Example #1
void TMVAtest(){
  TFile* outputFile = TFile::Open("TMVA1.root", "RECREATE");
  TMVA::Factory *factory = new TMVA::Factory( "TMVAClassification",outputFile,"V=true:Color:DrawProgressBar");// ":Transformations=I;D;P;G,D" );
  TFile* signal = TFile::Open("/uscms_data/d2/aperloff/Spring12ME7TeV/MEResults/microNtuples_oldStructure/microWW_EPDv01.root");
  TFile* bkg = TFile::Open("/uscms_data/d2/aperloff/Spring12ME7TeV/MEResults/microNtuples_oldStructure/microWJets_EPDv01.root");

  TTree* stree = (TTree*)signal->Get("METree");
  TTree* btree = (TTree*)bkg->Get("METree");


  //factory->AddVariable("tEventProb0 := tEventProb[0]",'F');
  //factory->AddVariable("tEventProb1 := tEventProb[1]",'F');
  //factory->AddVariable("tEventProb2 := tEventProb[2]",'F');
  TCut test("Entry$>-2 && jLV[1].Pt()>30");
  TCut mycuts (test);
  factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kBDT, "BDT","!H:!V:NTrees=400:nEventsMin=400:MaxDepth=3:BoostType=AdaBoost:SeparationType=GiniIndex:nCuts=20:PruneMethod=NoPruning" );

Example #2
void Classification()

   TString outfileName("TMVA.root");
   TFile *outputFile = TFile::Open(outfileName, "RECREATE");

   TMVA::Factory *factory = new TMVA::Factory("TMVAClassification", outputFile,

   factory->AddVariable("myvar1 := var1+var2", 'F');
   factory->AddVariable("myvar2 := var1-var2", "Expression 2", "", 'F');
   factory->AddVariable("var3",                "Variable 3", "units", 'F');
   factory->AddVariable("var4",                "Variable 4", "units", 'F');

   factory->AddSpectator("spec1 := var1*2",  "Spectator 1", "units", 'F');
   factory->AddSpectator("spec2 := var1*3",  "Spectator 2", "units", 'F');

   TString fname = "./tmva_class_example.root";

   if (gSystem->AccessPathName(fname))    // file does not exist in local directory
      gSystem->Exec("curl -O http://root.cern.ch/files/tmva_class_example.root");

   TFile *input = TFile::Open(fname);

   std::cout << "--- TMVAClassification       : Using input file: " << input->GetName() << std::endl;

   // --- Register the training and test trees

   TTree *tsignal     = (TTree *)input->Get("TreeS");
   TTree *tbackground = (TTree *)input->Get("TreeB");

   // global event weights per tree (see below for setting event-wise weights)
   Double_t signalWeight     = 1.0;
   Double_t backgroundWeight = 1.0;

   // You can add an arbitrary number of signal or background trees
   factory->AddSignalTree(tsignal,     signalWeight);
   factory->AddBackgroundTree(tbackground, backgroundWeight);

   // Set individual event weights (the variables must exist in the original TTree)

   // Apply additional cuts on the signal and background samples (can be different)
   TCut mycuts = ""; // for example: TCut mycuts = "abs(var1)<0.5 && abs(var2-0.5)<1";
   TCut mycutb = ""; // for example: TCut mycutb = "abs(var1)<0.5";

   // Tell the factory how to use the training and testing events
   factory->PrepareTrainingAndTestTree(mycuts, mycutb,

   //Booking         //
   // Boosted Decision Trees

   //PyMVA methods
   factory->BookMethod(TMVA::Types::kPyRandomForest, "PyRandomForest",
   factory->BookMethod(TMVA::Types::kPyAdaBoost, "PyAdaBoost",
   factory->BookMethod(TMVA::Types::kPyGTB, "PyGTB",

   // Train MVAs using the set of training events

   // ---- Evaluate all MVAs using the set of test events

   // ----- Evaluate and compare performance of all configured MVAs
   // --------------------------------------------------------------

   // Save the output

   std::cout << "==> Wrote root file: " << outputFile->GetName() << std::endl;
   std::cout << "==> TMVAClassification is done!" << std::endl;

Example #3
void TMVAClassification( TString myMethodList = "" , TString myModel = "")
   // The explicit loading of the shared libTMVA is done in TMVAlogon.C, defined in .rootrc
   // if you use your private .rootrc, or run from a different directory, please copy the
   // corresponding lines from .rootrc

   // methods to be processed can be given as an argument; use format:
   // mylinux~> root -l TMVAClassification.C\(\"myMethod1,myMethod2,myMethod3\"\)
   // if you like to use a method via the plugin mechanism, we recommend using
   // mylinux~> root -l TMVAClassification.C\(\"P_myMethod\"\)
   // (an example is given for using the BDT as plugin (see below),
   // but of course the real application is when you write your own
   // method based)

   // This loads the library

   // to get access to the GUI and all tmva macros
    TString tmva_dir(TString(gRootDir) + "/tmva");
       tmva_dir = TString(gSystem->Getenv("TMVASYS"));
    gROOT->SetMacroPath(tmva_dir + "/test/:" + gROOT->GetMacroPath() );
    gROOT->ProcessLine(".L TMVAGui.C");

   // Default MVA methods to be trained + tested
   std::map<std::string,int> Use;

   // --- Cut optimisation
   Use["Cuts"]            = 1;
   Use["CutsD"]           = 0;
   Use["CutsPCA"]         = 0;
   Use["CutsGA"]          = 0;
   Use["CutsSA"]          = 0;
   // --- 1-dimensional likelihood ("naive Bayes estimator")
   Use["Likelihood"]      = 0;
   Use["LikelihoodD"]     = 0; // the "D" extension indicates decorrelated input variables (see option strings)
   Use["LikelihoodPCA"]   = 0; // the "PCA" extension indicates PCA-transformed input variables (see option strings)
   Use["LikelihoodKDE"]   = 0;
   Use["LikelihoodMIX"]   = 0;
   // --- Mutidimensional likelihood and Nearest-Neighbour methods
   Use["PDERS"]           = 0;
   Use["PDERSD"]          = 0;
   Use["PDERSPCA"]        = 0;
   Use["PDEFoam"]         = 0;
   Use["PDEFoamBoost"]    = 0; // uses generalised MVA method boosting
   Use["KNN"]             = 0; // k-nearest neighbour method
   // --- Linear Discriminant Analysis
   Use["LD"]              = 0; // Linear Discriminant identical to Fisher
   Use["Fisher"]          = 0;
   Use["FisherG"]         = 0;
   Use["BoostedFisher"]   = 0; // uses generalised MVA method boosting
   Use["HMatrix"]         = 0;
   // --- Function Discriminant analysis
   Use["FDA_GA"]          = 0; // minimisation of user-defined function using Genetics Algorithm
   Use["FDA_SA"]          = 0;
   Use["FDA_MC"]          = 0;
   Use["FDA_MT"]          = 0;
   Use["FDA_GAMT"]        = 0;
   Use["FDA_MCMT"]        = 0;
   // --- Neural Networks (all are feed-forward Multilayer Perceptrons)
   Use["MLP"]             = 0; // Recommended ANN
   Use["MLPBFGS"]         = 0; // Recommended ANN with optional training method
   Use["MLPBNN"]          = 0; // Recommended ANN with BFGS training method and bayesian regulator
   Use["CFMlpANN"]        = 0; // Depreciated ANN from ALEPH
   Use["TMlpANN"]         = 0; // ROOT's own ANN
   // --- Support Vector Machine 
   Use["SVM"]             = 0;
   // --- Boosted Decision Trees
   Use["BDT"]             = 0; // uses Adaptive Boost
   Use["BDTG"]            = 0; // uses Gradient Boost
   Use["BDTB"]            = 0; // uses Bagging
   Use["BDTD"]            = 0; // decorrelation + Adaptive Boost
   Use["BDTF"]            = 0; // allow usage of fisher discriminant for node splitting 
   // --- Friedman's RuleFit method, ie, an optimised series of cuts ("rules")
   Use["RuleFit"]         = 0;
   // ---------------------------------------------------------------

   // Default model to be trained + tested
   std::map<std::string,int> Model;

   // --- Cut optimisation
   Model[ "MM"  ]   = 0; // Mass mechanism
   Model[ "RHC_L" ] = 0; // Right Handed Current
   Model[ "RHC_E" ] = 0; // Right Handed Current
   Model[ "M1"  ]   = 0; // Majoron
   Model[ "M2"  ]   = 0; // Majoron
   Model[ "M3"  ]   = 0; // Majoron
   Model[ "M7"  ]   = 0; // Majoron

   std::cout << std::endl;
   std::cout << "==> Start TMVAClassification" << std::endl;

   // Select methods (don't look at this code - not of interest)
   if (myMethodList != "") {
      for (std::map<std::string,int>::iterator it = Use.begin(); it != Use.end(); it++) it->second = 0;

      std::vector<TString> mlist = TMVA::gTools().SplitString( myMethodList, ',' );
      for (UInt_t i=0; i<mlist.size(); i++) {
         std::string regMethod(mlist[i]);

         if (Use.find(regMethod) == Use.end()) {
            std::cout << "Method \"" << regMethod << "\" not known in TMVA under this name. Choose among the following:" << std::endl;
            for (std::map<std::string,int>::iterator it = Use.begin(); it != Use.end(); it++) std::cout << it->first << " ";
            std::cout << std::endl;
         Use[regMethod] = 1;

   if(myModel != "") {
		std::string regModel(myModel);
		if( Model.find(regModel) == Model.end() ){
			std::cout << "Model \"" << myModel << "\" not known in under this name. Choose among the following:" << std::endl;
			for (std::map<std::string,int>::iterator it = Model.begin(); it != Model.end(); it++) std::cout << it->first << " ";
			std::cout << std::endl;
		Model[regModel] = 1;
   } else {
	   std::cout << "No signal model as been specified. You must choose one among the following:" << std::endl;
       for (std::map<std::string,int>::iterator it = Model.begin(); it != Model.end(); it++) std::cout << it->first << " ";
       std::cout << std::endl;

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    // --- Here the preparation phase begins

    // Create a ROOT output file where TMVA will store ntuples, histograms, etc.
    TString outfileName;
	outfileName.Form( "TMVA_%s.root", myModel.Data() );
	//TString outfileDir( "/Users/alberto/Software/SuperNEMO/work/nemo3/plot/plot_FINAL_TECHNOTE_20150921/TMVA/" );
	TString outfileDir( "/Users/alberto/Software/SuperNEMO/work/nemo3/plot/plot_UPDATE_TECHNOTE_20160429/TMVA/" );
	TFile* outputFile = TFile::Open( outfileDir + outfileName , "RECREATE" );
   // Create the factory object. Later you can choose the methods
   // whose performance you'd like to investigate. The factory is 
   // the only TMVA object you have to interact with
   // The first argument is the base of the name of all the
   // weightfiles in the directory weight/
   // The second argument is the output file for the training results
   // All TMVA output can be suppressed by removing the "!" (not) in
   // front of the "Silent" argument in the option string
	TString weightBaseName;
	weightBaseName.Form("TMVAClassification_%s", myModel.Data());	
   TMVA::Factory *factory = new TMVA::Factory( weightBaseName , outputFile,
                                               "!V:!Silent:Color:DrawProgressBar:Transformations=I:AnalysisType=Classification" );

   // If you wish to modify default settings
   // (please check "src/Config.h" to see all available global options)
   //    (TMVA::gConfig().GetVariablePlotting()).fTimesRMS = 8.0;
   //    (TMVA::gConfig().GetIONames()).fWeightFileDir = "myWeightDirectory";

   // Define the input variables that shall be used for the MVA training
   // note that you may also use variable expressions, such as: "3*var1/var2*abs(var3)"
   // [all types of expressions that can also be parsed by TTree::Draw( "expression" )]
   //factory->AddVariable( "myvar1 := var1+var2", 'F' );
   //factory->AddVariable( "myvar2 := var1-var2", "Expression 2", "", 'F' );
   //factory->AddVariable( "var3",                "Variable 3", "units", 'F' );
   //factory->AddVariable( "var4",                "Variable 4", "units", 'F' );

	factory->AddVariable( "min_el_en"                                                                   , 'F' );  
	factory->AddVariable( "max_el_en"                                                                   , 'F' );  
	factory->AddVariable( "el_en_asym := (max_el_en-min_el_en)/(min_el_en+max_el_en)"                   , 'F' );  
	factory->AddVariable( "el_en_sum := min_el_en+max_el_en"                                            , 'F' );  
	factory->AddVariable( "cos_theta"                                                                   , 'F' );
	factory->AddVariable( "prob_int"                                                                    , 'F' );
	factory->AddVariable( "min_el_track_len"                                                            , 'F' );       
	factory->AddVariable( "max_el_track_len"                                                            , 'F' );       
	//factory->AddVariable( "min_el_curv := min_el_track_r*min_el_sign"                                   , 'F' );       
	//factory->AddVariable( "max_el_curv := max_el_track_r*max_el_sign"                                   , 'F' );       
	//factory->AddVariable( "max_vertex_s"                                                                , 'F' );       
	//factory->AddVariable( "max_vertex_z"                                                                , 'F' );                 
	//factory->AddVariable( "min_vertex_s"                                                                , 'F' );       
	//factory->AddVariable( "min_vertex_z"                                                                , 'F' );                 
   // You can add so-called "Spectator variables", which are not used in the MVA training,
   // but will appear in the final "TestTree" produced by TMVA. This TestTree will contain the
   // input variables, the response values of all trained MVAs, and the spectator variables
   //factory->AddSpectator( "spec1 := var1*2",  "Spectator 1", "units", 'F' );
   //factory->AddSpectator( "spec2 := var1*3",  "Spectator 2", "units", 'F' );

   // Read training and test data
   // (it is also possible to use ASCII format as input -> see TMVA Users Guide)
   //TString fdir = "/sps/nemo/scratch/remoto/nemo3/plot/plot_FINAL_TECHNOTE_20150921/";
   TString fdir = "/Users/alberto/Software/SuperNEMO/work/nemo3/plot/plot_UPDATE_TECHNOTE_20160429/";
   TString fname = "TwoElectronIntTree.root";
   TFile *input = TFile::Open( fdir + fname , "READ");
   std::cout << "--- TMVAClassification       : Using input file: " << input->GetName() << std::endl;
   TTree *  sig_tree    = 0;
   Double_t sig_weight  = 1.; 
   if ( Model[ "MM"    ] ) sig_tree = (TTree*) input->Get( "Cd116_2b0n_m1_tree"  ) ; 
   if ( Model[ "RHC_L" ] ) sig_tree = (TTree*) input->Get( "Cd116_2b0n_m2_tree"  ) ; 
   if ( Model[ "RHC_E" ] ) sig_tree = (TTree*) input->Get( "Cd116_2b0n_m18_tree"  ) ;    
   if ( Model[ "M1"    ] ) sig_tree = (TTree*) input->Get( "Cd116_2b0n_m5_tree"  ) ; 
   if ( Model[ "M2"    ] ) sig_tree = (TTree*) input->Get( "Cd116_2b0n_m15_tree" ) ; 
   if ( Model[ "M3"    ] ) sig_tree = (TTree*) input->Get( "Cd116_2b0n_m6_tree"  ) ; 
   if ( Model[ "M7"    ] ) sig_tree = (TTree*) input->Get( "Cd116_2b0n_m7_tree"  ) ; 

   factory->AddSignalTree( sig_tree , sig_weight );     

   //Double_t Cd116_2b0n_m1_weight  = 1.; 
   //TTree *  Cd116_2b0n_m1_tree    = (TTree*) input->Get("Cd116_2b0n_m1_tree"  ) ; 
   //factory->AddSignalTree( Cd116_2b0n_m1_tree , Cd116_2b0n_m1_weight     );     
   TTree *  Cd116_Tl208_tree       = (TTree*) input->Get("Cd116_Tl208_tree"    ) ; Double_t Cd116_Tl208_weight       = 6.52838           ; if( Cd116_Tl208_tree    -> GetEntriesFast() > 0. ) {factory->AddBackgroundTree( Cd116_Tl208_tree       , Cd116_Tl208_weight       ); };
   TTree *  Cd116_Ac228_tree       = (TTree*) input->Get("Cd116_Ac228_tree"    ) ; Double_t Cd116_Ac228_weight       = 7.62351           ; if( Cd116_Ac228_tree    -> GetEntriesFast() > 0. ) {factory->AddBackgroundTree( Cd116_Ac228_tree       , Cd116_Ac228_weight       ); };
   TTree *  Cd116_Bi212_tree       = (TTree*) input->Get("Cd116_Bi212_tree"    ) ; Double_t Cd116_Bi212_weight       = 3.00708           ; if( Cd116_Bi212_tree    -> GetEntriesFast() > 0. ) {factory->AddBackgroundTree( Cd116_Bi212_tree       , Cd116_Bi212_weight       ); };
   TTree *  Cd116_Bi214_tree       = (TTree*) input->Get("Cd116_Bi214_tree"    ) ; Double_t Cd116_Bi214_weight       = 18.1504           ; if( Cd116_Bi214_tree    -> GetEntriesFast() > 0. ) {factory->AddBackgroundTree( Cd116_Bi214_tree       , Cd116_Bi214_weight       ); };
   TTree *  Cd116_Pb214_tree       = (TTree*) input->Get("Cd116_Pb214_VT_tree" ) ; Double_t Cd116_Pb214_weight       = 0.186417          ; if( Cd116_Pb214_tree    -> GetEntriesFast() > 0. ) {factory->AddBackgroundTree( Cd116_Pb214_tree       , Cd116_Pb214_weight       ); };
   TTree *  Mylar_Bi214_tree       = (TTree*) input->Get("Mylar_Bi214_tree"    ) ; Double_t Mylar_Bi214_weight       = 11.1346           ; if( Mylar_Bi214_tree    -> GetEntriesFast() > 0. ) {factory->AddBackgroundTree( Mylar_Bi214_tree       , Mylar_Bi214_weight       ); };
   TTree *  Mylar_Pb214_tree       = (TTree*) input->Get("Mylar_Pb214_tree"    ) ; Double_t Mylar_Pb214_weight       = 0.496238          ; if( Mylar_Pb214_tree    -> GetEntriesFast() > 0. ) {factory->AddBackgroundTree( Mylar_Pb214_tree       , Mylar_Pb214_weight       ); };
   TTree *  Cd116_K40_tree         = (TTree*) input->Get("Cd116_K40_tree"      ) ; Double_t Cd116_K40_weight         = 8.9841+25.8272    ; if( Cd116_K40_tree      -> GetEntriesFast() > 0. ) {factory->AddBackgroundTree( Cd116_K40_tree         , Cd116_K40_weight         ); };
   TTree *  Cd116_Pa234m_tree      = (TTree*) input->Get("Cd116_Pa234m_tree"   ) ; Double_t Cd116_Pa234m_weight      = 27.9307+72.4667   ; if( Cd116_Pa234m_tree   -> GetEntriesFast() > 0. ) {factory->AddBackgroundTree( Cd116_Pa234m_tree      , Cd116_Pa234m_weight      ); };
   TTree *  SFoil_Bi210_tree       = (TTree*) input->Get("SFoil_Bi210_tree"    ) ; Double_t SFoil_Bi210_weight       = 0+23.2438         ; if( SFoil_Bi210_tree    -> GetEntriesFast() > 0. ) {factory->AddBackgroundTree( SFoil_Bi210_tree       , SFoil_Bi210_weight       ); };
   TTree *  SWire_Bi210_tree       = (TTree*) input->Get("SWire_Bi210_tree"    ) ; Double_t SWire_Bi210_weight       = 0.136147+0.624187 ; if( SWire_Bi210_tree    -> GetEntriesFast() > 0. ) {factory->AddBackgroundTree( SWire_Bi210_tree       , SWire_Bi210_weight       ); };
   TTree *  SScin_Bi210_tree       = (TTree*) input->Get("SScin_Bi210_tree"    ) ; Double_t SScin_Bi210_weight       = 1.75641           ; if( SScin_Bi210_tree    -> GetEntriesFast() > 0. ) {factory->AddBackgroundTree( SScin_Bi210_tree       , SScin_Bi210_weight       ); };
   TTree *  SScin_Bi214_tree       = (TTree*) input->Get("SScin_Bi214_tree"    ) ; Double_t SScin_Bi214_weight       = 0.0510754         ; if( SScin_Bi214_tree    -> GetEntriesFast() > 0. ) {factory->AddBackgroundTree( SScin_Bi214_tree       , SScin_Bi214_weight       ); };
   TTree *  SScin_Pb214_tree       = (TTree*) input->Get("SScin_Pb214_tree"    ) ; Double_t SScin_Pb214_weight       = 0                 ; if( SScin_Pb214_tree    -> GetEntriesFast() > 0. ) {factory->AddBackgroundTree( SScin_Pb214_tree       , SScin_Pb214_weight       ); };
   TTree *  SWire_Tl208_tree       = (TTree*) input->Get("SWire_Tl208_tree"    ) ; Double_t SWire_Tl208_weight       = 0.217623+1.07641  ; if( SWire_Tl208_tree    -> GetEntriesFast() > 0. ) {factory->AddBackgroundTree( SWire_Tl208_tree       , SWire_Tl208_weight       ); };
   TTree *  SWire_Bi214_P1_tree    = (TTree*) input->Get("SWire_Bi214_tree"    ) ; Double_t SWire_Bi214_weight       = 21.4188+17.8236   ; if( SWire_Bi214_tree    -> GetEntriesFast() > 0. ) {factory->AddBackgroundTree( SWire_Bi214_tree       , SWire_Bi214_weight       ); };
   TTree *  SFoil_Bi214_tree       = (TTree*) input->Get("SFoil_Bi214_tree"    ) ; Double_t SFoil_Bi214_weight       = 5.83533+2.80427   ; if( SFoil_Bi214_tree    -> GetEntriesFast() > 0. ) {factory->AddBackgroundTree( SFoil_Bi214_tree       , SFoil_Bi214_weight       ); };
   TTree *  SWire_Pb214_tree       = (TTree*) input->Get("SWire_Pb214_tree"    ) ; Double_t SWire_Pb214_weight       = 0.458486+0.649167 ; if( SWire_Pb214_tree    -> GetEntriesFast() > 0. ) {factory->AddBackgroundTree( SWire_Pb214_tree       , SWire_Pb214_weight       ); };
   TTree *  SFoil_Pb214_tree       = (TTree*) input->Get("SFoil_Pb214_tree"    ) ; Double_t SFoil_Pb214_weight       = 0.218761+0.195287 ; if( SFoil_Pb214_tree    -> GetEntriesFast() > 0. ) {factory->AddBackgroundTree( SFoil_Pb214_tree       , SFoil_Pb214_weight       ); };
   TTree *  FeShield_Bi214_tree    = (TTree*) input->Get("FeShield_Bi214_tree" ) ; Double_t FeShield_Bi214_weight    = 50.7021           ; if( FeShield_Bi214_tree -> GetEntriesFast() > 0. ) {factory->AddBackgroundTree( FeShield_Bi214_tree    , FeShield_Bi214_weight    ); };
   TTree *  FeShield_Tl208_tree    = (TTree*) input->Get("FeShield_Tl208_tree" ) ; Double_t FeShield_Tl208_weight    = 0.859465          ; if( FeShield_Tl208_tree -> GetEntriesFast() > 0. ) {factory->AddBackgroundTree( FeShield_Tl208_tree    , FeShield_Tl208_weight    ); };
   TTree *  FeShield_Ac228_tree    = (TTree*) input->Get("FeShield_Ac228_tree" ) ; Double_t FeShield_Ac228_weight    = 0.126868          ; if( FeShield_Ac228_tree -> GetEntriesFast() > 0. ) {factory->AddBackgroundTree( FeShield_Ac228_tree    , FeShield_Ac228_weight    ); };
   TTree *  CuTower_Co60_tree      = (TTree*) input->Get("CuTower_Co60_tree"   ) ; Double_t CuTower_Co60_weight      = 3.9407            ; if( CuTower_Co60_tree   -> GetEntriesFast() > 0. ) {factory->AddBackgroundTree( CuTower_Co60_tree      , CuTower_Co60_weight      ); };
   TTree *  Air_Bi214_P1_tree      = (TTree*) input->Get("Air_Bi214_tree"      ) ; Double_t Air_Bi214_P1_weight      = 4.19744           ; if( Air_Bi214_P1_tree   -> GetEntriesFast() > 0. ) {factory->AddBackgroundTree( Air_Bi214_P1_tree      , Air_Bi214_P1_weight      ); };
   TTree *  Air_Tl208_P1_tree      = (TTree*) input->Get("Air_Tl208_tree"      ) ; Double_t Air_Tl208_P1_weight      = 0                 ; if( Air_Tl208_P1_tree   -> GetEntriesFast() > 0. ) {factory->AddBackgroundTree( Air_Tl208_P1_tree      , Air_Tl208_P1_weight      ); };
   TTree *  PMT_Bi214_tree         = (TTree*) input->Get("PMT_Bi214_tree"      ) ; Double_t PMT_Bi214_weight         = 27.9661           ; if( PMT_Bi214_tree      -> GetEntriesFast() > 0. ) {factory->AddBackgroundTree( PMT_Bi214_tree         , PMT_Bi214_weight         ); };
   TTree *  PMT_Tl208_tree         = (TTree*) input->Get("PMT_Tl208_tree"      ) ; Double_t PMT_Tl208_weight         = 22.923            ; if( PMT_Tl208_tree      -> GetEntriesFast() > 0. ) {factory->AddBackgroundTree( PMT_Tl208_tree         , PMT_Tl208_weight         ); };
   TTree *  PMT_Ac228_tree         = (TTree*) input->Get("PMT_Ac228_tree"      ) ; Double_t PMT_Ac228_weight         = 3.60712           ; if( PMT_Ac228_tree      -> GetEntriesFast() > 0. ) {factory->AddBackgroundTree( PMT_Ac228_tree         , PMT_Ac228_weight         ); };
   TTree *  PMT_K40_tree           = (TTree*) input->Get("PMT_K40_tree"        ) ; Double_t PMT_K40_weight           = 16.813            ; if( PMT_K40_tree        -> GetEntriesFast() > 0. ) {factory->AddBackgroundTree( PMT_K40_tree           , PMT_K40_weight           ); };
   TTree *  ScintInn_K40_tree      = (TTree*) input->Get("ScintInn_K40_tree"   ) ; Double_t ScintInn_K40_weight      = 0.333988          ; if( ScintInn_K40_tree   -> GetEntriesFast() > 0. ) {factory->AddBackgroundTree( ScintInn_K40_tree      , ScintInn_K40_weight      ); };
   TTree *  ScintOut_K40_tree      = (TTree*) input->Get("ScintOut_K40_tree"   ) ; Double_t ScintOut_K40_weight      = 0.601178          ; if( ScintOut_K40_tree   -> GetEntriesFast() > 0. ) {factory->AddBackgroundTree( ScintOut_K40_tree      , ScintOut_K40_weight      ); };
   TTree *  ScintPet_K40_tree      = (TTree*) input->Get("ScintPet_K40_tree"   ) ; Double_t ScintPet_K40_weight      = 1.00195           ; if( ScintPet_K40_tree   -> GetEntriesFast() > 0. ) {factory->AddBackgroundTree( ScintPet_K40_tree      , ScintPet_K40_weight      ); };
   TTree *  MuMetal_Pa234m_tree    = (TTree*) input->Get("MuMetal_Pa234m_tree" ) ; Double_t MuMetal_Pa234m_weight    = 0.739038          ; if( MuMetal_Pa234m_tree -> GetEntriesFast() > 0. ) {factory->AddBackgroundTree( MuMetal_Pa234m_tree    , MuMetal_Pa234m_weight    ); };
   TTree *  Cd116_2b2n_m14_tree    = (TTree*) input->Get("Cd116_2b2n_m14_tree" ) ; Double_t Cd116_2b2n_m14_weight    = 4977.55           ; if( Cd116_2b2n_m14_tree -> GetEntriesFast() > 0. ) {factory->AddBackgroundTree( Cd116_2b2n_m14_tree    , Cd116_2b2n_m14_weight    ); };

   // --- end of tree registration 

   // Set individual event weights (the variables must exist in the original TTree)
   //    for signal    : factory->SetSignalWeightExpression    ("weight1*weight2");
   //    for background: factory->SetBackgroundWeightExpression("weight1*weight2");
   factory->SetBackgroundWeightExpression( "weight" );

   // Apply additional cuts on the signal and background samples (can be different)
	// Apply cut on charge
	//TCut mycuts = "min_el_sign < 0 && max_el_sign < 0.";
	//TCut mycutb = "min_el_sign < 0 && max_el_sign < 0.";

	// Apply cut on vertex
	//TCut mycuts = "((max_vertex_x - min_vertex_x)**2 + (max_vertex_y - min_vertex_y)**2 <= 4**2)&&((max_vertex_z-min_vertex_z)**2<8**2)"; 
	//TCut mycutb = "((max_vertex_x - min_vertex_x)**2 + (max_vertex_y - min_vertex_y)**2 <= 4**2)&&((max_vertex_z-min_vertex_z)**2<8**2)"; 

	TCut mycuts = ""; 
	TCut mycutb = "";

   // Tell the factory how to use the training and testing events
   // If no numbers of events are given, half of the events in the tree are used 
   // for training, and the other half for testing:
   //    factory->PrepareTrainingAndTestTree( mycut, "SplitMode=random:!V" );
   // To also specify the number of testing events, use:
   //    factory->PrepareTrainingAndTestTree( mycut,
   //                                         "NSigTrain=3000:NBkgTrain=3000:NSigTest=3000:NBkgTest=3000:SplitMode=Random:!V" );
   factory->PrepareTrainingAndTestTree( mycuts, mycutb,
                                        "nTrain_Signal=0:nTrain_Background=0:SplitMode=Random:NormMode=NumEvents:!V" );

   // ---- Book MVA methods
   // Please lookup the various method configuration options in the corresponding cxx files, eg:
   // src/MethoCuts.cxx, etc, or here: http://tmva.sourceforge.net/optionRef.html
   // it is possible to preset ranges in the option string in which the cut optimisation should be done:
   // "...:CutRangeMin[2]=-1:CutRangeMax[2]=1"...", where [2] is the third input variable

   // Cut optimisation
   if (Use["Cuts"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kCuts, "Cuts",
                           "!H:!V:FitMethod=MC:EffSel:SampleSize=200000:VarProp=FSmart" );

   if (Use["CutsD"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kCuts, "CutsD",
                           "!H:!V:FitMethod=MC:EffSel:SampleSize=200000:VarProp=FSmart:VarTransform=Decorrelate" );

   if (Use["CutsPCA"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kCuts, "CutsPCA",
                           "!H:!V:FitMethod=MC:EffSel:SampleSize=200000:VarProp=FSmart:VarTransform=PCA" );

   if (Use["CutsGA"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kCuts, "CutsGA",
                           "H:!V:FitMethod=GA:CutRangeMin[0]=-10:CutRangeMax[0]=10:VarProp[1]=FMax:EffSel:Steps=30:Cycles=3:PopSize=400:SC_steps=10:SC_rate=5:SC_factor=0.95" );

   if (Use["CutsSA"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kCuts, "CutsSA",
                           "!H:!V:FitMethod=SA:EffSel:MaxCalls=150000:KernelTemp=IncAdaptive:InitialTemp=1e+6:MinTemp=1e-6:Eps=1e-10:UseDefaultScale" );

   // Likelihood ("naive Bayes estimator")
   if (Use["Likelihood"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kLikelihood, "Likelihood",
                           "H:!V:TransformOutput:PDFInterpol=Spline2:NSmoothSig[0]=20:NSmoothBkg[0]=20:NSmoothBkg[1]=10:NSmooth=1:NAvEvtPerBin=50" );

