Example #1
 * \brief The getJobOutput function gets outputPath and errorPath of a job from its id
 * \param sessionKey : The session key
 * \param jobId : The Id of the job
 * \param outputInfo : The  Job object  containing the job output information (e.g: outputPath and errorPath) of the job to submit
 * \param options : Object containing the user-provided options (e.g: it contains a possible output directory set by the user)
 * \return 0 on success, or raises exception on error
vishnu::getJobOutput(const std::string& sessionKey,
                     const std::string& jobId,
                     TMS_Data::JobResult& outputInfo,
                     const TMS_Data::JobOutputOptions& options)
throw (UMSVishnuException, TMSVishnuException, UserException, SystemException) {

  checkEmptyString(sessionKey, "The session key");

  std::string outputDir = options.getOutputDir();
  if (! outputDir.empty() && ! boost::filesystem::exists(outputDir)) {
    throw UMSVishnuException(ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAM, "The output directory does not exist: "+ outputDir);

  // If no machine id provided, find where the job has been submitted
  std::string machineId =  options.getMachineId();
  if (machineId.empty()) {
    TMS_Data::Job jobInfo;
    getJobInfo(sessionKey, jobId, machineId, jobInfo);
    machineId = jobInfo.getMachine();

  // Now process the request
  SessionProxy sessionProxy(sessionKey);
  JobOutputProxy jobOutputProxy(sessionProxy, machineId);

  outputInfo = jobOutputProxy.getJobOutPut(jobId, options);
  return 0;
Example #2
 * \brief Gets standard output files of all completed jobs (applies only once for each job)
 * \param sessionKey : The session key
 * \param options: object containing options
 * \param listOfResults : Is the list of jobs results
   * \param options: Object containing options
 * \return int : an error code
vishnu::getCompletedJobsOutput(const std::string& sessionKey,
                               TMS_Data::ListJobResults& listOfResults,
                               const TMS_Data::JobOutputOptions& options)
throw (UMSVishnuException, TMSVishnuException, UserException, SystemException) {

  checkEmptyString(sessionKey, "The session key");

  std::string outputDir = options.getOutputDir();
  if (! outputDir.empty() && ! boost::filesystem::exists(outputDir)) {
    throw UMSVishnuException(ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAM, "The ouput directory does not exist: "+outputDir);

  UMS_Data::ListMachines machines;
  if (options.getMachineId().empty()) {
    vishnu::listMachinesWithUserLocalAccount(sessionKey, machines);
  } else {
    UMS_Data::Machine_ptr machine = new UMS_Data::Machine(); // delete by EMF

  int machineCount = machines.getMachines().size();
  for (int index = 0; index < machineCount; ++index) {
    SessionProxy sessionProxy(sessionKey);
    JobOutputProxy jobOutputProxy(sessionProxy, machines.getMachines().get(index)->getMachineId());

    TMS_Data::ListJobResults_ptr listJobResults_ptr = jobOutputProxy.getCompletedJobsOutput(options);

    if (listJobResults_ptr != NULL) {
      TMS_Data::TMS_DataFactory_ptr ecoreFactory = TMS_Data::TMS_DataFactory::_instance();
      for(unsigned int i = 0; i < listJobResults_ptr->getResults().size(); i++) {
        TMS_Data::JobResult_ptr jobResult = ecoreFactory->createJobResult();
        //To copy the content and not the pointer
        *jobResult = *listJobResults_ptr->getResults().get(i);
      delete listJobResults_ptr;
  return 0;
Example #3
 * \brief Function to get the job results
 * \param jobId The Id of the
 * \param options Object containing the user-provided options
 * \return The job results data structure
JobOutputProxy::getJobOutPut(const std::string& jobId, const TMS_Data::JobOutputOptions& options) {

  std::string serviceName = boost::str(boost::format("%1%@%2%") % SERVICES_TMS[JOBOUTPUTGETRESULT]  %mmachineId);

  diet_profile_t* profile = diet_profile_alloc(serviceName, 4);
  string sessionKey = msessionProxy.getSessionKey();

  //IN Parameters
  TMS_Data::JobResult jobResult; jobResult.setJobId(jobId);
  std::string outputDir = options.getOutputDir();
  JsonObject optionsData(options);

  diet_string_set(profile,0, sessionKey);
  diet_string_set(profile,1, mmachineId);
  diet_string_set(profile,2, optionsData.encode());
  diet_string_set(profile, 3, jobId);

  //Call the Server
  if (diet_call(profile)) {
    raiseCommunicationMsgException("RPC call failed");

  std::string remoteOutputInfo;
  diet_string_get(profile,1, remoteOutputInfo);

  if (remoteOutputInfo.empty()) {
    throw TMSVishnuException(ERRCODE_INVDATA, "Weird behavior: no output to retrieve");

  if (! boost::starts_with(remoteOutputInfo, "/") ) {
  if (outputDir.empty()) {
    outputDir = boost::str(boost::format("%1%/VISHNU_DOWNLOAD_%2%")
                           % bfs::path(bfs::current_path()).string()
                           % vishnu::generatedUniquePatternFromCurTime(jobId));


