiveChecks() || !icingaApp->GetEnableServiceChecks())) {
				Log(LogNotice, "CheckerComponent")
					<< "Skipping check for service '" << service->GetName() << "': active service checks are disabled";
				check = false;

			TimePeriod::Ptr tp = checkable->GetCheckPeriod();

			if (tp && !tp->IsInside(Utility::GetTime())) {
				Log(LogNotice, "CheckerComponent")
					<< "Skipping check for object '" << checkable->GetName()
					<< "': not in check period '" << tp->GetName() << "'";
				check = false;

		/* reschedule the checkable if checks are disabled */
		if (!check) {

			Log(LogDebug, "CheckerComponent")
				<< "Checks for checkable '" << checkable->GetName() << "' are disabled. Rescheduling check.";




		csi = GetCheckableScheduleInfo(checkable);

		Log(LogDebug, "CheckerComponent")
			<< "Scheduling info for checkable '" << checkable->GetName() << "' ("
			<< Utility::FormatDateTime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z", checkable->GetNextCheck()) << "): Object '"
			<< csi.Object->GetName() << "', Next Check: "
			<< Utility::FormatDateTime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z", csi.NextCheck) << "(" << csi.NextCheck << ").";



		if (forced) {
			ObjectLock olock(checkable);

		Log(LogDebug, "CheckerComponent")
			<< "Executing check for '" << checkable->GetName() << "'";


		Utility::QueueAsyncCallback(std::bind(&CheckerComponent::ExecuteCheckHelper, CheckerComponent::Ptr(this), checkable));

Example #8
bool Notification::CheckNotificationUserFilters(NotificationType type, const User::Ptr& user, bool force, bool reminder)
	if (!force) {
		TimePeriod::Ptr tp = user->GetPeriod();

		if (tp && !tp->IsInside(Utility::GetTime())) {
			Log(LogNotice, "Notification")
			    << "Not sending " << (reminder ? "reminder " : " ") << "notifications for notification object '"
			    << GetName() << " and user '" << user->GetName()
			    << "': user period not in timeperiod '" << tp->GetName() << "'";
			return false;

		unsigned long ftype = type;

		Log(LogDebug, "Notification")
		    << "User notification, Type '" << NotificationTypeToStringInternal(type)
		    << "', TypeFilter: " << NotificationFilterToString(user->GetTypeFilter(), GetTypeFilterMap())
		    << " (FType=" << ftype << ", TypeFilter=" << GetTypeFilter() << ")";

		if (!(ftype & user->GetTypeFilter())) {
			Log(LogNotice, "Notification")
			    << "Not sending " << (reminder ? "reminder " : " ") << "notifications for notification object '"
			    << GetName() << " and user '" << user->GetName() << "': type '"
			    << NotificationTypeToStringInternal(type) << "' does not match type filter: "
			    << NotificationFilterToString(user->GetTypeFilter(), GetTypeFilterMap()) << ".";
			return false;

		/* check state filters it this is not a recovery notification */
		if (type != NotificationRecovery) {
			Checkable::Ptr checkable = GetCheckable();
			Host::Ptr host;
			Service::Ptr service;
			tie(host, service) = GetHostService(checkable);

			unsigned long fstate;
			String stateStr;

			if (service) {
				fstate = ServiceStateToFilter(service->GetState());
				stateStr = NotificationServiceStateToString(service->GetState());
			} else {
				fstate = HostStateToFilter(host->GetState());
				stateStr = NotificationHostStateToString(host->GetState());

			Log(LogDebug, "Notification")
			    << "User notification, State '" << stateStr << "', StateFilter: "
			    << NotificationFilterToString(user->GetStateFilter(), GetStateFilterMap())
			    << " (FState=" << fstate << ", StateFilter=" << user->GetStateFilter() << ")";

			if (!(fstate & user->GetStateFilter())) {
				Log(LogNotice, "Notification")
				    << "Not " << (reminder ? "reminder " : " ") << "sending notifications for notification object '"
				    << GetName() << " and user '" << user->GetName() << "': state '" << stateStr
				    << "' does not match state filter: " << NotificationFilterToString(user->GetStateFilter(), GetStateFilterMap()) << ".";
				return false;
	} else {
		Log(LogNotice, "Notification")
		    << "Not checking " << (reminder ? "reminder " : " ") << "notification filters for notification object '"
		    << GetName() << "' and user '" << user->GetName() << "': Notification was forced.";

	return true;
Example #9
void Notification::BeginExecuteNotification(NotificationType type, const CheckResult::Ptr& cr, bool force, bool reminder, const String& author, const String& text)
	Log(LogNotice, "Notification")
	    << "Attempting to send " << (reminder ? "reminder " : " ") << "notifications for notification object '" << GetName() << "'.";

	Checkable::Ptr checkable = GetCheckable();

	if (!force) {
		TimePeriod::Ptr tp = GetPeriod();

		if (tp && !tp->IsInside(Utility::GetTime())) {
			Log(LogNotice, "Notification")
			    << "Not sending " << (reminder ? "reminder " : " ") << "notifications for notification object '" << GetName()
			    << "': not in timeperiod '" << tp->GetName() << "'";

		double now = Utility::GetTime();
		Dictionary::Ptr times = GetTimes();

		if (times && type == NotificationProblem) {
			Value timesBegin = times->Get("begin");
			Value timesEnd = times->Get("end");

			if (timesBegin != Empty && timesBegin >= 0 && now < checkable->GetLastHardStateChange() + timesBegin) {
				Log(LogNotice, "Notification")
				    << "Not sending " << (reminder ? "reminder " : " ") << "notifications for notification object '" << GetName()
				    << "': before specified begin time (" << Utility::FormatDuration(timesBegin) << ")";