   // Decorrelated likelihood
   if (Use["LikelihoodD"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kLikelihood, "LikelihoodD",
                           "!H:!V:TransformOutput:PDFInterpol=Spline2:NSmoothSig[0]=20:NSmoothBkg[0]=20:NSmooth=5:NAvEvtPerBin=50:VarTransform=Decorrelate" );

   // PCA-transformed likelihood
   if (Use["LikelihoodPCA"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kLikelihood, "LikelihoodPCA",
                           "!H:!V:!TransformOutput:PDFInterpol=Spline2:NSmoothSig[0]=20:NSmoothBkg[0]=20:NSmooth=5:NAvEvtPerBin=50:VarTransform=PCA" ); 

   // Use a kernel density estimator to approximate the PDFs
   if (Use["LikelihoodKDE"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kLikelihood, "LikelihoodKDE",
                           "!H:!V:!TransformOutput:PDFInterpol=KDE:KDEtype=Gauss:KDEiter=Adaptive:KDEFineFactor=0.3:KDEborder=None:NAvEvtPerBin=50" ); 

   // Use a variable-dependent mix of splines and kernel density estimator
   if (Use["LikelihoodMIX"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kLikelihood, "LikelihoodMIX",
                           "!H:!V:!TransformOutput:PDFInterpolSig[0]=KDE:PDFInterpolBkg[0]=KDE:PDFInterpolSig[1]=KDE:PDFInterpolBkg[1]=KDE:PDFInterpolSig[2]=Spline2:PDFInterpolBkg[2]=Spline2:PDFInterpolSig[3]=Spline2:PDFInterpolBkg[3]=Spline2:KDEtype=Gauss:KDEiter=Nonadaptive:KDEborder=None:NAvEvtPerBin=50" ); 

   // Test the multi-dimensional probability density estimator
   // here are the options strings for the MinMax and RMS methods, respectively:
   //      "!H:!V:VolumeRangeMode=MinMax:DeltaFrac=0.2:KernelEstimator=Gauss:GaussSigma=0.3" );
   //      "!H:!V:VolumeRangeMode=RMS:DeltaFrac=3:KernelEstimator=Gauss:GaussSigma=0.3" );
   if (Use["PDERS"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kPDERS, "PDERS",
                           "!H:!V:NormTree=T:VolumeRangeMode=Adaptive:KernelEstimator=Gauss:GaussSigma=0.3:NEventsMin=400:NEventsMax=600" );

   if (Use["PDERSD"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kPDERS, "PDERSD",
                           "!H:!V:VolumeRangeMode=Adaptive:KernelEstimator=Gauss:GaussSigma=0.3:NEventsMin=400:NEventsMax=600:VarTransform=Decorrelate" );

   if (Use["PDERSPCA"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kPDERS, "PDERSPCA",
                           "!H:!V:VolumeRangeMode=Adaptive:KernelEstimator=Gauss:GaussSigma=0.3:NEventsMin=400:NEventsMax=600:VarTransform=PCA" );

   // Multi-dimensional likelihood estimator using self-adapting phase-space binning
   if (Use["PDEFoam"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kPDEFoam, "PDEFoam",
                           "!H:!V:SigBgSeparate=F:TailCut=0.001:VolFrac=0.0666:nActiveCells=500:nSampl=2000:nBin=5:Nmin=100:Kernel=None:Compress=T" );

   if (Use["PDEFoamBoost"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kPDEFoam, "PDEFoamBoost",
                           "!H:!V:Boost_Num=30:Boost_Transform=linear:SigBgSeparate=F:MaxDepth=4:UseYesNoCell=T:DTLogic=MisClassificationError:FillFoamWithOrigWeights=F:TailCut=0:nActiveCells=500:nBin=20:Nmin=400:Kernel=None:Compress=T" );

   // K-Nearest Neighbour classifier (KNN)
   if (Use["KNN"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kKNN, "KNN",
                           "H:nkNN=20:ScaleFrac=0.8:SigmaFact=1.0:Kernel=Gaus:UseKernel=F:UseWeight=T:!Trim" );

   // H-Matrix (chi2-squared) method
   if (Use["HMatrix"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kHMatrix, "HMatrix", "!H:!V:VarTransform=None" );

   // Linear discriminant (same as Fisher discriminant)
   if (Use["LD"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kLD, "LD", "H:!V:VarTransform=None:CreateMVAPdfs:PDFInterpolMVAPdf=Spline2:NbinsMVAPdf=50:NsmoothMVAPdf=10" );

   // Fisher discriminant (same as LD)
   if (Use["Fisher"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kFisher, "Fisher", "H:!V:Fisher:VarTransform=None:CreateMVAPdfs:PDFInterpolMVAPdf=Spline2:NbinsMVAPdf=50:NsmoothMVAPdf=10" );

   // Fisher with Gauss-transformed input variables
   if (Use["FisherG"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kFisher, "FisherG", "H:!V:VarTransform=Gauss" );

   // Composite classifier: ensemble (tree) of boosted Fisher classifiers
   if (Use["BoostedFisher"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kFisher, "BoostedFisher", 
                           "H:!V:Boost_Num=20:Boost_Transform=log:Boost_Type=AdaBoost:Boost_AdaBoostBeta=0.2:!Boost_DetailedMonitoring" );

   // Function discrimination analysis (FDA) -- test of various fitters - the recommended one is Minuit (or GA or SA)
   if (Use["FDA_MC"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kFDA, "FDA_MC",
                           "H:!V:Formula=(0)+(1)*x0+(2)*x1+(3)*x2+(4)*x3:ParRanges=(-1,1);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10):FitMethod=MC:SampleSize=100000:Sigma=0.1" );

   if (Use["FDA_GA"]) // can also use Simulated Annealing (SA) algorithm (see Cuts_SA options])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kFDA, "FDA_GA",
                           "H:!V:Formula=(0)+(1)*x0+(2)*x1+(3)*x2+(4)*x3:ParRanges=(-1,1);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10):FitMethod=GA:PopSize=300:Cycles=3:Steps=20:Trim=True:SaveBestGen=1" );

   if (Use["FDA_SA"]) // can also use Simulated Annealing (SA) algorithm (see Cuts_SA options])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kFDA, "FDA_SA",
                           "H:!V:Formula=(0)+(1)*x0+(2)*x1+(3)*x2+(4)*x3:ParRanges=(-1,1);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10):FitMethod=SA:MaxCalls=15000:KernelTemp=IncAdaptive:InitialTemp=1e+6:MinTemp=1e-6:Eps=1e-10:UseDefaultScale" );

   if (Use["FDA_MT"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kFDA, "FDA_MT",
                           "H:!V:Formula=(0)+(1)*x0+(2)*x1+(3)*x2+(4)*x3:ParRanges=(-1,1);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10):FitMethod=MINUIT:ErrorLevel=1:PrintLevel=-1:FitStrategy=2:UseImprove:UseMinos:SetBatch" );

   if (Use["FDA_GAMT"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kFDA, "FDA_GAMT",
                           "H:!V:Formula=(0)+(1)*x0+(2)*x1+(3)*x2+(4)*x3:ParRanges=(-1,1);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10):FitMethod=GA:Converger=MINUIT:ErrorLevel=1:PrintLevel=-1:FitStrategy=0:!UseImprove:!UseMinos:SetBatch:Cycles=1:PopSize=5:Steps=5:Trim" );

   if (Use["FDA_MCMT"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kFDA, "FDA_MCMT",
                           "H:!V:Formula=(0)+(1)*x0+(2)*x1+(3)*x2+(4)*x3:ParRanges=(-1,1);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10):FitMethod=MC:Converger=MINUIT:ErrorLevel=1:PrintLevel=-1:FitStrategy=0:!UseImprove:!UseMinos:SetBatch:SampleSize=20" );

   // TMVA ANN: MLP (recommended ANN) -- all ANNs in TMVA are Multilayer Perceptrons
   if (Use["MLP"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kMLP, "MLP", "H:!V:NeuronType=tanh:VarTransform=N:NCycles=600:HiddenLayers=N+5:TestRate=5:!UseRegulator" );

   if (Use["MLPBFGS"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kMLP, "MLPBFGS", "H:!V:NeuronType=tanh:VarTransform=N:NCycles=600:HiddenLayers=N+5:TestRate=5:TrainingMethod=BFGS:!UseRegulator" );

   if (Use["MLPBNN"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kMLP, "MLPBNN", "H:!V:NeuronType=tanh:VarTransform=N:NCycles=600:HiddenLayers=N+5:TestRate=5:TrainingMethod=BFGS:UseRegulator" ); // BFGS training with bayesian regulators

   // CF(Clermont-Ferrand)ANN
   if (Use["CFMlpANN"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kCFMlpANN, "CFMlpANN", "!H:!V:NCycles=2000:HiddenLayers=N+1,N"  ); // n_cycles:#nodes:#nodes:...  

   // Tmlp(Root)ANN
   if (Use["TMlpANN"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kTMlpANN, "TMlpANN", "!H:!V:NCycles=200:HiddenLayers=N+1,N:LearningMethod=BFGS:ValidationFraction=0.3"  ); // n_cycles:#nodes:#nodes:...

   // Support Vector Machine
   if (Use["SVM"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kSVM, "SVM", "Gamma=0.25:Tol=0.001:VarTransform=Norm" );

   // Boosted Decision Trees
   if (Use["BDTG"]) // Gradient Boost
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kBDT, "BDTG",
                           "!H:!V:NTrees=1000:MinNodeSize=2.5%:BoostType=Grad:Shrinkage=0.10:UseBaggedBoost:BaggedSampleFraction=0.5:nCuts=20:MaxDepth=2" );

   if (Use["BDT"])  // Adaptive Boost
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kBDT, "BDT",
                           "!H:!V:NTrees=850:MinNodeSize=2.5%:MaxDepth=3:BoostType=AdaBoost:AdaBoostBeta=0.5:UseBaggedBoost:BaggedSampleFraction=0.5:SeparationType=GiniIndex:nCuts=20" );

   if (Use["BDTB"]) // Bagging
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kBDT, "BDTB",
                           "!H:!V:NTrees=400:BoostType=Bagging:SeparationType=GiniIndex:nCuts=20" );

   if (Use["BDTD"]) // Decorrelation + Adaptive Boost
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kBDT, "BDTD",
                           "!H:!V:NTrees=400:MinNodeSize=5%:MaxDepth=3:BoostType=AdaBoost:SeparationType=GiniIndex:nCuts=20:VarTransform=Decorrelate" );

   if (Use["BDTF"])  // Allow Using Fisher discriminant in node splitting for (strong) linearly correlated variables
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kBDT, "BDTMitFisher",
                           "!H:!V:NTrees=50:MinNodeSize=2.5%:UseFisherCuts:MaxDepth=3:BoostType=AdaBoost:AdaBoostBeta=0.5:SeparationType=GiniIndex:nCuts=-1" );

   // RuleFit -- TMVA implementation of Friedman's method
   if (Use["RuleFit"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kRuleFit, "RuleFit",
                           "H:!V:RuleFitModule=RFTMVA:Model=ModRuleLinear:MinImp=0.001:RuleMinDist=0.001:NTrees=20:fEventsMin=0.01:fEventsMax=0.5:GDTau=-1.0:GDTauPrec=0.01:GDStep=0.01:GDNSteps=10000:GDErrScale=1.02" );

   // For an example of the category classifier usage, see: TMVAClassificationCategory

   // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   // ---- Now you can optimize the setting (configuration) of the MVAs using the set of training events

   // ---- STILL EXPERIMENTAL and only implemented for BDT's ! 
   // factory->OptimizeAllMethods("SigEffAt001","Scan");
   // factory->OptimizeAllMethods("ROCIntegral","FitGA");

   // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   // ---- Now you can tell the factory to train, test, and evaluate the MVAs

   // Train MVAs using the set of training events

   // ---- Evaluate all MVAs using the set of test events

   // ----- Evaluate and compare performance of all configured MVAs

   // --------------------------------------------------------------

   // Save the output

   std::cout << "==> Wrote root file: " << outputFile->GetName() << std::endl;
   std::cout << "==> TMVAClassification is done!" << std::endl;

   delete factory;

   // Launch the GUI for the root macros
   if (!gROOT->IsBatch()) TMVAGui( outfileDir + outfileName );
Example #4
int main(){
  std::cout<<"Hello world"<<std::endl;

  TFile* OutputFile = TFile::Open("Outputfile.root","RECREATE");

  TMVA::Factory *factory = new TMVA::Factory( "TMVAClassification", OutputFile,
					      "!V:!Silent:Color:DrawProgressBar:Transformations=I;D;P;G,D:AnalysisType=Classification" );

  std::vector<VMVariable*> Variables;
  MVariable* Var3= new MVariable("var3",F,none);
  MVariable* Var4 = new MVariable("var4",F,none);
  MVariable* Var1 = new MVariable("var1",F,none);
  MVariable* Var2 = new MVariable("var2",F,none);

  MultiVariable* MyVar1 = new MultiVariable("Var1+Var2",sum);

  MultiVariable* MyVar2 = new MultiVariable("Minus",subtract);
  std::string InputName= "./tmva_class_exampleD.root";
  TFile *input = TFile::Open("./tmva_class_exampleD.root" );
  TTree *signal = (TTree*)input->Get("TreeS");
  TTree *background=(TTree*)input->Get("TreeB");

  Double_t signalWeight     = 1.0;
  Double_t backgroundWeight = 1.0;

  factory->AddSignalTree    ( signal,     signalWeight     );
  factory->AddBackgroundTree( background, backgroundWeight );

  for(auto v:Variables){
  factory->SetBackgroundWeightExpression( "weight" );
  TCut mycuts = "";
  TCut mycutb = "";
  factory->PrepareTrainingAndTestTree( mycuts, mycutb,
				       "nTrain_Signal=0:nTrain_Background=0:SplitMode=Random:NormMode=NumEvents:!V" );
  std::vector<MClassifier*> Classifiers;
  Classifiers.push_back(new MClassifier(TMVA::Types::kBDT, "BDT",
  for(auto C:Classifiers){
      std::cout<<"Booking classifier failed"<<std::endl;
      return 1;

  delete factory;
  TMVA::Reader *reader = new TMVA::Reader( "!Color:!Silent" );    
  for(auto v: Variables){
  for(auto C:Classifiers){
      std::cout<<"Failed adding classifer to reader"<<std::endl;
      return 1;

  TFile* Input =  TFile::Open("./tmva_class_exampleD.root");
  TTree* TreeToEvaluate= (TTree*)Input->Get("TreeS");
  TFile* AppliedFile =  new TFile("AppliedFile.root","RECREATE");
  TTree* AppliedTree=TreeToEvaluate->CloneTree(0);
  for(auto C:Classifiers){
    if(!(C->MakeBranch(AppliedTree)))return 1;
  for(auto Var:Variables){
      std::cout<<"Problem Setting Branch addresses"<<std::endl;
      return 1;
  Long64_t N=TreeToEvaluate->GetEntries();
  LoopTimer LT(0.05);
  int vetoedeventcounter=0;
  double StartEntry=0.0;
  double LastEntry=0.0;
  Long64_t iStart=0;
  Long64_t iEnd=N;

  for(Long64_t i=iStart;i<iEnd;++i){
    bool useevent=true;
    for(auto Var:Variables){
    for(auto C:Classifiers){
      if(!(C->Apply(reader)))return 1;

  std::cout<<"Got here"<<std::endl;
  // Compare Applied file from here with applied file from TMVA tests.
  TFile* ReadAppliedFile =  TFile::Open("AppliedFile.root");

  TTree* AppliedTreeRead=(TTree*)ReadAppliedFile->Get("TreeS");
  if(!AppliedTreeRead)std::cout<<"NUll pointer to tree"<<std::endl;
  double BDTResponse; AppliedTreeRead->SetBranchAddress("BDT_response",&BDTResponse);
  TFile* ReadTMVATestFile = TFile::Open("/home/tw/root-v5-34/tmva/test/TreeFile.root");
  if(!ReadTMVATestFile)std::cout<<"File open faild"<<std::endl;
  TTree* TMVATestTree=(TTree*)ReadTMVATestFile->Get("AppliedTree");
  if(!TMVATestTree)std::cout<<"NUll pointer to tree"<<std::endl;
  double TestBDTResponse; TMVATestTree->SetBranchAddress("BDT_response",&TestBDTResponse);
  Long64_t ATRN=AppliedTreeRead->GetEntries();
  Long64_t TTTN=TMVATestTree->GetEntries();
  std::cout<<"Entries in my tree= "<<ATRN<<std::endl;
  std::cout<<"Entries in TMVA tree= "<<TTTN<<std::endl;
  if(ATRN!=TTTN)std::cout<<"SOMETHING WRONG EVENTS NOT EQUAL"<<std::endl;
  std::vector<double> ATRValues;
  std::vector<double> TTTValues;
  for(int i=0;i<ATRN;++i){
    //    std::cout<<" MYTree = "<<BDTResponse<<" TMVATREE= "<<TestBDTResponse<<std::endl;

  for(int i=0;i<TTTN;++i){
    std::cout<<" MY Value= "<<ATRValues.at(i)<<" TTT Value = "<<TTTValues.at(i)<<std::endl;
Example #5
void TMVA_stop( TString signal_name = "T2tt", int train_region = 1, float x_parameter = 0.25)
   // The explicit loading of the shared libTMVA is done in TMVAlogon.C, defined in .rootrc
   // if you use your private .rootrc, or run from a different directory, please copy the
   // corresponding lines from .rootrc

   // methods to be processed can be given as an argument; use format:
   // mylinux~> root -l TMVA_stop.C\(\"myMethod1,myMethod2,myMethod3\"\)
   // if you like to use a method via the plugin mechanism, we recommend using
   // mylinux~> root -l TMVA_stop.C\(\"P_myMethod\"\)
   // (an example is given for using the BDT as plugin (see below),
   // but of course the real application is when you write your own
   // method based)

  // define event selection (store in TCut sel)

  TCut njets4("mini_njets>=4");
  TCut met100("mini_met>=100");
  TCut mt120("mini_mt>=120");
  TCut nb1("mini_nb>=1");
  TCut isotrk("mini_passisotrk==1");
  TCut lep_pt30("mini_nlep>=1 && mini_lep1pt>30.0");
  TCut sig("mini_sig==1");
  TCut  sel0  = njets4 + met100 + mt120 + nb1 + isotrk + lep_pt30 + sig;

  cout << "Using selection      : " << sel0.GetTitle() << endl;
  cout << "Doing signal point   : " << train_region       << endl;

  // choose which variables to include in MVA training
  std::map<std::string,int> mvaVar;
  mvaVar[ "met" ]			= 1;
  mvaVar[ "lep1pt" ]  	    = 0;
  mvaVar[ "mt2w" ]	  		= 1;
  mvaVar[ "htratiom" ]	    = 1;
  mvaVar[ "chi2" ]	        = 1;
  mvaVar[ "dphimjmin" ]		= 1;
  mvaVar[ "pt_b" ]			= 0;
  mvaVar[ "nb" ]			= 0;
  mvaVar[ "pt_J1" ]			= 0;
  mvaVar[ "pt_J2" ]			= 0;
  mvaVar[ "rand" ]			= 0;

  mvaVar[ "mt" ]			= 0;
  mvaVar[ "mt2bl" ]			= 0;
  mvaVar[ "mt2b" ]			= 0;
  mvaVar[ "lep1eta" ]			= 0;
  mvaVar[ "thrjetlm" ]			= 0;
  mvaVar[ "apljetlm" ]			= 0;
  mvaVar[ "sphjetlm" ]			= 0;
  mvaVar[ "cirjetlm" ]			= 0;
  mvaVar[ "chi2min" ]			= 0;
  mvaVar[ "chi2min_mt2b" ]		= 0;
  mvaVar[ "chi2min_mt2bl" ]		= 0;
  mvaVar[ "chi2min_mt2w" ]		= 0;
  mvaVar[ "mt2bmin" ]			= 0;
  mvaVar[ "mt2blmin" ]			= 0;
  mvaVar[ "mt2wmin_chi2" ]		= 0;
  mvaVar[ "mt2bmin_chi2" ]		= 0;
  mvaVar[ "mt2blmin_chi2" ]		= 0;
  mvaVar[ "mt2wmin_chi2prob" ]		= 0;
  mvaVar[ "mt2bmin_chi2prob" ]		= 0;
  mvaVar[ "mt2blmin_chi2prob" ]		= 0;
  mvaVar[ "htratiol" ]              	= 0;
  mvaVar[ "dphimj1" ]			= 0;
  mvaVar[ "dphimj2" ]			= 0;
  mvaVar[ "metsig" ]			= 0;

  //choose bkg samples to include
  cout << "Background trees: " << endl;
  int n_backgrounds = 8;

  TString backgrounds[] = {"ttdl_powheg", "ttsl_powheg", "w1to4jets", "tW_lep", "triboson", "diboson", "ttV", "DY1to4Jtot" };

  TString bkgPath = "/nfs-3/userdata/stop/Train/V00-02-18__V00-03-00_4jetsMET100_bkg/";

  TChain* chBackground = new TChain("t");
  for (int i = 0; i < n_backgrounds; i++) {
     TString backgroundChain = bkgPath + "/" + backgrounds[i] + ".root";
     cout << "    " << backgroundChain << endl;
     chBackground ->Add(backgroundChain );

  //choose signal sample to include
  cout << "Signal trees: " << endl;
  TString s_train_region = "";
  s_train_region += train_region;
  TString s_x_parameter = "";
  s_x_parameter = Form("%.2f",x_parameter);

  TString signalPath = "/nfs-3/userdata/stop/Train/";
  TString signalVersion = "V00-02-18__V00-03-00_4jetsMET100_";

  TChain *chSignal = new TChain("t");

  TString base_name = signalPath + "/" + signalVersion + signal_name + "/" + signal_name + "_" + s_train_region;
  if (signal_name == "T2bw") base_name = base_name + "_" + s_x_parameter;
  TString signalChain  = base_name + ".root" ;

  cout << "    " << signalChain << endl;


  // choose backgrounds to include for multiple outputs
  // bool doMultipleOutputs = false;

  // TChain *chww = new TChain("Events");
  // chww->Add(Form("%s/WWTo2L2Nu_PU_testFinal_baby.root",babyPath));
  // chww->Add(Form("%s/GluGluToWWTo4L_PU_testFinal_baby.root",babyPath));
  // TChain *chwjets = new TChain("Events");
  // chwjets->Add(Form("%s/WJetsToLNu_PU_testFinal_baby.root",babyPath));
  // TChain *chtt = new TChain("Events");
  // chtt->Add(Form("%s/TTJets_PU_testFinal_baby.root",babyPath));
  // std::map<std::string,int> includeBkg;
  // includeBkg["ww"]      = 1;
  // includeBkg["wjets"]   = 0;
  // includeBkg["tt"]      = 0;

   // This loads the library

   // Default MVA methods to be trained + tested
   std::map<std::string,int> Use;

   // --- Cut optimisation
   Use["Cuts"]            = 0;
   Use["CutsD"]           = 0;
   Use["CutsPCA"]         = 0;
   Use["CutsGA"]          = 0;
   Use["CutsSA"]          = 0;
   // --- 1-dimensional likelihood ("naive Bayes estimator")
   Use["Likelihood"]      = 0;
   Use["LikelihoodD"]     = 0; // the "D" extension indicates decorrelated input variables (see option strings)
   Use["LikelihoodPCA"]   = 0; // the "PCA" extension indicates PCA-transformed input variables (see option strings)
   Use["LikelihoodKDE"]   = 0;
   Use["LikelihoodMIX"]   = 0;
   // --- Mutidimensional likelihood and Nearest-Neighbour methods
   Use["PDERS"]           = 0;
   Use["PDERSD"]          = 0;
   Use["PDERSPCA"]        = 0;
   Use["PDEFoam"]         = 0;
   Use["PDEFoamBoost"]    = 0; // uses generalised MVA method boosting
   Use["KNN"]             = 0; // k-nearest neighbour method
   // --- Linear Discriminant Analysis
   Use["LD"]              = 0; // Linear Discriminant identical to Fisher
   Use["Fisher"]          = 0;
   Use["FisherG"]         = 0;
   Use["BoostedFisher"]   = 0; // uses generalised MVA method boosting
   Use["HMatrix"]         = 0;
   // --- Function Discriminant analysis
   Use["FDA_GA"]          = 0; // minimisation of user-defined function using Genetics Algorithm
   Use["FDA_SA"]          = 0;
   Use["FDA_MC"]          = 0;
   Use["FDA_MT"]          = 0;
   Use["FDA_GAMT"]        = 0;
   Use["FDA_MCMT"]        = 0;
   // --- Neural Networks (all are feed-forward Multilayer Perceptrons)
   Use["MLP"]             = 0; // Recommended ANN
   Use["MLPBFGS"]         = 0; // Recommended ANN with optional training method
   Use["MLPBNN"]          = 0; // Recommended ANN with BFGS training method and bayesian regulator
   Use["CFMlpANN"]        = 0; // Depreciated ANN from ALEPH
   Use["TMlpANN"]         = 0; // ROOT's own ANN
   // --- Support Vector Machine 
   Use["SVM"]             = 0;
   // --- Boosted Decision Trees
   Use["BDT"]             = 1; // uses Adaptive Boost
   Use["BDT1"]            = 0; // uses Adaptive Boost
   Use["BDTG"]            = 0; // uses Gradient Boost
   Use["BDTB"]            = 0; // uses Bagging
   Use["BDTD"]            = 0; // decorrelation + Adaptive Boost
   // --- Friedman's RuleFit method, ie, an optimised series of cuts ("rules")
   Use["RuleFit"]         = 0;
   // --- multi-output MVA's
   Use["multi_BDTG"]      = 0;
   Use["multi_MLP"]       = 0;
   Use["multi_FDA_GA"]    = 0;

   // ---------------------------------------------------------------

   std::cout << std::endl;
   std::cout << "==> Start TMVAClassification" << std::endl;

   // --- Here the preparation phase begins

   // Create a ROOT output file where TMVA will store ntuples, histograms, etc.
   TString outfileName = "TMVA_" + signal_name + "_" + s_train_region;
   if (signal_name == "T2bw") outfileName = outfileName +"_" + s_x_parameter;
   outfileName += ".root";
   TFile* outputFile = TFile::Open( outfileName, "RECREATE" );

   TString classification_name = "classification_" + signal_name + "_" + s_train_region;
   if (signal_name == "T2bw") classification_name = classification_name +"_" + s_x_parameter;

   TString multioutfileName( "TMVA_HWW_multi.root" );
   TFile* multioutputFile;

   if( doMultipleOutputs )
     multioutputFile = TFile::Open( multioutfileName, "RECREATE" );

   // Create the factory object. Later you can choose the methods
   // whose performance you'd like to investigate. The factory is 
   // the only TMVA object you have to interact with
   // The first argument is the base of the name of all the
   // weightfiles in the directory weight/
   // The second argument is the output file for the training results
   // All TMVA output can be suppressed by removing the "!" (not) in
   // front of the "Silent" argument in the option string
   TMVA::Factory *factory = new TMVA::Factory( classification_name, outputFile,
                                               "!V:!Silent:Color:DrawProgressBar:Transformations=I;D;P;G,D:AnalysisType=Classification" );
   TMVA::Factory *multifactory;
   if( doMultipleOutputs )
     multifactory= new TMVA::Factory( "TMVAMulticlass", multioutputFile,
                                      "!V:!Silent:Color:DrawProgressBar:Transformations=I;D;P;G,D:AnalysisType=multiclass" );
   // If you wish to modify default settings
   // (please check "src/Config.h" to see all available global options)
   //    (TMVA::gConfig().GetVariablePlotting()).fTimesRMS = 8.0;
   //    (TMVA::gConfig().GetIONames()).fWeightFileDir = "myWeightDirectory";

   // Define the input variables that shall be used for the MVA training
   // note that you may also use variable expressions, such as: "3*var1/var2*abs(var3)"
   // [all types of expressions that can also be parsed by TTree::Draw( "expression" )]
   //factory->AddVariable( "myvar1 := var1+var2", 'F' );
   //factory->AddVariable( "myvar2 := var1-var2", "Expression 2", "", 'F' );
   //factory->AddVariable( "var3",                "Variable 3", "units", 'F' );
   //factory->AddVariable( "var4",                "Variable 4", "units", 'F' );