  FMS_Data::CpFileOptions copts;
  copts.setTrCommand(0); // for using scp
  try {
    std::string downloadInfoFile = boost::str(boost::format("%1%/%2%")
                                              % outputDir
                                              % boost::filesystem::unique_path("vishnu-%%%%%%.dinfo").string());
    vishnu::genericFileCopier(sessionKey, mmachineId, remoteOutputInfo, "", downloadInfoFile, copts);
    istringstream fdescStream(vishnu::get_file_content(downloadInfoFile, false));
    string line;
    if(! getline(fdescStream, line)) {
      line = "";
    ListStrings lineVec;
    boost::split(lineVec, line, boost::is_any_of(" "));
    int nbFiles = lineVec.size();

    std::string missingFileContent = "";
    if (! line.empty() && nbFiles > 0) {
      vishnu::copyFiles(sessionKey, mmachineId, lineVec, outputDir, copts, missingFileContent, 0);
      std::string fileName = bfs::basename(lineVec[0]) + bfs::extension(lineVec[0]);
      std::string fileName2 = bfs::basename(lineVec[1]) + bfs::extension(lineVec[1]);
    if (! missingFileContent.empty()) {
      std::string missingFileName = (boost::format("%1%/MISSINGFILES_%2%") % outputDir % jobId).str();
      vishnu::saveInFile(missingFileName, missingFileContent);
  } catch (VishnuException &ex) {
    std::string errorFileName = (boost::format("%1%/ERROR_%2%") % outputDir % jobId).str();
    vishnu::saveInFile(errorFileName, ex.what());

  return jobResult;
Example #4
 * \brief Function to get the results of all job submitted
 * \return The list of the job results
JobOutputProxy::getCompletedJobsOutput(const TMS_Data::JobOutputOptions& options) {

  std::string serviceName = boost::str(boost::format("%1%@%2%")
                                       % SERVICES_TMS[JOBOUTPUTGETCOMPLETEDJOBS]
                                       % mmachineId);

  diet_profile_t* profile = diet_profile_alloc(serviceName, 3);
  std::string sessionKey = msessionProxy.getSessionKey();
  JsonObject optionsData(options);

  //IN Parameters
  if (diet_string_set(profile,0, sessionKey)) {
    raiseCommunicationMsgException("Exception setting sessionkey parameter");

  if (diet_string_set(profile, 1, mmachineId)) {
    raiseCommunicationMsgException("Exception setting machineid parameter");

  if (diet_string_set(profile, 2, optionsData.encode())) {
    raiseCommunicationMsgException("Exception setting option parameter");

  //Call the Server
  if (diet_call(profile)) {
    raiseCommunicationMsgException("RPC call failed");

  // Get output, which is a json object. See internalApi.cpp
  std::string data;
  diet_string_get(profile,1, data);

  // Treat the json object
  JsonObject jsonData(data);
  std::string remoteOutputInfo = jsonData.getStringProperty("infofile");
  std::string jobListSerialized = jsonData.getStringProperty("joblist");

  if (remoteOutputInfo.empty()
      || ! boost::starts_with(remoteOutputInfo, "/")) {
    throw TMSVishnuException(ERRCODE_INVDATA, boost::str(boost::format("Weird output info file [%1%]"
                                                                       ) % remoteOutputInfo));
  TMS_Data::ListJobResults_ptr listJobResults_ptr = NULL;
  parseEmfObject(jobListSerialized, listJobResults_ptr);

  FMS_Data::CpFileOptions copts;
  copts.setTrCommand(0); // for using scp

  std::string outputDir = options.getOutputDir();
  try {
    std::string downloadInfoFile = boost::str(boost::format("%1%/%2%")
                                              % boost::filesystem::temp_directory_path().string()
                                              % boost::filesystem::unique_path("vishnu-%%%%%%.dinfo").string());
    vishnu::genericFileCopier(sessionKey, mmachineId, remoteOutputInfo, "", downloadInfoFile, copts);
    istringstream downloadInfoStream (vishnu::get_file_content(downloadInfoFile, false));
    int numJob = 0;
    string line;
    ListStrings lineVec;
    string missingFiles;
    while (getline(downloadInfoStream, line)) {
      if (line.empty()) continue;
      boost::split(lineVec, line, boost::is_any_of(" "));
      std::string baseDir = (! outputDir.empty())? bfs::absolute(outputDir).string() : bfs::path(bfs::current_path()).string();
      std::string targetDir = boost::str(boost::format("%1%/VISHNU_DOWNLOAD_%2%")
                                         % baseDir
                                         % vishnu::generatedUniquePatternFromCurTime(lineVec[0]));
      vishnu::copyFiles(sessionKey, mmachineId, lineVec, targetDir, copts, missingFiles, 1);
      if (!missingFiles.empty()) {
        vishnu::saveInFile(targetDir+"/MISSINGFILES", missingFiles);
  } catch (FMSVishnuException &ex) {
                       boost::str(boost::format("File %1%: %2%") % remoteOutputInfo % ex.what()));
  return listJobResults_ptr;