//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // componentdefinition // unsigned Unzip::operator() (tnt::HttpRequest& request, tnt::HttpReply& reply, tnt::QueryParams& qparams) { std::string pi = request.getPathInfo(); log_debug("unzip archive \"" << request.getArg("file") << "\" file \"" << pi << '"'); try { unzipFile f(request.getArg("file")); unzipFileStream in(f, pi, false); // set Content-Type std::string contentType = request.getArg("contenttype"); if (contentType.empty()) setContentType(request, reply); else reply.setContentType(contentType); reply.out() << in.rdbuf(); } catch (const unzipEndOfListOfFile&) { log_debug("file \"" << pi << "\" not found in archive"); return DECLINED; } return HTTP_OK; }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // componentdefinition // unsigned Redirect::operator() (tnt::HttpRequest& request, tnt::HttpReply& reply, tnt::QueryParams&) { std::string type = request.getArg("type"); HttpReply::Redirect httpCode = HttpReply::temporarily; if (type == "permanently") httpCode = HttpReply::permanently; else if (type == "temporarily") httpCode = HttpReply::temporarily; else if (!type.empty()) httpCode = static_cast<HttpReply::Redirect>(cxxtools::convert<unsigned>(type)); return reply.redirect(request.getPathInfo(), httpCode); }
unsigned MbComponent::doCall(tnt::HttpRequest& request, tnt::HttpReply& reply, tnt::QueryParams& qparam, bool top) { log_trace("MbComponent " << getCompident()); tnt::DataChunks data(rawData); unsigned url_idx = 0; if (urls) { const char* url = request.getPathInfo().c_str(); log_debug("search for \"" << url << '"'); const char** urls_end = urls + data.size(); const char** it = std::lower_bound(urls, urls_end, url, charpLess); if (it == urls_end || std::strcmp(url, *it) != 0) { log_debug("file \"" << url << "\" not found"); return DECLINED; } url_idx = it - urls; log_debug("file \"" << url << "\" found; idx=" << url_idx); } if (top) { reply.setKeepAliveHeader(); reply.setContentType(mimetypes[url_idx]); std::string maxAgeStr = request.getArg("maxAge"); unsigned maxAge = maxAgeStr.empty() ? 14400 : cxxtools::convert<unsigned>(maxAgeStr); reply.setMaxAgeHeader(maxAge); std::string s = request.getHeader(tnt::httpheader::ifModifiedSince); if (s == ctimes[url_idx]) return HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED; reply.setHeader(tnt::httpheader::lastModified, ctimes[url_idx]); if (request.getEncoding().accept("gzip")) { cxxtools::ReadLock lock(mutex); if (compressedData[url_idx].empty()) { lock.unlock(); cxxtools::WriteLock wlock(mutex); if (compressedData[url_idx].empty()) { // check for compression std::string body(data[url_idx].getData(), data[url_idx].getLength()); log_info("try compress"); if (reply.tryCompress(body)) { log_info("compressed successfully from " << data[url_idx].getLength() << " to " << body.size()); compressedData[url_idx] = body; } else { log_info("not compressed " << data[url_idx].getLength()); compressedData[url_idx] = "-"; } } } if (compressedData[url_idx] != "-") { log_debug("compressed data found; content size " << data[url_idx].getLength() << " to " << compressedData[url_idx].size()); reply.setContentLengthHeader(compressedData[url_idx].size()); reply.setHeader(httpheader::contentEncoding, "gzip"); if (!request.isMethodHEAD()) { reply.setDirectMode(); reply.out() << compressedData[url_idx]; } return HTTP_OK; } } reply.setContentLengthHeader(data.size(url_idx)); if (!request.isMethodHEAD()) { log_debug("send data"); reply.setDirectMode(); } } if (!request.isMethodHEAD()) reply.out() << data[url_idx]; return HTTP_OK; }