   // choose which variables to include in training

   if( mvaVar[ "met"           ]  == 1 ) factory->AddVariable( "mini_met"                    ,  "E_{T}^{miss}"               ,       "GeV", 'F' );
   if( mvaVar[ "mt"            ]  == 1 ) factory->AddVariable( "mini_mt"                     ,  "M_{T}"                      ,       "GeV", 'F' );
   if( mvaVar[ "mt2w"          ]  == 1 ) factory->AddVariable( "mini_mt2w"                   ,  "MT2W"                       ,       "GeV", 'F' );
   if( mvaVar[ "mt2bl"         ]  == 1 ) factory->AddVariable( "mini_mt2bl"                  ,  "MT2bl"                      ,       "GeV", 'F' );
   if( mvaVar[ "mt2b"          ]  == 1 ) factory->AddVariable( "mini_mt2b"                   ,  "MT2b"                       ,       "GeV", 'F' );
   if( mvaVar[ "chi2"          ]  == 1 ) factory->AddVariable( "mini_chi2"                   ,  "chi2"                       ,       ""   , 'F' );
   if( mvaVar[ "lep1pt"        ]  == 1 ) factory->AddVariable( "mini_lep1pt"                 ,  "lepton pt"                  ,       ""   , 'F' );
   if( mvaVar[ "lep1eta"       ]  == 1 ) factory->AddVariable( "mini_lep1eta"                ,  "lepton eta"                 ,       ""   , 'F' );
   if( mvaVar[ "thrjetlm"      ]  == 1 ) factory->AddVariable( "mini_thrjetlm"               ,  "thrust"                     ,       ""   , 'F' );
   if( mvaVar[ "apljetlm"      ]  == 1 ) factory->AddVariable( "mini_apljetlm"               ,  "aplanarity"                 ,       ""   , 'F' );
   if( mvaVar[ "sphjetlm"      ]  == 1 ) factory->AddVariable( "mini_sphjetlm"               ,  "sphericity"                 ,       ""   , 'F' );
   if( mvaVar[ "cirjetlm"      ]  == 1 ) factory->AddVariable( "mini_cirjetlm"               ,  "circularity"                ,       ""   , 'F' );
   if( mvaVar[ "chi2min"       ]  == 1 ) factory->AddVariable( "mini_min(chi2min,100)"       ,  "#chi^{2}_{min}"             ,       ""   , 'F' );
   if( mvaVar[ "chi2minprob"   ]  == 1 ) factory->AddVariable( "mini_chi2minprob"            ,  "Prob(#chi^{2}_{min})"       ,       ""   , 'F' );
   if( mvaVar[ "chi2min_mt2b"  ]  == 1 ) factory->AddVariable( "mini_chi2min_mt2b"           ,  "MT2b(#chi^{2}_{min})"       ,       ""   , 'F' );
   if( mvaVar[ "chi2min_mt2bl" ]  == 1 ) factory->AddVariable( "mini_chi2min_mt2bl"          ,  "MT2bl(#chi^{2}_{min})"      ,       ""   , 'F' );
   if( mvaVar[ "chi2min_mt2w"  ]  == 1 ) factory->AddVariable( "mini_chi2min_mt2w"           ,  "MT2W(#chi^{2}_{min})"       ,       ""   , 'F' );
   if( mvaVar[ "mt2bmin"       ]  == 1 ) factory->AddVariable( "mini_mt2bmin"                ,  "MT2b_{min}"                 ,       ""   , 'F' );
   if( mvaVar[ "mt2blmin"      ]  == 1 ) factory->AddVariable( "mini_mt2blmin"               ,  "MT2bl_{min}"                ,       ""   , 'F' );
   if( mvaVar[ "mt2wmin"       ]  == 1 ) factory->AddVariable( "mini_mt2wmin"                ,  "MT2W_{min}"                 ,       ""   , 'F' );
   if( mvaVar[ "mt2bmin_chi2"  ]  == 1 ) factory->AddVariable( "min(mt2bmin_chi2,100)"  ,  "#chi^{2}(MT2b_{min})"       ,       ""   , 'F' );
   if( mvaVar[ "mt2blmin_chi2" ]  == 1 ) factory->AddVariable( "min(mt2blmin_chi2,100)" ,  "#chi^{2}(MT2bl_{min})"      ,       ""   , 'F' );
   if( mvaVar[ "mt2wmin_chi2"  ]  == 1 ) factory->AddVariable( "min(mt2wmin_chi2,100)"  ,  "#chi^{2}(MT2W_{min})"       ,       ""   , 'F' );
   if( mvaVar[ "mt2bmin_chi2prob"  ]  == 1 ) factory->AddVariable( "mt2bmin_chi2prob"   ,  "Prob(#chi^{2}(MT2b_{min}))"       ,       ""   , 'F' );
   if( mvaVar[ "mt2blmin_chi2prob" ]  == 1 ) factory->AddVariable( "mt2blmin_chi2prob"  ,  "Prob(#chi^{2}(MT2bl_{min}))"      ,       ""   , 'F' );
   if( mvaVar[ "mt2wmin_chi2prob"  ]  == 1 ) factory->AddVariable( "mt2wmin_chi2prob"   ,  "Prob(#chi^{2}(MT2W_{min}))"       ,       ""   , 'F' );
   if( mvaVar[ "htratiol"      ]  == 1 ) factory->AddVariable( "mini_htssl/(mini_htosl+mini_htssl)"    ,  "H_{T}^{SSL}/H_{T}"          ,       ""   , 'F' );
   if( mvaVar[ "htratiom"      ]  == 1 ) factory->AddVariable( "mini_htssm/(mini_htosm+mini_htssm)"    ,  "H_{T}^{SSM}/H_{T}"          ,       ""   , 'F' );
   if( mvaVar[ "dphimj1"       ]  == 1 ) factory->AddVariable( "mini_dphimj1"                ,  "#Delta#phi(j1,E_{T}^{miss})",       ""   , 'F' );
   if( mvaVar[ "dphimj2"       ]  == 1 ) factory->AddVariable( "mini_dphimj2"                ,  "#Delta#phi(j2,E_{T}^{miss})",       ""   , 'F' );
   if( mvaVar[ "dphimjmin"     ]  == 1 ) factory->AddVariable( "mini_dphimjmin"              ,  "min(#Delta#phi(j_{1,2},E_{T}^{miss}))",       ""   , 'F' );
   if( mvaVar[ "rand"          ]  == 1 ) factory->AddVariable( "mini_rand"                   ,  "random(0,1)"                ,       ""   , 'F' );
   if( mvaVar[ "metsig"        ]  == 1 ) factory->AddVariable( "met/sqrt(htosl+htssl)"  ,  "E_{T}^{miss}/#sqrt{H_{T}}"  ,       "#sqrt{GeV}"   , 'F' )
   if( mvaVar[ "pt_b"          ]  == 1 ) factory->AddVariable( "mini_pt_b"  ,       "P_T(b) GeV"   , 'F' );
   if( mvaVar[ "nb"            ]  == 1 ) factory->AddVariable( "mini_nb"  ,       "P_T(b) GeV"   , 'F' );
   if( mvaVar[ "pt_J1"          ]  == 1 ) factory->AddVariable( "pt_J1"  ,       "P_T(J1) GeV"   , 'F' );
   if( mvaVar[ "pt_J2"          ]  == 1 ) factory->AddVariable( "pt_J2"  ,       "P_T(J2) GeV"   , 'F' );
   if( doMultipleOutputs ){
     if (mvaVar["lephard_pt"])       multifactory->AddVariable( "lephard_pt",                 "1st lepton pt",                "GeV", 'F' );
     if (mvaVar["lepsoft_pt"])       multifactory->AddVariable( "lepsoft_pt",                 "2nd lepton pt",                "GeV", 'F' );
     if (mvaVar["dil_dphi"])         multifactory->AddVariable( "dil_dphi",                   "dphi(ll)",                     "",    'F' );
     if (mvaVar["dil_mass"])         multifactory->AddVariable( "dil_mass",                   "M(ll)",                        "GeV", 'F' );
     if (mvaVar["event_type"])       multifactory->AddVariable( "event_type",                 "Dil Flavor Type",              "",    'F' );
     if (mvaVar["met_projpt"])       multifactory->AddVariable( "met_projpt",                 "Proj. MET",                    "GeV", 'F' );
     if (mvaVar["met_pt"])           multifactory->AddVariable( "met_pt",                     "MET",                          "GeV", 'F' );
     if (mvaVar["mt_lephardmet"])    multifactory->AddVariable( "mt_lephardmet",              "MT(lep1,MET)",                 "GeV", 'F' );
     if (mvaVar["mt_lepsoftmet"])    multifactory->AddVariable( "mt_lepsoftmet",              "MT(lep2,MET)",                 "GeV", 'F' );
     if (mvaVar["mthiggs"])          multifactory->AddVariable( "mthiggs",                    "MT(Higgs)",                    "GeV", 'F' );
     if (mvaVar["dphi_lephardmet"])  multifactory->AddVariable( "dphi_lephardmet",            "dphi(lep1,MET)",               "GeV", 'F' );
     if (mvaVar["dphi_lepsoftmet"])  multifactory->AddVariable( "dphi_lepsoftmet",            "dphi(lep2,MET)",               "GeV", 'F' );
     if (mvaVar["lepsoft_fbrem"])    multifactory->AddVariable( "lepsoft_fbrem",              "2nd lepton f_{brem}",          "",    'F' );
     if (mvaVar["lepsoft_eOverPIn"]) multifactory->AddVariable( "lepsoft_eOverPIn",           "2nd lepton E/p",               "",    'F' );
     if (mvaVar["lepsoft_qdphi"])    multifactory->AddVariable( "lepsoft_q * lepsoft_dPhiIn", "2nd lepton q#times#Delta#phi", "",    'F' );

   // You can add so-called "Spectator variables", which are not used in the MVA training,
   // but will appear in the final "TestTree" produced by TMVA. This TestTree will contain the
   // input variables, the response values of all trained MVAs, and the spectator variables
   //factory->AddSpectator( "spec1 := var1*2",  "Spectator 1", "units", 'F' );
   //factory->AddSpectator( "spec2 := var1*3",  "Spectator 2", "units", 'F' );

//   TTree* signalTrainingTree =  (TTree*) chSignalTrain;
//   TTree* signalTestTree =  (TTree*) chSignalTest;
//   TTree* bkgTrainingTree =  (TTree*) chBkgTrain;
//   TTree* bkgTestTree =  (TTree*) chBkgTest;
//    std::cout << "--- TMVAClassification       : Using bkg input files: -------------------" <<  std::endl;
//    TObjArray *listOfBkgFiles = chbackground->GetListOfFiles();
//    TIter bkgFileIter(listOfBkgFiles);
//    TChainElement* currentBkgFile = 0;
//    while((currentBkgFile = (TChainElement*)bkgFileIter.Next())) {
//      std::cout << currentBkgFile->GetTitle() << std::endl;
//    }
//    std::cout << "--- TMVAClassification       : Using sig input files: -------------------" <<  std::endl;
//    TObjArray *listOfSigFiles = chsignal->GetListOfFiles();
//    TIter sigFileIter(listOfSigFiles);
//    TChainElement* currentSigFile = 0;
//    while((currentSigFile = (TChainElement*)sigFileIter.Next())) {
//      std::cout << currentSigFile->GetTitle() << std::endl;
//    }

   // global event weights per tree (see below for setting event-wise weights)
   Double_t signalWeight     = 1.0;
   Double_t backgroundWeight = 1.0;

   // You can add an arbitrary number of signal or background trees
//   factory->AddSignalTree    ( chSignal,     signalWeight     );
//   factory->AddBackgroundTree( chBackground, backgroundWeight );

   factory->AddTree(chSignal, "Signal", signalWeight, sel0+"mini_rand < 0.5", "train");
   factory->AddTree(chSignal, "Signal", signalWeight, sel0+"mini_rand >= 0.5", "test");
   factory->AddTree(chBackground, "Background", backgroundWeight, sel0+"mini_rand < 0.5", "train");
   factory->AddTree(chBackground, "Background", backgroundWeight, sel0+"mini_rand >= 0.5", "test");
   // To give different trees for training and testing, do as follows:
   //factory->AddSignalTree( signalTrainingTree, signalWeight, "Training" );
   //factory->AddSignalTree( signalTestTree,     signalWeight,  "Test" );

   //factory->AddBackgroundTree( bkgTrainingTree, backgroundWeight, "Training" );
   //factory->AddBackgroundTree( bkgTestTree,     backgroundWeight,  "Test" );
   // Use the following code instead of the above two or four lines to add signal and background
   // training and test events "by hand"
   // NOTE that in this case one should not give expressions (such as "var1+var2") in the input
   //      variable definition, but simply compute the expression before adding the event
   //     // --- begin ----------------------------------------------------------
   //     std::vector<Double_t> vars( 4 ); // vector has size of number of input variables
   //     Float_t  treevars[4], weight;
   //     // Signal
   //     for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivar<4; ivar++) signal->SetBranchAddress( Form( "var%i", ivar+1 ), &(treevars[ivar]) );
   //     for (UInt_t i=0; i<signal->GetEntries(); i++) {
   //        signal->GetEntry(i);
   //        for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivar<4; ivar++) vars[ivar] = treevars[ivar];
   //        // add training and test events; here: first half is training, second is testing
   //        // note that the weight can also be event-wise
   //        if (i < signal->GetEntries()/2.0) factory->AddSignalTrainingEvent( vars, signalWeight );
   //        else                              factory->AddSignalTestEvent    ( vars, signalWeight );
   //     }
   //     // Background (has event weights)
   //     background->SetBranchAddress( "weight", &weight );
   //     for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivar<4; ivar++) background->SetBranchAddress( Form( "var%i", ivar+1 ), &(treevars[ivar]) );
   //     for (UInt_t i=0; i<background->GetEntries(); i++) {
   //        background->GetEntry(i);
   //        for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivar<4; ivar++) vars[ivar] = treevars[ivar];
   //        // add training and test events; here: first half is training, second is testing
   //        // note that the weight can also be event-wise
   //        if (i < background->GetEntries()/2) factory->AddBackgroundTrainingEvent( vars, backgroundWeight*weight );
   //        else                                factory->AddBackgroundTestEvent    ( vars, backgroundWeight*weight );
   //     }
   //      // --- end ------------------------------------------------------------
   // --- end of tree registration 
   // Set individual event weights (the variables must exist in the original TTree)
   factory->SetSignalWeightExpression    ("mini_weight");

   if( doMultipleOutputs ){
     multifactory->SetSignalWeightExpression    ("event_scale1fb");
     if( includeBkg["ww"] ){
       TTree* ww = (TTree*) chww;
       cout << "Added WW to multi-MVA" << endl;
     if( includeBkg["wjets"] ){
       TTree* wjets = (TTree*) chwjets;
       cout << "Added W+jets to multi-MVA" << endl;
     if( includeBkg["tt"] ){
       TTree* tt = (TTree*) chtt;
       cout << "Added ttbar multi-MVA" << endl;

   // Apply additional cuts on the signal and background samples (can be different)
   TCut mycuts = sel0; // for example: TCut mycuts = "abs(var1)<0.5 && abs(var2-0.5)<1";
   TCut mycutb = sel0; // for example: TCut mycutb = "abs(var1)<0.5";

   // Tell the factory how to use the training and testing events
   // If no numbers of events are given, half of the events in the tree are used 
   // for training, and the other half for testing:
   //    factory->PrepareTrainingAndTestTree( mycut, "SplitMode=random:!V" );
   // To also specify the number of testing events, use:
   //    factory->PrepareTrainingAndTestTree( mycut,
   //                                         "NSigTrain=3000:NBkgTrain=3000:NSigTest=3000:NBkgTest=3000:SplitMode=Random:!V" );
   //Use random splitting
//   factory->PrepareTrainingAndTestTree( mycuts, mycutb,
//                                        "nTrain_Signal=100000:nTrain_Background=0:SplitMode=Random:NormMode=NumEvents:!V" );
   factory->PrepareTrainingAndTestTree( "", "",
                                        "nTrain_Signal=0:nTrain_Background=0:NormMode=None:!V" );

   // if( doMultipleOutputs ){
   //   multifactory->PrepareTrainingAndTestTree( mycuts, mycutb,
   //                                             "nTrain_Signal=0:nTrain_Background=0:SplitMode=Random:NormMode=NumEvents:!V" );
   // }

   //Use alternate splitting 
   //(this is preferable since its easier to track which events were used for training, but the job crashes! need to fix this...)
   //factory->PrepareTrainingAndTestTree( mycuts, mycutb,
   //                                     "nTrain_Signal=0:nTrain_Background=0:SplitMode=Alternate:NormMode=NumEvents:!V" );

   // ---- Book MVA methods
   // Please lookup the various method configuration options in the corresponding cxx files, eg:
   // src/MethoCuts.cxx, etc, or here: http://tmva.sourceforge.net/optionRef.html
   // it is possible to preset ranges in the option string in which the cut optimisation should be done:
   // "...:CutRangeMin[2]=-1:CutRangeMax[2]=1"...", where [2] is the third input variable

   // Cut optimisation
   if (Use["Cuts"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kCuts, "Cuts",
                           "!H:!V:FitMethod=MC:EffSel:SampleSize=200000:VarProp=FSmart" );

   if (Use["CutsD"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kCuts, "CutsD",
                           "!H:!V:FitMethod=MC:EffSel:SampleSize=200000:VarProp=FSmart:VarTransform=Decorrelate" );

   if (Use["CutsPCA"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kCuts, "CutsPCA",
                           "!H:!V:FitMethod=MC:EffSel:SampleSize=200000:VarProp=FSmart:VarTransform=PCA" );

   if (Use["CutsGA"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kCuts, "CutsGA",
                           "H:!V:FitMethod=GA:CutRangeMin[0]=-10:CutRangeMax[0]=10:VarProp[1]=FMax:EffSel:Steps=30:Cycles=3:PopSize=400:SC_steps=10:SC_rate=5:SC_factor=0.95" );

   if (Use["CutsSA"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kCuts, "CutsSA",
                           "!H:!V:FitMethod=SA:EffSel:MaxCalls=150000:KernelTemp=IncAdaptive:InitialTemp=1e+6:MinTemp=1e-6:Eps=1e-10:UseDefaultScale" );

   // Likelihood ("naive Bayes estimator")
   if (Use["Likelihood"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kLikelihood, "Likelihood",
                           "H:!V:!TransformOutput:PDFInterpol=Spline2:NSmoothSig[0]=20:NSmoothBkg[0]=20:NSmoothBkg[1]=10:NSmooth=1:NAvEvtPerBin=50" );

   // Decorrelated likelihood
   if (Use["LikelihoodD"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kLikelihood, "LikelihoodD",
                           "!H:!V:TransformOutput:PDFInterpol=Spline2:NSmoothSig[0]=20:NSmoothBkg[0]=20:NSmooth=5:NAvEvtPerBin=50:VarTransform=Decorrelate" );

   // PCA-transformed likelihood
   if (Use["LikelihoodPCA"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kLikelihood, "LikelihoodPCA",
                           "!H:!V:!TransformOutput:PDFInterpol=Spline2:NSmoothSig[0]=20:NSmoothBkg[0]=20:NSmooth=5:NAvEvtPerBin=50:VarTransform=PCA" ); 

   // Use a kernel density estimator to approximate the PDFs
   if (Use["LikelihoodKDE"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kLikelihood, "LikelihoodKDE",
                           "!H:!V:!TransformOutput:PDFInterpol=KDE:KDEtype=Gauss:KDEiter=Adaptive:KDEFineFactor=0.3:KDEborder=None:NAvEvtPerBin=50" ); 

   // Use a variable-dependent mix of splines and kernel density estimator
   if (Use["LikelihoodMIX"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kLikelihood, "LikelihoodMIX",
                           "!H:!V:!TransformOutput:PDFInterpolSig[0]=KDE:PDFInterpolBkg[0]=KDE:PDFInterpolSig[1]=KDE:PDFInterpolBkg[1]=KDE:PDFInterpolSig[2]=Spline2:PDFInterpolBkg[2]=Spline2:PDFInterpolSig[3]=Spline2:PDFInterpolBkg[3]=Spline2:KDEtype=Gauss:KDEiter=Nonadaptive:KDEborder=None:NAvEvtPerBin=50" ); 

   // Test the multi-dimensional probability density estimator
   // here are the options strings for the MinMax and RMS methods, respectively:
   //      "!H:!V:VolumeRangeMode=MinMax:DeltaFrac=0.2:KernelEstimator=Gauss:GaussSigma=0.3" );
   //      "!H:!V:VolumeRangeMode=RMS:DeltaFrac=3:KernelEstimator=Gauss:GaussSigma=0.3" );
   if (Use["PDERS"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kPDERS, "PDERS",
                           "!H:!V:NormTree=T:VolumeRangeMode=Adaptive:KernelEstimator=Gauss:GaussSigma=0.3:NEventsMin=400:NEventsMax=600" );

   if (Use["PDERSD"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kPDERS, "PDERSD",
                           "!H:!V:VolumeRangeMode=Adaptive:KernelEstimator=Gauss:GaussSigma=0.3:NEventsMin=400:NEventsMax=600:VarTransform=Decorrelate" );

   if (Use["PDERSPCA"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kPDERS, "PDERSPCA",
                           "!H:!V:VolumeRangeMode=Adaptive:KernelEstimator=Gauss:GaussSigma=0.3:NEventsMin=400:NEventsMax=600:VarTransform=PCA" );

   // Multi-dimensional likelihood estimator using self-adapting phase-space binning
   if (Use["PDEFoam"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kPDEFoam, "PDEFoam",
                           "H:!V:SigBgSeparate=F:TailCut=0.001:VolFrac=0.0333:nActiveCells=500:nSampl=2000:nBin=5:Nmin=100:Kernel=None:Compress=T" );

   if (Use["PDEFoamBoost"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kPDEFoam, "PDEFoamBoost",
                           "!H:!V:Boost_Num=30:Boost_Transform=linear:SigBgSeparate=F:MaxDepth=4:UseYesNoCell=T:DTLogic=MisClassificationError:FillFoamWithOrigWeights=F:TailCut=0:nActiveCells=500:nBin=20:Nmin=400:Kernel=None:Compress=T" );

   // K-Nearest Neighbour classifier (KNN)
   if (Use["KNN"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kKNN, "KNN",
                           "H:nkNN=20:ScaleFrac=0.8:SigmaFact=1.0:Kernel=Gaus:UseKernel=F:UseWeight=T:!Trim" );

   // H-Matrix (chi2-squared) method
   if (Use["HMatrix"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kHMatrix, "HMatrix", "!H:!V" );

   // Linear discriminant (same as Fisher discriminant)
   if (Use["LD"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kLD, "LD", "H:!V:VarTransform=None:CreateMVAPdfs:PDFInterpolMVAPdf=Spline2:NbinsMVAPdf=50:NsmoothMVAPdf=10" );

   // Fisher discriminant (same as LD)
   if (Use["Fisher"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kFisher, "Fisher", "H:!V:Fisher:CreateMVAPdfs:PDFInterpolMVAPdf=Spline2:NbinsMVAPdf=50:NsmoothMVAPdf=10" );

   // Fisher with Gauss-transformed input variables
   if (Use["FisherG"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kFisher, "FisherG", "H:!V:VarTransform=Gauss" );

   // Composite classifier: ensemble (tree) of boosted Fisher classifiers
   if (Use["BoostedFisher"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kFisher, "BoostedFisher", 
                           "H:!V:Boost_Num=20:Boost_Transform=log:Boost_Type=AdaBoost:Boost_AdaBoostBeta=0.2" );

   // Function discrimination analysis (FDA) -- test of various fitters - the recommended one is Minuit (or GA or SA)
   if (Use["FDA_MC"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kFDA, "FDA_MC",
                           "H:!V:Formula=(0)+(1)*x0+(2)*x1+(3)*x2+(4)*x3:ParRanges=(-1,1);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10):FitMethod=MC:SampleSize=100000:Sigma=0.1" );

   if (Use["FDA_GA"]) // can also use Simulated Annealing (SA) algorithm (see Cuts_SA options])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kFDA, "FDA_GA",
                           "H:!V:Formula=(0)+(1)*x0+(2)*x1+(3)*x2+(4)*x3:ParRanges=(-1,1);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10):FitMethod=GA:PopSize=300:Cycles=3:Steps=20:Trim=True:SaveBestGen=1" );

   if (Use["FDA_SA"]) // can also use Simulated Annealing (SA) algorithm (see Cuts_SA options])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kFDA, "FDA_SA",
                           "H:!V:Formula=(0)+(1)*x0+(2)*x1+(3)*x2+(4)*x3:ParRanges=(-1,1);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10):FitMethod=SA:MaxCalls=15000:KernelTemp=IncAdaptive:InitialTemp=1e+6:MinTemp=1e-6:Eps=1e-10:UseDefaultScale" );

   if (Use["FDA_MT"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kFDA, "FDA_MT",
                           "H:!V:Formula=(0)+(1)*x0+(2)*x1+(3)*x2+(4)*x3:ParRanges=(-1,1);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10):FitMethod=MINUIT:ErrorLevel=1:PrintLevel=-1:FitStrategy=2:UseImprove:UseMinos:SetBatch" );

   if (Use["FDA_GAMT"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kFDA, "FDA_GAMT",
                           "H:!V:Formula=(0)+(1)*x0+(2)*x1+(3)*x2+(4)*x3:ParRanges=(-1,1);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10):FitMethod=GA:Converger=MINUIT:ErrorLevel=1:PrintLevel=-1:FitStrategy=0:!UseImprove:!UseMinos:SetBatch:Cycles=1:PopSize=5:Steps=5:Trim" );

   if (Use["FDA_MCMT"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kFDA, "FDA_MCMT",
                           "H:!V:Formula=(0)+(1)*x0+(2)*x1+(3)*x2+(4)*x3:ParRanges=(-1,1);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10):FitMethod=MC:Converger=MINUIT:ErrorLevel=1:PrintLevel=-1:FitStrategy=0:!UseImprove:!UseMinos:SetBatch:SampleSize=20" );

   // TMVA ANN: MLP (recommended ANN) -- all ANNs in TMVA are Multilayer Perceptrons
   if (Use["MLP"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kMLP, "MLP", "H:!V:NeuronType=tanh:VarTransform=N:NCycles=600:HiddenLayers=N+5:TestRate=5:!UseRegulator" );

//      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kMLP, "MLP", "!H:!V:NeuronType=tanh:VarTransform=N:NCycles=1000:HiddenLayers=N+N:TestRate=5:!UseRegulator:LearningRate=0.2:DecayRate=0.001:BPMode=batch:BatchSize=500"); 

   if (Use["MLPBFGS"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kMLP, "MLPBFGS", "H:!V:NeuronType=tanh:VarTransform=N:NCycles=600:HiddenLayers=N+5:TestRate=5:TrainingMethod=BFGS:!UseRegulator" );

   if (Use["MLPBNN"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kMLP, "MLPBNN", "H:!V:NeuronType=tanh:VarTransform=N:NCycles=600:HiddenLayers=N+5:TestRate=5:TrainingMethod=BFGS:UseRegulator" ); // BFGS training with bayesian regulators

   // CF(Clermont-Ferrand)ANN
   if (Use["CFMlpANN"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kCFMlpANN, "CFMlpANN", "!H:!V:NCycles=2000:HiddenLayers=N+1,N"  ); // n_cycles:#nodes:#nodes:...  

   // Tmlp(Root)ANN
   if (Use["TMlpANN"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kTMlpANN, "TMlpANN", "!H:!V:NCycles=200:HiddenLayers=N+1,N:LearningMethod=BFGS:ValidationFraction=0.3"  ); // n_cycles:#nodes:#nodes:...

   // Support Vector Machine
   if (Use["SVM"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kSVM, "SVM", "Gamma=0.25:Tol=0.001:VarTransform=Norm" );

   // Boosted Decision Trees
   if (Use["BDTG"]) // Gradient Boost
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kBDT, "BDTG",
                           "!H:!V:NTrees=1000:BoostType=Grad:Shrinkage=0.10:UseBaggedGrad:GradBaggingFraction=0.5:nCuts=20:NNodesMax=5" );

   if (Use["BDT"])  // Adaptive Boost
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kBDT, "BDT",
                           "!H:!V:NTrees=850:nEventsMin=150:MaxDepth=3:BoostType=AdaBoost:AdaBoostBeta=0.5:SeparationType=GiniIndex:nCuts=20:PruneMethod=NoPruning" );

   if (Use["BDT1"])  // Adaptive Boost
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kBDT, "BDT1",
                             "!H:!V:NTrees=200:nEventsMin=300:MaxDepth=3:BoostType=AdaBoost:AdaBoostBeta=0.5:SeparationType=GiniIndex:nCuts=4:PruneMethod=NoPruning" );

   if (Use["BDTB"]) // Bagging
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kBDT, "BDTB",
                           "!H:!V:NTrees=400:BoostType=Bagging:SeparationType=GiniIndex:nCuts=20:PruneMethod=NoPruning" );

   if (Use["BDTD"]) // Decorrelation + Adaptive Boost
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kBDT, "BDTD",
                           "!H:!V:NTrees=400:nEventsMin=400:MaxDepth=3:BoostType=AdaBoost:SeparationType=GiniIndex:nCuts=20:PruneMethod=NoPruning:VarTransform=Decorrelate" );

   // RuleFit -- TMVA implementation of Friedman's method
   if (Use["RuleFit"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kRuleFit, "RuleFit",
                           "H:!V:RuleFitModule=RFTMVA:Model=ModRuleLinear:MinImp=0.001:RuleMinDist=0.001:NTrees=20:fEventsMin=0.01:fEventsMax=0.5:GDTau=-1.0:GDTauPrec=0.01:GDStep=0.01:GDNSteps=10000:GDErrScale=1.02" );

   // if( doMultipleOutputs ){
   //   if (Use["multi_BDTG"]) // gradient boosted decision trees
   //     multifactory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kBDT, "BDTG", "!H:!V:NTrees=1000:BoostType=Grad:Shrinkage=0.10:UseBaggedGrad:GradBaggingFraction=0.50:nCuts=20:NNodesMax=8");
   //   if (Use["multi_MLP"]) // neural network
   //     multifactory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kMLP, "MLP", "!H:!V:NeuronType=tanh:NCycles=1000:HiddenLayers=N+5,5:TestRate=5:EstimatorType=MSE");
   //   if (Use["multi_FDA_GA"]) // functional discriminant with GA minimizer
   //     multifactory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kFDA, "FDA_GA", "H:!V:Formula=(0)+(1)*x0+(2)*x1+(3)*x2+(4)*x3:ParRanges=(-1,1);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10):FitMethod=GA:PopSize=300:Cycles=3:Steps=20:Trim=True:SaveBestGen=1" );
   // }
   // For an example of the category classifier usage, see: TMVAClassificationCategory

   // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   // ---- Now you can optimize the setting (configuration) of the MVAs using the set of training events

   // factory->OptimizeAllMethods("SigEffAt001","Scan");
   // factory->OptimizeAllMethods("ROCIntegral","GA");

   // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   // ---- Now you can tell the factory to train, test, and evaluate the MVAs
   // Train MVAs using the set of training events
   // ---- Evaluate all MVAs using the set of test events
   // ----- Evaluate and compare performance of all configured MVAs
   // if( doMultipleOutputs ){
   //   // Train nulti-MVAs using the set of training events
   //   multifactory->TrainAllMethods();
   //   // ---- Evaluate all multi-MVAs using the set of test events
   //   multifactory->TestAllMethods();
   //   // ----- Evaluate and compare performance of all configured multi-MVAs
   //   multifactory->EvaluateAllMethods();
   // }
   // --------------------------------------------------------------

   // Save the output
   //if( doMultipleOutputs )  multioutputFile->Close();

   std::cout << "==> Wrote root file: " << outputFile->GetName() << std::endl;
   std::cout << "==> TMVAClassification is done!" << std::endl;
   delete factory;

   // Launch the GUI for the root macros
   if (!gROOT->IsBatch()) TMVAGui( outfileName );
Example #6
int main( int argc, char** argv )
  std::string folder;

  if (argc > 1) {
    folder = argv[1];
  else {
    folder = "output_tmva/nunu/MET130/";

  bool useQCD = true;
  bool useOthers = false;
  bool useOthersAsSignal = true;

  //List of input signal files
  std::vector<std::string> sigfiles;

  if (useOthersAsSignal) {
    //powheg samples

  //List of input files
  std::vector<std::string> bkgfiles;
  if (useQCD){
  if (useOthers) {
    //powheg samples

   // Create a ROOT output file where TMVA will store ntuples, histograms, etc.
  TFile *output_tmva = TFile::Open((folder+"/TMVA_QCDrej.root").c_str(),"RECREATE");

  // Create the factory object. Later you can choose the methods
  // whose performance you'd like to investigate. The factory is 
  // the only TMVA object you have to interact with
   // The first argument is the base of the name of all the
   // weightfiles in the directory weight/
   // The second argument is the output file for the training results
   // All TMVA output can be suppressed by removing the "!" (not) in
   // front of the "Silent" argument in the option string
   TMVA::Factory *factory = new TMVA::Factory( "TMVAClassification", output_tmva,
                                               "!V:!Silent:Color:DrawProgressBar:Transformations=I;D;P;G,D:AnalysisType=Classification" );