				/* we need to adjust the next notification time
				 * to now + begin delaying the first notification
				double nextProposedNotification = now + timesBegin + 1.0;
				if (GetNextNotification() > nextProposedNotification)


			if (timesEnd != Empty && timesEnd >= 0 && now > checkable->GetLastHardStateChange() + timesEnd) {
				Log(LogNotice, "Notification")
				    << "Not sending " << (reminder ? "reminder " : " ") << "notifications for notification object '" << GetName()
				    << "': after specified end time (" << Utility::FormatDuration(timesEnd) << ")";

		unsigned long ftype = type;

		Log(LogDebug, "Notification")
		    << "Type '" << NotificationTypeToStringInternal(type)
		    << "', TypeFilter: " << NotificationFilterToString(GetTypeFilter(), GetTypeFilterMap())
		    << " (FType=" << ftype << ", TypeFilter=" << GetTypeFilter() << ")";

		if (!(ftype & GetTypeFilter())) {
			Log(LogNotice, "Notification")
			    << "Not sending " << (reminder ? "reminder " : " ") << "notifications for notification object '" << GetName() << "': type '"
			    << NotificationTypeToStringInternal(type) << "' does not match type filter: "
			    << NotificationFilterToString(GetTypeFilter(), GetTypeFilterMap()) << ".";

		/* ensure that recovery notifications are always sent, no state filter checks necessary */
		if (type != NotificationRecovery) {
			Host::Ptr host;
			Service::Ptr service;
			tie(host, service) = GetHostService(checkable);

			unsigned long fstate;
			String stateStr;

			if (service) {
				fstate = ServiceStateToFilter(service->GetState());
				stateStr = NotificationServiceStateToString(service->GetState());
			} else {
				fstate = HostStateToFilter(host->GetState());
				stateStr = NotificationHostStateToString(host->GetState());

			Log(LogDebug, "Notification")
			    << "State '" << stateStr << "', StateFilter: " << NotificationFilterToString(GetStateFilter(), GetStateFilterMap())
			    << " (FState=" << fstate << ", StateFilter=" << GetStateFilter() << ")";

			if (!(fstate & GetStateFilter())) {
				Log(LogNotice, "Notification")
				    << "Not sending " << (reminder ? "reminder " : " ") << "notifications for notification object '" << GetName() << "': state '" << stateStr
				    << "' does not match state filter: " << NotificationFilterToString(GetStateFilter(), GetStateFilterMap()) << ".";
	} else {
		Log(LogNotice, "Notification")
		    << "Not checking " << (reminder ? "reminder " : " ") << "notification filters for notification object '" << GetName() << "': Notification was forced.";

		ObjectLock olock(this);

		double now = Utility::GetTime();

		if (type == NotificationProblem && GetInterval() <= 0)

		if (type == NotificationProblem && GetInterval() > 0)
			SetNextNotification(now + GetInterval());

		if (type == NotificationProblem)

	std::set<User::Ptr> allUsers;

	std::set<User::Ptr> users = GetUsers();
	std::copy(users.begin(), users.end(), std::inserter(allUsers, allUsers.begin()));

	for (const UserGroup::Ptr& ug : GetUserGroups()) {
		std::set<User::Ptr> members = ug->GetMembers();
		std::copy(members.begin(), members.end(), std::inserter(allUsers, allUsers.begin()));

	std::set<User::Ptr> allNotifiedUsers;
	Array::Ptr notifiedProblemUsers = GetNotifiedProblemUsers();

	for (const User::Ptr& user : allUsers) {
		String userName = user->GetName();

		if (!user->GetEnableNotifications()) {
			Log(LogNotice, "Notification")
			    << "Disabled notifications for user '" << userName << "'. Not sending notification.";

		if (!CheckNotificationUserFilters(type, user, force, reminder)) {
			Log(LogNotice, "Notification")
			    << "Notification filters for user '" << userName << "' not matched. Not sending notification.";

		/* on recovery, check if user was notified before */
		if (type == NotificationRecovery) {
			if (!notifiedProblemUsers->Contains(userName)) {
				Log(LogNotice, "Notification")
				    << "We did not notify user '" << userName << "' for a problem before. Not sending recovery notification.";

		Log(LogInformation, "Notification")
		    << "Sending " << (reminder ? "reminder " : "") << "'" << NotificationTypeToStringInternal(type) << "' notification '"
		    << GetName() << " for user '" << userName << "'";

		Utility::QueueAsyncCallback(boost::bind(&Notification::ExecuteNotificationHelper, this, type, user, cr, force, author, text));

		/* collect all notified users */

		/* store all notified users for later recovery checks */
		if (type == NotificationProblem && !notifiedProblemUsers->Contains(userName))

	/* if this was a recovery notification, reset all notified users */
	if (type == NotificationRecovery)

	/* used in db_ido for notification history */
	Service::OnNotificationSentToAllUsers(this, checkable, allNotifiedUsers, type, cr, author, text, MessageOrigin::Ptr());