  //fill the variables with event weight from the trees
  //const unsigned nVars = 4;

   factory->AddSpectator("jet1_pt","Jet 1 p_{T}", "GeV", 'F');
   factory->AddSpectator("jet2_pt","Jet 2 p_{T}", "GeV", 'F');
   factory->AddSpectator("jet1_eta","Jet 1 #eta", "", 'F');
   factory->AddVariable("jet2_eta","Jet 2 #eta", "", 'F');// **
   factory->AddSpectator("jet1_phi","Jet 1 #phi", "", 'F');
   factory->AddSpectator("jet2_phi","Jet 2 #phi", "", 'F');
   factory->AddSpectator("dijet_M","M_{jj}", " GeV", 'F');
   factory->AddSpectator("dijet_deta","#Delta#eta_{jj}", "", 'F');
   factory->AddSpectator("dijet_sumeta","#eta_{j1}+#eta_{j2}", "", 'F');
   factory->AddSpectator("dijet_dphi","#Delta#phi_{jj}", "", 'F');
   factory->AddSpectator("met","MET", "GeV", 'F');// **
   factory->AddSpectator("met_phi","MET #phi", "", 'F');
   factory->AddVariable("met_significance","MET significance", "", 'F');// **
   factory->AddSpectator("sumet","#Sum E_{T}", "GeV", 'F');
   factory->AddSpectator("ht","H_{T}", "GeV", 'F');
   factory->AddVariable("mht","MH_{T}", "GeV", 'F');// **
   factory->AddSpectator("sqrt_ht","#sqrt{H_{T}}", "GeV^{0.5}", 'F');
   factory->AddSpectator("unclustered_et","Unclustered E_{T}", "GeV", 'F');
   factory->AddSpectator("unclustered_phi","Unclustered #phi", "GeV", 'F');
   factory->AddSpectator("jet1met_dphi","#Delta#phi(MET,jet1)", "", 'F');
   factory->AddVariable("jet2met_dphi","#Delta#phi(MET,jet2)", "", 'F');// **
   factory->AddVariable("jetmet_mindphi","minimum #Delta#phi(MET,jet)", "", 'F');// **
   factory->AddVariable("jetunclet_mindphi","minimum #Delta#phi(unclustered,jet)", "",  'F');// **
   factory->AddVariable("metunclet_dphi","#Delta#phi(MET,unclustered)", "",  'F');// **
   factory->AddVariable("dijetmet_scalarSum_pt", "p_{T}^{jet1}+p_{T}^{jet2}+MET", "GeV", 'F');// **
   factory->AddSpectator("dijetmet_vectorialSum_pt","p_{T}(#vec{j1}+#vec{j2}+#vec{MET})", "GeV", 'F');
   factory->AddVariable("dijetmet_ptfraction","p_{T}^{dijet}/(p_{T}^{dijet}+MET)", "", 'F');// **
   //factory->AddVariable("jet1met_scalarprod := (jet1_pt*cos(jet1_phi)*met_x+jet1_pt*sin(jet1_phi)*met_y)/met", "#vec{p_{T}^{jet1}}.#vec{MET}/MET", "GeV" , 'F');
   //factory->AddVariable("jet2met_scalarprod := (jet2_pt*cos(jet2_phi)*met_x+jet2_pt*sin(jet2_phi)*met_y)/met", "#vec{p_{T}^{jet2}}.#vec{MET}/MET", "GeV" , 'F');
   factory->AddVariable("jet1met_scalarprod", "#vec{p_{T}^{jet1}}.#vec{MET}/MET", "GeV" , 'F');// **
   factory->AddVariable("jet2met_scalarprod", "#vec{p_{T}^{jet2}}.#vec{MET}/MET", "GeV" , 'F');// **
   factory->AddVariable("jet1met_scalarprod_frac := jet1met_scalarprod/met", "#vec{p_{T}^{jet1}}.#vec{MET}/MET^{2}", "" , 'F');// **
   factory->AddVariable("jet2met_scalarprod_frac := jet2met_scalarprod/met", "#vec{p_{T}^{jet2}}.#vec{MET}/MET^{2}", "" , 'F');// **
   factory->AddSpectator("n_jets_cjv_30","CJV jets (30 GeV)", "" , 'I');
   factory->AddSpectator("n_jets_cjv_20EB_30EE","CJV jets (|#eta|<2.4 and 20 GeV, or 30 GeV)", "" , 'I');

   //test with only VBF variables used in cut-based analysis
   //factory->AddVariable("dijet_M","M_{jj}", " GeV", 'F');
   //factory->AddVariable("dijet_deta","#Delta#eta_{jj}", "", 'F');
   //factory->AddVariable("dijet_dphi","#Delta#phi_{jj}", "", 'F');
   //factory->AddVariable("met","MET", "GeV", 'F');
   //factory->AddVariable("n_jets_cjv_30","CJV jets (30 GeV)", "" , 'I');

  //get input files
  //TFile *signalfile = TFile::Open((folder+"/"+"MC_VBF_HToZZTo4Nu_M-120.root").c_str());
  //TTree *signal = (TTree*)signalfile->Get("TmvaInputTree");
  //Double_t signalWeight     = 1.0;
  //Set individual event weights (the variables must exist in the original TTree)

  std::map<std::string, TFile *> tfiles;
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < bkgfiles.size(); ++i) {
    std::string filename = (bkgfiles[i]+".root");
    TFile * tmp = new TFile((folder+"/"+filename).c_str());
    if (!tmp) {
      std::cerr << "Warning, file " << filename << " could not be opened." << std::endl;
    } else {
      tfiles[bkgfiles[i]] = tmp;      
  TTree *background[bkgfiles.size()];

  std::map<std::string, TFile *> sfiles;
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < sigfiles.size(); ++i) {
    std::string filename = (sigfiles[i]+".root");
    TFile * tmp = new TFile((folder+"/"+filename).c_str());
    if (!tmp) {
      std::cerr << "Warning, file " << filename << " could not be opened." << std::endl;
    } else {
      sfiles[sigfiles[i]] = tmp;      
  TTree *signal[sigfiles.size()];

  for (unsigned i = 0; i < bkgfiles.size(); ++i) {

    std::string f = bkgfiles[i];
    if (tfiles[f]){
      background[i] = (TTree*)tfiles[f]->Get("TmvaInputTree");
      //if (f.find("QCD-Pt")!=f.npos){
      Double_t backgroundWeight = 1.0;

    }//if file exist
    else {
      std::cout << " Cannot find background file " << f << std::endl;
  }//loop on files

  for (unsigned i = 0; i < sigfiles.size(); ++i) {

    std::string f = sigfiles[i];
    if (sfiles[f]){
      signal[i] = (TTree*)sfiles[f]->Get("TmvaInputTree");
      //if (f.find("QCD-Pt")!=f.npos){
      Double_t signalWeight = 1.0;

    }//if file exist
    else {
      std::cout << " Cannot find signal file " << f << std::endl;
  }//loop on files

   // Apply additional cuts on the signal and background samples (can be different)
  TCut mycuts = "";//dijet_deta>3.8 && dijet_M > 1100 && met > 100 && met_significance>5";
  TCut mycutb = "";//dijet_deta>3.8 && dijet_M > 1100 && met > 100 && met_significance>5";

  factory->PrepareTrainingAndTestTree( mycuts, mycutb,
				       "nTrain_Signal=0:nTrain_Background=0:SplitMode=Random:NormMode=NumEvents:!V" );

   // Likelihood ("naive Bayes estimator")
  //factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kLikelihood, "Likelihood",
  //"H:!V:!TransformOutput:PDFInterpol=Spline2:NSmoothSig[0]=20:NSmoothBkg[0]=20:NSmoothBkg[1]=10:NSmooth=1:NAvEvtPerBin=50" );

  // Linear discriminant (same as Fisher discriminant)
  //factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kLD, "LD", "H:!V:VarTransform=None:CreateMVAPdfs:PDFInterpolMVAPdf=Spline2:NbinsMVAPdf=50:NsmoothMVAPdf=10" );

  // Fisher discriminant (same as LD)
  factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kFisher, "Fisher", "H:!V:Fisher:CreateMVAPdfs:PDFInterpolMVAPdf=Spline2:NbinsMVAPdf=50:NsmoothMVAPdf=10" );

  // TMVA ANN: MLP (recommended ANN) -- all ANNs in TMVA are Multilayer Perceptrons
  //factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kMLP, "MLP", "H:!V:NeuronType=tanh:VarTransform=N:NCycles=60:HiddenLayers=N+5:TestRate=5:!UseRegulator" );

  // Boosted Decision Trees
  // Gradient Boost
  //factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kBDT, "BDTG",
  //"!H:!V:NTrees=1000:MinNodeSize=1.5%:BoostType=Grad:Shrinkage=0.10:UseBaggedBoost:BaggedSampleFraction=0.5:nCuts=20:MaxDepth=2" );
  //factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kBDT, "BDTG",
  //                       "!H:!V:NTrees=1000:BoostType=Grad:Shrinkage=0.10:nCuts=20:MaxDepth=2" );

  // Adaptive Boost
  //factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kBDT, "BDT1000",
  //	       "!H:!V:NTrees=1000:MaxDepth=3:BoostType=AdaBoost:AdaBoostBeta=0.5:SeparationType=GiniIndex:nCuts=20" );

  factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kBDT, "BDT",
		       "!H:!V:NTrees=1000:MaxDepth=3:BoostType=AdaBoost:AdaBoostBeta=0.2:SeparationType=GiniIndex:nCuts=20" );

  // Bagging
  //factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kBDT, "BDTB",
  //                       "!H:!V:NTrees=400:BoostType=Bagging:SeparationType=GiniIndex:nCuts=20" );

  // Decorrelation + Adaptive Boost
  //factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kBDT, "BDTD",
  //                       "!H:!V:NTrees=400:MaxDepth=3:BoostType=AdaBoost:SeparationType=GiniIndex:nCuts=20:VarTransform=Decorrelate" );

  // Allow Using Fisher discriminant in node splitting for (strong) linearly correlated variables
  //factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kBDT, "BDTMitFisher",
  //       "!H:!V:NTrees=50:UseFisherCuts:MaxDepth=3:BoostType=AdaBoost:AdaBoostBeta=0.5:SeparationType=GiniIndex:nCuts=20" );

   // Train MVAs using the set of training events

   // ---- Evaluate all MVAs using the set of test events

   // ----- Evaluate and compare performance of all configured MVAs

   // --------------------------------------------------------------

   // Save the output

   std::cout << "==> Wrote root file: " << output_tmva->GetName() << std::endl
             << "==> TMVAClassification is done!" << std::endl
             << std::endl
             << "==> To view the results, launch the GUI: \"root -l ./TMVAGui.C\"" << std::endl
             << std::endl;

   // Clean up
   delete factory;

  return 0;
//void TMVAClassification( TString myMethodList = "" )
void tmvaClassifier( TString myMethodList = "" )
   // The explicit loading of the shared libTMVA is done in TMVAlogon.C, defined in .rootrc
   // if you use your private .rootrc, or run from a different directory, please copy the
   // corresponding lines from .rootrc

   // methods to be processed can be given as an argument; use format:
   // mylinux~> root -l TMVAClassification.C\(\"myMethod1,myMethod2,myMethod3\"\)
   // if you like to use a method via the plugin mechanism, we recommend using
   // mylinux~> root -l TMVAClassification.C\(\"P_myMethod\"\)
   // (an example is given for using the BDT as plugin (see below),
   // but of course the real application is when you write your own
   // method based)

   // This loads the library

   // Default MVA methods to be trained + tested
   std::map<std::string,int> Use;

   // --- Cut optimisation
   Use["Cuts"]            = 0;
   Use["CutsD"]           = 0;
   Use["CutsPCA"]         = 0;
   Use["CutsGA"]          = 0;
   Use["CutsSA"]          = 0;
   // --- 1-dimensional likelihood ("naive Bayes estimator")
   Use["Likelihood"]      = 0;
   Use["LikelihoodD"]     = 1; // the "D" extension indicates decorrelated input variables (see option strings)
   Use["LikelihoodPCA"]   = 0; // the "PCA" extension indicates PCA-transformed input variables (see option strings)
   Use["LikelihoodKDE"]   = 0;
   Use["LikelihoodMIX"]   = 0;
   // --- Mutidimensional likelihood and Nearest-Neighbour methods
   Use["PDERS"]           = 0;
   Use["PDERSD"]          = 0;
   Use["PDERSPCA"]        = 0;
   Use["PDEFoam"]         = 0;
   Use["PDEFoamBoost"]    = 0; // uses generalised MVA method boosting
   Use["KNN"]             = 0; // k-nearest neighbour method
   // --- Linear Discriminant Analysis
   Use["LD"]              = 0; // Linear Discriminant identical to Fisher
   Use["Fisher"]          = 1;
   Use["FisherCat"]          = 0;//added by loic
   Use["FisherG"]         = 0;
   Use["BoostedFisher"]   = 0; // uses generalised MVA method boosting
   Use["HMatrix"]         = 0;
   // --- Function Discriminant analysis
   Use["FDA_GA"]          = 0; // minimisation of user-defined function using Genetics Algorithm
   Use["FDA_SA"]          = 0;
   Use["FDA_MC"]          = 0;
   Use["FDA_MT"]          = 0;
   Use["FDA_GAMT"]        = 0;
   Use["FDA_MCMT"]        = 0;
   // --- Neural Networks (all are feed-forward Multilayer Perceptrons)
   Use["MLP"]             = 0; // Recommended ANN
   Use["MLPBFGS"]         = 0; // Recommended ANN with optional training method
   Use["MLPBNN"]          = 0; // Recommended ANN with BFGS training method and bayesian regulator
   Use["CFMlpANN"]        = 0; // Depreciated ANN from ALEPH
   Use["TMlpANN"]         = 0; // ROOT's own ANN
   // --- Support Vector Machine 
   Use["SVM"]             = 0;
   // --- Boosted Decision Trees
   Use["BDT"]             = 0; // uses Adaptive Boost
   Use["BDTG"]            = 0; // uses Gradient Boost
   Use["BDTB"]            = 0; // uses Bagging
   Use["BDTD"]            = 1; // decorrelation + Adaptive Boost
   Use["BDTF"]            = 0; // allow usage of fisher discriminant for node splitting 
   // --- Friedman's RuleFit method, ie, an optimised series of cuts ("rules")
   Use["RuleFit"]         = 0;
   // ---------------------------------------------------------------

   std::cout << std::endl;
   std::cout << "==> Start TMVAClassification" << std::endl;

   // Select methods (don't look at this code - not of interest)
   if (myMethodList != "") {
      for (std::map<std::string,int>::iterator it = Use.begin(); it != Use.end(); it++) it->second = 0;

      std::vector<TString> mlist = TMVA::gTools().SplitString( myMethodList, ',' );
      for (UInt_t i=0; i<mlist.size(); i++) {
         std::string regMethod(mlist[i]);

         if (Use.find(regMethod) == Use.end()) {
            std::cout << "Method \"" << regMethod << "\" not known in TMVA under this name. Choose among the following:" << std::endl;
            for (std::map<std::string,int>::iterator it = Use.begin(); it != Use.end(); it++) std::cout << it->first << " ";
            std::cout << std::endl;
         Use[regMethod] = 1;

   // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   // --- Here the preparation phase begins

   // Create a ROOT output file where TMVA will store ntuples, histograms, etc.
   TString outfileName( "TMVA.root" );
   TFile* outputFile = TFile::Open( outfileName, "RECREATE" );

   // Create the factory object. Later you can choose the methods
   // whose performance you'd like to investigate. The factory is 
   // the only TMVA object you have to interact with
   // The first argument is the base of the name of all the
   // weightfiles in the directory weight/
   // The second argument is the output file for the training results
   // All TMVA output can be suppressed by removing the "!" (not) in
   // front of the "Silent" argument in the option string
   TMVA::Factory *factory = new TMVA::Factory( "TMVAClassification", outputFile,
                                               "!V:!Silent:Color:DrawProgressBar:Transformations=I;D;P;G,D:AnalysisType=Classification" );

   // If you wish to modify default settings
   // (please check "src/Config.h" to see all available global options)
   //    (TMVA::gConfig().GetVariablePlotting()).fTimesRMS = 8.0;
   //    (TMVA::gConfig().GetIONames()).fWeightFileDir = "myWeightDirectory";

   // Define the input variables that shall be used for the MVA training
   // note that you may also use variable expressions, such as: "3*var1/var2*abs(var3)"
   // [all types of expressions that can also be parsed by TTree::Draw( "expression" )]
   //   factory->AddVariable( "myvar1 := var1+var2", 'F' );
   // factory->AddVariable( "myvar2 := var1-var2", "Expression 2", "", 'F' );

   //factory->AddVariable( "mjjtev:=mjj/1000.",  "mjj","units", 'F' );
   //factory->AddVariable( "dijetf:=-0.19757098+0.833967373*mjj/1000.-0.07935860*detajj",  "dijetf","units", 'F' );

   factory->AddVariable( "mjj",  "mjj","units", 'F' );
   factory->AddVariable( "detajj",             "detajj", "units", 'F' );
   factory->AddVariable( "spt",              "spt", "units", 'F' );

   // You can add so-called "Spectator variables", which are not used in the MVA training,
   // but will appear in the final "TestTree" produced by TMVA. This TestTree will contain the
   // input variables, the response values of all trained MVAs, and the spectator variables
   //   factory->AddSpectator( "spec1 := var1*2",  "Spectator 1", "units", 'F' );
   // factory->AddSpectator( "spec2 := var1*3",  "Spectator 2", "units", 'F' );

   // Read training and test data
   // (it is also possible to use ASCII format as input -> see TMVA Users Guide)
   //   TString fname = "./tmva_class_example.root";
   //if (gSystem->AccessPathName( fname ))  // file does not exist in local directory
   //   gSystem->Exec("wget http://root.cern.ch/files/tmva_class_example.root");
   //   std::cout << "--- TMVAClassification       : Using input file: " << input->GetName() << std::endl;
   // --- Register the training and test trees

   TFile *inputS = TFile::Open( "MC8TeV_lljj_VBFNLO_summary.root" );
   TTree *signal     = (TTree*)inputS->Get("ewkzp2j");
   TFile *inputB = TFile::Open("MC8TeV_DY2JetsToLL_50toInf_summary.root");
   TTree *background = (TTree*)inputB->Get("ewkzp2j");
   // global event weights per tree (see below for setting event-wise weights)
   Double_t signalWeight     = 1.0;
   Double_t backgroundWeight = 1.0;
   // You can add an arbitrary number of signal or background trees
   factory->AddSignalTree    ( signal,     signalWeight     );
   factory->AddBackgroundTree( background, backgroundWeight );
   // To give different trees for training and testing, do as follows:
   //    factory->AddSignalTree( signalTrainingTree, signalTrainWeight, "Training" );
   //    factory->AddSignalTree( signalTestTree,     signalTestWeight,  "Test" );
   // Use the following code instead of the above two or four lines to add signal and background
   // training and test events "by hand"
   // NOTE that in this case one should not give expressions (such as "var1+var2") in the input
   //      variable definition, but simply compute the expression before adding the event
   //     // --- begin ----------------------------------------------------------
   //     std::vector<Double_t> vars( 4 ); // vector has size of number of input variables
   //     Float_t  treevars[4], weight;
   //     // Signal
   //     for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivar<4; ivar++) signal->SetBranchAddress( Form( "var%i", ivar+1 ), &(treevars[ivar]) );
   //     for (UInt_t i=0; i<signal->GetEntries(); i++) {
   //        signal->GetEntry(i);
   //        for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivar<4; ivar++) vars[ivar] = treevars[ivar];
   //        // add training and test events; here: first half is training, second is testing
   //        // note that the weight can also be event-wise
   //        if (i < signal->GetEntries()/2.0) factory->AddSignalTrainingEvent( vars, signalWeight );
   //        else                              factory->AddSignalTestEvent    ( vars, signalWeight );
   //     }
   //     // Background (has event weights)
   //     background->SetBranchAddress( "weight", &weight );
   //     for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivar<4; ivar++) background->SetBranchAddress( Form( "var%i", ivar+1 ), &(treevars[ivar]) );
   //     for (UInt_t i=0; i<background->GetEntries(); i++) {
   //        background->GetEntry(i);
   //        for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivar<4; ivar++) vars[ivar] = treevars[ivar];
   //        // add training and test events; here: first half is training, second is testing
   //        // note that the weight can also be event-wise
   //        if (i < background->GetEntries()/2) factory->AddBackgroundTrainingEvent( vars, backgroundWeight*weight );
   //        else                                factory->AddBackgroundTestEvent    ( vars, backgroundWeight*weight );
   //     }
         // --- end ------------------------------------------------------------
   // --- end of tree registration 

   // Set individual event weights (the variables must exist in the original TTree)
   //    for signal    : factory->SetSignalWeightExpression    ("weight1*weight2");
   //    for background: factory->SetBackgroundWeightExpression("weight1*weight2");
   factory->SetBackgroundWeightExpression( "weight" );

   // Apply additional cuts on the signal and background samples (can be different)
   TCut mycuts = ""; // for example: TCut mycuts = "abs(var1)<0.5 && abs(var2-0.5)<1";
   TCut mycutb = ""; // for example: TCut mycutb = "abs(var1)<0.5";

   // Tell the factory how to use the training and testing events
   // If no numbers of events are given, half of the events in the tree are used 
   // for training, and the other half for testing:
   //    factory->PrepareTrainingAndTestTree( mycut, "SplitMode=random:!V" );
   // To also specify the number of testing events, use:
   //    factory->PrepareTrainingAndTestTree( mycut,
   //                                         "NSigTrain=3000:NBkgTrain=3000:NSigTest=3000:NBkgTest=3000:SplitMode=Random:!V" );
   factory->PrepareTrainingAndTestTree( mycuts, mycutb,
                                        "nTrain_Signal=0:nTrain_Background=0:SplitMode=Random:NormMode=NumEvents:!V" );

   // ---- Book MVA methods
   // Please lookup the various method configuration options in the corresponding cxx files, eg:
   // src/MethoCuts.cxx, etc, or here: http://tmva.sourceforge.net/optionRef.html
   // it is possible to preset ranges in the option string in which the cut optimisation should be done:
   // "...:CutRangeMin[2]=-1:CutRangeMax[2]=1"...", where [2] is the third input variable

   // Cut optimisation
   if (Use["Cuts"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kCuts, "Cuts",
                           "!H:!V:FitMethod=MC:EffSel:SampleSize=200000:VarProp=FSmart" );

   if (Use["CutsD"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kCuts, "CutsD",
                           "!H:!V:FitMethod=MC:EffSel:SampleSize=200000:VarProp=FSmart:VarTransform=Decorrelate" );

   if (Use["CutsPCA"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kCuts, "CutsPCA",
                           "!H:!V:FitMethod=MC:EffSel:SampleSize=200000:VarProp=FSmart:VarTransform=PCA" );

   if (Use["CutsGA"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kCuts, "CutsGA",
                           "H:!V:FitMethod=GA:CutRangeMin[0]=-10:CutRangeMax[0]=10:VarProp[1]=FMax:EffSel:Steps=30:Cycles=3:PopSize=400:SC_steps=10:SC_rate=5:SC_factor=0.95" );

   if (Use["CutsSA"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kCuts, "CutsSA",
                           "!H:!V:FitMethod=SA:EffSel:MaxCalls=150000:KernelTemp=IncAdaptive:InitialTemp=1e+6:MinTemp=1e-6:Eps=1e-10:UseDefaultScale" );

   // Likelihood ("naive Bayes estimator")
   if (Use["Likelihood"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kLikelihood, "Likelihood",
                           "H:!V:TransformOutput:PDFInterpol=Spline2:NSmoothSig[0]=20:NSmoothBkg[0]=20:NSmoothBkg[1]=10:NSmooth=1:NAvEvtPerBin=50" );

   // Decorrelated likelihood
   if (Use["LikelihoodD"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kLikelihood, "LikelihoodD",
                           "!H:!V:TransformOutput:PDFInterpol=Spline2:NSmoothSig[0]=20:NSmoothBkg[0]=20:NSmooth=5:NAvEvtPerBin=50:VarTransform=Decorrelate" );

   // PCA-transformed likelihood
   if (Use["LikelihoodPCA"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kLikelihood, "LikelihoodPCA",
                           "!H:!V:!TransformOutput:PDFInterpol=Spline2:NSmoothSig[0]=20:NSmoothBkg[0]=20:NSmooth=5:NAvEvtPerBin=50:VarTransform=PCA" ); 

   // Use a kernel density estimator to approximate the PDFs
   if (Use["LikelihoodKDE"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kLikelihood, "LikelihoodKDE",
                           "!H:!V:!TransformOutput:PDFInterpol=KDE:KDEtype=Gauss:KDEiter=Adaptive:KDEFineFactor=0.3:KDEborder=None:NAvEvtPerBin=50" ); 

   // Use a variable-dependent mix of splines and kernel density estimator
   if (Use["LikelihoodMIX"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kLikelihood, "LikelihoodMIX",
                           "!H:!V:!TransformOutput:PDFInterpolSig[0]=KDE:PDFInterpolBkg[0]=KDE:PDFInterpolSig[1]=KDE:PDFInterpolBkg[1]=KDE:PDFInterpolSig[2]=Spline2:PDFInterpolBkg[2]=Spline2:PDFInterpolSig[3]=Spline2:PDFInterpolBkg[3]=Spline2:KDEtype=Gauss:KDEiter=Nonadaptive:KDEborder=None:NAvEvtPerBin=50" ); 

   // Test the multi-dimensional probability density estimator
   // here are the options strings for the MinMax and RMS methods, respectively:
   //      "!H:!V:VolumeRangeMode=MinMax:DeltaFrac=0.2:KernelEstimator=Gauss:GaussSigma=0.3" );
   //      "!H:!V:VolumeRangeMode=RMS:DeltaFrac=3:KernelEstimator=Gauss:GaussSigma=0.3" );
   if (Use["PDERS"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kPDERS, "PDERS",
                           "!H:!V:NormTree=T:VolumeRangeMode=Adaptive:KernelEstimator=Gauss:GaussSigma=0.3:NEventsMin=400:NEventsMax=600" );

   if (Use["PDERSD"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kPDERS, "PDERSD",
                           "!H:!V:VolumeRangeMode=Adaptive:KernelEstimator=Gauss:GaussSigma=0.3:NEventsMin=400:NEventsMax=600:VarTransform=Decorrelate" );

   if (Use["PDERSPCA"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kPDERS, "PDERSPCA",
                           "!H:!V:VolumeRangeMode=Adaptive:KernelEstimator=Gauss:GaussSigma=0.3:NEventsMin=400:NEventsMax=600:VarTransform=PCA" );

   // Multi-dimensional likelihood estimator using self-adapting phase-space binning
   if (Use["PDEFoam"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kPDEFoam, "PDEFoam",
                           "!H:!V:SigBgSeparate=F:TailCut=0.001:VolFrac=0.0666:nActiveCells=500:nSampl=2000:nBin=5:Nmin=100:Kernel=None:Compress=T" );

   if (Use["PDEFoamBoost"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kPDEFoam, "PDEFoamBoost",
                           "!H:!V:Boost_Num=30:Boost_Transform=linear:SigBgSeparate=F:MaxDepth=4:UseYesNoCell=T:DTLogic=MisClassificationError:FillFoamWithOrigWeights=F:TailCut=0:nActiveCells=500:nBin=20:Nmin=400:Kernel=None:Compress=T" );

   // K-Nearest Neighbour classifier (KNN)
   if (Use["KNN"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kKNN, "KNN",
                           "H:nkNN=20:ScaleFrac=0.8:SigmaFact=1.0:Kernel=Gaus:UseKernel=F:UseWeight=T:!Trim" );

   // H-Matrix (chi2-squared) method
   if (Use["HMatrix"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kHMatrix, "HMatrix", "!H:!V:VarTransform=None" );

   // Linear discriminant (same as Fisher discriminant)
   if (Use["LD"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kLD, "LD", "H:!V:VarTransform=None:CreateMVAPdfs:PDFInterpolMVAPdf=Spline2:NbinsMVAPdf=50:NsmoothMVAPdf=10" );

   // Fisher discriminant (same as LD)
   if (Use["Fisher"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kFisher, "Fisher", "H:!V:Fisher:VarTransform=None:CreateMVAPdfs:PDFInterpolMVAPdf=Spline2:NbinsMVAPdf=50:NsmoothMVAPdf=10" );
   if (Use["FisherCat"]){
      TMVA::MethodBase* fiCat = factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kCategory, "FisherCat","" );
      TMVA::MethodCategory* mcategory = dynamic_cast<TMVA::MethodCategory*>(fiCat);
      mcategory->AddMethod( "mjj<250", "mjj:detajj:spt:", TMVA::Types::kFisher, "Fisher_Cat1", "H:!V:Fisher:VarTransform=None:CreateMVAPdfs:PDFInterpolMVAPdf=Spline2:NbinsMVAPdf=50:NsmoothMVAPdf=10" );
      mcategory->AddMethod( "mjj>=250&&mjj<350" , "mjj:detajj:spt:", TMVA::Types::kFisher, "Fisher_Cat0000", "H:!V:Fisher:VarTransform=None:CreateMVAPdfs:PDFInterpolMVAPdf=Spline2:NbinsMVAPdf=50:NsmoothMVAPdf=10" );
      mcategory->AddMethod( "mjj>=350&&mjj<450" , "mjj:detajj:spt:", TMVA::Types::kFisher, "Fisher_Cat0350", "H:!V:Fisher:VarTransform=None:CreateMVAPdfs:PDFInterpolMVAPdf=Spline2:NbinsMVAPdf=50:NsmoothMVAPdf=10" );
      mcategory->AddMethod( "mjj>=450&&mjj<550" , "mjj:detajj:spt:", TMVA::Types::kFisher, "Fisher_Cat0450", "H:!V:Fisher:VarTransform=None:CreateMVAPdfs:PDFInterpolMVAPdf=Spline2:NbinsMVAPdf=50:NsmoothMVAPdf=10" );
      mcategory->AddMethod( "mjj>=550&&mjj<750" , "mjj:detajj:spt:", TMVA::Types::kFisher, "Fisher_Cat0550", "H:!V:Fisher:VarTransform=None:CreateMVAPdfs:PDFInterpolMVAPdf=Spline2:NbinsMVAPdf=50:NsmoothMVAPdf=10" );
      mcategory->AddMethod( "mjj>=750&&mjj<1000", "mjj:detajj:spt:", TMVA::Types::kFisher, "Fisher_Cat0750", "H:!V:Fisher:VarTransform=None:CreateMVAPdfs:PDFInterpolMVAPdf=Spline2:NbinsMVAPdf=50:NsmoothMVAPdf=10" );
      mcategory->AddMethod( "mjj>=1000"         , "mjj:detajj:spt:", TMVA::Types::kFisher, "Fisher_Cat1000", "H:!V:Fisher:VarTransform=None:CreateMVAPdfs:PDFInterpolMVAPdf=Spline2:NbinsMVAPdf=50:NsmoothMVAPdf=10" );

   // Fisher with Gauss-transformed input variables
   if (Use["FisherG"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kFisher, "FisherG", "H:!V:VarTransform=Gauss" );

   // Composite classifier: ensemble (tree) of boosted Fisher classifiers
   if (Use["BoostedFisher"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kFisher, "BoostedFisher", 
                           "H:!V:Boost_Num=20:Boost_Transform=log:Boost_Type=AdaBoost:Boost_AdaBoostBeta=0.2:!Boost_DetailedMonitoring" );

   // Function discrimination analysis (FDA) -- test of various fitters - the recommended one is Minuit (or GA or SA)
   if (Use["FDA_MC"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kFDA, "FDA_MC",
                           "H:!V:Formula=(0)+(1)*x0+(2)*x1+(3)*x2+(4)*x3:ParRanges=(-1,1);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10):FitMethod=MC:SampleSize=100000:Sigma=0.1" );

   if (Use["FDA_GA"]) // can also use Simulated Annealing (SA) algorithm (see Cuts_SA options])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kFDA, "FDA_GA",
                           "H:!V:Formula=(0)+(1)*x0+(2)*x1+(3)*x2+(4)*x3:ParRanges=(-1,1);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10):FitMethod=GA:PopSize=300:Cycles=3:Steps=20:Trim=True:SaveBestGen=1" );

   if (Use["FDA_SA"]) // can also use Simulated Annealing (SA) algorithm (see Cuts_SA options])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kFDA, "FDA_SA",
                           "H:!V:Formula=(0)+(1)*x0+(2)*x1+(3)*x2+(4)*x3:ParRanges=(-1,1);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10):FitMethod=SA:MaxCalls=15000:KernelTemp=IncAdaptive:InitialTemp=1e+6:MinTemp=1e-6:Eps=1e-10:UseDefaultScale" );

   if (Use["FDA_MT"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kFDA, "FDA_MT",
                           "H:!V:Formula=(0)+(1)*x0+(2)*x1+(3)*x2+(4)*x3:ParRanges=(-1,1);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10):FitMethod=MINUIT:ErrorLevel=1:PrintLevel=-1:FitStrategy=2:UseImprove:UseMinos:SetBatch" );

   if (Use["FDA_GAMT"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kFDA, "FDA_GAMT",
                           "H:!V:Formula=(0)+(1)*x0+(2)*x1+(3)*x2+(4)*x3:ParRanges=(-1,1);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10):FitMethod=GA:Converger=MINUIT:ErrorLevel=1:PrintLevel=-1:FitStrategy=0:!UseImprove:!UseMinos:SetBatch:Cycles=1:PopSize=5:Steps=5:Trim" );

   if (Use["FDA_MCMT"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kFDA, "FDA_MCMT",
                           "H:!V:Formula=(0)+(1)*x0+(2)*x1+(3)*x2+(4)*x3:ParRanges=(-1,1);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10):FitMethod=MC:Converger=MINUIT:ErrorLevel=1:PrintLevel=-1:FitStrategy=0:!UseImprove:!UseMinos:SetBatch:SampleSize=20" );

   // TMVA ANN: MLP (recommended ANN) -- all ANNs in TMVA are Multilayer Perceptrons
   if (Use["MLP"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kMLP, "MLP", "H:!V:NeuronType=tanh:VarTransform=N:NCycles=600:HiddenLayers=N+5:TestRate=5:!UseRegulator" );

   if (Use["MLPBFGS"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kMLP, "MLPBFGS", "H:!V:NeuronType=tanh:VarTransform=N:NCycles=600:HiddenLayers=N+5:TestRate=5:TrainingMethod=BFGS:!UseRegulator" );

   if (Use["MLPBNN"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kMLP, "MLPBNN", "H:!V:NeuronType=tanh:VarTransform=N:NCycles=600:HiddenLayers=N+5:TestRate=5:TrainingMethod=BFGS:UseRegulator" ); // BFGS training with bayesian regulators

   // CF(Clermont-Ferrand)ANN
   if (Use["CFMlpANN"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kCFMlpANN, "CFMlpANN", "!H:!V:NCycles=2000:HiddenLayers=N+1,N"  ); // n_cycles:#nodes:#nodes:...  

   // Tmlp(Root)ANN
   if (Use["TMlpANN"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kTMlpANN, "TMlpANN", "!H:!V:NCycles=200:HiddenLayers=N+1,N:LearningMethod=BFGS:ValidationFraction=0.3"  ); // n_cycles:#nodes:#nodes:...

   // Support Vector Machine
   if (Use["SVM"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kSVM, "SVM", "Gamma=0.25:Tol=0.001:VarTransform=Norm" );

   // Boosted Decision Trees
   if (Use["BDTG"]) // Gradient Boost
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kBDT, "BDTG",
                           "!H:!V:NTrees=1000:MinNodeSize=1.5%:BoostType=Grad:Shrinkage=0.10:UseBaggedGrad:GradBaggingFraction=0.5:nCuts=20:MaxDepth=2" );

   if (Use["BDT"])  // Adaptive Boost
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kBDT, "BDT",
                           "!H:!V:NTrees=850:MinNodeSize=2.5%:MaxDepth=3:BoostType=AdaBoost:AdaBoostBeta=0.5:SeparationType=GiniIndex:nCuts=20" );

   if (Use["BDTB"]) // Bagging
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kBDT, "BDTB",
                           "!H:!V:NTrees=400:BoostType=Bagging:SeparationType=GiniIndex:nCuts=20" );

   if (Use["BDTD"]) // Decorrelation + Adaptive Boost
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kBDT, "BDTD",
                         //"!H:!V:NTrees=400:MinNodeSize=5%:MaxDepth=3:BoostType=AdaBoost:SeparationType=GiniIndex:nCuts=20:VarTransform=Decorrelate" );

   if (Use["BDTF"])  // Allow Using Fisher discriminant in node splitting for (strong) linearly correlated variables
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kBDT, "BDTMitFisher",
                           "!H:!V:NTrees=50:MinNodeSize=2.5%:UseFisherCuts:MaxDepth=3:BoostType=AdaBoost:AdaBoostBeta=0.5:SeparationType=GiniIndex:nCuts=20" );

   // RuleFit -- TMVA implementation of Friedman's method
   if (Use["RuleFit"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kRuleFit, "RuleFit",
                           "H:!V:RuleFitModule=RFTMVA:Model=ModRuleLinear:MinImp=0.001:RuleMinDist=0.001:NTrees=20:fEventsMin=0.01:fEventsMax=0.5:GDTau=-1.0:GDTauPrec=0.01:GDStep=0.01:GDNSteps=10000:GDErrScale=1.02" );

   // For an example of the category classifier usage, see: TMVAClassificationCategory

   // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   // ---- Now you can optimize the setting (configuration) of the MVAs using the set of training events

   // factory->OptimizeAllMethods("SigEffAt001","Scan");
   // factory->OptimizeAllMethods("ROCIntegral","FitGA");

   // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   // ---- Now you can tell the factory to train, test, and evaluate the MVAs

   // Train MVAs using the set of training events

   // ---- Evaluate all MVAs using the set of test events

   // ----- Evaluate and compare performance of all configured MVAs

   // --------------------------------------------------------------

   // Save the output

   std::cout << "==> Wrote root file: " << outputFile->GetName() << std::endl;
   std::cout << "==> TMVAClassification is done!" << std::endl;

   delete factory;

   // Launch the GUI for the root macros
   //   if (!gROOT->IsBatch()) TMVAGui( outfileName );
void TMVAClassification( TString myMethodList = "" )
   // The explicit loading of the shared libTMVA is done in TMVAlogon.C, defined in .rootrc
   // if you use your private .rootrc, or run from a different directory, please copy the
   // corresponding lines from .rootrc

   // methods to be processed can be given as an argument; use format:
   // mylinux~> root -l TMVAClassification.C\(\"myMethod1,myMethod2,myMethod3\"\)
   // if you like to use a method via the plugin mechanism, we recommend using
   // mylinux~> root -l TMVAClassification.C\(\"P_myMethod\"\)
   // (an example is given for using the BDT as plugin (see below),
   // but of course the real application is when you write your own
   // method based)

   // this loads the library

   // default MVA methods to be trained + tested
   std::map<std::string,int> Use;

   Use["Cuts"]            = 0;
   Use["CutsD"]           = 0;
   Use["CutsPCA"]         = 0;
   Use["CutsGA"]          = 0;
   Use["CutsSA"]          = 0;
   // ---
   Use["Likelihood"]      = 1;
   Use["LikelihoodD"]     = 0; // the "D" extension indicates decorrelated input variables (see option strings)
   Use["LikelihoodPCA"]   = 0; // the "PCA" extension indicates PCA-transformed input variables (see option strings)
   Use["LikelihoodKDE"]   = 0;
   Use["LikelihoodMIX"]   = 0;
   // ---
   Use["PDERS"]           = 0;
   Use["PDERSD"]          = 0;
   Use["PDERSPCA"]        = 0;
   Use["PDERSkNN"]        = 0; // depreciated until further notice
   Use["PDEFoam"]         = 0;
   // --
   Use["KNN"]             = 0;
   // ---
   Use["HMatrix"]         = 0;
   Use["Fisher"]          = 0;
   Use["FisherG"]         = 0;
   Use["BoostedFisher"]   = 0;
   Use["LD"]              = 0;
   // ---
   Use["FDA_GA"]          = 0;
   Use["FDA_SA"]          = 0;
   Use["FDA_MC"]          = 0;
   Use["FDA_MT"]          = 0;
   Use["FDA_GAMT"]        = 0;
   Use["FDA_MCMT"]        = 0;
   // ---
   Use["MLP"]             = 0; // this is the recommended ANN
   Use["MLPBFGS"]         = 0; // recommended ANN with optional training method
   Use["MLPBNN"]          = 0;  // recommended ANN with BFGS training method and bayesian regulator
   Use["CFMlpANN"]        = 0; // *** missing
   Use["TMlpANN"]         = 0;
   // ---
   Use["SVM"]             = 0;
   // ---
   Use["BDT"]             = 1;
   Use["BDTD"]            = 0;
   Use["BDTG"]            = 0;
   Use["BDTB"]            = 0;
   // ---
   Use["RuleFit"]         = 0;
   // ---
   Use["Plugin"]          = 0;
   // ---------------------------------------------------------------

   std::cout << std::endl;
   std::cout << "==> Start TMVAClassification" << std::endl;

   if (myMethodList != "") {
      for (std::map<std::string,int>::iterator it = Use.begin(); it != Use.end(); it++) it->second = 0;

      std::vector<TString> mlist = TMVA::gTools().SplitString( myMethodList, ',' );
      for (UInt_t i=0; i<mlist.size(); i++) {
         std::string regMethod(mlist[i]);

         if (Use.find(regMethod) == Use.end()) {
            std::cout << "Method \"" << regMethod << "\" not known in TMVA under this name. Choose among the following:" << std::endl;
            for (std::map<std::string,int>::iterator it = Use.begin(); it != Use.end(); it++) std::cout << it->first << " ";
            std::cout << std::endl;
         Use[regMethod] = 0;

   // Create a new root output file.
   TString outfileName( "TMVA.root" );
   TFile* outputFile = TFile::Open( outfileName, "RECREATE" );

   // Create the factory object. Later you can choose the methods
   // whose performance you'd like to investigate. The factory will
   // then run the performance analysis for you.
   // The first argument is the base of the name of all the
   // weightfiles in the directory weight/
   // The second argument is the output file for the training results
   // All TMVA output can be suppressed by removing the "!" (not) in
   // front of the "Silent" argument in the option string
   TMVA::Factory *factory = new TMVA::Factory( "TMVAClassification", outputFile,
                                               "!V:!Silent:Color:DrawProgressBar:Transformations=I;D;P;G,D:AnalysisType=Classification" );

   // If you wish to modify default settings
   // (please check "src/Config.h" to see all available global options)
   //    (TMVA::gConfig().GetVariablePlotting()).fTimesRMS = 8.0;
   //    (TMVA::gConfig().GetIONames()).fWeightFileDir = "myWeightDirectory";

   // Define the input variables that shall be used for the MVA training
   // note that you may also use variable expressions, such as: "3*var1/var2*abs(var3)"
   // [all types of expressions that can also be parsed by TTree::Draw( "expression" )]
//   factory->AddVariable( "myvar1 := var1+var2", 'F' );
//   factory->AddVariable( "myvar2 := var1-var2", "Expression 2", "", 'F' );
//   factory->AddVariable( "var3",                "Variable 3", "units", 'F' );
//   factory->AddVariable( "var4",                "Variable 4", "units", 'F' );

   // You can add so-called "Spectator variables", which are not used in the MVA training,
   // but will appear in the final "TestTree" produced by TMVA. This TestTree will contain the
   // input variables, the response values of all trained MVAs, and the spectator variables
//   factory->AddSpectator( "spec1:=var1*2",  "Spectator 1", "units", 'F' );
//   factory->AddSpectator( "spec2:=var1*3",  "Spectator 2", "units", 'F' );

   // read training and test data



   if (ReadDataFromAsciiIFormat) {
      // load the signal and background event samples from ascii files
      // format in file must be:
      // var1/F:var2/F:var3/F:var4/F
      // 0.04551   0.59923   0.32400   -0.19170
      // ...

      TString datFileS = "tmva_example_sig.dat";
      TString datFileB = "tmva_example_bkg.dat";

      factory->SetInputTrees( datFileS, datFileB );
   else {
      // load the signal and background event samples from ROOT trees
      TString fname = "./tmva_class_example.root";

      TString fname_Data7TeV_DoubleElectron2011B_0 = "/tmp/chasco/INIT/HADD/TMVA/Trees_FUSION2/ZZ_vs_nonZZ//Data7TeV_DoubleElectron2011B_0.root";

      TString fname_Data7TeV_MuEG2011B_0 = "/tmp/chasco/INIT/HADD/TMVA/Trees_FUSION2/ZZ_vs_nonZZ//Data7TeV_MuEG2011B_0.root";

      TString fname_ZH125 = "/tmp/chasco/INIT/HADD/TMVA/Trees_FUSION2/ZZ_vs_nonZZ//ZH125.root";

      TString fname_SingleT_tW = "/tmp/chasco/INIT/HADD/TMVA/Trees_FUSION2/ZZ_vs_nonZZ//SingleT_tW.root";

      TString fname_SingleT_s = "/tmp/chasco/INIT/HADD/TMVA/Trees_FUSION2/ZZ_vs_nonZZ//SingleT_s.root";

      TString fname_Data7TeV_DoubleMu2011B_0 = "/tmp/chasco/INIT/HADD/TMVA/Trees_FUSION2/ZZ_vs_nonZZ//Data7TeV_DoubleMu2011B_0.root";

      TString fname_Data7TeV_DoubleElectron2011A_0 = "/tmp/chasco/INIT/HADD/TMVA/Trees_FUSION2/ZZ_vs_nonZZ//Data7TeV_DoubleElectron2011A_0.root";

      TString fname_ZH135 = "/tmp/chasco/INIT/HADD/TMVA/Trees_FUSION2/ZZ_vs_nonZZ//ZH135.root";

      TString fname_DYJetsToLL = "/tmp/chasco/INIT/HADD/TMVA/Trees_FUSION2/ZZ_vs_nonZZ//DYJetsToLL.root";

      TString fname_ZH115 = "/tmp/chasco/INIT/HADD/TMVA/Trees_FUSION2/ZZ_vs_nonZZ//ZH115.root";

      TString fname_SingleTbar_t = "/tmp/chasco/INIT/HADD/TMVA/Trees_FUSION2/ZZ_vs_nonZZ//SingleTbar_t.root";

      TString fname_Data7TeV_DoubleElectron2011B_1 = "/tmp/chasco/INIT/HADD/TMVA/Trees_FUSION2/ZZ_vs_nonZZ//Data7TeV_DoubleElectron2011B_1.root";

      TString fname_Data7TeV_DoubleMu2011A_1 = "/tmp/chasco/INIT/HADD/TMVA/Trees_FUSION2/ZZ_vs_nonZZ//Data7TeV_DoubleMu2011A_1.root";

      TString fname_Data7TeV_MuEG2011A_1 = "/tmp/chasco/INIT/HADD/TMVA/Trees_FUSION2/ZZ_vs_nonZZ//Data7TeV_MuEG2011A_1.root";

      TString fname_TTJets = "/tmp/chasco/INIT/HADD/TMVA/Trees_FUSION2/ZZ_vs_nonZZ//TTJets.root";

      TString fname_SingleTbar_s = "/tmp/chasco/INIT/HADD/TMVA/Trees_FUSION2/ZZ_vs_nonZZ//SingleTbar_s.root";

      TString fname_WJetsToLNu = "/tmp/chasco/INIT/HADD/TMVA/Trees_FUSION2/ZZ_vs_nonZZ//WJetsToLNu.root";

      TString fname_Data7TeV_DoubleElectron2011A_1 = "/tmp/chasco/INIT/HADD/TMVA/Trees_FUSION2/ZZ_vs_nonZZ//Data7TeV_DoubleElectron2011A_1.root";

      TString fname_ZZ = "/tmp/chasco/INIT/HADD/TMVA/Trees_FUSION2/ZZ_vs_nonZZ//ZZ.root";

      TString fname_ZH150 = "/tmp/chasco/INIT/HADD/TMVA/Trees_FUSION2/ZZ_vs_nonZZ//ZH150.root";

      TString fname_Data7TeV_MuEG2011B_1 = "/tmp/chasco/INIT/HADD/TMVA/Trees_FUSION2/ZZ_vs_nonZZ//Data7TeV_MuEG2011B_1.root";

      TString fname_WW = "/tmp/chasco/INIT/HADD/TMVA/Trees_FUSION2/ZZ_vs_nonZZ//WW.root";

      TString fname_ZH105 = "/tmp/chasco/INIT/HADD/TMVA/Trees_FUSION2/ZZ_vs_nonZZ//ZH105.root";

      TString fname_Data7TeV_DoubleMu2011A_0 = "/tmp/chasco/INIT/HADD/TMVA/Trees_FUSION2/ZZ_vs_nonZZ//Data7TeV_DoubleMu2011A_0.root";

      TString fname_SingleTbar_tW = "/tmp/chasco/INIT/HADD/TMVA/Trees_FUSION2/ZZ_vs_nonZZ//SingleTbar_tW.root";

      TString fname_WZ = "/tmp/chasco/INIT/HADD/TMVA/Trees_FUSION2/ZZ_vs_nonZZ//WZ.root";

      TString fname_Data7TeV_MuEG2011A_0 = "/tmp/chasco/INIT/HADD/TMVA/Trees_FUSION2/ZZ_vs_nonZZ//Data7TeV_MuEG2011A_0.root";

      TString fname_Data7TeV_DoubleMu2011B_1 = "/tmp/chasco/INIT/HADD/TMVA/Trees_FUSION2/ZZ_vs_nonZZ//Data7TeV_DoubleMu2011B_1.root";

      TString fname_ZH145 = "/tmp/chasco/INIT/HADD/TMVA/Trees_FUSION2/ZZ_vs_nonZZ//ZH145.root";

      TString fname_SingleT_t = "/tmp/chasco/INIT/HADD/TMVA/Trees_FUSION2/ZZ_vs_nonZZ//SingleT_t.root";

      if (gSystem->AccessPathName( fname ))  // file does not exist in local directory
         gSystem->Exec("wget http://root.cern.ch/files/tmva_class_example.root");

      TFile *input_Data7TeV_DoubleElectron2011B_0 = TFile::Open( fname_Data7TeV_DoubleElectron2011B_0 );

      TFile *input_Data7TeV_MuEG2011B_0 = TFile::Open( fname_Data7TeV_MuEG2011B_0 );

      TFile *input_ZH125 = TFile::Open( fname_ZH125 );

      TFile *input_SingleT_tW = TFile::Open( fname_SingleT_tW );

      TFile *input_SingleT_s = TFile::Open( fname_SingleT_s );

      TFile *input_Data7TeV_DoubleMu2011B_0 = TFile::Open( fname_Data7TeV_DoubleMu2011B_0 );

      TFile *input_Data7TeV_DoubleElectron2011A_0 = TFile::Open( fname_Data7TeV_DoubleElectron2011A_0 );

      TFile *input_ZH135 = TFile::Open( fname_ZH135 );

      TFile *input_DYJetsToLL = TFile::Open( fname_DYJetsToLL );

      TFile *input_ZH115 = TFile::Open( fname_ZH115 );

      TFile *input_SingleTbar_t = TFile::Open( fname_SingleTbar_t );

      TFile *input_Data7TeV_DoubleElectron2011B_1 = TFile::Open( fname_Data7TeV_DoubleElectron2011B_1 );

      TFile *input_Data7TeV_DoubleMu2011A_1 = TFile::Open( fname_Data7TeV_DoubleMu2011A_1 );

      TFile *input_Data7TeV_MuEG2011A_1 = TFile::Open( fname_Data7TeV_MuEG2011A_1 );

      TFile *input_TTJets = TFile::Open( fname_TTJets );

      TFile *input_SingleTbar_s = TFile::Open( fname_SingleTbar_s );

      TFile *input_WJetsToLNu = TFile::Open( fname_WJetsToLNu );

      TFile *input_Data7TeV_DoubleElectron2011A_1 = TFile::Open( fname_Data7TeV_DoubleElectron2011A_1 );

      TFile *input_ZZ = TFile::Open( fname_ZZ );

      TFile *input_ZH150 = TFile::Open( fname_ZH150 );

      TFile *input_Data7TeV_MuEG2011B_1 = TFile::Open( fname_Data7TeV_MuEG2011B_1 );

      TFile *input_WW = TFile::Open( fname_WW );

      TFile *input_ZH105 = TFile::Open( fname_ZH105 );

      TFile *input_Data7TeV_DoubleMu2011A_0 = TFile::Open( fname_Data7TeV_DoubleMu2011A_0 );

      TFile *input_SingleTbar_tW = TFile::Open( fname_SingleTbar_tW );

      TFile *input_WZ = TFile::Open( fname_WZ );

      TFile *input_Data7TeV_MuEG2011A_0 = TFile::Open( fname_Data7TeV_MuEG2011A_0 );

      TFile *input_Data7TeV_DoubleMu2011B_1 = TFile::Open( fname_Data7TeV_DoubleMu2011B_1 );

      TFile *input_ZH145 = TFile::Open( fname_ZH145 );

      TFile *input_SingleT_t = TFile::Open( fname_SingleT_t );

      std::cout << "--- TMVAClassification       : Using input_Data7TeV_DoubleElectron2011B_0 file: " << input_Data7TeV_DoubleElectron2011B_0->GetName() << std::endl;

      std::cout << "--- TMVAClassification       : Using input_Data7TeV_MuEG2011B_0 file: " << input_Data7TeV_MuEG2011B_0->GetName() << std::endl;

      std::cout << "--- TMVAClassification       : Using input_ZH125 file: " << input_ZH125->GetName() << std::endl;

      std::cout << "--- TMVAClassification       : Using input_SingleT_tW file: " << input_SingleT_tW->GetName() << std::endl;

      std::cout << "--- TMVAClassification       : Using input_SingleT_s file: " << input_SingleT_s->GetName() << std::endl;

      std::cout << "--- TMVAClassification       : Using input_Data7TeV_DoubleMu2011B_0 file: " << input_Data7TeV_DoubleMu2011B_0->GetName() << std::endl;

      std::cout << "--- TMVAClassification       : Using input_Data7TeV_DoubleElectron2011A_0 file: " << input_Data7TeV_DoubleElectron2011A_0->GetName() << std::endl;

      std::cout << "--- TMVAClassification       : Using input_ZH135 file: " << input_ZH135->GetName() << std::endl;

      std::cout << "--- TMVAClassification       : Using input_DYJetsToLL file: " << input_DYJetsToLL->GetName() << std::endl;

      std::cout << "--- TMVAClassification       : Using input_ZH115 file: " << input_ZH115->GetName() << std::endl;

      std::cout << "--- TMVAClassification       : Using input_SingleTbar_t file: " << input_SingleTbar_t->GetName() << std::endl;

      std::cout << "--- TMVAClassification       : Using input_Data7TeV_DoubleElectron2011B_1 file: " << input_Data7TeV_DoubleElectron2011B_1->GetName() << std::endl;

      std::cout << "--- TMVAClassification       : Using input_Data7TeV_DoubleMu2011A_1 file: " << input_Data7TeV_DoubleMu2011A_1->GetName() << std::endl;

      std::cout << "--- TMVAClassification       : Using input_Data7TeV_MuEG2011A_1 file: " << input_Data7TeV_MuEG2011A_1->GetName() << std::endl;

      std::cout << "--- TMVAClassification       : Using input_TTJets file: " << input_TTJets->GetName() << std::endl;

      std::cout << "--- TMVAClassification       : Using input_SingleTbar_s file: " << input_SingleTbar_s->GetName() << std::endl;

      std::cout << "--- TMVAClassification       : Using input_WJetsToLNu file: " << input_WJetsToLNu->GetName() << std::endl;

      std::cout << "--- TMVAClassification       : Using input_Data7TeV_DoubleElectron2011A_1 file: " << input_Data7TeV_DoubleElectron2011A_1->GetName() << std::endl;

      std::cout << "--- TMVAClassification       : Using input_ZZ file: " << input_ZZ->GetName() << std::endl;

      std::cout << "--- TMVAClassification       : Using input_ZH150 file: " << input_ZH150->GetName() << std::endl;

      std::cout << "--- TMVAClassification       : Using input_Data7TeV_MuEG2011B_1 file: " << input_Data7TeV_MuEG2011B_1->GetName() << std::endl;

      std::cout << "--- TMVAClassification       : Using input_WW file: " << input_WW->GetName() << std::endl;

      std::cout << "--- TMVAClassification       : Using input_ZH105 file: " << input_ZH105->GetName() << std::endl;

      std::cout << "--- TMVAClassification       : Using input_Data7TeV_DoubleMu2011A_0 file: " << input_Data7TeV_DoubleMu2011A_0->GetName() << std::endl;

      std::cout << "--- TMVAClassification       : Using input_SingleTbar_tW file: " << input_SingleTbar_tW->GetName() << std::endl;

      std::cout << "--- TMVAClassification       : Using input_WZ file: " << input_WZ->GetName() << std::endl;

      std::cout << "--- TMVAClassification       : Using input_Data7TeV_MuEG2011A_0 file: " << input_Data7TeV_MuEG2011A_0->GetName() << std::endl;

      std::cout << "--- TMVAClassification       : Using input_Data7TeV_DoubleMu2011B_1 file: " << input_Data7TeV_DoubleMu2011B_1->GetName() << std::endl;

      std::cout << "--- TMVAClassification       : Using input_ZH145 file: " << input_ZH145->GetName() << std::endl;

      std::cout << "--- TMVAClassification       : Using input_SingleT_t file: " << input_SingleT_t->GetName() << std::endl;

      TTree *signal_ZH145     = (TTree*)input_ZH145->Get("tmvatree");

      TTree *background_ZZ = (TTree*)input_ZZ->Get("tmvatree");

      // global event weights per tree (see below for setting event-wise weights)
      Double_t signalWeight     = 1.0;
      Double_t backgroundWeight = 1.0;

      // ====== register trees ====================================================
      // the following method is the prefered one:
      // you can add an arbitrary number of signal or background trees
      factory->AddSignalTree    ( signal_ZH145,     1.0     );

      factory->AddBackgroundTree( background_ZZ, 1.0 );

      // To give different trees for training and testing, do as follows:
      //    factory->AddSignalTree( signal_ZH145TrainingTree, signal_ZH145TrainWeight, "Training" );

      //    factory->AddSignalTree( signal_ZH145TestTree,     signal_ZH145TestWeight,  "Test" );

      // Use the following code instead of the above two or four lines to add signal and background
      // training and test events "by hand"
      // NOTE that in this case one should not give expressions (such as "var1+var2") in the input
      //      variable definition, but simply compute the expression before adding the event
      //    // --- begin ----------------------------------------------------------
      //    std::vector<Double_t> vars( 4 ); // vector has size of number of input variables
      //    Float_t  treevars[4];
      //    for (Int_t ivar=0; ivar<4; ivar++) signal->SetBranchAddress( Form( "var%i", ivar+1 ), &(treevars[ivar]) );
      //    for (Int_t i=0; i<signal->GetEntries(); i++) {
      //       signal->GetEntry(i);
      //       for (Int_t ivar=0; ivar<4; ivar++) vars[ivar] = treevars[ivar];
      //       // add training and test events; here: first half is training, second is testing
      //       // note that the weight can also be event-wise
      //       if (i < signal->GetEntries()/2) factory->AddSignalTrainingEvent( vars, signalWeight );
      //       else                            factory->AddSignalTestEvent    ( vars, signalWeight );
      //    }
      //    for (Int_t ivar=0; ivar<4; ivar++) background->SetBranchAddress( Form( "var%i", ivar+1 ), &(treevars[ivar]) );
      //    for (Int_t i=0; i<background->GetEntries(); i++) {
      //       background->GetEntry(i);
      //       for (Int_t ivar=0; ivar<4; ivar++) vars[ivar] = treevars[ivar];
      //       // add training and test events; here: first half is training, second is testing
      //       // note that the weight can also be event-wise
      //       if (i < background->GetEntries()/2) factory->AddBackgroundTrainingEvent( vars, backgroundWeight );
      //       else                                factory->AddBackgroundTestEvent    ( vars, backgroundWeight );
      //    }
      //    // --- end ------------------------------------------------------------
      // ====== end of register trees ==============================================

   // This would set individual event weights (the variables defined in the
   // expression need to exist in the original TTree)
   //    for signal    : factory->SetSignalWeightExpression("weight1*weight2");
   //    for background: factory->SetBackgroundWeightExpression("weight1*weight2");

   // Apply additional cuts on the signal and background samples (can be different)
TCut mycuts = "(CUT>2)";
TCut mycutb = "(CUT>2)";

   // tell the factory to use all remaining events in the trees after training for testing:

 factory->PrepareTrainingAndTestTree( mycuts, "SplitMode=random:!V" );
//                                        "nTrain_Signal=0:nTrain_Background=0:SplitMode=Random:NormMode=NumEvents:!V" );

   // If no numbers of events are given, half of the events in the tree are used for training, and
   // the other half for testing:
   //    factory->PrepareTrainingAndTestTree( mycut, "SplitMode=random:!V" );
   // To also specify the number of testing events, use:
   //    factory->PrepareTrainingAndTestTree( mycut,
   //                                         "NSigTrain=3000:NBkgTrain=3000:NSigTest=3000:NBkgTest=3000:SplitMode=Random:!V" );

   // ---- Book MVA methods
   // please lookup the various method configuration options in the corresponding cxx files, eg:
   // src/MethoCuts.cxx, etc, or here: http://tmva.sourceforge.net/optionRef.html
   // it is possible to preset ranges in the option string in which the cut optimisation should be done:
   // "...:CutRangeMin[2]=-1:CutRangeMax[2]=1"...", where [2] is the third input variable

   // Cut optimisation
   if (Use["Cuts"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kCuts, "Cuts",
                           "!H:!V:FitMethod=MC:EffSel:SampleSize=200000:VarProp=FSmart" );

   if (Use["CutsD"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kCuts, "CutsD",
                           "!H:!V:FitMethod=MC:EffSel:SampleSize=200000:VarProp=FSmart:VarTransform=Decorrelate" );

   if (Use["CutsPCA"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kCuts, "CutsPCA",
                           "!H:!V:FitMethod=MC:EffSel:SampleSize=200000:VarProp=FSmart:VarTransform=PCA" );

   if (Use["CutsGA"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kCuts, "CutsGA",
                           "H:!V:FitMethod=GA:Seed=0:EffSel:Steps=50:Cycles=3:PopSize=1000:SC_steps=10:SC_rate=5:SC_factor=0.95" );

   if (Use["CutsSA"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kCuts, "CutsSA",
                           "!H:!V:FitMethod=SA:EffSel:MaxCalls=150000:KernelTemp=IncAdaptive:InitialTemp=1e+6:MinTemp=1e-6:Eps=1e-10:UseDefaultScale" );

   // Likelihood
   if (Use["Likelihood"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kLikelihood, "Likelihood",
                           "H:!V:!TransformOutput:PDFInterpol=Spline2:NSmoothBkg[1]=10:NSmooth=1:NAvEvtPerBin=50" );

   // test the decorrelated likelihood
   if (Use["LikelihoodD"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kLikelihood, "LikelihoodD",
                           "!H:!V:!TransformOutput:PDFInterpol=Spline2:NSmooth=5:NAvEvtPerBin=50:VarTransform=Decorrelate" );

   if (Use["LikelihoodPCA"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kLikelihood, "LikelihoodPCA",
                           "!H:!V:!TransformOutput:PDFInterpol=Spline2:NSmooth=5:NAvEvtPerBin=50:VarTransform=PCA" ); 

   // test the new kernel density estimator
   if (Use["LikelihoodKDE"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kLikelihood, "LikelihoodKDE",
                           "!H:!V:!TransformOutput:PDFInterpol=KDE:KDEtype=Gauss:KDEiter=Adaptive:KDEFineFactor=0.3:KDEborder=None:NAvEvtPerBin=50" ); 

   // test the mixed splines and kernel density estimator (depending on which variable)
   if (Use["LikelihoodMIX"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kLikelihood, "LikelihoodMIX",
                           "!H:!V:!TransformOutput:PDFInterpolSig[0]=KDE:PDFInterpolBkg[0]=KDE:PDFInterpolSig[1]=KDE:PDFInterpolBkg[1]=KDE:PDFInterpolSig[2]=Spline2:PDFInterpolBkg[2]=Spline2:PDFInterpolSig[3]=Spline2:PDFInterpolBkg[3]=Spline2:KDEtype=Gauss:KDEiter=Nonadaptive:KDEborder=None:NAvEvtPerBin=50" ); 

   // test the multi-dimensional probability density estimator
   // here are the options strings for the MinMax and RMS methods, respectively:
   //      "!H:!V:VolumeRangeMode=MinMax:DeltaFrac=0.2:KernelEstimator=Gauss:GaussSigma=0.3" );
   //      "!H:!V:VolumeRangeMode=RMS:DeltaFrac=3:KernelEstimator=Gauss:GaussSigma=0.3" );
   if (Use["PDERS"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kPDERS, "PDERS",
                           "!H:!V:NormTree=T:VolumeRangeMode=Adaptive:KernelEstimator=Gauss:GaussSigma=0.3:NEventsMin=400:NEventsMax=600" );

   if (Use["PDERSkNN"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kPDERS, "PDERSkNN",
                           "!H:!V:VolumeRangeMode=kNN:KernelEstimator=Gauss:GaussSigma=0.3:NEventsMin=400:NEventsMax=600" );

   if (Use["PDERSD"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kPDERS, "PDERSD",
                           "!H:!V:VolumeRangeMode=Adaptive:KernelEstimator=Gauss:GaussSigma=0.3:NEventsMin=400:NEventsMax=600:VarTransform=Decorrelate" );

   if (Use["PDERSPCA"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kPDERS, "PDERSPCA",
                           "!H:!V:VolumeRangeMode=Adaptive:KernelEstimator=Gauss:GaussSigma=0.3:NEventsMin=400:NEventsMax=600:VarTransform=PCA" );

   // Multi-dimensional likelihood estimator using self-adapting phase-space binning
   if (Use["PDEFoam"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kPDEFoam, "PDEFoam",
                           "H:!V:SigBgSeparate=F:TailCut=0.001:VolFrac=0.0333:nActiveCells=500:nSampl=2000:nBin=5:CutNmin=T:Nmin=100:Kernel=None:Compress=T" );

   // K-Nearest Neighbour classifier (KNN)
   if (Use["KNN"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kKNN, "KNN",
                           "H:nkNN=20:ScaleFrac=0.8:SigmaFact=1.0:Kernel=Gaus:UseKernel=F:UseWeight=T:!Trim" );
   // H-Matrix (chi2-squared) method
   if (Use["HMatrix"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kHMatrix, "HMatrix", "!H:!V" );

   // Fisher discriminant
   if (Use["Fisher"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kFisher, "Fisher", "H:!V:Fisher:CreateMVAPdfs:PDFInterpolMVAPdf=Spline2:NbinsMVAPdf=60:NsmoothMVAPdf=10" );

   // Fisher with Gauss-transformed input variables
   if (Use["FisherG"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kFisher, "FisherG", "H:!V:VarTransform=Gauss" );

   // Composite classifier: ensemble (tree) of boosted Fisher classifiers
   if (Use["BoostedFisher"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kFisher, "BoostedFisher", "H:!V:Boost_Num=20:Boost_Transform=log:Boost_Type=AdaBoost:Boost_AdaBoostBeta=0.2");

   // Linear discriminant (same as Fisher)
   if (Use["LD"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kLD, "LD", "H:!V:VarTransform=None" );

   // Function discrimination analysis (FDA) -- test of various fitters - the recommended one is Minuit (or GA or SA)
   if (Use["FDA_MC"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kFDA, "FDA_MC",
                           "H:!V:Formula=(0)+(1)*x0+(2)*x1+(3)*x2+(4)*x3:ParRanges=(-1,1);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10):FitMethod=MC:SampleSize=100000:Sigma=0.1" );

   if (Use["FDA_GA"]) // can also use Simulated Annealing (SA) algorithm (see Cuts_SA options])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kFDA, "FDA_GA",
                           "H:!V:Formula=(0)+(1)*x0+(2)*x1+(3)*x2+(4)*x3:ParRanges=(-1,1);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10):FitMethod=GA:PopSize=300:Cycles=3:Steps=20:Trim=True:SaveBestGen=1" );

   if (Use["FDA_SA"]) // can also use Simulated Annealing (SA) algorithm (see Cuts_SA options])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kFDA, "FDA_SA",
                           "H:!V:Formula=(0)+(1)*x0+(2)*x1+(3)*x2+(4)*x3:ParRanges=(-1,1);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10):FitMethod=SA:MaxCalls=15000:KernelTemp=IncAdaptive:InitialTemp=1e+6:MinTemp=1e-6:Eps=1e-10:UseDefaultScale" );

   if (Use["FDA_MT"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kFDA, "FDA_MT",
                           "H:!V:Formula=(0)+(1)*x0+(2)*x1+(3)*x2+(4)*x3:ParRanges=(-1,1);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10):FitMethod=MINUIT:ErrorLevel=1:PrintLevel=-1:FitStrategy=2:UseImprove:UseMinos:SetBatch" );

   if (Use["FDA_GAMT"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kFDA, "FDA_GAMT",
                           "H:!V:Formula=(0)+(1)*x0+(2)*x1+(3)*x2+(4)*x3:ParRanges=(-1,1);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10):FitMethod=GA:Converger=MINUIT:ErrorLevel=1:PrintLevel=-1:FitStrategy=0:!UseImprove:!UseMinos:SetBatch:Cycles=1:PopSize=5:Steps=5:Trim" );

   if (Use["FDA_MCMT"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kFDA, "FDA_MCMT",
                           "H:!V:Formula=(0)+(1)*x0+(2)*x1+(3)*x2+(4)*x3:ParRanges=(-1,1);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10):FitMethod=MC:Converger=MINUIT:ErrorLevel=1:PrintLevel=-1:FitStrategy=0:!UseImprove:!UseMinos:SetBatch:SampleSize=20" );

   // TMVA ANN: MLP (recommended ANN) -- all ANNs in TMVA are Multilayer Perceptrons
   if (Use["MLP"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kMLP, "MLP", "H:!V:NeuronType=tanh:VarTransform=N:NCycles=600:HiddenLayers=N+5:TestRate=5:!UseRegulator" );

   if (Use["MLPBFGS"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kMLP, "MLPBFGS", "H:!V:NeuronType=tanh:VarTransform=N:NCycles=600:HiddenLayers=N+5:TestRate=5:TrainingMethod=BFGS:!UseRegulator" );

   if (Use["MLPBNN"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kMLP, "MLPBNN", "H:!V:NeuronType=tanh:VarTransform=N:NCycles=600:HiddenLayers=N+5:TestRate=5:TrainingMethod=BFGS:UseRegulator" ); // BFGS training with bayesian regulators

   // CF(Clermont-Ferrand)ANN
   if (Use["CFMlpANN"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kCFMlpANN, "CFMlpANN", "!H:!V:NCycles=2000:HiddenLayers=N+1,N"  ); // n_cycles:#nodes:#nodes:...  

   // Tmlp(Root)ANN
   if (Use["TMlpANN"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kTMlpANN, "TMlpANN", "!H:!V:NCycles=200:HiddenLayers=N+1,N:LearningMethod=BFGS:ValidationFraction=0.3"  ); // n_cycles:#nodes:#nodes:...

   // Support Vector Machine
   if (Use["SVM"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kSVM, "SVM", "Gamma=0.25:Tol=0.001:VarTransform=Norm" );

   // Boosted Decision Trees
   if (Use["BDTG"]) // Gradient Boost
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kBDT, "BDTG",
                           "!H:!V:NTrees=1000:BoostType=Grad:Shrinkage=0.30:UseBaggedGrad:GradBaggingFraction=0.6:SeparationType=GiniIndex:nCuts=20:NNodesMax=5" );

   if (Use["BDT"])  // Adaptive Boost
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kBDT, "BDT",
                           "!H:!V:NTrees=1000:nEventsMin=400:MaxDepth=6:BoostType=AdaBoost:SeparationType=GiniIndex:nCuts=20:PruneMethod=NoPruning" );

   if (Use["BDTB"]) // Bagging
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kBDT, "BDTB",
                           "!H:!V:NTrees=1000:BoostType=Bagging:SeparationType=GiniIndex:nCuts=20:PruneMethod=NoPruning" );

   if (Use["BDTD"]) // Decorrelation + Adaptive Boost
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kBDT, "BDTD",
                           "!H:!V:NTrees=1000:nEventsMin=400:MaxDepth=6:BoostType=AdaBoost:SeparationType=GiniIndex:nCuts=20:PruneMethod=NoPruning:VarTransform=Decorrelate" );

   // RuleFit -- TMVA implementation of Friedman's method
   if (Use["RuleFit"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kRuleFit, "RuleFit",
                           "H:!V:RuleFitModule=RFTMVA:Model=ModRuleLinear:MinImp=0.001:RuleMinDist=0.001:NTrees=20:fEventsMin=0.01:fEventsMax=0.5:GDTau=-1.0:GDTauPrec=0.01:GDStep=0.01:GDNSteps=10000:GDErrScale=1.02" );

   // For an example of the category classifier, see: TMVAClassificationCategory

   // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   // As an example how to use the ROOT plugin mechanism, book BDT via
   // plugin mechanism
   if (Use["Plugin"]) {
         // first the plugin has to be defined, which can happen either through the following line in the local or global .rootrc:
         // # plugin handler          plugin name(regexp) class to be instanciated library        constructor format
         // Plugin.TMVA@@MethodBase:  ^BDT                TMVA::MethodBDT          TMVA.1         "MethodBDT(TString,TString,DataSet&,TString)"
         // or by telling the global plugin manager directly
      gPluginMgr->AddHandler("TMVA@@MethodBase", "BDT", "TMVA::MethodBDT", "TMVA.1", "MethodBDT(TString,TString,DataSet&,TString)");
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kPlugins, "BDT",
                           "!H:!V:NTrees=1000:BoostType=AdaBoost:SeparationType=GiniIndex:nCuts=20:PruneMethod=CostComplexity:PruneStrength=50" );

   // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   // ---- Now you can tell the factory to train, test, and evaluate the MVAs

   // Train MVAs using the set of training events

   // ---- Evaluate all MVAs using the set of test events

   // ----- Evaluate and compare performance of all configured MVAs

   // --------------------------------------------------------------

   // Save the output

   std::cout << "==> Wrote root file: " << outputFile->GetName() << std::endl;
   std::cout << "==> TMVAClassification is done!" << std::endl;

   delete factory;

   // Launch the GUI for the root macros

Example #9
void Reg(){
  std::cout << "==> Start TMVARegression" << std::endl;
  ifstream myfile; 

  ostringstream xcS,xcH,xcP,xcC,xcN;  
  double xS,xH,xC,xN,xP;



  //Output file 
  TString outfileName( "Ex1out_FullW_def.root" );
  TFile* outputFile = TFile::Open( outfileName, "RECREATE" );
  //Declaring the factory
  TMVA::Factory *factory = new TMVA::Factory( "TMVAClassification", outputFile, 
					      "!V:!Silent:Color:DrawProgressBar" );
  //Declaring Input Varibles 
  factory->AddVariable( "Sieie",'F');
  factory->AddVariable( "ToE", 'F' );
  factory->AddVariable( "isoC",'F' );
  factory->AddVariable( "isoN",'F' );
  factory->AddVariable( "isoP",'F' );
  TString fname = "../../CutTMVATrees_Barrel.root";
  input = TFile::Open( fname );
  // --- Register the regression tree
  TTree *signal = (TTree*)input->Get("t_S");
  TTree *background = (TTree*)input->Get("t_B");
  //Just Some more settings
   Double_t signalWeight      = 1.0; 
   Double_t backgroundWeight  = 1.0; 

   // You can add an arbitrary number of regression trees
   factory->AddSignalTree( signal, signalWeight );
   factory->AddBackgroundTree( background , backgroundWeight );
   TCut mycuts ="";
   TCut mycutb ="";

   // factory->PrepareTrainingAndTestTree(mycuts,mycutb,"nTrain_Signal=9000:nTrain_Background=9000:nTest_Signal=10000:nTest_Background=10000");


   TString methodName = "Cuts_FullsampleW_def";
   TString methodOptions ="!H:!V:FitMethod=GA:EffMethod=EffSEl"; 
   methodOptions +=":VarProp[0]=FMin:VarProp[1]=FMin:VarProp[2]=FMin:VarProp[3]=FMin:VarProp[4]=FMin";
   methodOptions +=":CutRangeMax[0]="+xcS.str(); 
   methodOptions +=":CutRangeMax[1]="+xcH.str();
   methodOptions +=":CutRangeMax[2]="+xcC.str();
   methodOptions +=":CutRangeMax[3]="+xcN.str();
   methodOptions +=":CutRangeMax[4]="+xcP.str();

   // --------------------------------------------------------------
   // Save the output

   std::cout << "==> Wrote root file: " << outputFile->GetName() << std::endl;
   std::cout << "==> TMVARegression is done!" << std::endl;      
   delete factory;

int main(int argc, char* argv[]){

	// Configurable parameters
	// int max_events;                 // Maximum number of events to process
	//string filelist;                // The file containing a list of files to use as input
	//string input_prefix;            // A prefix that will be added to the path of each input file
	string folder;
	string output_name;             // Name of the ouput ROOT File
	string output_folder;           // Folder to write the output in
	string paramfile;
	string paramfile2;
	string classname;
	bool twotag;
	bool onetag;

	po::options_description config("Configuration");
	po::variables_map vm;

		("folder",              po::value<string>(&folder)->default_value("output/Paper_2012/"))
		//   ("input_prefix",        po::value<string>(&input_prefix)->default_value(""))
		("output_name",         po::value<string>(&output_name)->default_value("test_tmva.root"))
		("output_folder",       po::value<string>(&output_folder)->default_value(""))
		("paramfile",						po::value<string>(&paramfile)->default_value("./scripts/Paper_params_2012.dat"))
		("paramfile2", 					po::value<string>(&paramfile2)->default_value("./scripts/TMVAinputshad.dat"))
		("classname",						po::value<string>(&classname)->default_value("HhhMVA"))
		("twotag",								po::value<bool>(&twotag)->default_value(true))
		("onetag",              po::value<bool>(&onetag)->default_value(false))
	po::store(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).
			options(config).allow_unregistered().run(), vm);

	std::cout << "-------------------------------------" << std::endl;
	std::cout << "Train MVA" << std::endl;
	std::cout << "-------------------------------------" << std::endl;      string param_fmt = "%-25s %-40s\n";
	std::vector<string> bckglist;
//	bckglist.push_back("WWJetsTo2L2Nu");
//	bckglist.push_back("WZJetsTo2L2Q");
//	bckglist.push_back("WZJetsTo3LNu");
//	bckglist.push_back("ZZJetsTo2L2Nu");
//	bckglist.push_back("ZZJetsTo2L2Q");
//	bckglist.push_back("ZZJetsTo4L");
//	bckglist.push_back("DYJetsToTauTauSoup");
//	bckglist.push_back("DYJetsToLLSoup");
//	bckglist.push_back("DYJetsToTauTau");
//	bckglist.push_back("DYJetsToLL");
//	bckglist.push_back("T-tW");
//	bckglist.push_back("Tbar-tW");

	std::vector<string> signallist;


	std::vector<TFile*> BackgroundSamples;
	for(unsigned int iter=0;iter<bckglist.size();++iter){

	std::vector<TFile*> SignalSamples;
	for(unsigned int sigIter=0;sigIter<signallist.size();++sigIter){

	std::vector<TTree*> backgroundTrees;
	for(unsigned int iter2=0;iter2<BackgroundSamples.size();++iter2){

	std::vector<TTree*> signalTrees;
	for(unsigned int sigIter2=0;sigIter2<SignalSamples.size();++sigIter2){

	TFile *outfile = new TFile((output_folder+output_name).c_str(),"RECREATE");

	TMVA::Factory *factory = new TMVA::Factory(classname,outfile,"!V:!Silent:Color:DrawProgressBar:Transformations=I;D;P;G,D:AnalysisType=Classification");

	std::vector<std::string> vars;
	std::ifstream parafile(paramfile2.c_str());
	string line;


	std::vector<float> var2;
	for(unsigned int variter=0;variter<vars.size();++variter){

	for(unsigned int variter=0;variter<vars.size();++variter){


	double weightval_=0;


	for(unsigned int bckgit=0;bckgit<backgroundTrees.size();++bckgit){
		auto it = sample_info_.find(bckglist.at(bckgit).c_str());
			double evt = it->second.first;
			double xs = it->second.second;
			weightval_=(double) xs/evt;
	for(unsigned int sgit=0;sgit<signalTrees.size();++sgit){
		auto it = sample_info_.find(signallist.at(sgit).c_str());
			double evt = it->second.first;
			double xs=it->second.second;
			weightval_=(Double_t) xs/evt;
	TCut mycutb, mycuts;
	else if(onetag){
//TCut mycutb="";
//TCut mycuts="";
	factory->PrepareTrainingAndTestTree( mycuts, mycutb,"SplitMode=Random:!V");

	factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kBDT, "BDT","!H:!V:NTrees=850:nEventsMin=150:MaxDepth=3:BoostType=AdaBoost:AdaBoostBeta=0.5:SeparationType=GiniIndex:nCuts=20:PruneMethod=NoPruning" );


	delete factory;

	return 0;
Example #11
void test2(){
  // This loads the library
  TString outfileName( "trainingBDT_tZq.root" );
  TFile* outputFile = TFile::Open( outfileName, "RECREATE" );
  TMVA::Factory *factory = new TMVA::Factory( "BDT_trainning_tzq", outputFile,"!V:!Silent:Color:DrawProgressBar:Transformations=I;D;P;G,D:AnalysisType=Classification" );
  TFile *input_sig      = TFile::Open( "../TreeReader/outputroot/histofile_tZq.root" );
  TFile *input_wz       = TFile::Open( "../TreeReader/outputroot/histofile_WZ.root" );
  TTree *signal            = (TTree*)input_sig->Get("Ttree_tZq");
  TTree *background     = (TTree*)input_wz->Get("Ttree_WZ");
  factory->AddSignalTree    ( signal,	   1.);
  factory->AddBackgroundTree( background,  1.);
  std::vector<TString > varList;
  varList.push_back("tree_met" );
  varList.push_back("tree_mTW" );
  for(unsigned int i=0; i< varList.size() ; i++) factory->AddVariable( varList[i].Data(),    'F');
  factory->SetSignalWeightExpression    ("tree_EvtWeight");
  // Apply additional cuts on the signal and background samples (can be different)
   TCut mycuts = ""; // for example: TCut mycuts = "abs(var1)<0.5 && abs(var2-0.5)<1";
   TCut mycutb = ""; // for example: TCut mycutb = "abs(var1)<0.5";

   factory->PrepareTrainingAndTestTree( mycuts, mycutb,
                                        "nTrain_Signal=0:nTrain_Background=0:SplitMode=Random:NormMode=NumEvents:!V" );
   //factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kBDT, "BDT", "!H:!V:NTrees=400:nEventsMin=400:MaxDepth=3:BoostType=AdaBoost:SeparationType=GiniIndex:nCuts=20:PruneMethod=NoPruning:VarTransform=Decorrelate" );
//   factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kBDT, "BDT", "!H:!V:NTrees=100:nEventsMin=100:MaxDepth=3:BoostType=AdaBoost:SeparationType=GiniIndex:nCuts=20:PruneMethod=NoPruning:VarTransform=Decorrelate" );
   factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kBDT, "BDT", "!H:!V:NTrees=100:nEventsMin=100:MaxDepth=3:BoostType=AdaBoost:SeparationType=GiniIndex:nCuts=20:PruneMethod=NoPruning:VarTransform=Decorrelate" );


   // Train MVAs using the set of training events

   // ---- Evaluate all MVAs using the set of test events

   // ----- Evaluate and compare performance of all configured MVAs

   // --------------------------------------------------------------

   // Save the output

   std::cout << "==> Wrote root file: " << outputFile->GetName() << std::endl;
   std::cout << "==> TMVAClassification is done!" << std::endl;

   delete factory;

   // Launch the GUI for the root macros
   if (!gROOT->IsBatch()) TMVAGui( outfileName );

Example #12
void TMVAClassification( std::string selectionName, std::string charge, TString myMethodList = "" ) 
   // The explicit loading of the shared libTMVA is done in TMVAlogon.C, defined in .rootrc
   // if you use your private .rootrc, or run from a different directory, please copy the 
   // corresponding lines from .rootrc

   // methods to be processed can be given as an argument; use format:
   // mylinux~> root -l TMVAClassification.C\(\"myMethod1,myMethod2,myMethod3\"\)
   // if you like to use a method via the plugin mechanism, we recommend using
   // mylinux~> root -l TMVAClassification.C\(\"P_myMethod\"\)
   // (an example is given for using the BDT as plugin (see below),
   // but of course the real application is when you write your own
   // method based)

   // this loads the library

   // default MVA methods to be trained + tested
   std::map<std::string,int> Use;

   Use["Cuts"]            = 1;
   Use["CutsD"]           = 0;
   Use["CutsPCA"]         = 0;
   Use["CutsGA"]          = 0;
   Use["CutsSA"]          = 0;
   // ---
   Use["Likelihood"]      = 0;
   Use["LikelihoodD"]     = 0; // the "D" extension indicates decorrelated input variables (see option strings)
   Use["LikelihoodPCA"]   = 0; // the "PCA" extension indicates PCA-transformed input variables (see option strings)
   Use["LikelihoodKDE"]   = 0;
   Use["LikelihoodMIX"]   = 0;
   // ---
   Use["PDERS"]           = 0;
   Use["PDERSD"]          = 0;
   Use["PDERSPCA"]        = 0;
   Use["PDERSkNN"]        = 0; // depreciated until further notice
   Use["PDEFoam"]         = 0;
   // --
   Use["KNN"]             = 0;
   // ---
   Use["HMatrix"]         = 0;
   Use["Fisher"]          = 0;
   Use["FisherG"]         = 0;
   Use["BoostedFisher"]   = 0;
   Use["LD"]              = 0;
   // ---
   Use["FDA_GA"]          = 0;
   Use["FDA_SA"]          = 0;
   Use["FDA_MC"]          = 0;
   Use["FDA_MT"]          = 0;
   Use["FDA_GAMT"]        = 0;
   Use["FDA_MCMT"]        = 0;
   // ---
   Use["MLP"]             = 0; // this is the recommended ANN
   Use["MLPBFGS"]         = 0; // recommended ANN with optional training method
   Use["CFMlpANN"]        = 0; // *** missing
   Use["TMlpANN"]         = 0; 
   // ---
   Use["SVM"]             = 0;
   // ---
   Use["BDT"]             = 0;
   Use["BDTD"]            = 0;
   Use["BDTG"]            = 0;
   Use["BDTB"]            = 0;
   // ---
   Use["RuleFit"]         = 0;
   // ---
   Use["Plugin"]          = 0;
   // ---------------------------------------------------------------

   std::cout << std::endl;
   std::cout << "==> Start TMVAClassification" << std::endl;

   if (myMethodList != "") {
      for (std::map<std::string,int>::iterator it = Use.begin(); it != Use.end(); it++) it->second = 0;

      std::vector<TString> mlist = TMVA::gTools().SplitString( myMethodList, ',' );
      for (UInt_t i=0; i<mlist.size(); i++) {
         std::string regMethod(mlist[i]);

         if (Use.find(regMethod) == Use.end()) {
            std::cout << "Method \"" << regMethod << "\" not known in TMVA under this name. Choose among the following:" << std::endl;
            for (std::map<std::string,int>::iterator it = Use.begin(); it != Use.end(); it++) std::cout << it->first << " ";
            std::cout << std::endl;
         Use[regMethod] = 1;

   // Create a new root output file.
   TString outfileName( "TMVA.root" );
   TFile* outputFile = TFile::Open( outfileName, "RECREATE" );

   // Create the factory object. Later you can choose the methods
   // whose performance you'd like to investigate. The factory will
   // then run the performance analysis for you.
   // The first argument is the base of the name of all the
   // weightfiles in the directory weight/ 
   // The second argument is the output file for the training results
   // All TMVA output can be suppressed by removing the "!" (not) in 
   // front of the "Silent" argument in the option string
   TMVA::Factory *factory = new TMVA::Factory( "TMVAClassification", outputFile, 
                                               "!V:!Silent:Color:DrawProgressBar:Transformations=I;D;P;G,D" );

   // If you wish to modify default settings 
   // (please check "src/Config.h" to see all available global options)
   //    (TMVA::gConfig().GetVariablePlotting()).fTimesRMS = 8.0;
   //    (TMVA::gConfig().GetIONames()).fWeightFileDir = "myWeightDirectory";

   // Define the input variables that shall be used for the MVA training
   // note that you may also use variable expressions, such as: "3*var1/var2*abs(var3)"
   // [all types of expressions that can also be parsed by TTree::Draw( "expression" )]
   //factory->AddVariable( "MET"      , "ME_{T}", "GeV", 'F');
   //factory->AddVariable( "TMath::Max(pT1,pT2)"      , "Lead Lepton p_{T}", "GeV", 'F');
   factory->AddVariable( "HT"       , "H_{T}", "GeV", 'F');
   //factory->AddVariable( "M3"       , "M_{3}", "GeV", 'F');
   factory->AddVariable( "TMath::Min(pT1,pT2)"      , "Sublead Lepton p_{T}", "GeV", 'F');
   //factory->AddVariable( "NbJ"      , "N B Jets", "", 'I');
   //factory->AddVariable( "NbJmed"   , "N B Jets (medium)", "", 'I');
   //factory->AddVariable( "NJ"       , "N Jets", "", 'I');

   // You can add so-called "Spectator variables", which are not used in the MVA training, 
   // but will appear in the final "TestTree" produced by TMVA. This TestTree will contain the 
   // input variables, the response values of all trained MVAs, and the spectator variables
   //factory->AddSpectator( "spec1:=var1*2",  "Spectator 1", "units", 'F' );
   //factory->AddSpectator( "spec2:=var1*3",  "Spectator 2", "units", 'F' );

   // read training and test data
   if (ReadDataFromAsciiIFormat) {
      // load the signal and background event samples from ascii files
      // format in file must be:
      // var1/F:var2/F:var3/F:var4/F
      // 0.04551   0.59923   0.32400   -0.19170
      // ...

      TString datFileS = "tmva_example_sig.dat";
      TString datFileB = "tmva_example_bkg.dat";

      factory->SetInputTrees( datFileS, datFileB );
   else {
      // load the signal and background event samples from ROOT trees
      TFile *input(0);
      //TString fname = "../macros/tmva_example.root";
      //TString fname = "opt_ttW_Apr10_Iso005_NoZVeto_jet20.root";
      TString fname = "opt_ttW_Nov20_muDetIso0p05_elDetIso0p05_jet20_withZveto_optimization.root";
      //TString fname = "opt_ttW_" + selectionName + ".root";
      if (!gSystem->AccessPathName( fname )) {
         input = TFile::Open( fname ); // check if file in local directory exists
      else { 
         input = TFile::Open( "http://root.cern.ch/files/tmva_class_example.root" ); // if not: download from ROOT server

      if (!input) {
         std::cout << "ERROR: could not open data file" << std::endl;
      std::cout << "--- TMVAClassification       : Using input file: " << input->GetName() << std::endl;

      TTree* opt_tree = (TTree*)input->Get("tree_opt");

      TFile* signalFile = TFile::Open("/shome/mdunser/workspace/CMSSW_5_2_5/src/DiLeptonAnalysis/NTupleProducer/macros/plots/Nov26_muPFIso0p05_elPFIso0p05_jet20_withZveto/TTbarW_Yields.root");      
      TTree *signal     = (TTree*)signalFile->Get("SigEvents");

      TChain* background = new TChain("SigEvents");

      //TTree *background = (TTree*)opt_tree->CopyTree("SName==\"TTJets\" || SName==\"DYJets\" || SName==\"WZTo3LNu\"");
      //TTree *background = (TTree*)opt_tree->CopyTree("SName==\"DYJets\"");

      // global event weights per tree (see below for setting event-wise weights)
      Double_t signalWeight     = 1.0;
      Double_t backgroundWeight = 1.0;

      // ====== register trees ====================================================
      // the following method is the prefered one:
      // you can add an arbitrary number of signal or background trees
      factory->AddSignalTree    ( signal,     signalWeight     );
      factory->AddBackgroundTree( background, backgroundWeight );

      // To give different trees for training and testing, do as follows:
      //    factory->AddSignalTree( signalTrainingTree, signalTrainWeight, "Training" );
      //    factory->AddSignalTree( signalTestTree,     signalTestWeight,  "Test" );

      // Use the following code instead of the above two or four lines to add signal and background 
      // training and test events "by hand"
      // NOTE that in this case one should not give expressions (such as "var1+var2") in the input 
      //      variable definition, but simply compute the expression before adding the event
      //    // --- begin ----------------------------------------------------------
      //    std::vector<Double_t> vars( 4 ); // vector has size of number of input variables
      //    Float_t  treevars[4];
      //    for (Int_t ivar=0; ivar<4; ivar++) signal->SetBranchAddress( Form( "var%i", ivar+1 ), &(treevars[ivar]) );
      //    for (Int_t i=0; i<signal->GetEntries(); i++) {
      //       signal->GetEntry(i);
      //       for (Int_t ivar=0; ivar<4; ivar++) vars[ivar] = treevars[ivar];
      //       // add training and test events; here: first half is training, second is testing
      //       // note that the weight can also be event-wise	
      //       if (i < signal->GetEntries()/2) factory->AddSignalTrainingEvent( vars, signalWeight ); 
      //       else                            factory->AddSignalTestEvent    ( vars, signalWeight ); 
      //    }
      //    for (Int_t ivar=0; ivar<4; ivar++) background->SetBranchAddress( Form( "var%i", ivar+1 ), &(treevars[ivar]) );
      //    for (Int_t i=0; i<background->GetEntries(); i++) {
      //       background->GetEntry(i); 
      //       for (Int_t ivar=0; ivar<4; ivar++) vars[ivar] = treevars[ivar];
      //       // add training and test events; here: first half is training, second is testing
      //       // note that the weight can also be event-wise	
      //       if (i < background->GetEntries()/2) factory->AddBackgroundTrainingEvent( vars, backgroundWeight ); 
      //       else                                factory->AddBackgroundTestEvent    ( vars, backgroundWeight ); 
      //    }
      //    // --- end ------------------------------------------------------------
      // ====== end of register trees ==============================================
   // This would set individual event weights (the variables defined in the 
   // expression need to exist in the original TTree)
   //    for signal    : factory->SetSignalWeightExpression("weight1*weight2");
   //    for background: factory->SetBackgroundWeightExpression("weight1*weight2");

   // Apply additional cuts on the signal and background samples (can be different)

   TCut mycuts;
   TCut mycutb;

   if( charge == "plus" ) {
     mycuts = "Charge==1 && SystFlag==0 && NJ>=3 && pT1>20. && pT2>20. && NbJmed>0 && TLCat==0 && Flavor<3 && PassZVeto==1"; // for example: TCut mycuts = "abs(var1)<0.5 && abs(var2-0.5)<1";
     mycutb = "Charge==1 && SystFlag==0 && NJ>=3 && pT1>20. && pT2>20. && NbJmed>0 && TLCat==0 && Flavor<3 && PassZVeto==1"; // for example: TCut mycutb = "abs(var1)<0.5";
   } else if( charge == "minus" ) {
     mycuts = "Charge==-1 && SystFlag==0 && NJ>=3 && pT1>20. && pT2>20. && NbJmed>0 && TLCat==0 && Flavor<3 && PassZVeto==1"; // for example: TCut mycuts = "abs(var1)<0.5 && abs(var2-0.5)<1";
     mycutb = "Charge==-1 && SystFlag==0 && NJ>=3 && pT1>20. && pT2>20. && NbJmed>0 && TLCat==0 && Flavor<3 && PassZVeto==1"; // for example: TCut mycutb = "abs(var1)<0.5";
   } else if( charge == "all" ) {
     mycuts = "              SystFlag==0 && NJ>=3 && pT1>20. && pT2>20. && NbJmed>0 && TLCat==0 && Flavor<3 && PassZVeto==1"; // for example: TCut mycuts = "abs(var1)<0.5 && abs(var2-0.5)<1";
     mycutb = "              SystFlag==0 && NJ>=3 && pT1>20. && pT2>20. && NbJmed>0 && TLCat==0 && Flavor<3 && PassZVeto==1"; // for example: TCut mycutb = "abs(var1)<0.5";
   } else {
     std::cout << "only 'plus' and 'minus' and 'all' are allowed for charge." <<std::endl;

   //if( btagMed_presel_ ) {
   //  mycuts += "NbJmed>0"; // for example: TCut mycuts = "abs(var1)<0.5 && abs(var2-0.5)<1";
   //  mycutb += "NbJmed>0"; // for example: TCut mycutb = "abs(var1)<0.5";

   // tell the factory to use all remaining events in the trees after training for testing:
   factory->PrepareTrainingAndTestTree( mycuts, mycutb,
                                        "nTrain_Signal=0:nTrain_Background=0:SplitMode=Random:NormMode=NumEvents:!V" );

   // If no numbers of events are given, half of the events in the tree are used for training, and 
   // the other half for testing:
   //    factory->PrepareTrainingAndTestTree( mycut, "SplitMode=random:!V" );  
   // To also specify the number of testing events, use:
   //    factory->PrepareTrainingAndTestTree( mycut, 
   //                                         "NSigTrain=3000:NBkgTrain=3000:NSigTest=3000:NBkgTest=3000:SplitMode=Random:!V" );  

   // ---- Book MVA methods
   // please lookup the various method configuration options in the corresponding cxx files, eg:
   // src/MethoCuts.cxx, etc, or here: http://tmva.sourceforge.net/optionRef.html
   // it is possible to preset ranges in the option string in which the cut optimisation should be done:
   // "...:CutRangeMin[2]=-1:CutRangeMax[2]=1"...", where [2] is the third input variable

   // Cut optimisation
   if (Use["Cuts"]) {

      std::string bookConditions;
      bookConditions = "H:!V:FitMethod=MC";
      bookConditions += ":VarProp[0]=FMax"; //HT
      bookConditions += ":VarProp[1]=FMax"; //pt2

      bookConditions += ":EffSel:SampleSize=500000000";
      //bookConditions += ":EffSel:SampleSize=50000";

      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kCuts, "Cuts", bookConditions.c_str() );
      //factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kCuts, "Cuts", 
      //                     "!H:!V:FitMethod=MC:EffSel:SampleSize=200000:VarProp=FSmart" );


   if (Use["CutsD"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kCuts, "CutsD", 
                           "!H:!V:FitMethod=MC:EffSel:SampleSize=200000:VarProp=FSmart:VarTransform=Decorrelate" );

   if (Use["CutsPCA"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kCuts, "CutsPCA", 
                           "!H:!V:FitMethod=MC:EffSel:SampleSize=200000:VarProp=FSmart:VarTransform=PCA" );

   if (Use["CutsGA"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kCuts, "CutsGA",
                           "H:!V:FitMethod=GA:CutRangeMin[0]=-10:CutRangeMax[0]=10:VarProp[1]=FMax:EffSel:Steps=30:Cycles=3:PopSize=400:SC_steps=10:SC_rate=5:SC_factor=0.95" );
   if (Use["CutsSA"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kCuts, "CutsSA",
                           "!H:!V:FitMethod=SA:EffSel:MaxCalls=150000:KernelTemp=IncAdaptive:InitialTemp=1e+6:MinTemp=1e-6:Eps=1e-10:UseDefaultScale" );
   // Likelihood
   if (Use["Likelihood"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kLikelihood, "Likelihood", 
                           "H:!V:!TransformOutput:PDFInterpol=Spline2:NSmoothSig[0]=20:NSmoothBkg[0]=20:NSmoothBkg[1]=10:NSmooth=1:NAvEvtPerBin=50" ); 

   // test the decorrelated likelihood
   if (Use["LikelihoodD"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kLikelihood, "LikelihoodD", 
                           "!H:!V:!TransformOutput:PDFInterpol=Spline2:NSmoothSig[0]=20:NSmoothBkg[0]=20:NSmooth=5:NAvEvtPerBin=50:VarTransform=Decorrelate" ); 

   if (Use["LikelihoodPCA"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kLikelihood, "LikelihoodPCA", 
                           "!H:!V:!TransformOutput:PDFInterpol=Spline2:NSmoothSig[0]=20:NSmoothBkg[0]=20:NSmooth=5:NAvEvtPerBin=50:VarTransform=PCA" ); 
   // test the new kernel density estimator
   if (Use["LikelihoodKDE"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kLikelihood, "LikelihoodKDE", 
                           "!H:!V:!TransformOutput:PDFInterpol=KDE:KDEtype=Gauss:KDEiter=Adaptive:KDEFineFactor=0.3:KDEborder=None:NAvEvtPerBin=50" ); 

   // test the mixed splines and kernel density estimator (depending on which variable)
   if (Use["LikelihoodMIX"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kLikelihood, "LikelihoodMIX", 
                           "!H:!V:!TransformOutput:PDFInterpolSig[0]=KDE:PDFInterpolBkg[0]=KDE:PDFInterpolSig[1]=KDE:PDFInterpolBkg[1]=KDE:PDFInterpolSig[2]=Spline2:PDFInterpolBkg[2]=Spline2:PDFInterpolSig[3]=Spline2:PDFInterpolBkg[3]=Spline2:KDEtype=Gauss:KDEiter=Nonadaptive:KDEborder=None:NAvEvtPerBin=50" ); 

   // test the multi-dimensional probability density estimator
   // here are the options strings for the MinMax and RMS methods, respectively:
   //      "!H:!V:VolumeRangeMode=MinMax:DeltaFrac=0.2:KernelEstimator=Gauss:GaussSigma=0.3" );   
   //      "!H:!V:VolumeRangeMode=RMS:DeltaFrac=3:KernelEstimator=Gauss:GaussSigma=0.3" );   
   if (Use["PDERS"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kPDERS, "PDERS", 
                           "!H:!V:NormTree=T:VolumeRangeMode=Adaptive:KernelEstimator=Gauss:GaussSigma=0.3:NEventsMin=400:NEventsMax=600" );

   if (Use["PDERSkNN"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kPDERS, "PDERSkNN", 
                           "!H:!V:VolumeRangeMode=kNN:KernelEstimator=Gauss:GaussSigma=0.3:NEventsMin=400:NEventsMax=600" );

   if (Use["PDERSD"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kPDERS, "PDERSD", 
                           "!H:!V:VolumeRangeMode=Adaptive:KernelEstimator=Gauss:GaussSigma=0.3:NEventsMin=400:NEventsMax=600:VarTransform=Decorrelate" );

   if (Use["PDERSPCA"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kPDERS, "PDERSPCA", 
                           "!H:!V:VolumeRangeMode=Adaptive:KernelEstimator=Gauss:GaussSigma=0.3:NEventsMin=400:NEventsMax=600:VarTransform=PCA" );

   // Multi-dimensional likelihood estimator using self-adapting phase-space binning
   if (Use["PDEFoam"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kPDEFoam, "PDEFoam", 
                           "H:!V:SigBgSeparate=F:TailCut=0.001:VolFrac=0.0333:nActiveCells=500:nSampl=2000:nBin=5:CutNmin=T:Nmin=100:Kernel=None:Compress=T" );

   // K-Nearest Neighbour classifier (KNN)
   if (Use["KNN"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kKNN, "KNN", 
                           "H:nkNN=20:ScaleFrac=0.8:SigmaFact=1.0:Kernel=Gaus:UseKernel=F:UseWeight=T:!Trim" );
   // H-Matrix (chi2-squared) method
   if (Use["HMatrix"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kHMatrix, "HMatrix", "!H:!V" ); 

   // Fisher discriminant   
   if (Use["Fisher"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kFisher, "Fisher", "H:!V:Fisher:CreateMVAPdfs:PDFInterpolMVAPdf=Spline2:NbinsMVAPdf=60:NsmoothMVAPdf=10" );

   // Fisher with Gauss-transformed input variables
   if (Use["FisherG"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kFisher, "FisherG", "H:!V:VarTransform=Gauss" );

   // Composite classifier: ensemble (tree) of boosted Fisher classifiers
   if (Use["BoostedFisher"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kFisher, "BoostedFisher", "H:!V:Boost_Num=20:Boost_Transform=log:Boost_Type=AdaBoost:Boost_AdaBoostBeta=0.2");

   // Linear discriminant (same as Fisher)
   if (Use["LD"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kLD, "LD", "H:!V:VarTransform=None" );

	// Function discrimination analysis (FDA) -- test of various fitters - the recommended one is Minuit (or GA or SA)
   if (Use["FDA_MC"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kFDA, "FDA_MC",
                           "H:!V:Formula=(0)+(1)*x0+(2)*x1+(3)*x2+(4)*x3:ParRanges=(-1,1);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10):FitMethod=MC:SampleSize=100000:Sigma=0.1" );
   if (Use["FDA_GA"]) // can also use Simulated Annealing (SA) algorithm (see Cuts_SA options])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kFDA, "FDA_GA",
                           "H:!V:Formula=(0)+(1)*x0+(2)*x1+(3)*x2+(4)*x3:ParRanges=(-1,1);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10):FitMethod=GA:PopSize=300:Cycles=3:Steps=20:Trim=True:SaveBestGen=1" );

   if (Use["FDA_SA"]) // can also use Simulated Annealing (SA) algorithm (see Cuts_SA options])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kFDA, "FDA_SA",
                           "H:!V:Formula=(0)+(1)*x0+(2)*x1+(3)*x2+(4)*x3:ParRanges=(-1,1);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10):FitMethod=SA:MaxCalls=15000:KernelTemp=IncAdaptive:InitialTemp=1e+6:MinTemp=1e-6:Eps=1e-10:UseDefaultScale" );

   if (Use["FDA_MT"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kFDA, "FDA_MT",
                           "H:!V:Formula=(0)+(1)*x0+(2)*x1+(3)*x2+(4)*x3:ParRanges=(-1,1);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10):FitMethod=MINUIT:ErrorLevel=1:PrintLevel=-1:FitStrategy=2:UseImprove:UseMinos:SetBatch" );

   if (Use["FDA_GAMT"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kFDA, "FDA_GAMT",
                           "H:!V:Formula=(0)+(1)*x0+(2)*x1+(3)*x2+(4)*x3:ParRanges=(-1,1);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10):FitMethod=GA:Converger=MINUIT:ErrorLevel=1:PrintLevel=-1:FitStrategy=0:!UseImprove:!UseMinos:SetBatch:Cycles=1:PopSize=5:Steps=5:Trim" );

   if (Use["FDA_MCMT"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kFDA, "FDA_MCMT",
                           "H:!V:Formula=(0)+(1)*x0+(2)*x1+(3)*x2+(4)*x3:ParRanges=(-1,1);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10):FitMethod=MC:Converger=MINUIT:ErrorLevel=1:PrintLevel=-1:FitStrategy=0:!UseImprove:!UseMinos:SetBatch:SampleSize=20" );

   // TMVA ANN: MLP (recommended ANN) -- all ANNs in TMVA are Multilayer Perceptrons
   if (Use["MLP"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kMLP, "MLP", "H:!V:NeuronType=tanh:VarTransform=N:NCycles=500:HiddenLayers=N+5:TestRate=10:EpochMonitoring" );

   if (Use["MLPBFGS"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kMLP, "MLPBFGS", "H:!V:NeuronType=tanh:VarTransform=N:NCycles=500:HiddenLayers=N+5:TestRate=10:TrainingMethod=BFGS:!EpochMonitoring" );

   // CF(Clermont-Ferrand)ANN
   if (Use["CFMlpANN"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kCFMlpANN, "CFMlpANN", "!H:!V:NCycles=2000:HiddenLayers=N+1,N"  ); // n_cycles:#nodes:#nodes:...  
   // Tmlp(Root)ANN
   if (Use["TMlpANN"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kTMlpANN, "TMlpANN", "!H:!V:NCycles=200:HiddenLayers=N+1,N:LearningMethod=BFGS:ValidationFraction=0.3"  ); // n_cycles:#nodes:#nodes:...
   // Support Vector Machine
   if (Use["SVM"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kSVM, "SVM", "Gamma=0.25:Tol=0.001:VarTransform=Norm" );
   // Boosted Decision Trees
   if (Use["BDTG"]) // Gradient Boost
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kBDT, "BDTG", 
                           "!H:!V:NTrees=1000:BoostType=Grad:Shrinkage=0.30:UseBaggedGrad:GradBaggingFraction=0.6:SeparationType=GiniIndex:nCuts=20:NNodesMax=5" );

   if (Use["BDT"])  // Adaptive Boost
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kBDT, "BDT", 
                           "!H:!V:NTrees=400:nEventsMin=400:MaxDepth=3:BoostType=AdaBoost:SeparationType=GiniIndex:nCuts=20:PruneMethod=NoPruning" );
   if (Use["BDTB"]) // Bagging
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kBDT, "BDTB", 
                           "!H:!V:NTrees=400:BoostType=Bagging:SeparationType=GiniIndex:nCuts=20:PruneMethod=NoPruning" );

   if (Use["BDTD"]) // Decorrelation + Adaptive Boost
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kBDT, "BDTD", 
                           "!H:!V:NTrees=400:nEventsMin=400:MaxDepth=3:BoostType=AdaBoost:SeparationType=GiniIndex:nCuts=20:PruneMethod=NoPruning:VarTransform=Decorrelate" );
   // RuleFit -- TMVA implementation of Friedman's method
   if (Use["RuleFit"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kRuleFit, "RuleFit",
                           "H:!V:RuleFitModule=RFTMVA:Model=ModRuleLinear:MinImp=0.001:RuleMinDist=0.001:NTrees=20:fEventsMin=0.01:fEventsMax=0.5:GDTau=-1.0:GDTauPrec=0.01:GDStep=0.01:GDNSteps=10000:GDErrScale=1.02" );
   // For an example of the category classifier, see: TMVAClassificationCategory

   // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   // As an example how to use the ROOT plugin mechanism, book BDT via
   // plugin mechanism
   if (Use["Plugin"]) {
         // first the plugin has to be defined, which can happen either through the following line in the local or global .rootrc:
         // # plugin handler          plugin name(regexp) class to be instanciated library        constructor format
         // Plugin.TMVA@@MethodBase:  ^BDT                TMVA::MethodBDT          TMVA.1         "MethodBDT(TString,TString,DataSet&,TString)"
         // or by telling the global plugin manager directly
      gPluginMgr->AddHandler("TMVA@@MethodBase", "BDT", "TMVA::MethodBDT", "TMVA.1", "MethodBDT(TString,TString,DataSet&,TString)");
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kPlugins, "BDT",
                           "!H:!V:NTrees=400:BoostType=AdaBoost:SeparationType=GiniIndex:nCuts=20:PruneMethod=CostComplexity:PruneStrength=50" );

   // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   // ---- Now you can tell the factory to train, test, and evaluate the MVAs

   // Train MVAs using the set of training events

   // ---- Evaluate all MVAs using the set of test events

   // ----- Evaluate and compare performance of all configured MVAs

   if (Use["Cuts"]) {

    for( unsigned iEff=1; iEff<11; ++iEff ) {

       TMVA::IMethod* method = (TMVA::IMethod*)factory->GetMethod("Cuts");
       TMVA::MethodCuts* cuts = dynamic_cast<TMVA::MethodCuts*>(method);

       std::string optcutsdir = "optcuts_" + selectionName + "_" + charge;
       std::string mkdir_command = "mkdir -p " + optcutsdir;
       char cutsFileName[500];
       sprintf( cutsFileName, "%s/cuts_Seff%d.txt", optcutsdir.c_str(), 10*iEff );

       ofstream ofs(cutsFileName);

       std::vector<Double_t> cutsMin, cutsMax;
       cuts->GetCuts((float)iEff*0.10, cutsMin, cutsMax);

       bool found_pT1 = false;
       bool found_pT2 = false;
       bool found_NJ = false;
       bool found_NbJ = false;
       bool found_NbJmed = false;

       for( unsigned iCut=0; iCut<cutsMin.size(); ++iCut) {
         TString varName = factory->DefaultDataSetInfo().GetVariableInfo(iCut).GetInternalName();
         if( varName=="TMath_Min_pT1,pT2_") {
           ofs << "pT1 " << cutsMin[iCut] << " " << cutsMax[iCut] << std::endl;
           ofs << "pT2 " << cutsMin[iCut] << " " << cutsMax[iCut] << std::endl;
           found_pT1 = true;
           found_pT2 = true;
         } else {
           ofs << varName << " "  << cutsMin[iCut] << " " << cutsMax[iCut] << std::endl;
         if( varName=="pT1" ) found_pT1 = true;
         if( varName=="pT2" ) found_pT2 = true;
         if( varName=="NJ" ) found_NJ = true;
         if( varName=="NbJ" ) found_NbJ = true;
         if( varName=="NbJmed" ) found_NbJmed = true;

       // preselection cuts (if not optimized):
       if( !found_pT1 ) ofs << "pT1 20. 100000." << std::endl;
       if( !found_pT2 ) ofs << "pT2 20. 100000." << std::endl;
       if( !found_NJ )  ofs << "NJ 3 100000." << std::endl;
       if( !found_NbJ ) ofs << "NbJ 1 100000." << std::endl;
       if( !found_NbJmed && btagMed_presel_ ) ofs << "NbJmed 1 100000." << std::endl;

       if( charge=="plus" )
         ofs << "Charge 1 10" << std::endl;
       else if( charge=="minus" )
         ofs << "Charge -10 0" << std::endl;


     }  // for eff

   } // if cuts 

   // --------------------------------------------------------------
   // Save the output

   std::cout << "==> Wrote root file: " << outputFile->GetName() << std::endl;
   std::cout << "==> TMVAClassification is done!" << std::endl;      

   delete factory;

   // Launch the GUI for the root macros
   if (!gROOT->IsBatch()) TMVAGui( outfileName );
Example #13
void TMVAClassification( TString myMethodList = "", int isMC=1, int useSvtx=1)
   // The explicit loading of the shared libTMVA is done in TMVAlogon.C, defined in .rootrc
   // if you use your private .rootrc, or run from a different directory, please copy the
   // corresponding lines from .rootrc

   // methods to be processed can be given as an argument; use format:
   // mylinux~> root -l TMVAClassification.C\(\"myMethod1,myMethod2,myMethod3\"\)
   // if you like to use a method via the plugin mechanism, we recommend using
   // mylinux~> root -l TMVAClassification.C\(\"P_myMethod\"\)
   // (an example is given for using the BDT as plugin (see below),
   // but of course the real application is when you write your own
   // method based)

   // This loads the library

   // to get access to the GUI and all tmva macros
   TString thisdir = gSystem->DirName(gInterpreter->GetCurrentMacroName());
   gROOT->SetMacroPath(thisdir + ":" + gROOT->GetMacroPath());
   //gROOT->ProcessLine(".L /Users/kjung/root5-34-23/tmva/test/TMVAGui.C");

   // Default MVA methods to be trained + tested
   std::map<std::string,int> Use;

   // --- Cut optimisation
   Use["Cuts"]            = 0;
   Use["CutsD"]           = 0;
   Use["CutsPCA"]         = 0;
   Use["CutsGA"]          = 0;
   Use["CutsSA"]          = 0;
   // --- 1-dimensional likelihood ("naive Bayes estimator")
   Use["Likelihood"]      = 0;
   Use["LikelihoodD"]     = 0; // the "D" extension indicates decorrelated input variables (see option strings)
   Use["LikelihoodPCA"]   = 0; // the "PCA" extension indicates PCA-transformed input variables (see option strings)
   Use["LikelihoodKDE"]   = 0;
   Use["LikelihoodMIX"]   = 0;
   // --- Mutidimensional likelihood and Nearest-Neighbour methods
   Use["PDERS"]           = 0;
   Use["PDERSD"]          = 0;
   Use["PDERSPCA"]        = 0;
   Use["PDEFoam"]         = 0;
   Use["PDEFoamBoost"]    = 0; // uses generalised MVA method boosting
   Use["KNN"]             = 0; // k-nearest neighbour method
   // --- Linear Discriminant Analysis
   Use["LD"]              = 0; // Linear Discriminant identical to Fisher
   Use["Fisher"]          = 0;
   Use["FisherG"]         = 0;
   Use["BoostedFisher"]   = 0; // uses generalised MVA method boosting
   Use["HMatrix"]         = 0;
   // --- Function Discriminant analysis
   Use["FDA_GA"]          = 0; // minimisation of user-defined function using Genetics Algorithm
   Use["FDA_SA"]          = 0;
   Use["FDA_MC"]          = 0;
   Use["FDA_MT"]          = 0;
   Use["FDA_GAMT"]        = 0;
   Use["FDA_MCMT"]        = 0;
   // --- Neural Networks (all are feed-forward Multilayer Perceptrons)
   Use["MLP"]             = 0; // Recommended ANN
   Use["MLPBFGS"]         = 0; // Recommended ANN with optional training method
   Use["MLPBNN"]          = 0; // Recommended ANN with BFGS training method and bayesian regulator
   Use["CFMlpANN"]        = 0; // Depreciated ANN from ALEPH
   Use["TMlpANN"]         = 0; // ROOT's own ANN
   // --- Support Vector Machine 
   Use["SVM"]             = 0;
   // --- Boosted Decision Trees
   Use["BDT"]             = 0; // uses Adaptive Boost
   Use["BDTG"]            = 1; // uses Gradient Boost
   Use["BDTB"]            = 0; // uses Bagging
   Use["BDTD"]            = 0; // decorrelation + Adaptive Boost
   Use["BDTF"]            = 0; // allow usage of fisher discriminant for node splitting 
   // --- Friedman's RuleFit method, ie, an optimised series of cuts ("rules")
   Use["RuleFit"]         = 0;
   // ---------------------------------------------------------------

   std::cout << std::endl;
   std::cout << "==> Start TMVAClassification" << std::endl;

   // Select methods (don't look at this code - not of interest)
   if (myMethodList != "") {
      for (std::map<std::string,int>::iterator it = Use.begin(); it != Use.end(); it++) it->second = 0;

      std::vector<TString> mlist = TMVA::gTools().SplitString( myMethodList, ',' );
      for (UInt_t i=0; i<mlist.size(); i++) {
         std::string regMethod(mlist[i]);

         if (Use.find(regMethod) == Use.end()) {
            std::cout << "Method \"" << regMethod << "\" not known in TMVA under this name. Choose among the following:" << std::endl;
            for (std::map<std::string,int>::iterator it = Use.begin(); it != Use.end(); it++) std::cout << it->first << " ";
            std::cout << std::endl;
         Use[regMethod] = 1;

   // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   // --- Here the preparation phase begins

   // Create a ROOT output file where TMVA will store ntuples, histograms, etc.
   TString outfileName;
   string svtxExt = "noSvtx";
   if(useSvtx) svtxExt = "withSvtx";
   if(!isMC) outfileName = "TMVA_trained_data.root";
   else outfileName = Form("TMVA_trained_cJet_medDCuts_BvC_%s.root",svtxExt.c_str());
   cout << "fn: "<< outfileName << endl;
   TFile* outputFile = TFile::Open( outfileName, "RECREATE" );

   // Create the factory object. Later you can choose the methods
   // whose performance you'd like to investigate. The factory is 
   // the only TMVA object you have to interact with
   // The first argument is the base of the name of all the
   // weightfiles in the directory weight/
   // The second argument is the output file for the training results
   // All TMVA output can be suppressed by removing the "!" (not) in
   // front of the "Silent" argument in the option string
   TMVA::Factory *factory = new TMVA::Factory( "TMVAClassification", outputFile,
                                               "!V:!Silent:Color:DrawProgressBar:Transformations=I;D;P;G,D:AnalysisType=Classification" );

   // If you wish to modify default settings
   // (please check "src/Config.h" to see all available global options)
   //    (TMVA::gConfig().GetVariablePlotting()).fTimesRMS = 8.0;
   //    (TMVA::gConfig().GetIONames()).fWeightFileDir = "myWeightDirectory";

   // Define the input variables that shall be used for the MVA training
   // note that you may also use variable expressions, such as: "3*var1/var2*abs(var3)"
   // [all types of expressions that can also be parsed by TTree::Draw( "expression" )]
   //factory->AddVariable( "myvar1 := var1+var2", 'F' );

   if(useSvtx) factory->AddVariable("svtxptFrac","svtx pt fraction","units",'F');
   //factory->AddVariable( "djetR", "Closest Meson to Jet dr", "", 'F' );
   factory->AddVariable( "nIP","number of IP trks","units",'I');
   if(useSvtx) factory->AddVariable( "svtxm", "svtx mass", "units", 'F');
   if(useSvtx) factory->AddVariable( "svtxmEnergyFrac","svtxmEnergyFrac","units",'F');
   if(useSvtx) factory->AddVariable( "svtxpt", "svtx pt", "units", 'F');
   if(useSvtx) factory->AddVariable( "svtxmcorr", "corrected svtx mass", "units", 'F');
   if(useSvtx) factory->AddVariable( "svtxdl", "svtx displacement", "units", 'F');
   if(useSvtx) factory->AddVariable( "svtxdls", "svtx displacement significance", "units", 'F');
   if(useSvtx) factory->AddVariable( "svtxntrk", "svtx ntracks", "units", 'F');
   if(useSvtx) factory->AddVariable( "sv2Trkdl", "2trk svtx close2PV dl", "units", 'F');
   if(useSvtx) factory->AddVariable( "svtxTrkSumChi2", "svtx trk sum chi2", "units", 'F');
   if(useSvtx) factory->AddVariable( "svtxTrkNetCharge", "svtx trk net chg", "units", 'F');
   if(useSvtx) factory->AddVariable( "svtxNtrkInCone", "svtx ntrk in cone", "units", 'F');
   //factory->AddVariable( "jteta",  "Jet eta", "units", 'F' );
   factory->AddVariable( "closestDMass","Closest DMass", "units", 'F' );
   factory->AddVariable( "closestDType","Closest Type","units",'F');
   factory->AddVariable( "closestDPt","Closest DpT", "units", 'F' );
   /*factory->AddVariable( "chargedMax","chargedMax","units",'F');
   factory->AddVariable( "chargedSum","chargedSum","units",'F');
   factory->AddVariable( "neutralMax","neutralMax","units",'F');
   factory->AddVariable( "neutralSum","neutralSum","units",'F');
   factory->AddVariable( "photonMax","photonMax","units",'F');
   factory->AddVariable( "photonSum","photonSum","units",'F');
   factory->AddVariable( "eSum","eSum","units",'F');
   factory->AddVariable( "muSum","muSum","units",'F');*/
   for(int i=0; i<3; i++){
     //factory->AddVariable( Form("ipProb0_%d",i),Form("prob0 IP part %d",i),"units",'F');
     //factory->AddVariable( Form("ipPt_%d",i),Form("IP pt part %d",i),"units",'F');
     factory->AddVariable( Form("trackIP2dSig_%d",i),Form("IP trk 2d sig part %d",i),"units",'F');
     factory->AddVariable( Form("trackIP3dSig_%d",i),Form("IP trk 3d sig part %d",i),"units",'F');
     factory->AddVariable( Form("trackIP2d_%d",i),Form("IP trk 2d part %d",i),"units",'F');
     factory->AddVariable( Form("trackIP3d_%d",i),Form("IP trk 3d part %d",i),"units",'F');
  for(int i=0; i<1; i++){
     //factory->AddVariable( Form("trackPtRel_%d",i),Form("pt rel part %d",i),"units",'F');
     //factory->AddVariable( Form("trackPPar_%d",i),Form("track ppar part %d",i),"units",'F');
     //factory->AddVariable( Form("trackPParRatio_%d",i),Form("track ppar part %d",i),"units",'F');
     factory->AddVariable( Form("trackJetDist_%d",i),Form("dist to jet part %d",i),"units",'F');
     factory->AddVariable( Form("trackDecayLenVal_%d",i),Form("trk decay len part %d",i),"units",'F');
     //factory->AddVariable( Form("trackDeltaR_%d",i),Form("trk dr to jet part %d",i),"units",'F');
     //factory->AddVariable( Form("trackPtRatio_%d",i),Form("trk pt ratio part %d",i),"units",'F');
   //factory->AddVariable( "trackSip2dSigAboveCharm","trackSip2dSigAboveCharm","units",'F');
   //factory->AddVariable( "trackSip3dSigAboveCharm","trackSip3dSigAboveCharm","units",'F');
   //factory->AddVariable( "trackSip2dValAboveCharm","trackSip2dValAboveCharm","units",'F');
   //factory->AddVariable( "trackSip3dValAboveCharm","trackSip3dValAboveCharm","units",'F');
   //factory->AddVariable( "svJetDeltaR","svJetDeltaR","units",'F');
   factory->AddVariable( "trackSumJetDeltaR","trackSumJetDeltaR","units",'F');
   // You can add so-called "Spectator variables", which are not used in the MVA training,
   // but will appear in the final "TestTree" produced by TMVA. This TestTree will contain the
   // input variables, the response values of all trained MVAs, and the spectator variables
   //factory->AddSpectator( "spec1 := var1*2",  "Spectator 1", "units", 'F' );
   if(isMC) factory->AddSpectator( "refpt",  "ref pT", "units", 'F' );
   factory->AddSpectator( "rawpt",  "raw pT", "units", 'F' );
   //factory->AddSpectator( "dCandPt", "D-Meson pT", "units" , 'F' );
   if(isMC) factory->AddSpectator( "refparton_flavorForB", "jet flavor", "units" , 'F' );
   //factory->AddSpectator( "evtSelection", "event selection", "units" , 'F' );
   //factory->AddSpectator( "vz", "z-vertex", "units" , 'F' );
   //if(isMC) factory->AddSpectator( "subid", "subid", "units" , 'F' );
   //factory->AddSpectator( "pthat", "pthat", "units" , 'F' );
   //factory->AddSpectator( "run", "run", "units" , 'I' );
   //factory->AddSpectator( "bin", "centrality", "units" , 'I' );
   factory->AddSpectator( "jtpt",  "Jet pT", "units", 'F' );
   // Read training and test data
   // (it is also possible to use ASCII format as input -> see TMVA Users Guide)
   TString fname;
   if(!isMC) fname = "/Users/kjung/charmJets/pPb/input/DMesonCJet_pPbData_ppReco_akPu3PF_convertToJetTree_withLHCbVars_medDCuts.root";
   else fname = "/Users/kjung/charmJets/pPb/input/DMesonCJet_QCDJetOnly_pPbMC_ppReco_akPu3PF_convertToJetTree_medDCuts.root";
   //if (gSystem->AccessPathName( fname ))  // file does not exist in local directory
   //   gSystem->Exec("curl -O http://root.cern.ch/files/tmva_class_example.root");
   TFile *input = TFile::Open( fname );
   std::cout << "--- TMVAClassification       : Using input file: " << input->GetName() << std::endl;
   // --- Register the training and test trees

   TTree *signal, *background;
      signal = (TTree*)input->Get("jets");
      background = (TTree*)input->Get("jets");
      signal = (TTree*)input->Get("jetsNoSvtx");
      background = (TTree*)input->Get("jetsNoSvtx");

   TTree *signal_2 = (TTree*)input->Get("dMesons");
   TTree *background_2 = (TTree*)input->Get("dMesons");

   // global event weights per tree (see below for setting event-wise weights)
   Double_t signalWeight     = 1.0;
   Double_t backgroundWeight = 1.0;
   // You can add an arbitrary number of signal or background trees
   factory->AddSignalTree    ( signal,     signalWeight     );
   factory->AddBackgroundTree( background, backgroundWeight );
   // To give different trees for training and testing, do as follows:
   //    factory->AddSignalTree( signalTrainingTree, signalTrainWeight, "Training" );
   //    factory->AddSignalTree( signalTestTree,     signalTestWeight,  "Test" );
   // Use the following code instead of the above two or four lines to add signal and background
   // training and test events "by hand"
   // NOTE that in this case one should not give expressions (such as "var1+var2") in the input
   //      variable definition, but simply compute the expression before adding the event
   //     // --- begin ----------------------------------------------------------
   //     std::vector<Double_t> vars( 4 ); // vector has size of number of input variables
   //     Float_t  treevars[4], weight;
   //     // Signal
   const int nvars = 35; //67;
   const int nvarsWithInt = 2;
   double weight;
   std::vector<double> vars(nvars);
   double treevars[nvars-nvarsWithInt];
   int treevars2[nvarsWithInt];
   //std::string variables[nvars] = {"djetR","closestDPt","svtxm","svtxdl","jtpt","refpt","rawpt","refparton_flavorForB","svtxdls","trackIP2dSig_0","trackIP3dSig_0","trackIP2d_0","trackIP3d_0","ipProb0_0","trackPtRel_0","trackPPar_0","trackPParRatio_0","trackJetDist_0","trackDecayLenVal_0","trackDeltaR_0","trackPtRatio_0","ipPt_0","trackIP2dSig_1","trackIP3dSig_1","trackIP2d_1","trackIP3d_1","ipProb0_1","trackPtRel_1","trackPPar_1","trackPParRatio_1","trackJetDist_1","trackDecayLenVal_1","trackDeltaR_1","trackPtRatio_1","ipPt_1","trackIP2dSig_2","trackIP3dSig_2","trackIP2d_2","trackIP3d_2","ipProb0_2","trackPtRel_2","trackPPar_2","trackPParRatio_2","trackJetDist_2","trackDecayLenVal_2","trackDeltaR_2","trackPtRatio_2","ipPt_2","trackIP2dSig_3","trackIP3dSig_3","trackIP2d_3","trackIP3d_3","ipProb0_3","trackPtRel_3","trackPPar_3","trackPParRatio_3","trackJetDist_3","trackDecayLenVal_3","trackDeltaR_3","trackPtRatio_3","ipPt_3","trackSip2dValAboveCharm","trackSip3dValAboveCharm","svJetDeltaR","trackSumJetDeltaR","nIP","svtxntrk"};
   std::string variables[nvars] = {"jtpt","refpt","rawpt","refparton_flavorForB","svtxptFrac","svtxmEnergyFrac","svtxpt","svtxm",
   "svtxdl","svtxdls","svtxTrkSumChi2","svtxTrkNetCharge","sv2Trkdl", "closestDMass","closestDType","closestDPt","trackIP2dSig_0","trackIP2dSig_1",

   //std::string variables[nvars] = {"jtpt","refpt","rawpt","refparton_flavorForB","svtxptFrac","svtxdl","svtxdls","closestDPt","closestDType","closestDMass","svtxm","svtxmcorr","svJetDeltaR","trackSumJetDeltaR","svtxpt","sv2Trkdl","svtxTrkSumChi2","svtxTrkNetCharge","svtxNtrkInCone","svtxntrk"};
   signal->SetBranchAddress("weight", &weight);
   for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivar<nvars-nvarsWithInt; ivar++) signal->SetBranchAddress( variables[ivar].c_str(), &(treevars[ivar]) );
   for (UInt_t ivar=nvars-nvarsWithInt; ivar<nvars; ivar++) signal->SetBranchAddress( variables[ivar].c_str(), &(treevars2[ivar]) );
   for (UInt_t i=0; i<signal->GetEntries(); i++) {
     for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivar<nvars-nvarsWithInt; ivar++) vars[ivar] = treevars[ivar];
      for (UInt_t ivar=nvars-nvarsWithInt; ivar<nvars; ivar++) vars[ivar] = treevars2[ivar];
     // add training and test events; here: first half is training, second is testing
     // note that the weight can also be event-wise
     //for(int ij=0; ij<nvars; ij++) cout << ij << " " << vars[ij] << endl;
     if(isMC && (abs(vars[3])==4)) {
       if (i%2==0)  factory->AddSignalTrainingEvent( vars, weight );
       else                              factory->AddSignalTestEvent    ( vars, weight );
   //     // Background (has event weights)
   background->SetBranchAddress( "weight", &weight );
   for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivar<nvars-nvarsWithInt; ivar++) background->SetBranchAddress( variables[ivar].c_str(), &(treevars[ivar]) );
   for (UInt_t ivar=nvars-nvarsWithInt; ivar<nvars; ivar++) background->SetBranchAddress( variables[ivar].c_str(), &(treevars2[ivar]) );
   for (UInt_t i=0; i<background->GetEntries(); i++) {
     for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivar<nvars-nvarsWithInt; ivar++) vars[ivar] = treevars[ivar];
      for (UInt_t ivar=nvars-nvarsWithInt; ivar<nvars; ivar++) vars[ivar] = treevars2[ivar];
     // add training and test events; here: first half is training, second is testing
     // note that the weight can also be event-wise
     if(isMC && (abs(vars[3])==5)) {
       if (i%2==0) factory->AddBackgroundTrainingEvent( vars, weight );
       else                                factory->AddBackgroundTestEvent    ( vars, weight );
   // --- end ------------------------------------------------------------
   // --- end of tree registration 

   // Set individual event weights (the variables must exist in the original TTree)
   //    for signal    : factory->SetSignalWeightExpression    ("weight1*weight2");
   //    for background: factory->SetBackgroundWeightExpression("weight1*weight2");
   factory->SetBackgroundWeightExpression( "weight" );

   // Apply additional cuts on the signal and background samples (can be different)
   TCut mycuts = ""; // for example: TCut mycuts = "abs(var1)<0.5 && abs(var2-0.5)<1";
   TCut mycutb = ""; // for example: TCut mycutb = "abs(var1)<0.5";
   // Tell the factory how to use the training and testing events
   // If no numbers of events are given, half of the events in the tree are used 
   // for training, and the other half for testing:
   //    factory->PrepareTrainingAndTestTree( mycut, "SplitMode=random:!V" );
   // To also specify the number of testing events, use:
   //    factory->PrepareTrainingAndTestTree( mycut,
   //                                         "NSigTrain=3000:NBkgTrain=3000:NSigTest=3000:NBkgTest=3000:SplitMode=Random:!V" );
   factory->PrepareTrainingAndTestTree( mycuts, mycutb,
                                        "nTrain_Signal=0:nTrain_Background=0:SplitMode=Random:NormMode=NumEvents:!V" );

   // ---- Book MVA methods
   // Please lookup the various method configuration options in the corresponding cxx files, eg:
   // src/MethoCuts.cxx, etc, or here: http://tmva.sourceforge.net/optionRef.html
   // it is possible to preset ranges in the option string in which the cut optimisation should be done:
   // "...:CutRangeMin[2]=-1:CutRangeMax[2]=1"...", where [2] is the third input variable

   // Cut optimisation
   if (Use["Cuts"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kCuts, "Cuts",
                           "!H:!V:FitMethod=MC:EffSel:SampleSize=200000:VarProp=FSmart" );

   if (Use["CutsD"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kCuts, "CutsD",
                           "!H:!V:FitMethod=MC:EffSel:SampleSize=200000:VarProp=FSmart:VarTransform=Decorrelate" );

   if (Use["CutsPCA"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kCuts, "CutsPCA",
                           "!H:!V:FitMethod=MC:EffSel:SampleSize=200000:VarProp=FSmart:VarTransform=PCA" );

   if (Use["CutsGA"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kCuts, "CutsGA",
                           "H:!V:FitMethod=GA:CutRangeMin[0]=-10:CutRangeMax[0]=10:VarProp[1]=FMax:EffSel:Steps=30:Cycles=3:PopSize=400:SC_steps=10:SC_rate=5:SC_factor=0.95" );

   if (Use["CutsSA"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kCuts, "CutsSA",
                           "!H:!V:FitMethod=SA:EffSel:MaxCalls=150000:KernelTemp=IncAdaptive:InitialTemp=1e+6:MinTemp=1e-6:Eps=1e-10:UseDefaultScale" );

   // Likelihood ("naive Bayes estimator")
   if (Use["Likelihood"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kLikelihood, "Likelihood",
                           "H:!V:TransformOutput:PDFInterpol=Spline2:NSmoothSig[0]=20:NSmoothBkg[0]=20:NSmoothBkg[1]=10:NSmooth=1:NAvEvtPerBin=50" );

   // Decorrelated likelihood
   if (Use["LikelihoodD"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kLikelihood, "LikelihoodD",
                           "!H:!V:TransformOutput:PDFInterpol=Spline2:NSmoothSig[0]=20:NSmoothBkg[0]=20:NSmooth=5:NAvEvtPerBin=50:VarTransform=Decorrelate" );

   // PCA-transformed likelihood
   if (Use["LikelihoodPCA"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kLikelihood, "LikelihoodPCA",
                           "!H:!V:!TransformOutput:PDFInterpol=Spline2:NSmoothSig[0]=20:NSmoothBkg[0]=20:NSmooth=5:NAvEvtPerBin=50:VarTransform=PCA" ); 

   // Use a kernel density estimator to approximate the PDFs
   if (Use["LikelihoodKDE"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kLikelihood, "LikelihoodKDE",
                           "!H:!V:!TransformOutput:PDFInterpol=KDE:KDEtype=Gauss:KDEiter=Adaptive:KDEFineFactor=0.3:KDEborder=None:NAvEvtPerBin=50" ); 

   // Use a variable-dependent mix of splines and kernel density estimator
   if (Use["LikelihoodMIX"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kLikelihood, "LikelihoodMIX",
                           "!H:!V:!TransformOutput:PDFInterpolSig[0]=KDE:PDFInterpolBkg[0]=KDE:PDFInterpolSig[1]=KDE:PDFInterpolBkg[1]=KDE:PDFInterpolSig[2]=Spline2:PDFInterpolBkg[2]=Spline2:PDFInterpolSig[3]=Spline2:PDFInterpolBkg[3]=Spline2:KDEtype=Gauss:KDEiter=Nonadaptive:KDEborder=None:NAvEvtPerBin=50" ); 

   // Test the multi-dimensional probability density estimator
   // here are the options strings for the MinMax and RMS methods, respectively:
   //      "!H:!V:VolumeRangeMode=MinMax:DeltaFrac=0.2:KernelEstimator=Gauss:GaussSigma=0.3" );
   //      "!H:!V:VolumeRangeMode=RMS:DeltaFrac=3:KernelEstimator=Gauss:GaussSigma=0.3" );
   if (Use["PDERS"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kPDERS, "PDERS",
                           "!H:!V:NormTree=T:VolumeRangeMode=Adaptive:KernelEstimator=Gauss:GaussSigma=0.3:NEventsMin=400:NEventsMax=600" );

   if (Use["PDERSD"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kPDERS, "PDERSD",
                           "!H:!V:VolumeRangeMode=Adaptive:KernelEstimator=Gauss:GaussSigma=0.3:NEventsMin=400:NEventsMax=600:VarTransform=Decorrelate" );

   if (Use["PDERSPCA"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kPDERS, "PDERSPCA",
                           "!H:!V:VolumeRangeMode=Adaptive:KernelEstimator=Gauss:GaussSigma=0.3:NEventsMin=400:NEventsMax=600:VarTransform=PCA" );

   // Multi-dimensional likelihood estimator using self-adapting phase-space binning
   if (Use["PDEFoam"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kPDEFoam, "PDEFoam",
                           "!H:!V:SigBgSeparate=F:TailCut=0.001:VolFrac=0.0666:nActiveCells=500:nSampl=2000:nBin=5:Nmin=100:Kernel=None:Compress=T" );

   if (Use["PDEFoamBoost"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kPDEFoam, "PDEFoamBoost",
                           "!H:!V:Boost_Num=30:Boost_Transform=linear:SigBgSeparate=F:MaxDepth=4:UseYesNoCell=T:DTLogic=MisClassificationError:FillFoamWithOrigWeights=F:TailCut=0:nActiveCells=500:nBin=20:Nmin=400:Kernel=None:Compress=T" );

   // K-Nearest Neighbour classifier (KNN)
   if (Use["KNN"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kKNN, "KNN",
                           "H:nkNN=20:ScaleFrac=0.8:SigmaFact=1.0:Kernel=Gaus:UseKernel=F:UseWeight=T:!Trim" );

   // H-Matrix (chi2-squared) method
   if (Use["HMatrix"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kHMatrix, "HMatrix", "!H:!V:VarTransform=None" );

   // Linear discriminant (same as Fisher discriminant)
   if (Use["LD"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kLD, "LD", "H:!V:VarTransform=None:CreateMVAPdfs:PDFInterpolMVAPdf=Spline2:NbinsMVAPdf=50:NsmoothMVAPdf=10" );

   // Fisher discriminant (same as LD)
   if (Use["Fisher"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kFisher, "Fisher", "H:!V:Fisher:VarTransform=None:CreateMVAPdfs:PDFInterpolMVAPdf=Spline2:NbinsMVAPdf=50:NsmoothMVAPdf=10" );

   // Fisher with Gauss-transformed input variables
   if (Use["FisherG"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kFisher, "FisherG", "H:!V:VarTransform=Gauss" );

   // Composite classifier: ensemble (tree) of boosted Fisher classifiers
   if (Use["BoostedFisher"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kFisher, "BoostedFisher", 
                           "H:!V:Boost_Num=20:Boost_Transform=log:Boost_Type=AdaBoost:Boost_AdaBoostBeta=0.2:!Boost_DetailedMonitoring" );

   // Function discrimination analysis (FDA) -- test of various fitters - the recommended one is Minuit (or GA or SA)
   if (Use["FDA_MC"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kFDA, "FDA_MC",
                           "H:!V:Formula=(0)+(1)*x0+(2)*x1+(3)*x2+(4)*x3:ParRanges=(-1,1);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10):FitMethod=MC:SampleSize=100000:Sigma=0.1" );

   if (Use["FDA_GA"]) // can also use Simulated Annealing (SA) algorithm (see Cuts_SA options])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kFDA, "FDA_GA",
                           "H:!V:Formula=(0)+(1)*x0+(2)*x1+(3)*x2+(4)*x3:ParRanges=(-1,1);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10):FitMethod=GA:PopSize=300:Cycles=3:Steps=20:Trim=True:SaveBestGen=1" );

   if (Use["FDA_SA"]) // can also use Simulated Annealing (SA) algorithm (see Cuts_SA options])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kFDA, "FDA_SA",
                           "H:!V:Formula=(0)+(1)*x0+(2)*x1+(3)*x2+(4)*x3:ParRanges=(-1,1);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10):FitMethod=SA:MaxCalls=15000:KernelTemp=IncAdaptive:InitialTemp=1e+6:MinTemp=1e-6:Eps=1e-10:UseDefaultScale" );

   if (Use["FDA_MT"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kFDA, "FDA_MT",
                           "H:!V:Formula=(0)+(1)*x0+(2)*x1+(3)*x2+(4)*x3:ParRanges=(-1,1);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10):FitMethod=MINUIT:ErrorLevel=1:PrintLevel=-1:FitStrategy=2:UseImprove:UseMinos:SetBatch" );

   if (Use["FDA_GAMT"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kFDA, "FDA_GAMT",
                           "H:!V:Formula=(0)+(1)*x0+(2)*x1+(3)*x2+(4)*x3:ParRanges=(-1,1);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10):FitMethod=GA:Converger=MINUIT:ErrorLevel=1:PrintLevel=-1:FitStrategy=0:!UseImprove:!UseMinos:SetBatch:Cycles=1:PopSize=5:Steps=5:Trim" );

   if (Use["FDA_MCMT"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kFDA, "FDA_MCMT",
                           "H:!V:Formula=(0)+(1)*x0+(2)*x1+(3)*x2+(4)*x3:ParRanges=(-1,1);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10);(-10,10):FitMethod=MC:Converger=MINUIT:ErrorLevel=1:PrintLevel=-1:FitStrategy=0:!UseImprove:!UseMinos:SetBatch:SampleSize=20" );

   // TMVA ANN: MLP (recommended ANN) -- all ANNs in TMVA are Multilayer Perceptrons
   if (Use["MLP"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kMLP, "MLP", "H:!V:NeuronType=tanh:VarTransform=N:NCycles=600:HiddenLayers=N+5:TestRate=5:!UseRegulator" );

   if (Use["MLPBFGS"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kMLP, "MLPBFGS", "H:!V:NeuronType=tanh:VarTransform=N:NCycles=600:HiddenLayers=N+5:TestRate=5:TrainingMethod=BFGS:!UseRegulator" );

   if (Use["MLPBNN"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kMLP, "MLPBNN", "H:!V:NeuronType=tanh:VarTransform=N:NCycles=600:HiddenLayers=N+5:TestRate=5:TrainingMethod=BFGS:UseRegulator" ); // BFGS training with bayesian regulators

   // CF(Clermont-Ferrand)ANN
   if (Use["CFMlpANN"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kCFMlpANN, "CFMlpANN", "!H:!V:NCycles=2000:HiddenLayers=N+1,N"  ); // n_cycles:#nodes:#nodes:...  

   // Tmlp(Root)ANN
   if (Use["TMlpANN"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kTMlpANN, "TMlpANN", "!H:!V:NCycles=200:HiddenLayers=N+1,N:LearningMethod=BFGS:ValidationFraction=0.3"  ); // n_cycles:#nodes:#nodes:...

   // Support Vector Machine
   if (Use["SVM"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kSVM, "SVM", "Gamma=0.25:Tol=0.001:VarTransform=Norm" );

   // Boosted Decision Trees
   if (Use["BDTG"]) // Gradient Boost
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kBDT, "BDTG",
                           //"!H:!V:NTrees=850:MinNodeSize=2%:BoostType=Grad:Shrinkage=0.10:UseBaggedBoost:BaggedSampleFraction=0.5:nCuts=20:MaxDepth=2" );
                           "!H:!V:NTrees=1000:BoostType=Grad:Shrinkage=0.05:UseBaggedBoost:GradBaggingFraction=0.9:SeparationType=GiniIndex:nCuts=500:MaxDepth=2" );
   if (Use["BDT"])  // Adaptive Boost
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kBDT, "BDT",
                           "!H:!V:NTrees=850:MinNodeSize=2.5%:MaxDepth=3:BoostType=AdaBoost:AdaBoostBeta=0.5:UseBaggedBoost:BaggedSampleFraction=0.5:SeparationType=GiniIndex:nCuts=20" );

   if (Use["BDTB"]) // Bagging
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kBDT, "BDTB",
                           "!H:!V:NTrees=400:BoostType=Bagging:SeparationType=GiniIndex:nCuts=20" );

   if (Use["BDTD"]) // Decorrelation + Adaptive Boost
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kBDT, "BDTD",
                           "!H:!V:NTrees=400:MinNodeSize=5%:MaxDepth=3:BoostType=AdaBoost:SeparationType=GiniIndex:nCuts=20:VarTransform=Decorrelate" );

   if (Use["BDTF"])  // Allow Using Fisher discriminant in node splitting for (strong) linearly correlated variables
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kBDT, "BDTMitFisher",
                           "!H:!V:NTrees=50:MinNodeSize=2.5%:UseFisherCuts:MaxDepth=3:BoostType=AdaBoost:AdaBoostBeta=0.5:SeparationType=GiniIndex:nCuts=20" );

   // RuleFit -- TMVA implementation of Friedman's method
   if (Use["RuleFit"])
      factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kRuleFit, "RuleFit",
                           "H:!V:RuleFitModule=RFTMVA:Model=ModRuleLinear:MinImp=0.001:RuleMinDist=0.001:NTrees=20:fEventsMin=0.01:fEventsMax=0.5:GDTau=-1.0:GDTauPrec=0.01:GDStep=0.01:GDNSteps=10000:GDErrScale=1.02" );

   // For an example of the category classifier usage, see: TMVAClassificationCategory

   // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   // ---- Now you can optimize the setting (configuration) of the MVAs using the set of training events

   // ---- STILL EXPERIMENTAL and only implemented for BDT's ! 
   // factory->OptimizeAllMethods("SigEffAt001","Scan");
   // factory->OptimizeAllMethods("ROCIntegral","FitGA");

   // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   // ---- Now you can tell the factory to train, test, and evaluate the MVAs

   // Train MVAs using the set of training events

   // ---- Evaluate all MVAs using the set of test events

   // ----- Evaluate and compare performance of all configured MVAs

   // --------------------------------------------------------------

   // Save the output

   std::cout << "==> Wrote root file: " << outputFile->GetName() << std::endl;
   std::cout << "==> TMVAClassification is done!" << std::endl;
   delete factory;
   // Launch the GUI for the root macros
   //if (!gROOT->IsBatch()) TMVAGui( outfileName );
Example #14
std::pair<TString,TString> TMVAClassification (
    TString infilename,
    AnalysisType analysisType = AnalysisType::DIRECT,
    TString additionalRootFileName = "")

    std::string tmstr (now ());
    TString tmstmp (tmstr.c_str ());
    std::cout << "==> Start TMVAClassification" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "-------------------- open input file ---------------- " << std::endl;
    TString fname = infilename; //pathToData + infilename + TString (".root");
    if (analysisType != AnalysisType::TRANSFORMED)
        fname = pathToData + infilename + TString (".root");
    std::cout << "open file " << std::endl << fname.Data () << std::endl;

    std::cout << "-------------------- get tree ---------------- " << std::endl;
    TString treeName = "data";
    if (analysisType == AnalysisType::TRANSFORMED)
        treeName = "transformed";

    std::cout << "-------------------- create tchain with treeName ---------------- " << std::endl;
    std::cout << treeName << std::endl;
    TChain* tree = new TChain (treeName);
    std::cout << "add file" << std::endl;
    std::cout << fname << std::endl;
    tree->Add (fname);
    TChain* treeFriend (NULL);
    if (additionalRootFileName.Length () > 0)
        std::cout << "-------------------- add additional input file ---------------- " << std::endl;
        std::cout << additionalRootFileName << std::endl;
        treeFriend = new TChain (treeName);
        treeFriend->Add (additionalRootFileName);
        tree->AddFriend (treeFriend,"p");
//    tree->Draw ("mass:prediction");
//    return std::make_pair(TString("hallo"),TString ("nix"));
    TString outfileName;
    if (analysisType == AnalysisType::BACKGROUND)
        outfileName = TString ("BACK_" + infilename) + tmstmp + TString (".root");
        outfileName += TString ( "TMVA__" ) + tmstmp + TString (".root");

    std::cout << "-------------------- open output file ---------------- " << std::endl;
    TFile* outputFile = TFile::Open( outfileName, "RECREATE" );

    std::cout << "-------------------- prepare factory ---------------- " << std::endl;
    TMVA::Factory *factory = new TMVA::Factory( "TMVAClassification", outputFile,
						"AnalysisType=Classification:Transformations=I:!V" );
    std::cout << "-------------------- add variables ---------------- " << std::endl;

    for (auto varname : variableNames)
	factory->AddVariable (varname.c_str (), 'F');

    for (auto varname : spectatorNames)
	factory->AddSpectator (varname.c_str (), 'F');
    std::cout << "-------------------- add trees ---------------- " << std::endl;
    TCut signalCut ("signal==1");
    TCut backgroundCut ("signal==0");
    if (analysisType == AnalysisType::TRANSFORMED)
        signalCut = "(signal_original==1 && signal_in==0)";
        backgroundCut = "(signal_original==0 && signal_in==0)";
    if (analysisType == AnalysisType::BACKGROUND)
        signalCut     = TString("(signal==0) * (prediction > 0.7)");
        backgroundCut = TString("(signal==0) * (prediction < 0.4)");
    //tree->Draw ("prediction",signalCut);
    //return std::make_pair(TString("hallo"),TString ("nix"));
    factory->AddTree(tree, "Signal", 1.0, baseCut + signalCut, "TrainingTesting");
    factory->AddTree(tree, "Background", 1.0, baseCut + backgroundCut, "TrainingTesting");

    TCut mycuts = ""; // for example: TCut mycuts = "abs(var1)<0.5 && abs(var2-0.5)<1";
    TCut mycutb = ""; // for example: TCut mycutb = "abs(var1)<0.5";

    /* // Set individual event weights (the variables must exist in the original TTree) */
    if (analysisType == AnalysisType::BACKGROUND)
        factory->SetSignalWeightExpression ("prediction");
        factory->SetBackgroundWeightExpression ("1");

    std::cout << "-------------------- prepare ---------------- " << std::endl;
    factory->PrepareTrainingAndTestTree( mycuts, mycutb,
					 "nTrain_Signal=0:nTrain_Background=0:nTest_Signal=0:nTest_Background=0:SplitMode=Random:NormMode=NumEvents:!V" );

    TString methodName ("");
    if (analysisType == AnalysisType::BACKGROUND)
        methodName = TString ("TONBKG_") + tmstmp;

    if (false)
	// gradient boosting training
        methodName += TString("GBDT");
	factory->BookMethod(TMVA::Types::kBDT, methodName,
    if (false)
        methodName += TString("Likelihood");
	factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kLikelihood, methodName,
			     "H:!V:TransformOutput:PDFInterpol=Spline2:NSmoothSig[0]=20:NSmoothBkg[0]=20:NSmoothBkg[1]=10:NSmooth=1:NAvEvtPerBin=50" );

    if (false)
	TString layoutString ("Layout=TANH|100,LINEAR");

	TString training0 ("LearningRate=1e-1,Momentum=0.0,Repetitions=1,ConvergenceSteps=300,BatchSize=20,TestRepetitions=15,WeightDecay=0.001,Regularization=NONE,DropConfig=0.0+0.5+0.5+0.5,DropRepetitions=1,Multithreading=True");
	TString training1 ("LearningRate=1e-2,Momentum=0.5,Repetitions=1,ConvergenceSteps=300,BatchSize=30,TestRepetitions=7,WeightDecay=0.001,Regularization=L2,Multithreading=True,DropConfig=0.0+0.1+0.1+0.1,DropRepetitions=1");
	TString training2 ("LearningRate=1e-2,Momentum=0.3,Repetitions=1,ConvergenceSteps=300,BatchSize=40,TestRepetitions=7,WeightDecay=0.0001,Regularization=L2,Multithreading=True");
	TString training3 ("LearningRate=1e-3,Momentum=0.1,Repetitions=1,ConvergenceSteps=200,BatchSize=70,TestRepetitions=7,WeightDecay=0.0001,Regularization=NONE,Multithreading=True");

	TString trainingStrategyString ("TrainingStrategy=");
	trainingStrategyString += training0 + "|" + training1 + "|" + training2 + "|" + training3;
	TString nnOptions ("!H:V:ErrorStrategy=CROSSENTROPY:VarTransform=G:WeightInitialization=XAVIERUNIFORM");
	nnOptions.Append (":"); nnOptions.Append (layoutString);
	nnOptions.Append (":"); nnOptions.Append (trainingStrategyString);

        methodName += TString("NNgauss");
	factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kNN, methodName, nnOptions ); // NN

    if (false)
	TString layoutString ("Layout=TANH|200,TANH|70,LINEAR");

	TString training0 ("LearningRate=1e-2,Momentum=0.0,Repetitions=1,ConvergenceSteps=300,BatchSize=20,TestRepetitions=15,WeightDecay=0.001,Regularization=NONE,DropConfig=0.0+0.5+0.5+0.5,DropRepetitions=1,Multithreading=True");
	TString training1 ("LearningRate=1e-3,Momentum=0.5,Repetitions=1,ConvergenceSteps=300,BatchSize=30,TestRepetitions=7,WeightDecay=0.001,Regularization=L2,Multithreading=True,DropConfig=0.0+0.1+0.1+0.1,DropRepetitions=1");
	TString training2 ("LearningRate=1e-4,Momentum=0.3,Repetitions=1,ConvergenceSteps=300,BatchSize=40,TestRepetitions=7,WeightDecay=0.0001,Regularization=L2,Multithreading=True");
	TString training3 ("LearningRate=1e-5,Momentum=0.1,Repetitions=1,ConvergenceSteps=200,BatchSize=70,TestRepetitions=7,WeightDecay=0.0001,Regularization=NONE,Multithreading=True");

	TString trainingStrategyString ("TrainingStrategy=");
	trainingStrategyString += training0 + "|" + training1 + "|" + training2 + "|" + training3;
//	trainingStrategyString += training0 + "|" + training2 + "|" + training3;
//	trainingStrategyString += training0 + "|" + training2;

	//       TString nnOptions ("!H:V:VarTransform=Normalize:ErrorStrategy=CROSSENTROPY");
	TString nnOptions ("!H:V:ErrorStrategy=CROSSENTROPY:VarTransform=N:WeightInitialization=XAVIERUNIFORM");
	//       TString nnOptions ("!H:V:VarTransform=Normalize:ErrorStrategy=CHECKGRADIENTS");
	nnOptions.Append (":"); nnOptions.Append (layoutString);
	nnOptions.Append (":"); nnOptions.Append (trainingStrategyString);

        methodName = TString("NNnormalized");
        factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kNN, methodName, nnOptions ); // NN

    if (true)
	TString layoutString ("Layout=TANH|100,TANH|50,LINEAR");

	TString training0 ("LearningRate=1e-2,Momentum=0.0,Repetitions=1,ConvergenceSteps=100,BatchSize=20,TestRepetitions=7,WeightDecay=0.001,Regularization=NONE,DropConfig=0.0+0.5+0.5+0.5,DropRepetitions=1,Multithreading=True");
	TString training1 ("LearningRate=1e-3,Momentum=0.0,Repetitions=1,ConvergenceSteps=20,BatchSize=30,TestRepetitions=7,WeightDecay=0.001,Regularization=L2,Multithreading=True,DropConfig=0.0+0.1+0.1+0.1,DropRepetitions=1");
	TString training2 ("LearningRate=1e-4,Momentum=0.0,Repetitions=1,ConvergenceSteps=20,BatchSize=40,TestRepetitions=7,WeightDecay=0.0001,Regularization=L2,Multithreading=True");
	TString training3 ("LearningRate=1e-5,Momentum=0.0,Repetitions=1,ConvergenceSteps=30,BatchSize=70,TestRepetitions=7,WeightDecay=0.0001,Regularization=NONE,Multithreading=True");

	TString trainingStrategyString ("TrainingStrategy=");
	trainingStrategyString += training0 + "|" + training1 + "|" + training2 + "|" + training3;

	TString nnOptions ("!H:!V:ErrorStrategy=CROSSENTROPY:VarTransform=P+G:WeightInitialization=XAVIERUNIFORM");
	nnOptions.Append (":"); nnOptions.Append (layoutString);
	nnOptions.Append (":"); nnOptions.Append (trainingStrategyString);

        methodName += TString("NNPG");
	factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kNN, methodName, nnOptions ); // NN
//    return std::make_pair(TString("hallo"),TString ("nix"));


//    TMVA::TMVAGui (outfileName);
    delete factory;
    delete tree;
    switch (analysisType)
    case AnalysisType::BACKGROUND:
        std::cout << "DONE BACKGROUND" << std::endl;
    case AnalysisType::DIRECT:
        std::cout << "DONE DIRECT" << std::endl;
    case AnalysisType::TRANSFORMED:
        std::cout << "DONE TRANSFORMED" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "classification, return : " << outfileName << "  ,  " << methodName << std::endl;
    return std::make_pair (outfileName, methodName);